Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 454 Black Arrow

Chapter 454 Black Arrow
The morning sun shines on the grass in the sunny woodland, reflecting a verdant and green natural scene.

The trees in Sunshine Woodland are not densely packed, and the sunlight shines through them, creating beautiful beams of light among the branches and leaves. This is how Sunshine Woodland got its name.

But now this beautiful forest has become a bloody battlefield. The boots of the orcs crushed the weak grass and flowers, and the iron wheels of the chariot broke trees and bushes.

The roar of war drums and the roar of orcs scared away birds and beasts.

A desolate atmosphere emerged spontaneously.

The tribe's army formed a neat formation. Rows of orc assault infantry, orc heavy guards, and orc wolf cavalry... were neatly arranged like chess pieces on a chessboard.

More adventurers gathered around the army in groups, and some even rushed to the front of the two armies, clamoring for challenges and showing off their strength.

At this moment, the orc army finally showed its fangs and hideousness for the first time.

Cirvanas stood at the forefront of the elves' defense line, her eyes inevitably hesitated, the orcs gave her a feeling that something was not quite right.

The momentum is completely different from the stragglers of the previous few days.

But looking back, looking at the elf ranger and elf shooter behind her, gave her enough courage.

After so many days, all ranger troops from all over the world gathered here. The Windrunner family has the authority to command troops independently, so they can mobilize enough troops to join the battle just by the appeal of their seven sisters.

Seeing the rows of longbows like a forest, Cirvanas also became more confident.

She turned over and rode the Magic Spring Leopard, galloping past the army formation, boosting morale while running.

Sylvanas (Ranger General): "Sisters, warriors, don't be afraid, don't be afraid, we will win today - prepare to fight!"

Thirty thousand troops formed an array stretching for several kilometers. The Ranger Legion's arms are mainly shooters. A large number of archers, sharpshooters, and ranger shooters are arranged in rows of shooting arrays. The rain of arrows covered the enemy.

Cirvanas was very confident, the orc infantry generally lacked armor, no matter how many orcs rushed up, they would all fall before the rain of arrows.

In front of the shooter troops, there is a scattered army formed by [-] to [-] adventurers. The adventurers have also gained experience in the past few days. These shooters are very powerful. As long as they fight within the strike range of the long-range troops, they can Enjoy very full cover fire.

And the elf archer also relies heavily on the human shield that the adventurer acts as.

But in the camp of the tribe, Ba Dao looked ruthlessly at the elf army formation in the distance, but couldn't help but sneered, "Hmph, do you want to prostitute my infantry with bows and arrows for nothing? Then let you understand, what is a real strong man?" military."

The elf archers are indeed powerful, at least much stronger than the long-range units on the tribe's side.

However, long-range soldiers alone cannot win wars. History has proved this point countless times. As long as they get close, no matter how strong long-range soldiers are.

In the past few months, the tribe has been accumulating strength and developing arms and weapons. There are not many ways to deal with this single-armed enemy.

"Let's start." Ba Dao ruthlessly ordered.

Oh oh oh!
As the horn sounded, the battle finally began.

As usual, there are still a large number of orc infantry who attack first, but today's orc infantry did not charge without thinking, but arranged in a tight formation and advanced slowly. protection.

Cirvanas didn't care, the ranger's arrows were all enchanted, and a mere wooden shield couldn't stop them at all.

However, this time, the orc stopped at the edge of the range of the bow and arrow, propping up huge shields one after another, forming a shield wall.

At a distance of close to 200 meters, even if the archers barely shoot, there is almost no lethality.

Looking at the stationary orc shield formation.

Cirvanas was a little puzzled, what's going on?What are these orcs waiting for?
Soon she knew the answer.

Ba Dao Wu Qing (Tribal Great Chief): "It's time to let these elf girls know what war is, Black Iron Guard—Go out!"

Thousands of orc black iron guards, wrapped in thick heavy armor, slowly advanced like a black city wall, and entered the range of the elves.

"Fire arrows!"

Whoosh, arrows rained down like a torrential rain, but when they landed on those orc iron guards, they were constantly bounced off without much damage.

The Orc Black Iron Guard, a heavy infantry developed by the Blackstone Legion, is wrapped in heavy armor forged from black iron.

It has several unit characteristics such as heavy armor, resistance to piercing attacks, and slow movement. It is most suitable as a meat shield to attract firepower.

Kael'thas and the Wanderer looked at each other, and both summoned the Flame Storm in unison.

Two huge flame storms covering more than a hundred meters were ignited in the queue of the orc iron guards, instantly burning two gaps in the neat formation, and hundreds of black iron guards were killed.

However, hero skills have a long cooldown.

Immediately afterwards, the adventurer's spellcasters also began to release firepower on this group of heavy infantry.

Ba Dao Wuqing (tribal chief): "Are there any mage troops, hehe, then I want to see how you deal with this, Hellfire Chariot—Attack!"

Thirty or so hellfire chariots were retreated to the front of the line. Amongst the ferocious chariots were huge burning rocks. Following an order, clusters of green fel flames were projected, across the sky, and fell into the sky. Among the crowd of adventurers.

