Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 462 The daily life of brick-moving players

Chapter 462 The daily life of brick-moving players

Archer Wushuang looked calmly at several big-horned deer foraging on the snowy slope in front of him. He was hiding behind a bush covered with snow, and his whole body was half-covered in the snow. His pet snow leopard was lying on the side, alone. Yi Chong has maintained this posture for more than ten minutes, almost blending into the surrounding snow.

The snow leopard looked at its owner curiously, seeming to be eager to try the nearby prey, and also seemed to wonder what they were waiting for. Archer Wushuang touched the snow leopard's head comfortingly, but Archer Wushuang was not in a hurry. Take action, his prey is something else.

Suddenly, a giant horned deer eating moss raised its ears alertly.


Archer Wushuang suddenly felt a bit of anticipation.

The next second, a giant wolf glowing with silver suddenly jumped out of the snow.

The big-horned deer immediately dispersed, and the giant wolf locked onto one of them without hesitation. With a "wild attack" followed by a "throat-locking bite", it knocked the big-horned deer to the ground.

Just as the frost wolf bit the big-horned deer, Archer Wushuang also tried his best to shoot an arrow. The snow leopard rushed out, turned into an afterimage, and pounced on the giant wolf.

1 minutes later--

Looking at the corpse of the frost wolf on the ground, Archer Wushuang let out a breath of joy, knowing that today's ribs were in order.

Arrow Ke Wushuang is a brick-and-mortar guy. Playing games is not only entertainment for him, but also a job.

In fact, he was just an ordinary player three months ago. At that time, he had not been fired from his last job and still had a fixed income of more than 1 yuan per month. Therefore, regarding the behavior of cheating in the game, He actually looked down upon it.

Playing games is of course for fun, talking about money is meaningless.

Although he discovered that the gold coins in the game could be sold for money, he still resisted and remained a normal player.

However, the hunter profession generally does not cost much, because he has pets as human shields, and he can save a lot of medicine money by leveling up and fighting monsters. He also has some skills. After playing for almost a year, he actually saved thousands of gold coins.

I was hesitating whether to use it to buy an epic bow or learn extraordinary combat skills, but the company went bankrupt.

Without a job, his savings were getting thinner, and it was hard to find a job. He had no choice but to sell the few thousand gold coins he had saved in his bag for tens of thousands.

In the next few months, he looked for a job while earning gold coins in the game. When he didn't find a job, he discovered that playing the game was actually quite profitable.

Especially after losing work and spending all day playing games.

There are still many players like him in the game. They know some game skills and are willing to endure hardships. 8 yuan for a gaming helmet is not a small sum, and those who can afford it have some savings.

But it’s hard to make money these days, so even if I’m playing games, if I have the opportunity to make some extra money, I won’t let it go.

The so-called Spare Rib Party is like this.

After the initial happiness, Archer Wushuang quickly discovered the business opportunities in the game, and the gold coins in this game were very strong.

I just happened to be fired from my job in real life, so I just started working as a professional gamer.

I have completely become a brick-moving player.

Archer Wushuang has no interest in participating in plot battles. Adventurers are basically cannon fodder in plot battles. Occasionally, he defeats a plot BOSS, and countless people snatch the pieces of equipment that are revealed. Individual players like him have no chance. No chance to get it.

He doesn't really like to play dungeons. The dungeons in this game are quite difficult, and there is a chance that adventurers will explode their equipment when they die, which consumes a lot of money.

The only thing he is good at is farming, to be precise, hunting wild beasts and skinning them to sell them for money.

Use the skinning skill on the frost wolf's body, and soon a piece of frost wolf fur appeared in the backpack. This thing is blue quality leather and is worth at least ten gold coins, which is 100 yuan.

Looking at the three pieces of frost wolf leather in his backpack, Archer Wushuang nodded with satisfaction. 300 yuan a day, rounded up, is a monthly income of over [-] yuan.

In the past, he made a living by brushing Yeti furs. The quantity was large and the price was low. Each piece was not worth half a gold coin. Ever since the Frostwolf tribe moved into the Alterac Mountains and was defeated by the Alterac/Lordaeron coalition, , there are more specialties like frost wolves in the mountains of Alterac.

On the contrary, these brick-and-mortar gangsters reaped a wave of dividends.

Seeing that it was getting late, Archer Wushuang chose to return to the city.

Walking on the streets of Alterac, Archer Wushuang felt like returning home. Ordinary fur shops bought furs at very low prices, but he knew a dwarf black marketeer who would give him a high price.

The streets of Alterac City today are a bit more noisy than in the past.

Those NPC citizens who usually have little presence gathered in the streets in groups.

what's the situation?Archer Wushuang thought in confusion.

I saw a young priest in a white robe among the crowd, preaching something loudly to the crowd.

