Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 455

Chapter 455

Sylvanas took a deep breath.

She only has one chance.

This black arrow condensed with the fate of mortal death is her decisive weapon to reverse this war.

His gaze was like lightning, and he locked on to the great chief of the orcs. He pulled his bow vigorously, and his bow bent like a full moon.

The tip of the arrow was aimed at the heart of the orc, and as soon as his hand loosened the string, the arrow streaked across the sky, arriving in an instant like a dark meteor.

My day!Ba Dao was startled ruthlessly, and before he even had time to react, he saw a flash of black light in the sky, and the arrow had already arrived in front of him.

He hasn't moved yet, but someone has already blocked Ba Dao Wuqing.

The broad and thick blade of a battle ax accurately blocked the trajectory of the arrow.

With a crisp sound of metal colliding, the blade of the battle ax was shattered, but it successfully blocked the arrow, and was sent flying by the battle axe.

Garrosh looked in surprise at the mysterious cloaked orc who suddenly appeared. This man was always beside the great chief. He seemed to be the chief's guard. He never spoke, but he was so skilled.

Ba Dao Qing Wu was startled at first, and then became furious.

Ba Dao Wuqing was really frightened. His wealth and life are all on this account. Once the character is killed and loses his status as a great chief, the company's assets will be halved immediately.

Bankruptcy is possible.

"Wo Cao, you can shoot from such a distance, but you still want to assassinate the king, you can't bear it, Dragon Knight kill her for me, Grogo Xieyan, you fuck me yourself!"

"It's the Great Chief!" Grogo Xieyan was somewhat regretful, but he was relieved. If Ba Dao Wuqing died, he might have a chance to get the position of the Great Chief.

But if he can't get it, it can be said to be a big loss for him. After all, the company also has his shares now, so he feels quite complicated about Ba Dao's ruthless assassination.

No matter, let's get Queen Xi first.

While thinking about riding a dragon directly, it rose into the sky.

hateful!Cirvanas sighed, this arrow was her only chance, she didn't expect the opponent to have such a strong guard by her side. .

No longer hesitating, Cirvanas patted Meng Meng's neck, and the Storm Eagle immediately felt relieved and prepared to run.

However, before it was too late, the surrounding dragon knights who received the order had already surrounded him.

With the direct order of the great chief, these dragon knights did not save their strength, and rushed forward one after another to fight melee.

Fortunately, the Stormhawk was at an astonishing speed, going around nimbly, and got out of the encirclement surrounded by a group of dragon knights.

Seeing that he was about to escape, a giant dragon with green eyes glowing with evil energy surrounded him diagonally from the front.

Grogo Evileye (Death Knight): "Sylvanas, where do you want to go, accept your destiny."

The evil flame demon dragon turned sideways and suddenly blocked the way. The death knight on the dragon's back raised the rune sword with a grinning grin.

Cirvanas felt an inexplicable chill in his heart, bent his bow and shot.

Deadly shot!

Evil energy entangles!

Puchi—an arrow hit the target's chest.

bingo!Cirvanas thought confidently.

It did hit, right in the heart of Grog Vileeye.

Cirvanas was surprised that he only dealt more than 1000 damage, how could it be possible.

Grogo Xieyan is secretly complacent, how can it be impossible, we are not alive.

[The body of the dead: Your body is composed of dead human corpses, so there is no concept of vital points, and you are immune to fatal blows. 】

That's right, the undead don't have the concept of harm.

Of course, beheading is not completely impossible. The core of undead is soul fire. If the soul fire is smashed with holy spells or holy enchanted weapons, the effect of beheading can also be achieved.

However, the physics department basically does not have this opportunity.

At the same time, that cloud of fel flames also landed on Cirvanas.

The damage didn't seem to be high, but the power of fel energy was crazily flowing through Cirvanas' body.

[Evil energy entanglement: Inject a wave of evil energy into the target's body, causing 1000 points of evil energy damage, and applying three layers of 'Evil Energy Mark' effect. 】

As Grogo Evil Eye raised his hand, boom!

In an instant, Cirvanas felt severe pains all over his body as if being burned by flames, and the veins all over his body projected green flames.

[Evil energy blast: detonate all the evil energy imprints in the target body, each layer of evil energy imprints will cause 550 points of evil energy damage, and apply a burning effect. 】
1237 (high degree of burning)!

Cirvanas ignited fel flames all over his body, and howled in pain.

"Go!" Sylvanas yelled.

But it's not that easy!
With just such a pause, several dragon knights behind had already caught up, and the orc warlocks on the dragon's back threw all kinds of instant spells towards Mengmengda.

Painful curse!

