Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 453 I Have a Friend

Chapter 453 I Have a Friend

"Trash, it's all a bunch of trash."

Standing on the podium, watching the orc army take turns attacking the elves' defense line, but being repulsed in front of the elves' arrow rain, Ba Dao ruthlessly shook his head.

Adventurers really can only be cannon fodder. Although they are not afraid of death and are very effective in small-scale battles, in large-scale wars, they often don't obey orders, go up when they see good equipment, and retreat when they encounter danger.

Of course, the adventurers on the elf side are similar.

At least now the adventurers of the tribe can fight back and forth with the adventurers on the opposite side, which is good news, Ba Dao ruthlessly comforted himself.

Dranosh Saurfang (Warlord of the Overlord): "Great Chief, let me attack, as long as [-] wolf cavalry, I will smash the enemy's line and bring you back the head of the female elf."

Ba Dao ruthlessly waved his hand. This little Saurfang knows how to fight every day. He can't calm down at all. He is simply convinced.

He glanced at Xiaohou next to him, who was much more stable in comparison, and looked at the battlefield with a thoughtful look on his face.

"Little Roar, don't you plan to call for a fight?"

Garrosh shook his head, "The elite of the tribe have never been sent to the battlefield. They only sent some small clans and those adventurers to attack. The great chief must have some purpose."

Ba Dao Wu Qing (the great chief of the tribe): "Haha, yes, I do have a purpose, okay Garrosh, your vision is much better than your father's."

A cold snort came from behind, and Ba Dao ruthlessly brought back the topic.

"My plan is to show the enemy weakness and make the Elf King think that the tribe's army is not strong, so that they may pull the main force out of the city to fight us, so that we can fight in the wilderness. After defeating those elf mages, the next attack on Silvermoon City will be much easier, but I didn't expect that the Sun King would be so cowardly, so he couldn't be fooled."

This matter is really depressing, Ba Dao Wuqing was quite confident in his plan.

We are showing weakness like this, don’t you elves all have eyes above the top, why don’t you come out for a decisive battle?
Over the past few days, only a few ranger troops have been harassing, and they haven't even seen a large-scale mage army. As for the high elves, who are famous for their magic, it is obvious that the other party has not dispatched the main force.

Ba Dao Wuqing (tribal chief): "But it doesn't matter. In the face of absolute power, even if they stick to it, they are just lingering. Don't play with them. The main force will be dispatched tomorrow morning to let these elf rangers realize what is real. the power of."

After finishing speaking, Ba Dao Wuqing hesitated for a moment, looking past the chaotic battlefield, he looked at the Ranger General who was directing the soldiers to fight.

Although he was far away, the army shaman cast a farsighted spell on him, so he could see very clearly.

I have to say that the elf girls are really good-looking. The ranger girls are all beautiful and very eye-catching. In comparison, the tiger ladies here in the tribe are simply unsightly.

The few allied races that were collected were more eye-catching than the other, goblins, trolls, ogres, arakkoa, mushroommen... the male ones were a bit mighty and domineering, but the female ones couldn't be seen.

It can be said that leading such a large army is pure-hearted and ascetic.

Grog Evileye (Death Knight): "What's the warchief thinking?"

Ba Dao Wuqing (tribal chief): "I was wondering if I should find a way to capture Sylvanas alive."

Grogo Xieyan had a strange expression on his face, "I said boss, you are also Queen Xi's lick-that fan."

Ba Dao's face immediately turned red, "What the hell are you thinking? I just admire her a little. After all, our tribe respects warriors the most. Besides, it turns out that Sylvanas was one of the leaders of the tribe in history, and her blood Elves are also a race in the Horde faction. These days we have captured a lot of elves as captives. I wonder if we can capture Sylvanas alive and let her lead the elves to join the tribe, so that we can have one more optional race on our side. up.

Now that the elves have withdrawn from the alliance, if they can join the tribe, then we will have more adventurers. "

At present, the race with the most adventurers in the game is the elves, which is why Cirvanas' support club can pull out so many adventurers with a single call. Even if it is not for Queen Xi, he must come back to fight for his hometown.

Think about the number of adventurers of a race that can compete with the entire tribe, and you will know how exaggerated the number of elf players is.

There is no way, the elves have good looks, especially these days, the aesthetics are sissy, the handsome men and women of the elves are one-of-a-kind. For the face, it's not difficult to pinch a nine out of ten.

