Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 459 See Dragon Tower

Chapter 459 See Dragon Tower
Looking at Angus's fanatical and pious expression, Murphy suddenly thought of a question hidden in his words.

The Dragon Clan's "turning into human form" only means turning into humanoid creatures. Not only can they turn into humans, but they can also turn into night elves, high elves, dwarves, gnomes, and even humanoid creatures such as orcs and tauren.

If it is said that human beings are transformed from dragons, then are other races also transformed from dragons?
This is obviously very unreasonable.

Angus didn't know where he heard this strange theory. If he wasn't trying to deceive himself, then he must have been deceived by others.

Looking at his pious and fervent expression, it was difficult to guess the truth.

However, Mo Fei did not tell anyone about the bug he discovered. Sometimes, cooperation still requires a little tacit understanding.

My purpose is to obtain the other party's service and let the Dragon Worship Cult help me become a god. Since the other party thinks that I am a descendant of the Dragon God, of course I can just admit it, so why try to break it.

Aidan (Leader of the Dragon Knights): "With such piety and humility, I think that when the Dragon God returns, he will definitely give you the gift of turning into a dragon."

Angus (High Priest of the Dragon Worship Cult): "Hahaha, I hope so. Unfortunately, I am already old. If the Dragon God cannot be resurrected as soon as possible, I am afraid that I will not be able to wait for that day. The dragon is immortal. Even ordinary dragons can live for tens of millions of years. In comparison, mortal life is so fragile and short."

Aidan (Leader of the Dragon Knights): "That's right. In that case, how about we start resurrecting the Dragon God immediately?"

Angus (High Priest of the Dragon Cult): "Of course, but how will the Dragon God be resurrected?"

Aidan (Leader of the Dragon Knights): "All the powers scattered around must be taken back and merged into one. Those usurped powers will become the key to resurrecting the Dragon God and the reason for becoming a god.

But this is not enough. The power of the Dragon God is so powerful that ordinary dragons cannot withstand such a powerful force. Only the immortal body of the ancient dragon can absorb such powerful power and become the Dragon God. To transform into the ancient dragon, the only way is to complete Dragon Feast, this is exactly where I need you. Those ancient dragons are hiding in unknown places. I need you to help me find them one by one. If possible, it is best to help me defeat them and capture them. Dragon Heart. "

After hearing Murphy's words, Angus had a troubled look on his face.

"Honestly, it is not difficult to find the Taikoo Dragon. In fact, I now have the locations of several Taikoo Dragons' nests. The Dragon Worship Cult has been serving the Dragon Clan for thousands of years, and they trust us very much. , regard us as natural allies. Except for a few strange dragons with withdrawn personalities, most of them can contact us peacefully.

However, as a church that worships dragons, the teachings of the Dragon Worship Cult prohibit us from harming the dragons easily, especially the ancient dragons. We must not be disrespectful to the dragons. To sacrifice so many ancient dragons, this matter is very important. , it must be approved by the archbishop. "


"Yes, he lives in the Tower of Seeing the Dragon and is the leader of my Dragon Worship Cult.

Murphy looked at Angus's reptile-like vertical pupils and the cunning expression in them, but he couldn't help but feel a little wary in his heart. After all, the Dragon Worship Cult is an evil sect and a monster force. Even though they are so dedicated to serving the Dragon Clan, Even at the cost of his life.

But once it comes to the Dragon God's resurrection, he doesn't hesitate to sell his teammates. He had sold Boleleus directly after being fooled.

I can't trust them too easily.

"Archbishop? This is new. I always thought that the Dragon Worship Cult was jointly run by high priests like you."

"We, the high priests, do have great power to control the believers in various places, but only the archbishop understands the core teachings of the Dragon Worship Cult. It was he who brought together a group of us and taught the secret technique of transforming into a dragon. Give us, although this secret is not perfect yet, it does have magical power.

The archbishop is a prophet and wise man who inherits ancient wisdom. When it comes to the life and death of the ancient dragon allies, only the archbishop is qualified to decide all this. Prince Aidan, I have a cruel request. Why don't you go to see the dragon with me? Tower, how about meeting the leader. "

After hearing this invitation, Mo Fei couldn't help but think slightly.

