Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 463 The Demonic Dragon Mission

Chapter 463 The Demonic Dragon Mission
Archer Wushuang: "Hey, Brother Long, I heard you went to Northrend. How are you doing there?"

Long Xingtianxia: "There are much more resources here, and there are very few players. There is no one to grab them. If you want to come, hurry up and you can make a lot of money during the bonus period."

Archer Wushuang: "How did you get there?"

Long Xingtianxia: "Of course it's by boat. Take the boat of the Storm Dragon King Fleet. Just pay for the ticket. It's 50 gold coins."

Archer Wushuang: "Damn it, a boat ticket costs 500 yuan, what a money grab!"

Long Xingtianxia: "There is no way. This route is monopolized by others. If you want to go to Northrend, you can only take other people's ships. Don't be too expensive. Now everyone wants to go to Northrend to make a fortune. There are only so many ships." There are a few pieces, but you may not be able to buy them if you have money. They are hard to find now. If you want to buy them, you can go to the Chamber of Commerce headquarters in Alterac and ask."

Archer Wushuang hurried to the Chamber of Commerce to inquire about it, and suddenly felt a little desperate. There was actually no more ferry tickets. If you want to buy a ticket, you need to pre-order it. Because there are so many people, the queue has even been pushed to next month, and the price has also increased. Yes, it costs 80 gold coins each.

Okay, it’s no longer possible.

Archer Wushuang walked on the street, feeling despair in his heart.

Storm Dragon Evangelist: "Hey-hey, young man, this way!"

Archer Wushuang was stunned for a moment, and suddenly noticed a blue exclamation mark appeared on the opponent's head. He actually had a mission?Why didn't I find it before?

This kind of blue exclamation mark is usually a hidden task, which needs to meet certain conditions to be triggered, but I didn't do much.

"You called me?"

"Yes, come here, let's have a good chat. From the look of you, you must be in some kind of trouble."

"Nothing." Archer Wushuang was too lazy to talk nonsense to the NPC, "Do you need my help with anything?"

Preacher of the Dragon Worship Cult: "I see potential in you, the potential to become a dragon guardian.

Do you want to take the assessment? As long as you can pass the assessment, you can become a member of the Demon Dragon Guard. The Demon Dragon Guard is the loyal guard of the Storm Demon Dragon. In the coming doomsday storm, the Demon Dragon Guard will ride on the storm, Fight with the Storm Dragon against the ultimate enemy of mankind. When everything ends, in the new world cleansed by the storm, the Dragon Guard will usher in a new life..."

[System prompt: Trigger the 'Faith Mission' - the summons of the dragon, accept it or not, yes/no.

Warning: Completing this quest will change your beliefs. 】

Originally, triggering a hidden mission should be a very happy thing, but Archer Wushuang was worried about moving bricks and was not in the mood to watch the plot.

The gods that hunters believe in have little impact on the player's combat effectiveness, and they don't really care whether they change their beliefs.

"Skip, skip, I don't listen to this. Are there any benefits to becoming a dragon guard?"

Storm Dragon Evangelist: "Become a Dragon Guard, you can learn the exclusive prayer skills taught by the Storm Dragon, and you can ride the Storm Dragon King's fleet for free to Northrend or Kalimdor, and in the territory controlled by the Dragon Death Knights You can get a 10% discount if you spend in China..."

What!Take a boat ride!Archer Wushuang suddenly felt happy, then this task must be done.

Archer Wushuang (Hunter): "Please let me give it a try."

Storm Dragon Evangelist: "Very well, to become a Dragon Guard, you must complete three difficult tests. Are you ready? Adventurer, these tests are very difficult, and you must be mentally prepared."

Archer Wushuang (Hunter): "Ready."

Storm Dragon Evangelist: "Then let's start - the first test. To complete this answer sheet, you must answer 100% correctly to pass. Of course, considering that the question is too difficult, I will give you a [Magic Dragon Book"] ], you can read this book first and then answer the questions, it records all the truth about the Storm Dragon."

Damn it, why do you still want to read a book?
He finally opened the book and started reading.

[Storm Demon Dragon, also known as Storm Dragon King, whose name is Aidandron, is the king of the Storm Dragon Clan. He was born at the beginning of the universe, and his existence is even older than this universe...

It is said that the Storm Dragon is a symbol of disaster, a dragon that brings destruction and disaster, but in fact it is not the case. The ignorant wisdom of mortals cannot understand the true meaning of things...

Aidandron is the most sacred existence. Disasters are just manifestations. What they really represent is reincarnation. The destruction of the old world means the birth of the new world. The coming of the storm means the purification of evil...

The world is facing a terrible disaster, and the Storm Dragon was born in response to the disaster. It is both the end and the beginning...]

The content of this book is not much, only a few thousand words. It basically brags about how awesome and powerful this storm dragon is. It is a sacred ancient life, not an evil BOSS in the common sense.

