Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 461 Faith Expertise

Chapter 461 Faith Expertise
After negotiating the cooperation matters, Murphy chose to leave.

After all, this is someone else's territory, and Griffith is still a villain BOSS, so he always feels awkward after staying there for a long time.

After walking out of the Tower of the Dragon, Angus opened a portal and Murphy returned to his castle.

Returning to Longshang Castle, Murphy immediately clicked on the hero specialty system.

He was very curious about what hero specialties would be created this time.

[Feat 1: Holy Light Inspirer (Faith Specialty).You have witnessed with your own eyes the holiness and majesty of the Golden Holy Tree, and personally felt the kindness and love of the Holy Light.

As a result, you are inspired by the power of the Holy Light, and a yearning for and closeness to the Holy Light is gradually born deep in your heart, and you gain the ability to learn and use the Holy Light.

Expertise effect: Change your faith to Holy Light faith, and you can learn the divine skills of the Holy Light faction.

Note: Learning divine skills requires corresponding faith. The higher your faith level, the higher the level of Holy Light skills you can learn, and you will receive additional skill effect bonuses. 】

[Feat 2: Storm Controller (Faith Feat).You spread the storm wantonly, destroying villages and farms, making humble mortals tremble in front of the power of the storm and pray for the forgiveness of the Storm Dragon.From this, you will have a deeper understanding of the power of the storm. You can give mortals the power to survive the storm, further strengthen your body, and seize some of the power of the storm god.

Feat Effect 1: Gift of Storm.

When your followers enter a storm you summon, small eyes are created around them, shielding them from the storm's damage.

Creatures that refuse to believe in you suffer an additional 30% slowing effect and have a higher chance of taking environmental damage from the storm.

Feat Effect 2: Storm Authority.

You have stolen some of the power of the Storm God. You can convert the storm skills you have mastered into 'Storm Prayer' by spending faith points and teach it to your loyal believers.

(Your relationship with the Storm God decreases further). 】

[Expert 3: Dragon God Inheriter (pseudo) (faith expertise).In the process of contact with the Dragon Worship Cult, you gradually understand the Dragon Worship Cult's belief "Dragon Faith", which is the result of the diligent pursuit of life and power by small mortals.

Due to the divinity of your dragon form, you are considered to be the continuation of the legendary dragon god's bloodline and the reincarnation of the holy dragon. Although deep down in your heart you know that this is not the truth, you can still use this to your advantage. The power of faith of a fanatical believer can cast prayer skills similar to divine magic.

Specialty Effect 1: Reincarnated Holy Dragon (pseudo).You can learn and use the 'Dragon Prayer' series of skills.

Specialty Effect 2: Dragon God’s Authority (pseudo).Your secondary miracles now include 'Dragon Miracle', which you can use by spending faith points. This skill can only be cast in dragon form. Since your Dragon God's authority is not real, you must cast 'Dragon God'. The faith points consumed by Trace' are increased by 100%. 】

Hey, this time's expertise is a bit interesting.

All three are faith feats.

They belong to the Holy Light Faith, the Storm God Faith, and the Dragon God Faith.

Faced with these three choices, Murphy was in trouble.

Belief in the Holy Light is definitely not an option. You and the Holy Light are not on the same channel. Even if you learn it, you have to start practicing from the basics. Without special bonuses, a half-baked Paladin hero is meaningless.

But the remaining two faith choices are more confusing.

Both of these beliefs are very helpful to him currently, and they are very compatible.

The Storm Controller can strengthen the power of his storm and protect those who believe in him from the storm. This means that he can spread his faith better. Otherwise, if you believe in the Storm Dragon, you will still be hurt by the storm. That faith What's the point?
Maybe in a short period of time, relying on the power of the storm to scare people can attract some timid believers, but in the long run, no one will believe it.

Now with this effect, it is equivalent to giving believers the most intuitive benefit. As long as they believe in me, they will not be affected by the storm, and they can pray to me quickly.

The effect of this second specialty is also very valuable. At present, the biggest difference between him and the real gods is that he cannot benefit the believers. The big stick alone can only conquer the civilians who have little fighting ability. The real strong ones, He is not afraid of the damage from the storm at all, so naturally he will not take refuge because of it.

But with this storm authority, it is different. You can create prayer skills. What is this skill? It is power.

Although it is inferior to the systematic divine arts, with skill rewards, it can definitely increase a large number of believers.

Both of these effects can greatly enhance his efficiency in spreading his faith.

The two special effects of the Dragon God's successor also have similar effects. The Storm Miracle is still too simple, and the Dragon Miracle sounds very powerful.

Moreover, you can also learn a bunch of dragon prayer skills, and the combined ratio is quite good.

However, the expertise of Dragon God Inheritor still has some shortcomings.

