Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 458

Chapter 458
Murphy looked at the high priest of the Dragon Worship Cult in front of him, but he felt a little surprised in his heart.

After many days, the old man finally came. He thought he would never come.

In fact, if you think about it, it didn't take long, less than a month.

However, this period of time was slaying dragons and fighting ancient gods, but it felt very long.

Aidan (Leader of the Dragon Knights): "Angus, you've finally arrived. You came much later than I expected."

Angus (High Priest of the Dragon Cult): "Please allow me to apologize for this. The journey to Alterac is not easy. The Alliance still lists the Dragon Cult as a cult, not to mention those who have nowhere to go. The adventurer is gone.”

Mo Feixin said, isn't it a cult? When he was still the Black Dragon Lord, the Dragon Worshiping Sect took the initiative to become his disciple, and he knew the teachings of the Dragon Worshiping Sect.

The Dragon Worship Cult worships dragons and believes that dragons are the noblest and most perfect life form. All mortal races should serve the dragon clan and be proud of serving the dragon clan.

Even sacrificial ceremonies are often held, using the lives of mortals as sacrifices, and praying for the response of the Dragon God. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a cult.

Of course, the butt determines the head. As the Black Dragon Lord/Storm Dragon King, it is good to have such a group of loyal and free subordinates.

Dragon Cult priests can use 'Dragon Prayer', which can greatly make up for the lack of spell-casting units in monster servants. Almost all major dragon clans will recruit some, and even if they don't recruit, they will generally not be hostile.

However, there seems to be some hidden purpose behind the fact that the Dragon Worship Cult generally serves all major dragon clans. This made Murphy a little curious. However, no matter how he tried to inquire, the Dragon Worship Cult priests under him refused to disclose it. , which made him very worried for a while.

Now that times have changed, I never expected that I would have the opportunity to obtain the services of the Dragon Worship Cult again, but I would like to see if I can figure it out.

Aidan (Head of the Dragon Slayer Knights): "Of course I can understand your difficulty, anyway, it's good to be able to come, I've been looking forward to it for a long time.

So let's get started. The great plan to resurrect the Dragon God is calling me. This plan requires your service and sacrifice. I think you will not be stingy with your efforts for this plan. "

There is no need to be polite when dealing with these insane lunatics, just use them to your death.

As long as there is a suitable reason, a lot of oil and water can definitely be squeezed out.

Angus (High Priest of the Dragon Worship Cult): "Of course, for the Dragon God, we humble servants are willing to sacrifice everything, regardless of flesh and blood, life, or even soul. However, before I start serving you, I must first determine something, Dragon Has God really fallen?"

Aidan (Leader of the Dragon Knights): "Of course, isn't this obvious? Have your prayers in the past received a direct response from the Dragon God? Have your sacrifices ever welcomed the arrival of the Dragon God? Have you ever Have you ever seen the Dragon God’s chosen ones?”

Angus shook his head, "I have never seen any of this before."

Aidan (Leader of the Dragon Knights): "Of course I can't see it anymore. All this is because the Dragon God has already fallen tens of thousands of years ago, and the Dragon God's descendants have also fallen in ancient times and turned into the major dragon clans and the Dragon God's descendants. If the seat is vacant, your prayers will naturally not be answered.”

The old man looked solemn, "Then may I ask, how do you know all this?"

Aidan (Leader of the Dragon Knights): "I have witnessed all this with my own eyes..."

As Murphy spoke, his eyes gradually became deeper and his tone became distant and solemn.

[Heroic Specialty: Master of Deception—Open! 】

Of course, Mo Fei didn't know how the Dragon God sent it, but that didn't stop him from spouting nonsense. He was already proficient in this kind of thing now. To fool NPCs, he had to be involved in the story and have a sense of immersion. Even the hero's expertise was not [-]%. What can be effective also depends on the user's performance.

Aidan (Leader of the Dragon Knights): "Dragon gods and immortal ancient dragons once ruled this world. They lived in the city in the sky and were above all things. In the long years before written records, they were like this. The master of the world.

At that time, today's various races had not yet appeared. Elemental creatures lived everywhere in the world. The four kings of the elements were fighting each other endlessly. The Dragon God and the Ancient Dragon clan had no dispute with the world.

Until one day, the ancient gods came to this world.

They fell all over the world, and one of them landed in the Sky City.

What caused it to fall here is no longer known, but its consequences are clearly visible.

The ancient god Xalatas eventually fell into the hands of the Dragon God. However, his desperate counterattack before his death also put the Dragon God and his relatives in crisis. The curse of flesh and blood turned the ancient dragon's immortal body into nothingness, so the ancient dragon Fallen..."