In contrast, if you choose a goblin orc or something, even if you make a flower out of it, it is just an upgrade from being unbearable to looking at to being ugly to the eye.

Therefore, the number of adventurers is the largest among all races. In fact, even in World of Warcraft back then, blood elves were the most populous player group among all races.

If the tribe can recruit the elves again, it will definitely increase its strength and have unlimited potential.

Grogo Evil Eyes shook his head, "I'm afraid not. Historically, the blood elves were rejected by the Alliance, and there was also the strong rejection of the great resentment of Garises. In addition, at that time, Sylvanas led the forgotten The person who joined the tribe gave the blood elves an opportunity to join the tribe. Otherwise, how could they join the tribe due to the grievances between the elves and the orcs.

In this version, although the elves and the alliance have separated, the relationship is not that bad. At any rate, there is still some friendship from the past. Now we are at war with them again. How could it be possible to betray? Sylvanas must not, Darkan Maybe. "

Ba Dao ruthlessly sighed, "Don't think about it, I've already sent someone to contact you, and Darkan has already been slapped."

They knew to check the information, and the elf players are not fools. As early as a few years ago, several elf princes and princesses led a group of adventurers to kill the traitor Darkan in advance.

The same fate also happened to the Barov family in Alterac, which was annihilated by the villainous princes in Alterac early on with excuses, and the castle territory was divided up.

Grogo Evil Eye was stunned for a moment, "That's right, that's right... Hey, I have an idea. Why does Sylvanas have to live? Let's just kill her. Historically, Isn't Alvanas resurrected after being killed by Arthas? Isn't it necromancy? I can do it. When the time comes, I will resurrect her as a death knight - no, it should be a fel knight - too No, it should be the Fel Ranger."

Ba Dao Wuqing found a problem, "Isn't your death knight made up of orc souls and human bodies? Can it be resurrected directly?"

Although they are both called death knights and are created by necromancy, the Horde version and the Scourge version of the death knight are strictly speaking very different.

The natural disaster version of the death knight is resurrected directly with the divine power of the death artifact. It maintains the original body and soul, but due to the influence of the artifact, it will be controlled by the holders of the Crown of Dominance and Frostmourne. The death knight uses is the power of death.

The tribal version is more like resurrecting a corpse. It was a technology first developed by Gul'dan. It uses necromancy to fuse the souls of the dead orc warlocks with the corpses of human knights. Since the orc warlocks themselves have evil powers, After resurrection, he can not only use the power of evil but also the combat skills of human knights, so he is also called the evil knight.

If this Cirvanas is killed, the soul probably won't be able to stay, he can only get a body. If he stuffs the soul of a big orc who picks his feet into it, the picture will be irritating to think about.

And the name of the revived fel knight is based on the name of the soul, so the name will definitely not be Sylvanas, but the name of the orc warlock.

Grogo Xieyan said: "Don't worry about it. Let's create a female orc warlock hero. Put the soul of the female orc warlock into it. I think the front desk of our company is quite suitable. As for the name issue—hehe , with that, we can give it a similar name, such as Sylvanas, Sylvanas, Sylvanas and so on.

In this way, the synthetic fel ranger's name cannot be seen to be fake.

Then, wouldn't it be great if we use Sylvanas's identity to trick those licking dogs into joining the Horde and serving the Horde? "

Ba Dao ruthlessly listened with a stunned expression on his face, "What the hell--you really are a talent."

After thinking about it, I felt that doing so was a bit too bottomless.

"I still think it's better to live. If you die and fight again, it will be a pity for Cirvanas's appearance."

Ba Dao ruthlessly said that he suddenly found that the surrounding warlords looked at him in the wrong way, and immediately realized that he was suspected of licking a dog when he said that.

It is naturally impossible to talk about dog licking, but Ba Dao Wuqing really likes Queen Xi, after all, she is the goddess of childhood.

When he was a child, he would watch his father play World of Warcraft, which was considered a family inheritance.

But after thinking about it, we still have to focus on the overall situation.

Ba Dao Wuqing (tribal chief): "How about this, give me an order to take Sylvanas for me tomorrow, the best is alive, and the dead are okay."

Grogo Xieyan (Death Knight): "Hey hey hey hey, that's right, you are indeed the great chief, you can afford it and let it go."

But there was a burst of secret joy in my heart, hahahaha, when I get Cirvanas' body, I can do whatever I want, when the time comes to inject my power of evil energy into her body, she will be my master ,Hey Hey……


The fighting continued into the evening.