Holy Light Evangelist: "Gentlemen, ladies, citizens, please come to me and listen to what I tell you - the sacred golden tree has been born. Those people who bathe in the light of the golden sacred tree will never have to worry about hunger. and pain, their diseases will be cured, their hearts will be cleansed, all good things will be realized, and all misfortunes will go away.

Although the light of the golden tree has not yet shined here, as long as you pray devoutly to the holy light, you will obtain salvation sooner or later.Believe in the Holy Light, citizens, that is your only path to salvation.

A terrible disaster is about to come, a terrible disaster that will sweep everything away, and darkness will cover the world for thousands of years. But don’t be afraid, as long as you believe in the Holy Light, you can avoid this disaster..."

Damn, it turned out to be a missionary.

Archer Wushuang looked at it for a while and then felt that it was not interesting. What about Thousand Years of Darkness? I thought I hadn't checked the game information.

The adventurers watching the excitement around them all looked disapproving. Only a few priest players, probably taking over church missions, shouted loudly to help.

Mr. Dade (Pastor): "I believe in the Holy Light. I believe in the Holy Light. This is the freshly baked Holy Light. If you don't believe it, come and see it."

Son of Light (Pastor): "Believe in the Holy Light and you will have eternal life. Believe in the Holy Light and make a lot of money. As long as you believe in the Holy Light, your waist will not be sore and your legs will not hurt, and you will be able to eat two more bowls of food."

On the other hand, among the NPCs, from time to time, a golden halo would appear above someone's head, which was a sign of being successfully deceived.

Archer Wushuang shook his head. He was too lazy to participate in such emergencies. It was more important to ship goods.

However, not long after walking, he saw another group of people, also a group of citizens, surrounding an NPC who was shouting loudly.

It's actually a yellow-listed unit.

Storm Dragon Preacher: "Gentlemen, ladies, citizens, this world is about to be eroded by evil. Four terrifying disasters will come one after another. Countless demons and ghosts will bring endless disasters to this world.

Eventually, there will be a storm that will destroy everything. It is a world-destroying disaster summoned by the Storm Dragon.

This doomsday storm will completely destroy all life in this world, purify all filth and evil, and allow this world to usher in new life.

And then only those who believe in the Storm Dragon can survive the storm and welcome a better life in the new world.

Believe in the Storm Dragon, that is your only path to salvation..."

What did Archer Wushuangxin say? What happened today?Are all the major churches out to solicit customers?

He shook his head and quickened his pace.

Ten minutes later, he arrived at the fur shop.

Throwing three frost wolf furs on the table, Archer Wushuang waited for the other party's evaluation.

The bearded dwarf businessman picked up the fur and looked at it.

Balin (black marketeer): "The leather is pretty good - eight gold coins."

Archer Wushuang (Hunter): "What, are you kidding? I got ten gold coins yesterday."

The dwarf shrugged, "You also said it was yesterday. The price of fur fluctuates. It is impossible to maintain a high price all the time. Eight gold coins is a lot. If you are not satisfied, you can go to the auction house, or Sell ​​it to a leather goods store and see if you can sell it for eight gold coins. Let me tell you, this is the best price for you."

Archer Wushuang looked at the dwarf businessman in front of him angrily. Dwarves have always been known for their honesty, but this dwarf with a mustache in front of him was extremely cunning, always finding excuses to lower prices.

This made Archer Wushuang very suspicious that this guy was pretending to be a player.

"Why are the prices fluctuating so much? There must be some important reasons. Are you trying to fool me?"

"Your Majesty Odin, you must not insult the integrity of a dwarf."

The dwarf screamed as if he had been greatly wronged.

"You don't know yet, but a boatload of adventurers just returned from Northrend yesterday. They brought back a large amount of Arctic furs. Northrend's furs are of better quality than Alterac's, and they are in large quantities. This shipment Of course the price will be reduced if the quantity is large. I advise you to sell it quickly, otherwise the price will drop again in a few days.

I heard that even the famous Hemet Nesingwari has summoned a hunting team to go there. The number of fur shipments in Northrend will only increase, and the prices will be reduced for a long time. "

Archer Wushuang was suddenly stunned. He had heard about the Northrend incident. Some time ago, many brick-moving parties he knew formed a group to hunt, mine and obtain materials in Northrend.

I heard that the monsters in Northrend were of very high levels and would be very dangerous to fight, but as long as they survived, everyone made a lot of money.

At that time, he also wanted to come, but he had made a lot of money from frost wolf skin before, and no one was grabbing monsters, so he didn't want to leave. He didn't expect that this would happen.

Archer Wushuang finally sold three frost wolf skins. Anyway, it was a net income. It was impossible to hoard goods. The gangsters always made as much money as they could.

Looking at the 24 gold coins in his hand, Archer Wushuang sighed, 240 yuan, and after deducting the handling fee, it would only be about [-] yuan in a month. It would be almost used up to pay off the mortgage. No, you must increase your income.

He hurriedly sent a private message to a bricklayer he knew.

(End of this chapter)

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