First of all, Dragon Prayer is a skill system exclusive to the priests of the Dragon Worship Cult. I haven’t heard of any players using it yet. It’s really hard to say whether it is useful or not.

For safety reasons, he specifically asked about the content of Angus Dragon's prayer skills.

After asking, I was immediately disappointed.

The dragon prayer skill is somewhat similar to the dragon feast skill.

Dragon Skin Technique, Dragon Breath Technique, Dragon Might Technique... The ultimate move is [Dragon Transformation]. It sounds awesome, but it has serious negative effects. After transformation, it can only last for a period of time. When the time is up, the caster will Will die.

The Dragon Worshiping Priest in Dark Dragon's Nest used this trick, and Murphy was very impressed.

Moreover, Dragon Prayer is basically the effect of the dragon's unique ability. For someone like him who can directly transform into a dragon, it is really not attractive.

What concerned him the most was the word (fake). Did this mean that he, the reincarnated holy dragon, was a fake?

I figured it out.

The priests of the Dragon Worship Cult use [Prayer] instead of [Magic], which shows the problem.

In the game Sky World.

The positioning of divine magic is - magic created by gods and given to believers.In addition to corresponding beliefs, sufficient mental power is also required. The higher the mental power, the stronger the power.

The positioning of prayer is - a spell created by the power of mortals' fanatical faith.The corresponding faith is also required. The higher the faith level, the stronger the power.

Those who use divine magic are generally priests and priests under the command of the twelve main gods, including priests and priests among adventurers, who are all believers of the twelve main gods.

Those who use prayer are generally priests, witch doctors, and shamans of the wilderness demigods.

The former is extremely powerful, has outstanding effects, and has a complete skill system and a clear field of divine magic.

The latter has a small number of skills, a wide variety of skills, and often has various negative effects when used.

It can be seen from this that the Dragon God believed in by the Dragon Worship Cult is simply fake, at least not complete.

The person who created Dragon Prayer is most likely Griffith, an archbishop with some divinity.

In this way, the value of dragon prayer is greatly reduced.

Of course, the same principle applies to Storm Prayer. After all, he is not a god, but a divine creature.

However, prayer also has the benefits of praying. You can learn it even if you are not a priest or priest. As long as you have a blue bar and a faith level, you can use it.

After thinking about this, Mo Fei had already made up his mind and decided to choose Storm Controller.

System prompt: You have obtained a new hero specialty-Storm Master. New functions have been added to your belief system, which you can view in the belief interface.

Murphy immediately turned on the belief system.

[Storm Demon Dragon Belief (Devil God Belief/Secondary God)
Number of believers: 79.

Faith influence: weak.

Faith points: 33619.

Affinity of Faith: 27%.

Introduction to the doctrine: The Storm Dragon, which brings terror and disaster, is the incarnation of the storm in the eyes of mortals and a symbol of disaster. The fear of the Storm Dragon makes people avoid the name of Aidandron, but fear is destined to be there. It leaves a deep memory in the hearts of the people. Even if it is a symbol of disaster, it is also a carrier of faith.

Due to your intervention in the Sunshine Glade battle, the Storm Dragon gained some influence among the high elves, and some elves in the Windrunner family in Thousand Winds Glade chose to believe in you.

There are also a small number of believers among the centaur clan in Haotian City.

And in Alterac, your influence is also beginning to show.

Although you have very few followers, you still managed to steal some of the Storm God's authority, and you can create your own [Prayer] spell. 】

There is also an option to create a prayer below.

Click on Create Prayer, and the skill bar immediately appears. Some storm-related skills are displayed in bright colors, which are obviously skills that can be transformed.The other skills are all dark.

Murphy checked it out, Storm Blade, Storm Sky Slash, Storm Raid, Hurricane Armor, Wind Power (weapon special effects), Evoking Storm (weapon special effects)...

There are quite a few skills that can be transformed.

Mo Fei couldn't help but be a little surprised when he saw it. He didn't expect that weapon special effects could also be transformed into prayers...

After careful study, he had a rough understanding of the creative prayer function. He should have transformed his understanding of the power of the storm into specific skills, so as long as he had used the storm skills, he could do it.

So what skills need to be transformed?

After thinking about it, I chose the most powerful one first.

Click on the storm to split the air.

System prompt: Converting this skill into [Prayer] skill requires consumption of - 10263 faith points.

There are so many nest grasses!

Murphy was startled. It seemed that this creative prayer was really not cheap.

However, hero skills are extremely powerful, which is understandable.

This obviously cannot be transformed. I have a total of more than 3 faith points, but only 27% of the affinity, and I can mobilize eight or nine thousand of the power of faith.

Click on Storm Blade.

System prompt: Transforming this skill requires 2528 faith points.

Suddenly three-quarters were missing.

It seems that the more powerful the skill, the more points it consumes.