Murphy slowly told the ancient secrets one by one.

From a certain point of view, he is not lying. Although he made up many of the contents, according to the memories of those ancient dragons, there are scenes about the City in the Sky, the arrival of the ancient god Xalatath, and the five major There are only four ancient gods left, and there are a series of facts such as the ancient dragon being cursed with flesh and blood.

Let Murphy vaguely speculate on some possibility.

As the ancient god, Xal'atath hit the Sky City when it landed, causing it to be attacked by the Dragon God and the Ancient Dragon.

Obviously it was eventually killed by the Dragon God, and thus the five ancient gods became four.

As for the theory that Xal'atath was eaten by other ancient gods on the way, Murphy thinks it is absolutely unreasonable. The four ancient gods are not Internet celebrities who are hyping up public opinion. It is impossible for them to expose such dark history. If it is true It was eaten, and how did it spread?

However, after Xalatath's death, it is very likely that the Four Old Gods absorbed some of its legacy.

But how can the majestic ancient god be killed so easily? Even the Titans can't do it and can only seal it.

The Dragon God killed Xal'atas by force, and perhaps it self-destructed before it died, or it might have used some forbidden ability to cast a flesh-and-blood curse on the ancient dragon clan with its own life.

An ancient god's temporary counterattack is definitely not terrible. Thinking about it, it suddenly makes sense.

After that, the mysterious voice on the top of Tongtian Peak told the story of the ancient dragon clan losing their immortal dragon scales and eternal life, and degenerating into the major dragon clans today.

Due to the fall of the ancestral dragons into fragile flesh and blood, these ancestral dragons also had to seek the protection of other gods. As a result, the dragon gods lost their followers and were eventually beaten to death by the ancient gods or the twelve main gods.

Although it is not certain who did it, there are only a few people who can kill the Dragon God, so that is probably the case.

Therefore, Murphy was very involved in making up the story without any falsehood.

As Angus listened, his expression became more and more excited and dignified.

Angus (High Priest of the Dragon Worship Cult): "So that's it, that's it. No wonder, no wonder! Then everything makes sense. Wait a minute, how do you know all this? Did you see it with your own eyes?"

Aidan (Head of the Dragon Sorrow Knights): "I don't know either, but in my dreams I can always see the lost city in the sky, the Dragon Sanctuary - Kamyazla.

In my dreams, I saw majestic huge statues, ancient gods descending from the sky, and the appearance of the five dragon kings in their ancient dragon form. These images often appear in my dreams, and they have been like this since I was very young.

It was also guided by these dreams that I was able to find the place where dragons feast and gain the power to transform into a dragon. "

After hearing Murphy's explanation, the old priest's eyes showed thoughts, and suddenly his eyes lit up, as if he thought of something.

Angus (High Priest of the Dragon Worship Cult): "I know! You must be a direct descendant of the ancient dragon, and for some reason you awakened the lost memory."

Um?Murphy suddenly had a question mark on his face.

I think your brainstorming ability is a bit divergent.Aidan (Leader of the Dragon Knights): "But I'm human?"

Angus looked at Murphy with a mysterious face and whispered: "This involves an ancient secret. Maybe you have never heard of it, but it is all true. Human beings are transformed from dragons. .”

Um?Murphy was even more surprised and thought to himself: Do you also have the expertise of a fraud master?

Seeing Murphy's disbelief, Angus immediately explained.

Angus (High Priest of the Dragon Cult): "Have Prince Aidan ever heard of the theory of racial evolution? Life in this world will continue to change with the environment."

Murphy nodded, "I know a little bit about this."

The most typical one is the troll.

After the prehistoric era and before the night elves, the trolls ruled the primitive continent. They were divided into many tribes and lived in various regions of the world. They were the most prosperous race.

Fifteen thousand years ago, one of the dark troll tribes migrated to the vicinity of the Well of Eternity. Under the influence of the powerful magic power of the Well of Eternity, their bodies gradually mutated.

The long fangs gradually shrank, the skin became delicate, and the body became slender and muscular, and finally evolved into a night elf - yes, in the background story of World of Warcraft, the night elf evolved from a troll.

The high elves evolved from the night elves.

Nowadays, Quel'Thalas and the Amani trolls are fighting every day. In fact, it can be regarded as a civil war among the same tribe.

It's just that the elves will never admit this kind of thing.

In fact, this phenomenon also exists not only in Azeroth, but also on the planet Draenor. The evolution of races will give birth to many different species.

In the earliest days, the planet Draenor was a wilderness, inhabited by giant beings called Grond, who were as huge as mountains.