Boom boom boom!
First there was a violent explosion, and then, hellfires stood out from the crater of the explosion one by one.

The Hellfire Chariot has the ability to project Hellfire, and it can continue to provide long-range firepower after the projection is over. It is the latest war weapon developed by the Horde.

Ba Dao Wuqing (tribal chief): "Warlock Legion—Attack!"

But more than 15000 hellfires are far from enough. These hellfires are the most basic version, with [-] blood volume, evil fire burning body skills, and high magic resistance.

With 15000 health, it won't last long under the beatings of a large number of adventurers.

So hundreds of orc warlocks were sent to the front line, and under the cover of infantry, hundreds of summoning groups were quickly formed.

What they used was the demon ritual used by the poisonous Jia Xu.

Almost all of these orc warlocks are adventurers. After all, warlocks are high-level arms and cannot be used as consumables, but adventurers don't have this problem. They use every trick every day for nothing.

In the blink of an eye, in the sky, the torn void fissures almost formed a continuous cloud of evil energy.

One after another hellfire fell from the sky.

Some warlocks even used the more evil 'summoning of doom', at the cost of sacrificing all the orc warlocks who participated in the summoning, and summoned a powerful doomsday guard.

These hundreds of huge hellfires and doomsday guards smashed the adventurers' line in an instant.

Hellfire demons are extremely resistant to many spells, and the Doomsday Guard is even more fierce. They hold flaming swords, each of which is BOSS-level strength. Hundreds of big guys are rushing back and forth on the front line. Organized for effective defense.

Completely treat it as a wild boss fight, and spread it out to focus fire output.

Seeing that the formation of the adventurers was in disarray, Ba Dao ruthlessly waved his hand again.

Ba Dao Wuqing (tribal chief): "Dragon Knight—attack!"

The air force, which had already been ready for battle, suddenly soared into the sky. Hundreds of young dragons of various colors and more than a dozen adult dragons rushed over like covering the sky and blocking the sun.

The blackness caused the elves fighting below to feel the pressure immediately.

not good!Cirvana secretly screamed that something was wrong.

She is well aware of the advantages of the air force, and can cut into the battlefield at any time, attack the enemy's troops that lack cover, or launch a surprise attack on the troops in the battle.

The elves also have an air force, and the Dragon Eagle Knights are well-known in the alliance countries, but all the Dragon Eagle Knights were mobilized to Silvermoon City.

Fortunately, the most indispensable thing in her hands is long-range troops.

"The first and second row stay alert, the third row, all shoot to the air, shoot to the air!"

The dense rain of arrows shot into the air, but those giant dragons just hovered in the air.

"Evil Knight—Attack!"

Hundreds of death knights rode nightmare horses, wrapped in the flames of fel energy, rushing towards the battlefield like a group of souls seeking death from hell.

Although they are knights, they are not melee troops. Instead, they summon a rain of flames from a distance, and throw them madly at the adventurers who are already in a mess.

Anyway, demons have extremely high fire resistance, they are not afraid of burning, and they just cover their attacks.

"Wocao, what a high damage!"

"Treatment, milk me!"

"Someone go and pull those fel knights away."

"Fuck, those are players."

"I can't stand it anymore, I can't stand it anymore, everyone leave quickly."

"Don't run away, let's all rush together and fight them!"

At this moment, the weakness of the adventurers' lack of command was exposed. Faced with successive fierce attacks, some wanted to run away, some wanted to hold on, and some wanted to attack the tribal defense line.

Some want to brush these demons and death knights as bosses.

The result can be imagined, a small number of charging players were beaten and wiped out by the orcs, and the struggling team was continuously reduced and collapsed.

However, no one stopped those who ran away, so the trend soon became irresistible.

The originally thick defense line of adventurers became extremely disorganized in the blink of an eye, and a huge gap was exposed on the central front.

Ba Dao Wuqing (tribal chief): "Now, Dranosh, lead the Wolf Cavalry Legion - attack!"

Little Saurfang swung his ax excitedly, "It's the great chief, just watch mine!"

He took the [-] wolf cavalry army who had already been ready for battle, and rushed out.

Although various high-level troops appeared frequently before, the numbers were not very large. They only created huge pressure and could not really defeat the adventurers and elves.

But as soon as the [-] wolf cavalry attacked, it immediately had the effect of reversing the situation of the battle.

Ba Dao Wuqing was waiting for this moment. The cavalry restrained the archers, but there were adventurers in the front row to attract firepower. It was difficult for the wolf cavalry to rush into the formation of the archers in the back row, but now, this is no longer a problem.

Thirty thousand wolf cavalry formed more than a dozen triangular charging formations, charged directly through the scattered adventurers, and charged at various positions on the front line at the same time.

All the wolf cavalry marched forward bravely, slashing at the players along the way with their swords.

Rush along the gap to the ranger archer troops in the back row.

Behind the wolf cavalry, those orc infantry also dropped their shields and followed up like a tide.

"Let the arrows! Let the arrows! Let the arrows go!"

