Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 457

Chapter 457

"Kaya, what did you promise it!?" Cirvanas asked vigilantly.

She looked anxiously at the huge monster in front of her. The entire body of the storm dragon exuded a terrifying aura. The terrifying deterrence from the prehistoric giant beast, and the power of the storm faintly surrounding it all made Cirvanas faintly tremble. .

The terrifying dragon made her feel fearful, and that was by no means the power a mortal should have.

She also had contact with Prince Aidan at the alliance meeting, but looking at this giant dragon with a wingspan of more than [-] meters, she couldn't see Aidan at all.

Maybe that rumor is true!It suddenly occurred to her that the real Prince Aidan was said to have been killed long ago. The present Aidan is just an evil dragon in disguise, lurking in the alliance and plotting evil plots. At this time, the words of the storm dragon, It also confirmed the conjecture in her heart.

Kaya Windrunner explained: "I promised it to build a temple for it in the family territory, and take the Storm Dragon as the family belief of the Windrunner family."

"What! How can it be, my elves believe in the sun god."

Kaya had an indifferent expression, "What's wrong with that? We still believed in Elune, the moon god 1 years ago, but we didn't change our beliefs when we faced a crisis. Our Windrunner family didn't Relying on divine arts, I have never had a priest, and I have been rangers for generations, and there is no reward for believing in the sun god. I have believed in the sun god for so many years and have not even mixed up a god-given skill. I think it is not bad to change your beliefs.

At least I know the Storm Demon Dragon, and he will really get into trouble if he gets into trouble. "

Sylvanas was a little dumbfounded by Kaya's robbing.

But if you think about it carefully, it can't be completely unreasonable.

The high elves—that is, the former high elves, were also a member of the remnants of the night elf empire 1 years ago. They still maintain the typical appearance of the night elves, with a tall stature, a strong physique, a violet complexion, and believers in the moon god Elune.

But since they were exiled, the high-level elves lost the protection of the moon god Elune and the World Tree, and their bodies began to gradually degenerate, their stature became shorter, their skin color changed, and their lifespan was greatly shortened. The night elves, because they were exposed to the sun for a long time, became weak and weak.

It was under such circumstances that the leader of the Highborne, Dath'Remar Sunstrider, called on the Highborne to give up their belief in Elune and choose the sun god Anser as their shelter. god.

I don’t know if this choice was due to the family name, or because in the eyes of the world, the sun is bigger than the moon, so the high elves became believers of the sun god.

It is said that the ancestors of the elves traveled eastward in pursuit of the trajectory of the sun, arrived at the land of Quel'Thalas, and established the kingdom of elves.

Dath'Remar Sunstrider became the first king, and even the royal family was called the Sun King.

However, elves play magic, and their belief in gods is not that pious after all. Although there are also sun temples and priests, and they have received magic from the sun god, the power of the sun god priests within the kingdom is not very great. The power is always in the hands of the mage.

Even the Sun Royal Family has few priests, all of them play magic, at most inheriting one or two hands of Sun God Art.

Kaya said: "Look, Second Sister, back then the king's surname was Sun Chaser, so he chose to believe in the Sun God. Our family is called the Windrunner family. Doesn't this just herald our destiny! I don't think it's okay to believe in the Storm Dragon." Isn’t it good, now that the Horde army is pressing down on the border, and the Alliance doesn’t come to rescue them, if they stay here, they will die, so it’s better to take the troops and mess with Aidan.”

Cirvanas didn't know how to refute what she said.

She pondered for a moment, and said with a determined expression: "If you must do the things about the temple, then do it, but as the Ranger General of Quel'Thalas, I must stand with my soldiers at this time. It's not over yet, Silvermoon City hasn't been breached yet, Prince Kael'thas is still fighting, I'm sure I can lead my people to victory, thank you for your help, the great Storm Dragon King, but I still have my mission to go Done, please forgive me."

Looking at Cirvanas who stubbornly left, Murphy was not very surprised. Facing the natural disaster army in history, Cylvanas basically led the army to resist. In several stages of the storyline, the players controlled Alsace Fight against Sylvanas.

It can be said that it was a battle of repeated defeats, and the battle came to the last moment.

On the contrary, the Sun Royal Family only showed their face in the final defense of Silvermoon City, and then they were wiped out by Alsace.

Instead, he admired this ranger general.

Hopefully her fate will be different this time.

But that's not his problem.

The vertical pupils of the Storm Dragon King drooped down and looked at Kaya.

Kaya hurriedly said: "Don't worry, the temple will definitely be built. At most, I will pay for it myself. Oh, I'm afraid I'm going to go bankrupt now. It takes a lot of money to build the temple."

Mo Fei wouldn't be fooled by this girl's crying.

