Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 460 Dragon Worshipers and Dragon Eaters

Chapter 460 Dragon Worshipers and Dragon Eaters

Seeing Murphy's shocked expression, Griffith smiled slightly. He handed the wine glass to Murphy's hand and clinked the glass.

"Prince Aidan seemed a little surprised."

Murphy nodded, "I am indeed a little surprised. Didn't Angus tell you that I am a direct descendant of the Dragon God, the inheritor of the dragon blood who has awakened the ancient memory, and the one who will resurrect the Dragon God? ?”

After saying this long series of words, Murphy himself felt a little blushing.

"Hahahaha." Griffith laughed. "Prince Aidan really has a sense of humor. The so-called Dragon God is just an ancient legend and an unrealistic fantasy. There is no Dragon God among the twelve main gods. It was a story made up by the Dragon Worship Cult in ancient times. Prince Aidan doesn't really believe in the existence of the Dragon God, does he?"

Murphy was shocked now, "So you mean, you don't believe in the existence of the Dragon God?"

"Come on, Prince Aidan, I know exactly who you are, a Dragon Eater who has mastered the power of transforming into a dragon. Your ability to transform into a dragon is just the power stolen from executing the Dragon Eater.

The so-called Dragon God or whatever, it’s okay to deceive those stupid farmers. As people who have the real power and truth, there is no need for us to perform these boring dramas with each other. It is better to sit down and talk about cooperation. "

Murphy couldn't help but laugh, but he felt a little dumbfounded in his heart. The Dragon God is real. The Archbishop's performance - it's really hard to describe. Should he be said to be too confident or too arrogant?

He took the wine glass and smelled it, but did not drink it. He just shook the liquid in the wine glass and said, "If they hear what you say, your followers will probably be sad."

"Hmph, they are just a group of ignorant fools. Driven by greed and desire, they deserve to be used and played with. Their pursuit of power and desire for immortality have brought them under my control. Of course I must make good use of this fanaticism. There is nothing wrong with this belief. Anyway, these weak existences must be controlled. It is better to worship dragons than to worship gods who treat mortals like ants.

Murphy didn't expect the Archbishop to say such words, "You seem to know the Dragon Eater very well?"

Griffith (Archbishop): "Of course, perhaps I know better than you personally. The Dragon Eaters and the Dragon Worshipers were once hostile to each other. In the barbaric era thousands of years ago, when dragons devoured mortals, the Dragon Worshipers The religion came into being and chose to regard the dragon as its ruler, calling on humans to surrender to the dragon and sacrifice the flesh and blood of the victims to the dragon in order to obtain the dragon's protection. Dragons are intelligent beings. As long as they learn to communicate with them, This is the reason why the Dragon Worship Cult was born and its sacred mission."

Aidan (Dragon Eater): "You seem to have no shame in sacrificing your own kind to the dragon as food."

Not only is there no shame, but he is even vaguely complacent.

Griffith said nonchalantly, "In that barbaric era, human beings could not avoid the fate of being devoured. If they were not eaten by dragons, they would also be eaten by monsters in the wilderness, such as trolls, ogres, and scorpion-tailed monsters." Lions, giant spiders, murlocs, naga...even goblins all feed on humans.

Human beings have neither strong power nor understanding of mysterious magic. All they can do is pray.

Giant dragons are majestic and magnificent beings. They are tall and towering and possess extraordinary power. Compared with giant dragons, human beings are so small.

And unlike those gods who are aloof and never show themselves to mortals, dragons have extraordinary power and the mystery of legendary creatures, but they are also tangible and real. , worshiping dragons is more practical than worshiping gods.

Devouring humans did bring some fear, but fear also brought order. In fact, at that time, tribes that worshiped the dragon and offered sacrifices to the dragon were often stronger, more stable, and offered sacrifices regularly than those tribes that escaped the dragon's predation. It is better to offer some sacrifices than to be hunted without restraint, and you can also get the protection of the dragon.

In such a barbaric era, weak humans had to compete with various barbaric races for the right to survive. Serving the dragon could get shelter, and the lives sacrificed were far less than those sacrificed by fighting in the wilderness. The Dragon Worship Cult is not Evil religion, on the contrary, we recognize reality and bring people a better life.

What's ridiculous is that when the giant dragon left this continent, the belief in the Dragon Worship immediately became a cult that everyone shouted and beat.

We were expelled, despised, hunted, and had to hide in the golden shadow. "

Murphy didn't take Griffith's words seriously. It's the same death. Being fed as food to a dragon and dying fighting a giant dragon are the same. This guy is clearly trying to change the concept.