The elves shot a dense rain of arrows, but the wolf cavalry quickly mixed with the adventurers as they charged, and they couldn't effectively focus their fire and kill them. In addition, the wolf cavalry was extremely fast, and they were rushed to the ground after only a few rounds of shooting. Nearby.

Immediately there was a one-sided massacre.

The three-line siege that was originally planned has now become a complete collapse of the three-line.

how so! ?

Looking at the harvested adventurers, looking at the elf ranger and elf archer who fell screaming and falling under the wolf knight's hack.

Cirvanas felt a chill in her heart. It turned out that the orcs hadn't used their full strength these days. These powerful troops that she had never seen before crushed her pride in the blink of an eye.

Immediately afterwards, anger dispelled the chill.

Damn it!Damn orcs, intolerable, unforgivable!They must be made to pay!
Instead of being knocked down by fear, she completely released her fighting spirit.

"Cute!" She yelled into the air, and the Storm Eagle honked and swooped down.

Cirvanas jumped up, leaping more than ten meters high, and his vigorous figure landed on the eagle's back.

"Go! Let us fight side by side." She stroked the storm eagle's feathers, her gaze extremely firm.

The Storm Eagle quickly climbed up and rushed towards the central army of the tribe.

While flying the eagle looked back, waiting for further instructions, but when it found that Cirvanas didn't seem to be planning to stop, Mengmengda panicked.

Seeing one person and one eagle flying towards the wound on the battlefield and approaching the tribal army formation, more than a dozen dragon knights immediately besieged them.

There are red, green, and blue ones, as well as young dragons, young dragons, and adult dragons.

There are even hero-level orcs mixed in.

This kind of high-end unit, the ruthless sword, naturally has to be used by his cronies, almost all of whom are players.

Seeing this posture, the Storm Eagle suddenly flapped its wings and flew in the direction it came from.

"Cute, don't run away!"

But that Stormhawk would not listen.

"Damn it, go back to me, Mengmeng!" While speaking, Cirvanas directly activated the ranger skill - Wild Rage.

[Wild Rage: Make your pet fall into a frenzied rage, increase its movement speed and attack speed by 50%, and is not subject to any physical control, attacking enemies crazily. In this state, your pet will not be afraid, will not Mercy, nor run away. 】

The Storm Eagle's eyes turned red immediately, and it swooped towards the nearest red dragon.

The dragon rider was a Bronze [-] orc hero, who didn't show any weakness when he saw Cirvanas rushing towards him, and slapped the dragon on the head.

Flame breath!

Hurricane Wings!

The oncoming flames were blown back directly.

Mengmengda is also a small skull-level boss after all, and was once a tyrant in the wild, so he wouldn't be afraid of a mere red dragon.

In the blink of an eye, the Stormhawk collided with the red dragon, its huge peck pierced the red dragon's head, and the sharp giant claws tore the red dragon's chest.

Cirvanas shot an arrow at the dragon rider at close range.

Hero Power - Deadly Shot!
[Fatal Shot: Causes 2500 points of piercing damage to the target, and increases the chance of fatal strike by 15%. 】

Pfft, the arrow shot out through the chest.
6517 (fatal blow)!
It turned out to be an instant kill.

Everyone died in the blink of an eye.

The surrounding dragon masters who participated in the siege were immediately frightened and scattered. This Queen Xi was indeed a bit fierce. She only breathed flames and poisonous mist from a distance. It was safer to fight like this.

While manipulating the Stormhawk to avoid the dragon's breath, Cirvanas whispered in the eagle's ear.

"Don't love to fight, go kill the leader of the enemy!"

The Storm Eagle let out a long cry, and flew towards the orc camp.

The giant eagle flew over the orc army formation, and Cirvanas could clearly see the densely packed army below, and the magic mecha in the distance was being activated, looking at the huge war weapon tens of meters high, looking at the endless As an orc soldier, Cirvanas couldn't help feeling cold, with such a huge army, such a terrifying lineup, and so many powerful weapons, it was ridiculous to think that only [-] rangers could defeat such an enemy.

Today's failure is already doomed.

Her gaze suddenly tightened. Among the densely populated army, a high platform filled with battle flags caught her attention. From a distance, she saw a group of orc warlords surrounded by a handsome figure on the high platform. Tall orc.

No, I still have a chance, as long as I shoot and kill the chief of the tribe, I can win the war!
Marked for death!

Staring with two eyes, there was darkness in his eyes, only Ba Dao Wuqing was left, and a skull mark symbolizing death suddenly appeared above his head.

Then the bowstring was fully drawn, and a black arrow glowing with black light appeared out of thin air on the bow arm, aiming at Ba Dao Wuqing.

[Fatal Shot: Black Arrow (hero skill).

Skill introduction: The extended skill of Fatal Shot can only be used once a month. It transforms the fate of death into an unknown black arrow. Using the black arrow to shoot the target increases the chance of a fatal strike by 30%, and after hitting the target, a layer will be applied to the target. The 'destined death' effect causes the target to trigger an instant death effect judgment (physical constitution judgment) once a day, which lasts for seven days. This effect cannot be dispelled. 】

(End of this chapter)

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