Aidan Delong (Storm Dragon King): "Don't cry with me poor mortals, the identity background of the Windrunner family is not much worse than the gold content of the Sun Royal family, look at your rank background, and your career as a light ranger, how could you not money.

The Temple of the Storm Dragon must be built. "

"Okay, okay, I didn't say I won't build it for you, I just complained, why are you in a hurry. But Aidan, you don't have a priesthood or a godhead, why are you building a temple? Do you want to snatch the position of the God of Storms? I believe that if it is true, you will be awesome, if you really become a god, I will be a god-favored person for you, and I promise to do my best to work for you, and I will serve you comfortably."

Mo Fei really has nothing to do with this girl. The speed of the car is too fast, and boys don't have such a speed.

"This is not something you should care about." After speaking, he flapped his wings and flew away.

While flying in the direction of Alterac, Murphy studied the harvest this time.

Previously, on the battlefield, he was pretending to be aggressive, but the enemy was pressing forward every step of the way. He didn't have time to touch the corpse, and he didn't know which bastard was cheap.

However, he earned a lot of faith points.

Sure enough, if you want to gain faith, you still have to show divine power in plot events.

These days, he has carefully studied the belief system of this game, and combined with his own situation, he has a certain understanding of the belief of this storm dragon.

The storm dragon is a sub-divine creature, a bit like a demigod in the wilderness, and it is still much worse than a real god. The biggest difference is that there is no way to provide believers with faith rewards.

When an adventurer player builds an account, he can choose one of the 12 main gods as his belief. Gods with different beliefs will provide players with different buffs.

For example, if you believe in Naraku, the god of death, the experience penalty after death is reduced by 20%.

Believe in Anser, the sun god, and fight in a sunny environment during the day, the skill critical strike chance will increase by 3%.

Believe in Nautina, the goddess of life, and all the effects of restoring life will be increased by 5%...

For adventurers, it feels a bit similar to natural skills, and it is still very important to choose a suitable belief for different professions.

Among them, the most influential occupations are priests and priests. The beliefs chosen by this type of occupation will directly affect the types of divine spells they can obtain.

They are also priests, but different gods have completely different priest skills and even different fighting styles.

For example, the priest of Odin, the god of war, can avoid the punishment of casting spells while wearing heavy armor, and also has exclusive melee magic. When fighting, he can hold a shield and sledgehammer and charge into battle, which is not comparable to ordinary civilian priests.

The priests of the God of Light have a bunch of holy light skills, and their healing effects are outstanding.

The priest of the Sun God can use the fire of the sun, which has a first-level effect in dispelling the undead.

This is only for adventurers, and it has a greater impact on heroes, especially some hidden professions related to gods, which can only be unlocked by believing in specific gods.

But lesser divine creatures do not have the ability to bestow divine spells on priests.

Not only that, there is no reward for faith.

In other words, there is basically no benefit for players to believe in the Storm Dragon.

This is more embarrassing.

It's no good who will believe it.

The only advantage is probably that the belief in evil gods does not require prayer, as long as it can induce fear, you can also gain faith points.

Just like today's situation, a storm raged, and a lot of money was earned.

In addition, although it is of course of little value to adventurers, fortunately there are NPCs in this game.

For those farmers, civilians, and soldiers, facing a terrifying existence like the Storm Dragon, praying is almost a subconscious reaction.

Murphy can also sense when the NPC is praying.

It's very vague, but the growth of Faith Points is visible to the naked eye.

If there are enough people praying at the same time, or the fear caused is strong enough, you can also directly communicate with Murphy, pray for a miracle, or even summon the storm dragon to come.To achieve this effect, the simplest way is to use blood sacrifice, and let the fear of the sacrifice before death attract the attention of the evil god.

Or hold a large prayer event where hundreds or thousands of people pray together.

It is equivalent to spending money (faith points) to buy services.

In addition, the different ways of praying will also affect the demigod's personality.

If it is always sacrificed by blood, and always responds to the call after the blood sacrifice, the storm dragon will gradually move closer to the evil god in the minds of believers.

Conversely, you can also move closer to the good god.

Murphy glanced at his Faith Points, and it turned out to be as high as 31941 points.

It seems that he still needs to participate in the plot more and show his strength more. After this rampage, he has successfully moved closer to the direction of the evil god.

His compatibility has also increased to 23%, which means that the number of faith points that can be mobilized is as high as 6000.

It's time to create a large storm.

Not bad.

Speaking of which, he hasn't used the talent points after the advanced stage, why don't he get two talents in faith?
The BOSS template is different from the hero template, and there are no hero specialties, hero skills or the like.

Instead, there are evolutionary routes and talent trees.

Every time the BOSS template is upgraded to a small level, you can get 1 talent point and choose a BOSS talent.