Death technique!
All kinds of dragon breaths sprayed over the sky and covered the earth.

In an instant, five or six layers of DEBUFF hung up, and Mengmeng fell to the ground in a whirl.

One person and one bird fell to the ground. Fortunately, Mengmeng flapped its wings a few times before landing, and finally survived the fall.

Cirvanas had already been freed from the burning effect, but the fall damage had reduced her blood volume by half, and she struggled to get up from the ground, surrounded by countless orcs.

When Cirvanas' surprise attack failed, the defense line of the elf army was basically destroyed.

Countless orcs rushed into the team of elf shooters, slashing and killing them fiercely, and the adventurers scattered in all directions, unable to organize effective resistance at all.

Midnight Dharma God (Great Elementalist): "Damn it, we have to evacuate here! Kaizi, forget about Sylvanas and lead the troops to retreat. This is your best chance to get this army."

Kael'tha was stunned for a moment, but he never thought of doing this.

But indeed, if Cirvanas dies, then he can take command of this army as a matter of course.

"Can't retreat!" The vagabond was in a hurry, "Queen Xi is surrounded, brothers follow me to save people."

Immediately, hundreds of adventurers responded, but there was an army of orcs in front of them, so there was no way to kill them.

At this moment, without warning, the wind suddenly blew up.

First there were gusts of breeze, gently swaying the leaves, and then it quickly became violent, and the strong wind made the trees roar.

Roll up fallen leaves and grass clippings.

At first, no one paid attention to it, but in the blink of an eye, the wind became fierce, and the airflow of the strong wind became stronger and stronger, making people unable to stand still and unable to open their eyes. The airflow swirled and circled, gradually showing signs of forming a storm.

For a while, both sides stopped fighting, looking at the violent wind around them at a loss.

Ba Dao ruthlessly looked at the tribal battle flag that was being blown and fluttered, but his face instantly became ugly.

He had participated in the wetland battle and witnessed the power of the Storm Dragon King with his own eyes, and the storm in front of him immediately reminded him of that encounter.

But it's not right, Aidan needs to guide the reader to summon the storm. Where is Aidan on the battlefield in front of him?
However, this storm is getting bigger and bigger. Except for the lack of evil energy, it is not weaker than the storm that was encountered in the wetland.

In the sky, a deafening roar of a dragon made both sides in the battle stop, especially those few tamed giant dragons, whose eyes were originally unconscious, but at this time there was a look of panic, and everyone turned towards the dragon. Looking into the sky.

The pitch-black clouds had already covered the sky, and thunder rang out. In the crimson thunder light, a terrifying figure of a giant dragon was reflected, rapidly approaching from the clouds.

Grogo Xieyan felt his eyes go dark, and a black shadow passed over his head in an instant.

not good!Without hesitation, Grogo Xieyan sent a demon directly.

The person disappeared in a blink of an eye. After actual combat on the battlefield, this move was widely regarded as a life-saving magic skill by orc warlocks.

But the price is also extremely high, hundreds of thousands of copies, more expensive than a low-level hero number.

But Grogo Evil Eye, as the leader of the tribe, is naturally not short of this little money.

Unfortunately, the Fel Demonic Flame Dragon under his crotch was caught by the Storm Dragon King falling from the sky. The difference in size made the Fel Energy Demonic Flame Dragon unable to resist. The claws of the ancient dragon easily tore the flesh and blood of the Fel Energy Demonic Dragon. The dragon's heart was taken out, and the broken body fell from the sky.

Killing with one strike, Murphy circled and flew to the center of the storm. While opening the secondary storm field and continuing to strengthen the power of the storm, he let out a deafening dragon roar to declare his dominance on the battlefield.

Edandron (Storm Dragon King): "I am the incarnation of the storm, I am the demon dragon of disaster, I am the lord of thousands of winds, I am the god of destruction, pray to me humbly and offer your piety, only Only in this way can you escape the disaster of this storm.

Tremble, mortals, to witness the might of the dragon.

Fear mortals, fear the storm and the thunder. "

The roar of the giant dragon echoed in the storm, matching the terrifying scene of the storm, it was full of shock.

The adventurers of the alliance were escaping from the battlefield from the siege of the orcs in shock, while looking up at the sky, wondering where this whole thing was coming from?

System prompt: You have encountered a sub-divine creature [Storm Demon Dragon]. You can try to pray to it, and you may get a response. You can query related information on the belief interface.

What?The players who received the reminder were shocked, can players also become gods?

The orcs were much more terrified, especially those veterans who participated in the second orc war. The terrifying reputation of the Storm Dragon King can be said to be unforgettable. The majestic figure stood in the center of the storm, releasing powerful storm power.