It feels like there is no actual content, but more like a collection of game settings.

Moreover, looking at the grammatical writing style, it feels like a déjà vu of an online novel.

"I'm done," he said.

Storm Dragon Evangelist: "Very well, let's get started."

A question answering interface immediately appeared in front of Archer Wushuang.

Question [-]: The world is about to face endless disasters. Who will ultimately bring salvation to this world.

1. Lich King.

2. Sargeras, the Demon King.

3. Deathwing.

4. The invincible Storm Dragon King Aidandron.

Uh... Archer Wushuangxin said that he must choose 4.

I clicked on it and the answer was correct.

Question [-]: Who among the following four heroes made the greatest contribution in the war with the tribe.

1. King Tenaris. 2. King Lane.

3. King Aiden.

4. The brave and fearless Prince Aidan (the human form of Aidandron, the great Storm Dragon King).

No need to ask, it's so clearly marked.

Decisively choose 4.

Question [-]: Who defeated the ancient god C'Thun, helped the Dark Night Alliance defeat the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg, and maintained world peace.

1. Hogg, the leader of the jackals.

2. The fishman leader is old and blind.

3. The kobold king.

4. Storm Dragon King Aidandron.

Continue to choose 4.

Question [-]: Who sealed the soul of the Demon King Sargeras and freed the Guardian Medivh from his control.

1. Lisa Morgan.

2. Kael'thas.

3. Antonidas.

4. Prince Aidan.

The more Archer Wushuang answered, the more speechless and surprised he became. What was speechless was that this answering test was more of a time to brag than a test. Just pick 4 without thinking.

Are you surprised that this Aidan is so awesome?Punch the ancient god and stomp the demon king.

Really or not, this is too bragging.

Soon the ten questions were completed.

Storm Dragon Evangelist: "Very good, you have successfully completed the first test, full score, the great Storm Dragon King Aidandron, who will bring salvation to this world, he is the destroyer of the ancient gods, the devil The Slayer, the most powerful hero in the Alliance, and the savior of this world."

"Now, it's time for the second line of testing."

"The second test - defeat a wind elemental creature and enslave it with this scepter."

Wind elements are not difficult to find. You can encounter a large number of wind elemental creatures among the mountains of Alterac and on the towering wind cliffs.

The more troublesome thing is that the hunter is a physical profession, and monsters like wind elementals with 50% damage immunity are a bit anxious.

But this is not difficult. Archer Wushuang formed a mage to help and it was easily done.

The mission items were returned.

Storm Dragon Evangelist: "Well done, next will be your third test.

The third test - and the most difficult one, have you noticed those preachers of the Holy Light on the street? They are the lackeys of the Holy Light and the servants of the Golden Tree. They preach their ridiculous beliefs everywhere, which has seriously affected Enter the daily lives of the people of Alterac and slay a Evangelist of the Light to prove your loyalty to Edandron. "

What, kill the Evangelist of the Holy Light!This made Archer Wushuang feel a little embarrassed. This thing belongs to the Holy Light Church. If you kill it, you will lose your reputation. If you are wanted, you will be in trouble.

But it's not impossible. You can build up some reputation first. As long as you don't get negative reputation, you won't be chased. I don't know if my reputation is enough.

No matter what, I'm not a Holy Light profession.

However, it is not easy to kill. The Holy Light Evangelist is a level 60 elite unit with a blood volume of up to [-], which can be regarded as a mini-BOSS level. In addition, it is in the city, and it may cause the intervention of the guards, which is still a bit difficult. of.

Fortunately, there were many people doing this task. Archer Wushuang formed a team of five people and found someone to lure away the guards in advance. They beat him up and successfully solved it.

[System prompt: You killed the Holy Light Evangelist, your reputation in the Holy Light Church has dropped by 1000 points, your relationship with the Holy Light Church has dropped, and you are now indifferent. 】

Archer Wushuang breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he was just indifferent and wouldn't do anything when they met.

But in the future, if I want to go to the Holy Light Church to find a priest to exorcise the curse, I have no choice.

But don’t be afraid. The worst thing you can do is find a player to break the curse.

He couldn't wait to follow his teammates back to hand in the mission. When he returned to the street, he was dumbfounded. The Storm Dragon Preacher was lying on the ground, surrounded by a group of adventurers. He had already been killed.

"Wocao, you guys are so stupid, why did you kill the mission NPC?"

Before Archer Wushuang opened his mouth, his teammates couldn't bear it anymore.

The group of players explained, "This guy is not an NPC, but a neutral wild monster. We have just received a mission to eliminate the Storm Dragon Preacher and prevent him from deceiving the citizens with evil words."

Archer Wushuang's heart moved, "Where did I receive the mission from you?"

"Preacher of the Holy Light."

(End of this chapter)

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