I thought it would be enough to fool Angus, but I didn't expect to see an archbishop.

Going to the monster's lair alone is somewhat risky, but it's not scary at all.With so many life-saving skills, it's a big deal to run away.

"Of course, but where is the Dragon Tower?"

"In a place where no one can find it, only people with the status of high priest or above have the coordinates to enter. However, there is a magic network node near the Dragon Tower. We can get there through teleportation."

As he spoke, Angus raised his hand, and as the magic power gathered, a portal appeared in front of the two of them.

Murphy looked at Angus in surprise, "You still know magic? I thought you were a priest."

Priests and priests are both magical professions, and spirituality is the core attribute.

Mage is a magic profession, and intelligence is core mathematics.

The former prays for gifts from the gods, while the latter specializes in arcane arts. The difference between the two is still very obvious.

Angus said sarcastically, "It's just a part-time job. After I became a priest of the Dragon Cult, I also learned magic in Dalaran. Please treat Prince Aidan. My magic power is not strong and I cannot maintain the portal for too long." "

Murphy no longer hesitated and stepped through the portal.

He was very nervous and ready to deal with possible attacks at any time. After all, he was not familiar with Angus, so it might be a trap.

But in order to complete the ancient dragon's way as soon as possible, we can only take a little risk.

Fortunately, there is an empty hillside in front of us, a platform at the foot, and nothing around. Looking ahead, we see a huge valley. Deep in the valley, a towering tower stands there, surrounded by many people. A low building, but when you open the map, it shows a fog.

In the square, many believers of the Dragon Worship Cult can be seen performing prayer activities. Groups of groups gathered around the statue of the dragon, kneeling and praying.

They are all mobs around level 30-40. In each pile of mobs, you can see an elite priest, loudly announcing the deal.

With so many monsters gathered here, Murphy suddenly had the urge to fly into the sky and hit them with a dragon thunder storm.

It's a pity that the coordinates are not displayed on the map, otherwise it would be a good place for adventurers to upgrade. The light curtain at the entrance of the Dragon Tower where you can clearly see the dungeon is actually a legendary dungeon, which means that you can get orange equipment.

It seems that the Dragon Worship Cult is not weak. I will look back and see if I can use it to my advantage. If I can't cooperate, I will find someone to form a team and push this dungeon down. It would also be good to get plot points for equipment.

Angus didn't know what Prince Aidan next to him had in mind.

"Lord Aidan, I have a heartfelt request. I wonder if you can appear in the body of a real dragon, so that people can know that the legendary power of transforming into a dragon is real, and it can also expose these confused people. A believer, the Dragon Worship Cult has one more ally."

Mo Feixin said that this was no problem. In fact, in this strange illusion, the dragon form made him feel more secure.

"As you wish." He said, directly activating the dragon incarnation!
The human body expanded rapidly, turning into a storm dragon with a wingspan of hundreds of meters in the blink of an eye.

Angus looked excitedly and enthusiastically at Murphy, who had transformed into a dragon. The storm dragon in front of him was much larger than the last time he saw it. What shocked and surprised him especially was that the dragon had a faint emanation. The divine power makes people look intimidated, and they have the urge to kneel down and pray.

Seeing Murphy rising into the sky and setting off gusts of wind, he hurriedly rushed down the hillside and arrived in front of the people who were praying.

Angus (High Priest of the Dragon Cult): "Behold, the great Storm Dragon King Aidandron has responded to the call of the Dragon Cult and descended on this isolated island in this world.

Rejoice, believers, the eternal life you pray for is finally coming. "

Praise you, great Storm Dragon King.

Praise you, terrible dragon of disaster.

Your terror is feared by everyone.

Your fame resounds throughout the sky.

Amidst the prayers of the Dragon Worshipers, Mo Fei descended from the sky and transformed into a human form. When the believers saw it, they immediately cast more fanatical looks and praised him louder and louder.

Murphy followed Angus into the copy light curtain of the Dragon Tower. This Dragon Worship is indeed a church that worships dragons. The hall is full of statues and reliefs of dragons, majestic wings, and ferocious minions. , or spreading their wings to fly, or posing in a solemn posture, each statue presents a sense of majesty, sacredness and majesty.