The orc army finally retreated, leaving behind a field of broken corpses, and hurriedly fled in the direction they came back from through the gap between the trees.

The Ranger Legion took advantage of the situation and chased them down for a while, pushing the front line back five kilometers in the previous direction.

It didn't stop until it reached the camp of the tribal army.

The ranger army has no heavy weapons, and lacks the fire support of the mage troops. It is okay to harass in the forest with bows and arrows alone, but it is completely incapable of attacking the camp.

However, this battle still boosted the morale of the Rangers.

At night, piles of huge bonfires were lit in the elf camp. Except for the sentries on the front line, the retreating soldiers and adventurers all cheered around the fire.

"Haha, those stupid orcs made us beat us like sons."

"It's so cool, it really is fun to play on the battlefield."

"I killed several orc adventurers today, and I also exploded a blue weapon. How about that? It's awesome."

"That's nothing. Our guild captured an orc warlord and exploded a purple weapon."

Hearing the bragging of the adventurers, Midnight Fashen smiled, turned around and walked into the general's camp.

The top echelons of the Elf Legion are already concentrated here.

Kael'thas, Sylvanas, the vagabond, Kaya Windrunner, Veresa Windrunner, Aqiang...

Although she had gone through a hard battle during the day and had a few scars, Sylvanas looked high-spirited and her morale was high.

She was sitting next to the fire, leaning on the Magic Spring Leopard. The white wolf was lying next to her legs, licking the wounds on her thighs. The giant eagle on the side looked at the white wolf and the Magic Spring with envy. Leopard.

[Lick the wound (pet skill)
Use: Removes a bleed effect from the target and restores a small amount of health. 】

Seeing Fashen Midnight walking in, he immediately waved to him.

Sylvanas (Ranger General): "Ah, Midnight Dharma God, you are finally here, I heard Kael'thas mention you, you are the heir of the Dharma God family, Midnight Dharma God's son, right, I used to I fought side by side with your father, and it is an honor to be on the battlefield with you again. Your father was an excellent mage. Although his character was not very friendly, he was a powerful ally on the battlefield. It is a pity that he died in the battle with you. In the confrontation with the Balrog Lord, if he sees your performance today, he will definitely be proud of you."

Midnight Fashen had a strange expression on his face, and said with a dry smile, "Hehe, I am very honored by this."

Seeing admiration from several generals around him, Kael'thas also helped introduce them.

"Midnight Law God's grandfather, Dark Night Law God, once participated in the first Orc War, fought side by side with Prince Varian at the Dark Portal, and participated in the killing of the orc warchief Blackhand the Destroyer. I think this Having such an outstanding inheritor participating in this war will definitely increase your chances of winning. Maybe you can repeat your grandfather's glory and kill the chief of another tribe with your own hands.

This must become a legend and be sung by the world. "

Hearing people mention the great achievements of his 'grandfather', Midnight Fashen was inexplicably a little bit embarrassed, and even a little excited. Originally, he thought that everything would be gone after he was named.

Unexpectedly, although the person died, the name was still handed down.

He also became a great hero in other people's mouths. At this time, Dharma God Midnight suddenly felt a little emotional. This was probably the so-called name left in history.

The most attractive part of this game's hero template is not its significance?

Thinking of this, Midnight Fashen also changed from his past depression, and finally cheered up.

He signed up for two accounts before, which gave him a bit of an urge to break the can, but fortunately, those water friends in the live broadcast room never left him—to be exact, those water friends wanted to know when he would hang up this account, how to hang.

He even made a bet in the live broadcast room.

Thinking about it, I suddenly felt relieved.

Midnight Fashen (Great Element Envoy): "Becoming a legend or something is not the purpose of my coming here to join the war. I am here to help Silvermoon City win this battle. However, even though we have defended today, this war is still very important." difficult.

It is impossible to stop the army of orcs with the current strength alone. I am afraid that we must find allies. I suggest that we retreat to a safe place immediately. We have completed the task of delaying the enemy's advance. Silvermoon City is now well-defended. Leave it to them, we can attack from the flank. "

Midnight Fashen tried his best to analyze the situation on the battlefield.

"It doesn't need to be so troublesome." Cirvanas said confidently, "I have already prepared a strategy to defeat the orcs in one fell swoop. Tomorrow's battle will completely end the tribe."