After Grond died, Gronn was born from his corpse.

Gronn still lives in Draenor and is one of the tribe's most powerful war weapons. Gronn is huge but has low IQ.

Gronn gradually evolved into the one-eyed demon. The one-eyed demon is slightly smaller, but still very large. Gronn's IQ must have been relatively improved.

The one-eyed demon gradually evolved into an ogre, and the ogre evolved into an orc...

Almost without exception, the body size is getting smaller and smaller, and the IQ is getting higher and higher.

Aidan (Leader of the Dragon Knights): "You mean, humans evolved from dragons?"

This is not very reasonable. There is no intermediate state. You can't be a giant dragon with a body of tens of meters long one day, and then suddenly become a human.

Angus (High Priest of the Dragon Worship Cult): "No, that's not the case. Human beings evolved from the dragon race, but it didn't evolve slowly, but suddenly changed into the human race."

Aidan (Leader of the Dragon Knights): "But how is this possible?"

Angus (High Priest of the Dragon Worship Cult): "Haha, it does sound a bit fanciful, but I will explain it. You know that dragons have the ability to transform into human form."

Mo Feixin said of course he knew. Who doesn't know this stuff?

"Then did you know that this ability existed tens of thousands of years ago, before humans were born."

Um?Mo Feixin said it was really unclear.

It stands to reason that the dragons should have seen humans and then tried to change into the form of a humanoid race.

Angus (High Priest of the Dragon Cult): "When a druid learns wild transformation, he needs to undergo a wilderness trial, transform into a beast, and live in the wilderness for one year. During this period, he will not change back to human form until one year Expiration.

In this process, there is a hidden risk. Sometimes the druid will lose himself, forget his true identity as a druid, regard himself as a real beast, wandering in the wilderness, and eventually become a complete Beasts cannot be transformed back, and may even give birth to offspring with other beasts.

Later this ritual was cancelled, but some druids were permanently lost and never found again. "

Murphy heard this and immediately reacted.

Aidan (Leader of the Dragon Knights): "You mean, the dragons in ancient times used 'turn into human form', and then gradually forgot their true identities, continued to live and reproduce, and eventually became the ancestors of humans?"

Angus (High Priest of the Dragon Worship Cult): "Yes, maybe it was voluntary giving up, maybe it was accidentally forgotten, or it may even be because the earliest people who took human form were not mature enough, which caused some dragons to turn into human form but never change again. Returning to their original form, they were the earliest Vrykul, the ancestors of mankind.

The vrykul worship dragons, and that's probably why.

Then the Vrykul evolved into humans. From this, it can also be said that humans evolved from dragons.

The ancestors of Prince Aidan were probably ancient dragons who personally participated in that catastrophe, and left this memory in their blood, so that you can glimpse the truth of that matter in your dreams.

Even after tens of millions of years have passed, the power of the dragon clan still remains in the human blood, and this power can be activated as long as the appropriate method is used.

The goal of our Dragon Worship Cult is to find the lost power and transform into a dragon again. "

Angus's vertical pupils stared at Murphy.

Those dragon-like eyes made his expression look a bit more solemn and sacred.

But Mo Fei suddenly realized in his heart, "So that's it, that's it, no wonder, no wonder! Then everything makes sense.

The 'Dragon Prayer' practiced by the priests of the Dragon Worship Sect is probably based on this principle. However, it has been too long ago. Until now, no one has really been able to completely transform into a dragon. At most, they have only acquired some dragon abilities. That’s all.

Murphy knows this, the priests of the Dragon Worship Cult use the 'Dragon Prayer' magical technique, dragon breath technique, dragon skin technique, dragon power technique...

Anyway, it's all related to dragons.

Some high-level priests can even use the 'Sacrifice Summon' to sacrifice their own lives and be forced to transform into the dragon form. However, this ability is very costly, and the transformed dragon form is not complete. Once the time is up, it will be transformed directly. Oh no, it's a forbidden technique.

His subordinate Santazak used this trick back then.

Angus (High Priest of the Dragon Cult): “Human beings have long forgotten the history of being descendants of dragons, but the power of dragons has always existed in our blood.

However, it is not easy to activate this power. The Dragon Worship Cult has been conducting research on dragon transformation for thousands of years, but has never succeeded.

Perhaps only the power of the gods can complete this last step of evolution. Therefore, Prince Aidan, please tell me your plan. We and other members of the congregation will pay all costs to help you resurrect the Dragon God. When the Dragon God returns, In exchange for our humble labor, we will receive the gift of transforming into a dragon. "

(End of this chapter)

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