Convert storm skills into prayer skills with similar effects.The biggest difference from the original skill is that the prayer skill relies on mental correction. The higher the mental attribute, the greater the power of prayer. In other words, it is more suitable for professions such as priests, shamans, and priests.

But if you want a higher coverage rate, the choice of this skill type is very important.

A destructive skill like Storm Blade is of no use without the mental attribute. Especially for spellcasters like mages, who already possess powerful spells, having such an additional skill is useless.

Therefore, it is best to use functional skills that are not aimed at lethality but mainly at assisting.

The skills that meet this condition are relatively limited.

The first thing that Murphy decided to transform was the skill of hurricane armor.

There is absolutely no need to fear that no one will want your life-saving ability.

Especially for judicial professions, such as mages and priests, the most feared enemies of these professions are long-range monsters such as archers. Because legal professions generally have weak defenses, you can use various control skills to kite against melee combat, but There is no way to deal with archers, and they are easily targeted by long-range professions.

The hurricane armor can defend against long-range attacks and slow down melee enemies. It's an absolute magic skill.

I checked the conversion price and found that it requires 3573 faith points, which is acceptable.

Select Convert.

A virtual image of himself using hurricane armor suddenly appeared in front of him.

System prompt: Transformation successful, new skill obtained [Protective Whirlwind (Prayer)].

【Body protection whirlwind (prayer)

Learning requirements: Storm Dragon Faith.

Skill introduction: Summon a small whirlwind to protect yourself, which can deflect physical long-range attacks for 30 seconds. 】

The effect is much worse than that of hurricane armor. There is no blowing and slowing effect, and only the deflection effect on long-range attacks is left. It is a castrated version.

However, it is still very useful for adventurers.

For the second skill, Murphy chose Storm Raid. Without it, displacement skills are always valuable.

In fact, Thunder Cloud Storm is naturally better, but the price is too high and requires more than 5000 faith points, so we can only settle for the next best thing.

System prompt: Transformation successful, new skill [Wind Walking] obtained.

【Walking on the Wind (Prayer)
Learning requirements: Storm Dragon Faith.

Skill introduction: Summon the power of the wind to attach to your feet, increasing the jumping distance of your next jump by 300%. 】

This skill is not bad. Three times the jumping distance is equivalent to a medium-distance displacement skill. Especially this skill increases the jumping distance proportionally. For agile professions such as assassins, thieves, and monks that can jump very far, The effect is even more outstanding.

For legal professions, it's not bad either.

Murphy did not develop it again. Firstly, there was a lack of suitable templates. Secondly, the power of faith was really consumed.

Two skills consume more than 7000 points, which is something you can't afford.

But considering that you can do something big right away, this investment is still necessary.

With these two prayer skills as rewards, it is bound to attract more believers, including adventurers.

Next, Murphy revised the description of the Storm Dragon's beliefs.

The faith of the Storm Dragon is still too simple and crude. The simple worship of powerful creatures is no different from those wilderness demigods.

Thinking about the fate of those wilderness demigods, you know that this kind of belief has no future.

The race with the most faith in wilderness demigods in the world of the sky is the trolls.

Almost every tribe has its own wilderness demigod. The most famous one is the blood god Haka. This guy is a wilderness demigod whose prototype is a wind snake.

Most of the troll's spells borrow power from the wild demigods. In order to obtain power, a large number of sacrifices are often required.

However, the trolls have a bad habit of locking up the gods they believe in and directly sucking them up when they can't borrow them. As a result, they sucked several wilderness demigods to death. From this, it is not difficult to see that the power of these wilderness demigods is still relatively limited. .

Other famous ones include Ursol and Ursoc, the bear gods worshiped by furbolgs, Agamaggan, the wild boar demigod worshiped by the quilboars, Cenarius his father, Malorne, the white deer demigod, etc. .

Basically they are all animal-based.

Thinking about it being on the same level as a group of beasts that have become sperm, it is quite cheap.

Therefore, the power of faith can only be used as an auxiliary. If you want to become stronger, you still have to become a true god like the Dragon God and directly control the power of laws. That is the real Pava.

But now, the power of faith can still be used.

The spread of faith is nothing more than heaven and hell, carrot and stick.

What are the advantages of believing and what are the disadvantages of not believing.

Murphy consulted real-life religious theories and quickly came up with a plausible one.

[This world is about to be eroded by evil. Four terrifying disasters will come one after another. Countless demons and ghosts will bring endless disasters to this world.

In the end, there will be a storm that destroys everything, completely destroying all life in this world, purifying all filth and evil, and the world will usher in a new life.

And then only those who believe in the Storm Dragon can survive the storm and welcome a better life in the new world...]

After completing some modifications, Murphy curled his lips in dissatisfaction.

Well, it feels pretty good.

There's no way, bragging depends on strength, so don't overdo it for a divine creature.

PS: I owe an update.

(End of this chapter)

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