Besides, if there is no resistance from the Dragon Feeders, maybe human beings are still in a situation where they can be fished by mermaids. How could there be the glory of the Arathor Empire later.

Even with the passage of time, the countries of today's alliance still continue the legitimacy of Emperor Thoradin.

Aidan (Dragon Eater): "Hmph, maybe some people will believe what you say to others, but don't forget that I am the Dragon Eater. I know very well what happened at that time. It was the Dragon Eater who defeated the giant dragon. , making humans the masters of this continent, it was the Dragon Eater who established the Arathor Empire and brought peace and prosperity to the people."

"Hahaha, I think you must have heard those ancient legends. Emperor Thoradin established the Arathor Empire and brought peace and tranquility to the people, a happy life, and so on."

"Isn't it true? Everyone knows these stories, so they can't be false."

Griffith (Archbishop): "Emperor Thoradin is indeed a powerful warrior and an excellent commander, but peace and tranquility, a happy life? Hahaha, have you ever seen Thoradin's giant wall?"

Murphy nodded, "Of course, Thoradin's Great Wall is a protective wall built under the personal order of Emperor Thoradin. It is a majestic city wall that isolates the Arathi Highlands from the Hillsbrad Wilderness. It stretches for hundreds of kilometers. This stone wall The savage monsters were completely blocked from the giant wall, and the Thoradin Empire was established. However, as the empire's territory expanded, Thoradin's giant wall gradually lost its significance."

Griffith (Archbishop): "Then do you know that humans at that time did not have construction machinery and did not have the convenience of magic. The construction of that huge wall relied on the hard work of countless human farmers. Such a majestic project would require a lot of effort. At what cost, how much sacrifice?
In the years of fighting against the dragon, how many human warriors died in battle, the number far exceeded the number of sacrifices made by the Dragon Worship Cult.

Peace and tranquility?Happy life...hahahaha. "

Aidan (Dragon Eater): "But the people are willing to follow Emperor Thoradin, no matter how painful the price is, because he has brought hope to mankind and a vision for the future. They are not seeking revenge. Not for the ambitions of the Latin emperors, but for their descendants, for the future of mankind.

In order to prevent their offspring from becoming food for the dragon and being harmed by monsters, they are fearless.

I've heard enough of your nonsense that you're just trying to distort history and replace concepts, so you mean Thoradin is a bad guy? "

"No, what I mean is that Emperor Thoradin is a complicated person. It is unreasonable to evaluate him as a good person and a bad person. The same is true for the Dragon Worship Cult. Evil and justice are just concepts created by humans, just like Ai Prince Dan, as a dragon eater, doesn't he come to me now to seek cooperation?"

Of course Mo Feixin said it is reasonable, but it may not be reasonable in reality, but this is a game, the hero is still the BOSS, there is always a way to say it.Since Emperor Thoradin is a hero, he must be a good guy.

You, the boss, must be a big bad guy.

The system has sharp eyes.

As for me asking you to cooperate, this is called putting the overall situation first. For the sake of the overall situation, we must have a flexible moral bottom line. I endure the humiliation and associate with an evil person like you for a greater purpose. You know nothing.

Of course, the words must not be so straightforward.

Aidan (Dragon Eater): "I had no choice but to do this. I am still very kind."

Griffith (Archbishop): "Prince Aidan, won't you blush when you say this? The Calamity Dragon brings fear to mankind, and uses the Storm Scourge to terrorize mortals. Your atrocities among the mountains of Alterac make me sad. You have heard about it for a long time. At least I have brought hope to those who devoutly believe in the Dragon God. What have you brought to them, despair?"

Mo Feixin said that I just let the accompanying storm blow in Novice Village for a few days to increase my faith points.

"Prince Aidan must have discovered that fear can also bring the power of faith. This is not surprising. Awe and fear are inherently blurred.

You see, there is no difference between us. Blind faith can bring great power. You know this very well, don't you? Even if you are not a real god, you can still create miracles. "Mo Fei's heart moved. Could it be that——

He probably guessed the other party's character setting. I'm afraid this guy is also a divine creature, or at least has something similar to divinity, which can absorb the power of faith and have the ability to perform miracles.

This ability should be the same as his own, and was obtained through BOSS advancement. This Griffith's real profession should be a profession similar to the blasphemous priest in DND.

The power of faith, to put it bluntly, means whatever you want. Your power of faith can summon storms, and what this guy masters should be some kind of ability to create spells.