There are many weird guards in the corridor of the main hall. They have human body shapes, but they show dragon characteristics to varying degrees. Some have dragon horns on their heads, some have dragon scales on their skin, and some have dragon scales on their heads. His hands and feet turned into dragon claws, and the most common ones were his vertical pupils.

The name of the monster shows - Alien Dragon Guard.

There are also some Dragon Worship priests walking around, Dragon Worship fanatics, Yishui elite monsters, all above level [-].

In the hall on the first floor, Murphy saw an unusually huge dragon skeleton, with a wingspan of more than a hundred meters. The skeleton had a white jade-like luster, and was placed in the middle of the hall like a dinosaur skeleton in a museum.

Murphy guessed that once this thing enters the battle, it is likely to be resurrected and become the No. 1 BOSS.

Following the steps to the second floor, the two of them walked into the depths of the temple, and finally saw the archbishop in a main hall.

Griffith (Archbishop of the Dragon Cult), the fourth level of world-class BOSS, level 90, health value 265000.

The patriarch looked quite young. Like Angus, he had dragon-like vertical pupils. Even his exposed skin had a scale-like texture, which somehow made Murphy feel familiar.

Unlike those weird guards, although this archbishop has abnormal characteristics, he does not have the feeling of distortion and deformity. Instead, he adds a bit of majesty and mystery.

Mo Fei suddenly felt something was wrong. The BOSS in this legendary copy usually had attributes adjusted, and the final BOSS had twice the health enhancement.

Even if the human BOSS's health volume is relatively low, it still has more than 20 health points. In the end, the BOSS's health volume is doubled, and 50 health volume is more appropriate.

This guy only has 26.5 HP, and it doesn’t feel like the final BOSS.

It seems that there is a lot more hidden content in this copy.

Angus (High Priest of the Dragon Cult): "My Lord Bishop, I have brought Prince Aidan."

Griffith glanced at Murphy and said, "Nice to meet you. Please come with me, Prince Aidan, and let's talk alone."

Griffith obviously didn't want this meeting to attract too much attention. He led Murphy through the hall on the second floor. A female giant dragon was sleeping in the hall. Murphy looked up and his eyelids twitched. It is a world-class BOSS.

Sinestra (immemorial black dragon), world-class boss level 92, level 398037, HP 447500/[-].

The health volume is much higher than that of the Archbishop, but it still doesn’t feel like the final BOSS, and it’s not even at full health.

Looking at the top of his head, he was in a state of serious injury.

[Flesh Tear: Randomly lose 60%-1% of health every 5 minutes. 】

Wait, Sinestra?Damn it, isn’t this Deathwing’s wife?Didn't expect to be here.

Yes, Sinestra is Deathwing's consort and the mother of two siblings, Nefarian and Onyxia.

As Deathwing became more and more crazy under the influence of the Ancient God, many black dragons were unable to withstand the violent power of Deathwing and died during the process of mating with him. Only Sinestra could withstand it, but she also paid a lot of effort. paid a heavy price.

Later, I don't know when it disappeared, and I didn't expect to come here.

Are you here to recuperate?

The ancient dragon was seriously injured, and the dragon heart was simply given to him in vain.

Seeing that Murphy had stopped, Griffith also stopped. Looking at the sleeping black dragon, he couldn't help but sigh, "Ah, the dragon is so gorgeous and noble, with its majestic body, majestic shape, and its obsidian-like shape." Such gorgeous dragon scales make people wonder, there are such beautiful creatures in the world, isn’t it, Prince Aidan.”

"We'd better not disturb her sleep. Come here, Prince Aidan. We can talk in detail here."

Murphy turned his eyes back and reluctantly followed Griffith into a side hall.

Griffith took out the wine bottle from the wine cabinet and poured a glass of wine for each of them. He said to himself, "I listened to Angus's introduction to you, and I have to say, it's impressive. , a hero who intends to resurrect the Dragon God, a prince who can transform into a dragon, and a warrior who slays the ancient dragon.

I am very interested in your story and admire your plan very much, but one size fits all.

When you come here, you must need the services of the Dragon Worship Cult, so what do you plan to use as reward? "

Mo Fei couldn't help but be stunned, thinking that this was not the attitude towards the reincarnation of a dragon god.

(End of this chapter)

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