Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 456 The Power of the Horde

Chapter 456 The Power of the Horde

At this moment, facing the siege of seven dragon knights, Murphy was not at a disadvantage.

The ancient dragon's scale has increased resistance to all elements. Whether it is the red dragon's flame breath, the blue dragon's frost/lightning breath, or the green dragon's poisonous breath, it is all blocked by his dragon scale.

The body of the ancient dragon is extremely strong, coupled with its huge size, it is not inferior to one enemy and seven, and it is worthwhile in hand-to-hand combat.

The claws of the ancient dragon made these dragon knights even more fearful. This thing slays dragons like tearing chickens. What they ride is just an ordinary adult dragon, not even a lord-level dragon. Facing the storm dragon king who has advanced to the world boss, No chance of winning.

I thought I could fight more and less, but the Storm Dragon King easily beheaded the two giant dragons and threw their bodies to the ground. The morale of the remaining dragon knights plummeted, and they no longer dared to rush forward for hand-to-hand combat.

It's just exhaling from a distance, the momentum is not small, all kinds of sound and light special effects, but the damage is pitifully low.

It was the orc heroes on the dragon's back that made Murphy feel a lot of pressure.

Those who can obtain an adult dragon as a mount are all strong men in the tribe, and the lowest is a gold-level hero.

Especially those two orc warlocks, even the scale of the ancient dragon cannot be exempted from fel magic.

Evil energy flames and evil energy rays kept attacking him.

There are two more orc shamans and a troll witch doctor, who keep adding blood to the giant dragon under his crotch and other dragon knights, and the light of the healing chain keeps flickering in the air.

There are two more hunter heroes, one for archery and the other for throwing javelin. The damage is also not low. Although the scale of the ancient dragon can offset a lot of damage, once the opponent uses the hero skill, it can also deal a lot of damage.

Fortunately, Murphy is not an ordinary dragon boss. His single-body strength crushes this dragon knight in all directions.

The battle situation in the sky suddenly reached a stalemate.

At this moment, Grom looked at the two sides in the battle, but he was not in a hurry to attack. He knew that there was only one chance. If he wanted to kill a dragon king, the only chance he had was the surprise attack. For myself, it is not an ordinary difficulty to win the leader.

Pulling the reins, it flew towards the top of the storm.

Facing the gust of wind, he did not choose to fight, but circled up in the direction of the airflow, circle after circle, and gradually flew above the storm.

Watching the battle between the giant dragons in the downward direction, he calmly estimated the distance and wind speed.


When he was still five or sixty meters away from the opponent, Grom Hellscream let go of his hands and kicked his feet, and leaped vigorously. The Storm Dragon King in the Thunder Breath cut off his head.

The moment he jumped out, the Storm Dragon King suddenly turned his head like a prophet, and the dragon's eyes were cunning.

Damn it!Grom's heart sank suddenly.

In the next second, strong winds from all directions surrounded him, and the airflow of the strong winds swirled around him, forming an invisible cage.

Storm Cage!

This is one of the dragon abilities obtained by the advanced storm dragon queen. It uses the power of the wind to imprison an air unit. The target needs to pass a super high strength judgment to be exempt from the control effect.

Still want to jump and hack me?You're thinking too much, you think you're Hellscream—wait a minute, hellscream.

Murphy was also taken aback when he saw the sneak attacking orc.

The reason why he could foresee the opponent's sneak attack in advance was also because of the relationship between the storm - the sub-storm domain, as the master of the domain, everything in it could not escape his perception.

All units appear directly on the minimap within the area covered by the storm.

And he can freely strengthen or weaken the environmental effect.

This is the power of domain ability.

Not only that, he can also control the wind speed and force at will, and summon the wind elements in the field to fight together.

Fighting in the field naturally has a home field advantage, which is why he dared to challenge the tribe alone.

Originally, I only wanted to mix some experience points and plot points, and gain favors by the way.

I didn't expect an epic hero to give away the head, so you're welcome.

No matter how strong Hellscream is, as long as he is not allowed to get close, he is not afraid that he will turn the world upside down.

Thunder breath!

Hellscream waved Goreroar in vain, but it was meaningless. The crimson thunderbolt shocked his body, and his blood volume decreased by a large amount in an instant.

Thunder breath!

Another dragon thunder shot, and Grom's health bar dropped rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, and in the blink of an eye, only half of it was left.

After all, heroes can't compare to BOSS, and Grom's level only has more than 1 HP.

Aidandron (Storm Dragon King): "It's an honor, orc, your small and pathetic life will add a touch of color to my legend, now—die!"

take a deep breath!
Murphy took a deep breath.

This is a skill that all lord-level dragons can unlock. Reading it for three seconds will increase the range of your next dragon breath by 50% and increase the damage by 25%.

Thunder breath!

Elemental protection aura!