Moreover, he used the Dragon God's faith to gather faith points and attached his identity to the Dragon God. There must be something like "the archbishop is the spokesperson of the Dragon God" in the doctrine.

Maybe the 'dragon prayer' of these Dragon Cult priests was created by this old boy?
No wonder the spells of the Dragon Worship Cult are full of evil spirits, so they were outsourced.

This is a good idea. Affiliate yourself under other gods, rely on the traffic of gods to absorb the power of faith, and then use modified doctrines to strengthen yourself.

By the way, can I do the same thing?
This result is really beyond Murphy's expectation. The archbishop of the Dragon Worship Cult is someone who doesn't believe in the Dragon God at all.

It is somewhat similar to those magic sticks in reality, but in this world, the power of faith is a real power.

"What about Angus? Do the high priests know this too?"

"They know exactly what attitude they should show at what time. They join the Dragon Worship Cult to pursue power and immortality, not some illusory dragon god. I can give them power and extend their lives. This is enough. up.

So, can you tell me now, what kind of return can you give me? "

Now that the words have been spoken, Murphy doesn't talk nonsense anymore.

"what do you want."

"It's very simple. Become an ally of the Dragon Worship Cult. When I need help, you have to fight for me."

Murphy raised his eyebrows, "You want me to be your thug?"

"Of course not, it's more like an ally. You can provide help selectively. If you feel really embarrassed, you can also refuse to take action. The Dragon Worship Cult has provoked many enemies in the past, many of them evil people. There will always be times when you are willing to help. .”

That's it?Mo Feixin said that this was too simple. It even felt unfair, and he was the one who received the money first.

You can take action freely, in other words, you can do nothing, although it may look ugly if you do it.

"It's that simple?"

"It's that simple."

"Okay, I accept your conditions. If conditions permit, I will help you fight against those enemies."

"Then it's settled. I will send priests and followers to spread the faith of the Disaster Dragon to you, and at the same time find the location of the Ancient Dragon for you."

[System prompt: You have completed the secret plot event [Meeting the mysterious visitor at the Dragon Tower]. Your identity in this event is a collaborator of the Dragon Worship Cult.

You successfully met with the Archbishop of the Dragon Cult and chose to cooperate to become an ally of the Dragon Cult, fighting for the Dragon Cult when necessary in exchange for the support of the Dragon Cult.

This event has been recorded in the Chronicles of the Sky, the Book of Shadows, which records a large number of secret events in the world of Sky.

The book will reveal relevant content two years after the events of the game.

Based on your performance in this event, you received 455 plot points. Your rank was improved. It is now Epic Level [-]. You gained a new hero feat, which you can view in the feat system.

Due to your cooperative relationship with the evil power of the Dragon Worship Cult, your blackness index has increased and is now 10%. 】

Hey, it actually rose to one level.

Murphy was a little surprised. After defeating Ner'zhul and C'Thun, he gained a lot of plot points and was about to advance.

I had a few points in the tribal battle before, but now I have a few hundred more points, and I have finally advanced.

Before he had time to check the new hero specialties, the system sound rang again.

[System prompt: You have obtained a new ally force - [Dragon Worship Church].

The Cult of the Dragon will send a high priest to serve you.

The Dragon Worshiping Cult will send a large number of Dragon Worshiping Evangelists to spread the faith of the Disaster Dragon.

Within the territory under your jurisdiction, the neutral mission monster [Dragon Worshiping Evangelist] will be randomly refreshed. The Dragon Worshiping Evangelist will continue to spread the faith of the Disaster Dragon and collect faith points for you.

After the adventurer completes the test of the Dragon Worshiping Evangelist, he can obtain the mission item - [Dragon Codex]. This item can trigger the [Dragon Guard] quest line.

Every time an adventurer completes this quest line, you will receive 1000 additional faith points and a [Dragon Guard]. You can add new combat strategies to the BOSS battle - summon the Demon Dragon Guard, summon the possessed demon Adventurers with the title of Dragon Guard fight for you.

You can issue exclusive faith quests to adventurers with the title of Dragon Guard.

After adventurers kill the Dragon Worshiping Preacher, they have a chance to obtain the mission item - [Dragon Worshiping Secret Book]. This item can trigger the [Prince's Conspiracy] quest line.

You will serve as the final BOSS of this quest line as the mission BOSS. You can also choose to assign a hero/BOSS under you to fight instead.

Every time an adventurer completes this quest line, your blackness index will increase by 1%, and your reputation in the alliance will drop by 1000 points.


(End of this chapter)

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