Every time the BOSS template is raised to a higher level, you can get a choice of evolution direction and evolve into different forms of BOSS.

Originally, he had three talent trees, namely [Dragon Instinct], which mainly strengthened the basic abilities of dragons such as hand-to-hand combat, survival and flight.

[Power of Dominion] Strengthen the relevant talents of the Dragon King.

[Storm Domain/Dragon Thunder Alienation] talent tree, strengthen dragon thunder and storm ability. .

After acquiring the dragon incarnation skill, Mo Fei ordered a bunch of talents to strengthen the dragon and thunder in one go. Later, he also ordered the talents to enhance the power of the dragon and thunder, and then ordered the talents to strengthen the flight and increase the blood volume.

However, he had other ideas about the talent points this time. After advancing to the calamity dragon, among the newly unlocked talents, there were talents related to faith.

After evolving into a Calamity Dragon, in addition to these three talent trees, there is now another talent tree - [Dragon Divine Power].

This talent line is all obtained by strengthening the power of miracles and strengthening faith points.

However, Mo Fei was hesitant to click on this line. His previous talents were all focused on Long Lei, followed by survivability and flying ability. If he clicked on it now, he might be a little dissatisfied.

Add this kind of thing, don't ask for everything, just ask for one skill.

Or is it because Long Lei's talent went all the way to the black?
Just as Murphy was thinking, the Alterac Mountains appeared in front of him.

Occasionally, groups of players can be seen exploring around the snow-capped mountains.

As the Storm Dragon King flew over his head, bringing up a violent airflow, the players felt a strong sense of oppression.

They also heard the sound of system prompts.

[System prompt: You have encountered a sub-divine creature [Storm Demon Dragon]. You can try to pray to it, and you may get a response. You can query related information on the belief interface. 】

There are really a few curious ones who use the basic action-pray.

Of course, there was no result after praying, it just increased Murphy's faith points by a few points.

Murphy still decided to put this question aside.

Finally, he returned to Longshang Castle. As soon as he landed, Knight Roland immediately greeted him.

"Master Aidan, you have a visitor."


When he turned back into a human form and walked into the castle hall, he saw a blonde girl in a violet robe, curiously looking at the dragon-shaped decorations around her.

Gianna?What is this little girl doing here?
Murphy was a little puzzled, but the other party had already discovered it.

"Ah, Lord Aidan, good to see you again, my father asked me to say hello to you on his behalf."

Jaina curtseyed very ladylike.

"Is His Majesty Dai Lin okay?"

He is in good health and is leading the fleet to clear the pirates in the south. "

After exchanging a few words, Jaina directly stated the purpose of coming here.

"Prince Aidan, I heard about your story of slaying a dragon, and I want to go with you to slay a dragon."

Mo Fei couldn't help being startled when he heard that, he was indeed ready to continue the journey of slaying dragons, but he still hasn't decided which one to choose for the fourth great ancient dragon, but this little girl wants to mess with him?what is this.

"Why me?" Murphy couldn't understand. He wanted to take Cirvanas as his subordinate before, but they ignored him, but Jaina took the initiative to post it.

Jaina hesitated for a moment, and she didn't know how to explain it—it couldn't be said, I always felt like we met somewhere.

"My studies in Dalaran have been preliminarily completed. The academy requires each of us to go on a one-year graduation trip, join an adventure team or serve as an accompanying mage to improve actual combat experience. I don't want to be a mercenary in a tavern , so I came to find you."

What kind of reason is this...

"I don't have time to take care of the children. I'm sorry. I'm afraid I can't accompany you on this matter. If you want, you can live in Longshang Castle for a while, but I'm very busy with business, and dragon slaying is even more dangerous. I hope His Majesty Dai Lin is in a hurry."

"I'm strong." Jaina waved her staff.

"Do you have the title of Grand Mage, Grand Arcanist, Grand Magister, or something like that?"

Jaina shook her head. Of course she didn't. Does he still need to go on a graduation trip to have this status?

"Sorry, what I need is an experienced teammate."

Jaina may have amazing potential, but Murphy has no time to wait for her to grow up. The action of slaying the dragon is imperative, and there is not so much time to waste.

Just as Jaina was sent away in a huff, Knight Roland walked in again.

"Master, you have another visitor."

Um?Mo Feixin said that it was already a day.

"who is it?"

"I don't know the other party—the other party is quite mysterious."

"Let him in."

A few minutes later, an old man in a gray cloak walked in with a staff. His gray hair hung down from the gap between the hoods. Under the hoods were a pair of reptile-specific vertical pupils.

Angus (High Priest of Dragon Cult): "Hi, Prince Aidan, we finally meet again."

(End of this chapter)

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