Shine!A spherical shield made of elemental energy suddenly fell on Grom's body, but it was an orc shaman who released a protective skill on Grom.

boom!The crimson thunder blasted on the spherical shield, and there was a burst of thunder. When the thunder dissipated, Grom was unscathed.

Sunset Xishan (Great Shaman): "Don't be afraid of Grom, we are here to help you."

Barefoot Immortal (Prophet): "That's right, take a bite of my big breasts first."

Trundle (Shadowhunter): "Tustin hook!"

The energy of green life burst into Grom's body.

Hero Power - Ancestral Healing!
+5600!A mouthful of big breasts almost made Grom full of blood.

When Mo Fei saw it, he secretly screamed in his heart that it was not good. The memory of forming a team to slay dragons in the past instantly came to his mind. There were two big healers raising blood behind him, and it would be difficult to kill them quickly.

As soon as he was stunned, the two hunters and two warlocks shot evil magic, arrows and javelins from all directions.

Murphy evaded in a hurry, taking advantage of the attack speed, the three assistants took turns to apply various buffs to Grom.

Bloodlust!Your attack speed is increased by 40%, and your movement speed is increased by 50%.

Voodoo: Blood Rage!You take 15 points of damage per second, and increase physical damage by 25%.

Soul connection!50% of the damage you take will be split among other linked units.

The power of the earth!Your strength attribute is increased by 20 points, and your toughness is increased by 50 points.

Petrified skin!Your basic armor is increased by 30 points, and your resistance to lightning and fire is increased by 60 points.

Lava weapons!Your weapons gain 50 additional Fire damage.

As the BUFF skills were added to Grom Hellscream's body one after another, his aura rose at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Grom felt that the surrounding storm cage disappeared instantly, and his body sank, falling downwards, but was immediately caught by a giant dragon.

Wan Lei Tianyin!

Boom, countless electric currents shot out, Murphy repelled those dragon knights with an AOE, and when he turned his head, he saw Grom standing on the dragon's back, facing him directly, with various BUFF light effects on his body, making him It looked astonishing.

Facing the Storm Dragon that was a thousand times larger than himself, Grom raised the Blood Roar in his hand.Grom Hellscream (Horde Warrior): "Storm Dragon King, you are indeed powerful beyond imagination. Maybe I am not your opponent, but you are not facing me as an orc, but the entire tribe!"

With a flying leap, he jumped headfirst.

Although it looks like an orc is extremely insignificant, he does not dare to be careless in the slightest. Grom Hellscream is most famous for his jumping chop. In history, he chopped down the demigod Senna with an axe. Liu Si, chopped down Mannoroth, the leader of the Abyss Demon King, with another axe.

Although I am a storm dragon, I dare not say that it must be tougher than a demigod, and more fleshy than the boss of the abyss demon king.

Murphy didn't hesitate—the thunder cloud incarnation!It instantly transformed into a thundercloud form.

Grom directly slashed through the thundercloud, and the flaming blood howl made a burning trace in the thundercloud, as if he had hit something, but also seemed to have hit nothing.

But the data don't lie.
7983 (Critical Strike)!

A bright red number appeared, and Mo Fei returned to the form of the storm dragon again. He was shocked in his heart. Fortunately, he reacted quickly. Damn, he also cut off 8 blood in the form of Thunder Cloud. You know that Thunder Cloud Form, but only takes 50% physical damage.

In other words, Grom's ax does 16000 damage!If it really strikes the vital point, it's really hard to say.

Grom struck the air with an axe, and was about to fall, and immediately a green dragon knight caught it in advance.

After giving Grom a sip, Grom nodded at the big orc shaman, and jumped towards Murphy again.

Fearless cut!
My day, come back!
Murphy didn't intend to confront Grom. His legal dragon didn't have to fight hand-to-hand, as long as he kept a distance, there were ten thousand ways to kill him.

He swooped down to avoid this dangerous blow, and was about to turn around to catch Thunder Breath, but immediately another blue dragon knight caught Grom and rushed towards him.

Of course, this guy didn't dare to fight hand-to-hand with the Storm Dragon King, it was completely fake and powerful.

"Come on Hellscream."

A brute force technique blessed Grom.

Grom flew towards him again.

Jump and chop!Jump and chop!Still jump and chop!

These seven dragon knights were like playing a passing game. Whenever Grom flew out with a jump, someone would immediately pick them up in advance.

Not only that, on the ground at this moment, Ba Dao Wuqing even mobilized thousands of shaman priests to cast the dispersing spell together.

A thousand orcs cast ritual magic at the same time.

"Spirit of the Storm, please appease your anger!"

"Storm, in the name of elements, retreat!"

One after another, the dispelled magic power was poured into the Son of the Storm. As more and more shamans participated in the spellcasting, the power of the storm became weaker and weaker.

Facing the siege of the dragon knights and listening to the chanting sound from the ground, Mur Fei thought to himself that it really felt like a united kingdom, and it seemed that it was a bit reluctant to single out the entire tribe.