What?so smart?Midnight Dharma God is a little unconvinced, you are the Ranger General Sylvanas, and you are not the future Banshee Queen Sylvanas.

"Oh, what good plans does General Sylvanas have? I think we fought very hard today."

"Hehehe, this is exactly what I want the enemy to see, in fact, I have been hiding the strength of the troops.

On the first day I defeated an army of [-] orcs with [-] rangers, and on the second day I defeated an army of [-] orcs with [-] rangers.

Afterwards, although new troops continued to join, each time they won more with less.

From this, I observed that the fighting power of the orcs was not as fierce as the legends said, so I deliberately kept some troops from entering the battlefield.

Now I have gathered 1 troops, all ranger troops from all over the world, but today I only sent 1 people to fight, and only [-] people repelled the attack of the [-] orc army. Thousands of troops, let me ask how the orcs will deal with it. At that time, the orcs will definitely be defeated in one fell swoop. This is my plan. "

In the middle of the night, the Dharma God was speechless for a long time. He looked around. Kaya Windrunner and the Wanderer also had helpless expressions on their faces.

These NPCs don't know what's going on, and they players don't know that the [-] adventurers are the main force.

As for those ranger troops, the difference between 1 and 3 is really not that big.

"General Sylvanas, why don't you think about it..."

Sylvanas pushed the dog's head away from her thighs and stood up, "No need. I have thoroughly understood the strength of the orcs in the past few days. It's time to launch the final attack. Vereesa, you will lead the attack tomorrow." Left-wing legion, Kaya, you lead the right-wing legion, Adjutant Lor'themar, you lead the reserve troops, I will personally lead the central legion, besiege on three sides and defeat the Horde in one fell swoop.

Prince Kael'thas, prince of the vagabond, if you are ready to join the battle, then act together with me. A head-on confrontation will require your magical support. It's a pity that His Majesty did not send reinforcements, otherwise the enemy will have no chance in this battle. "

The latter sentence is more or less accusatory.

What Cirvanas meant was obvious, since the enemy was so weak, why couldn't they hide in the city?If she is equipped with thousands of mage troops, why not hang up the orcs on the opposite side and beat them.

Kael'thas was so excited that his face turned red. "General Sylvanas, I will personally participate in the battle. See you on the battlefield tomorrow."

Naturally, the romantic man was not to be outdone, "Shiva, I will protect you."

When the meeting ended, the three players found a place to have a small meeting.

The romantic man lamented, "No, absolutely not, it will definitely be over tomorrow."

Midnight Fashen also looked solemn, "Indeed, the strength of the tribe is definitely more than that. I'm afraid it will be dangerous tomorrow. I think we have to find a way."

Kaya Windrunner: "How about asking someone for help? Where are your friends who participated in the First Battle of the Black Gate? Can you contact them?"

It has been two years since the first Battle of Black Gate. The heroic players who were able to fight against the orcs side by side with Varian were among the top players in the game at that time. After that battle, they were all upgraded continuously. level, and then accumulated over the past two years, except for a few unlucky ones such as the Dark Night Magic God and the Dawn Sword, who registered for re-opening.

Anyone who has survived until now is definitely a top powerhouse.

In the middle of the night Fashen shook his head, "It's difficult, those people gathered together because of the opening of the Dark Portal, and we didn't know each other very well. There are not many contacts, even if I find them, I may not be able to come.

Moreover, these people play very wildly, and they can do it wherever they go.

Some sailed out to sea and never returned.

Some hid in Dalaran's library and studied magic painstakingly.

Some wandered into the wilderness and kept company with wild animals.

There is even a study of astral magic that teleports itself to an unknown planet.

In short, I will do my best, but I can't guarantee that I can recruit a few. "

The vagabond nodded, "Don't be afraid, I can find someone."

Kaya Windrunner wondered: "Oh, why don't I know what master you know?"

Their group of elf heroes also knew each other, to some extent.

"That's not true, but I have money. I can hire a studio to join the war. I don't want to defeat the orcs, but at least protect Shiva's safety."

"Tsk tsk tsk, Shiva Shiva called, let me tell you, my second sister is very arrogant, and a young man like you is not her type. If you want to win the second sister's heart , must show some great heroic aura, such as single-handedly brushing a tribal chief or something."

"Hey, talking about the hero, I remembered it. I have a friend who is very strong. Maybe I can ask for help."

(End of this chapter)

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