The power of the world-class BOSS shocked everyone as soon as it appeared on the stage.

Ba Dao is ruthless but angrily wants to kill.

Ba Dao Wuqing (Tribal chief): "Fuck, Aidan, this bastard, came to pretend to be my tribe again, Dragon Rider Legion, give it to me! Flying Dragon Legion! Troll Bat Legion! Give me all of them! I'm here today! We must destroy this bullying king!"

Groups of air force units, which had been serving as a reserve force, rose into the sky and headed towards the Storm Dragon King in the center of the storm.

As soon as these air forces entered the storm, Murphy sensed it immediately.

Not good, there are many enemies.

There are too many ants and they kill elephants. Murphy is not so arrogant yet to single out the entire tribe.

If there were other strengthening routes, this one would really have no choice but to run away.

But the advancement of the Calamity Demon Dragon was born to deal with this kind of situation, especially the new trick that Murphy has mastered recently using the power of the storm.

Secondary miracle - the storm is coming!
A bird's-eye view of the entire eastern continent appeared before Murphy's eyes, and he quickly zoomed in. A storm miracle was released above the battlefield, which happened to overlap with the accompanying storm that was blowing.

The two storms gradually overlapped, and the collision of the already terrifying air currents set off countless violent cyclones. The wind elements raged and danced in the storm, and the trees were uprooted and blown into the sky.

This is the dual storm skill developed by Murphy. The fusion of multiple storms often produces thunderstorms and tornadoes inside the storm, creating a more violent and chaotic natural scene.

At this time, the sky was already pitch black, thunder and lightning kept falling, and tornadoes circled down from the sky, dragging soldiers and adventurers along the way into the air one after another.

The entire Sunshine Woodland is like a doomsday scene.

Retreat, retreat immediately!

Kael'thas seized this opportunity without hesitation and commanded the ranger army to retreat.

Cirvanas staggered up from the ground, looked up at the sky, the figure of the giant dragon covered the sky like a black cloud, surrounded by countless flying dragons, troll bats, dragons of various colors, and orcs flying like fallen leaves , sprite.

Murphy was actually a little nervous.

No matter how fierce he is, there is only one dragon after all. The tribe has thousands of air forces, and there are twenty or thirty adult dragons alone.

If you really get close and focus on the fire, you will definitely not be able to bear it.

Not to mention those troll bat riders, it's totally unreasonable to explode themselves.

Fortunately, his ability is suitable for restraining large numbers of enemies.

When the power of the storm blows, as long as the strength judgment fails, he will be directly involved in the storm. The low-level air force can't get close to him at all. What he really has to deal with is just the few adult dragons.

Seeing that the air force of the entire tribe couldn't take down a boss, Ba Dao Wuqing's face turned red.

Great tribal chief, can you bear this?
Start directing private messages to shake people.

Ba Dao Wuqing (tribal chief): "Baal, I'll arrange someone to pull you in, get ready. You are also a world-class boss, and your rank is higher than him. What are you afraid of?"

Baal (Abyss Demon King): "I can't fly."

Ba Dao Wuqing: "..."

Damn it has grown two big wings.

"Great Chief, let me do it!" Garrosh said eagerly. In the past two years, he has been hunting with his father in the wilderness. Even Goron monsters have been brought down. Garrosh is not afraid of creatures like dragons. On the contrary, I was a little excited.

He had always been calm before, but now facing this unprecedented enemy and the helpless situation of the heroes, the blood in his heart finally couldn't help boiling.

Before Ba Dao Wuqing could speak, the mysterious orc beside him suddenly snorted coldly.

"The most important thing for a hunter is to judge whether the prey is within his ability. This is the first lesson I taught you. Have you forgotten it so soon?"

The mysterious orc jerked off his cloak.Showing a vicissitudes of life and ferocious face.


Garrosh looked at the orc in shock.

There was no surprise on Grom's face, "Boy, this is not the time for you to make a move."

He snatched Gorehowl from Garrosh's hand, threw the cloak aside, and walked straight towards the dragons.

Instead of choosing a giant dragon, he picked a young red dragon and dragged the dragon knight off it.

He jumped onto the dragon's back without taking a seat, holding the rein with one hand and blood roar with the other, and stood directly on the dragon's back.

"let's go!"

He said to the dragon.

Xuehou patted the dragon's neck lightly, and the young red dragon flapped its wings and flew towards the storm.

When Ba Dao Wuqing saw him, he immediately looked forward to it.

Haha, Aidan, you're finished, you're always yelling, I don't believe you can't be killed.

(End of this chapter)

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