Murphy glanced down, the elves had almost withdrawn, the work was done, and it was time to get out of the way, he was not going to fight the tribe.

Aidan Delong (Storm Dragon King): "Hehehehehe, it's really impressive, the power of the tribe... Tiny orcs, you really impress me, it seems that even ants, as long as the number is enough, you can still Threat to dragons.

But it's pointless, go ahead with your wars, rushing blindly towards your fate of destruction, playing your game of power and profit.

I have more important things to do, now, please forgive me—Guangfeng, listen to my orders! "

Summon a cluster of wind elements!
In an instant, all wind elements from all directions gathered here.

do not go!Several orc dragon knights hurriedly chased after seeing them, but countless wind elements from all directions immediately besieged them.

Wind elementals, storm elementals, giant wind elementals, hurricane elementals, thunder elementals, and various storm derivatives released violent winds, launched wind blades, and projected lightning towards the dragon knights in all directions.

The damage of the wind element is generally not high, but the field control ability is extremely strong. Dozens or hundreds of wind elements attack together, even if they are ordinary mobs, it makes everyone panic.

When a group of dragon knights used dispel and exile to get rid of these wind elements, the storm dispelled.

The storm dragon has long since disappeared.

All that was left was the scars left by the storm.


The giant storm dragon landed slowly in a secluded maple leaf forest.

Kaya Windrunner helped Sylvanas out from behind the woods, and the latter looked quite embarrassed.

Kaya Windrunner (Bright Ranger): "Thank you, Aidan, without you this time, our Windrunner family would have to be wiped out."

Aidandron (Storm Dragon King): "I will never be stingy with my help for my allies, but friends are friends, and the price must be paid. Are you ready for the reward you deserve? Mortals, prepare to give up the God of the Sun. Have you put your faith under the protection of the Storm Dragon?"

Kaya was silent in her heart, she was not that kind of role-playing player, and she was a bit ashamed to talk in such a tone.

However, after glancing at Cirvanas next to him, he still showed a determined expression.

"I'm ready."

It is not for nothing that Murphy came to help. Kaya Windwalker asked him for help before, and Murphy was just thinking about how to develop the belief in the storm dragon and accumulate the power of faith. The storm dragon is not a god, but a divine creature. Being able to absorb the power of faith, but not having the ability to bestow spells on priests/clerics, it is very difficult to develop faith.

There is no other way but to exchange beliefs by working for others.

After hearing Kaya's request for help, we hit it off immediately.

Murphy agreed to participate in the battle and give the elves a wave of assists. It doesn't matter whether they win or lose, as long as they ensure the safety of a few important heroes, they can just retreat if they can't cover.

The price is that the Windrunner family must build a temple of the Storm Dragon on their own territory.

In this way, Murphy currently has three temples, one in Alterac, one in Haotian City, and this one, the belief in the storm dragon can be considered somewhat influential.

[World Announcement: The plot campaign [Battle of the Sunshine Woodland] has officially come to an end. After several days of continuous attacks, General Sylvanas finally mobilized enough troops to launch a strong counterattack against the Horde.

However, in the face of the tribe's powerful military advantage, the elves suffered heavy casualties.

At the most critical moment of the war, the storm dragon Aidandron suddenly appeared. This powerful divine creature summoned a huge storm, which forced the two sides to give up the battle.

The remaining soldiers of the elves took advantage of the chaos to evacuate the battlefield.

The tribe launched an attack on the Storm Dragon King. After the unremitting efforts of the heroes of the tribe, they finally repelled the invasion of the Storm Dragon.

Now that there is no harassment from the ranger army or the invasion of the storm dragon, Silvermoon City has been completely exposed to the troops of the tribe. An extremely tragic siege battle is about to start. Can the tribe conquer Quel'Thalas? Whether the Sun King can maintain the glory of his ancestors, all the answers will be revealed...

On the other hand, with the extraordinary divine power displayed by the storm dragon, a new faith also appeared in front of the world. In the wilderness of the land, some believers who worship the storm dragon gradually appeared.

They believe that praying to the storm dragon can save them from destruction and death in the storm, and the priests of the temple of the storm kept silent on this matter.

This event has been recorded in the Sky Chronicles. 】

System prompt: Based on your performance in this plot event, you have obtained 1027 plot points.

It's only a little over 1000. Murphy is a little regretful. It's a pity that he didn't kill Grom, otherwise it would have been two or three thousand. In that case, he could advance.

It's still a few hundred points away, which is somewhat embarrassing.

The experience points are not small, and the orc elves killed by environmental damage even made him a level up.

In fact, the environmental damage is not that high. The main reason is that both sides were defeated at the time. There were a lot of units with residual blood, and they killed a lot of soldiers for no reason.

Fortunately, Quel'Thalas has withdrawn from the alliance and is now a neutral force, otherwise the alliance's reputation would suffer a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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