Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 464 Offer Faith

Chapter 464 Offer Faith
I go……

Archer Wushuang was immediately speechless.

The feelings between myself and the person in front of me are going in both directions.

Great Strength Works Miracles (Paladin): "What's wrong, brother, there's no need to be so angry. It's just an NPC. It can be cleared after a while. Just take it easy. I have to go back and hand in the mission."

Archer Wushuang (Hunter): "I'm not angry, I'm just a little speechless. You should also look at it. I just killed the preacher of the Holy Light."

Vigorously works miracles: "I'll go..."

With such a pair of secret codes, the two groups of people immediately understood the current situation.

Emotions are like religious wars. The Holy Light Evangelist sent people to kill the Demonic Dragon Evangelist, and the Demonic Dragon Evangelist hired people to kill the Holy Light Evangelist. As a result, the two evangelists got together, which can be regarded as the ultimate exchange of one.

I can't understand why he can work miracles with great force, "Brother, you are stupid, your faith in the Holy Light is so awesome. The Storm Demon Dragon is just a world BOSS, and I guess it's not even a demigod. What's the benefit of believing in it."

"The ticket to Northrend is free."

"...Okay, this benefit is not bad, but unfortunately I am a Paladin, so I still have to gain the reputation of the Holy Light Church."

As he spoke, he reached out and touched the body, and immediately pulled out a book.

Fortunately, the mission items exploded.

[Dragon Cult Secret Code (Quest Item)
Item introduction: The religious book carried by the Dragon Preacher seems to hint at his origin. Give this book to the Holy Light Preacher. The priests seem to be very interested in this thing. 】

Archer Wushuang on the side was a little surprised, "Why did the Demonic Dragon Preacher reveal the Secret Code of the Dragon Worship Cult? Shouldn't it be the Secret Code of the Demonic Dragon?"

Dali Miracle explained: "My mission introduction said that Prince Aidan secretly colluded with the Dragon Worship Cult, so I need to collect evidence. I won't go into details, I have to hand in the mission."

Although the mission NPCs on both sides are gone, fortunately this is a game and NPCs will still appear.

And there is not only this preacher of the Holy Light in the city, but there are many adventurers who have achieved the Demonic Dragon Guard achievement. After searching for a long time, I finally found a living preacher of the Holy Light.

Dali performed a miracle and handed the mission items to the Holy Light Preacher, but the other party took a look at the Secret Book of the Dragon Worship Cult and suddenly showed an angry expression.

Holy Light Evangelist: "Let me see, damn it, I know that the true identity of Storm Dragon King Aidan Delon turns out to be an ally of the Dragon Worship Cult. By cooperating with such an evil organization, Prince Aidan may have already fallen into darkness." !”

He asked curiously, "What kind of organization is the Dragon Worship Cult?"

Holy Light Evangelist: "The Dragon Worship Cult is a very ancient evil organization that flourished thousands of years ago. They tried to enslave humans and make them slaves of dragons forever. They were later eliminated by Emperor Thoradin. Unexpectedly, There are still remnants.

What is even more unexpected is that Prince Aidan of Alterac actually has contact with this evil organization. No wonder he can transform into a dragon. There must be a more terrifying conspiracy in it. "

Vigorously performed miracles: "Ah! What should we do? Should we report this matter to the Holy Light Church?"

Holy Light Evangelist: "No, this secret book alone cannot prove Prince Aidan's betrayal. More concrete evidence must be found. Adventurer, are you willing to accept this arduous task and find a way to sneak into Longshang?" Castle, that is Prince Aidan's evil stronghold, and the definite evidence is found in Prince Aidan's room."

System prompt: Trigger church mission - The Prince's Conspiracy.

Mission content: Sneak into Longshang Castle, find evidence of Prince Aidan’s corruption, and bring the evidence back to the Holy Light Church.

Mission reward: Advanced Divine Spell ×1, Gold Coin ×100, Holy Light Church Reputation ×1000.

This must be accepted!He thought to himself, "Everything else is fine. This advanced magic is very powerful. Currently, you can only get it by completing hidden missions in the church. A powerful skill can often double the player's value."

But how to sneak into Longshang Castle?This is a problem...


Dragon Evangelist: "Well done mortal, you have proven your loyalty and are qualified enough to become a member of the Dragon Guard. In the coming doomsday storm, you will definitely become a survivor of the new world. Now, go to Longshang Castle and meet the incarnation of the Storm Dragon..."

Archer Wushuang glanced at the corpse on the ground, and then at the Dragon Preacher who made an impassioned speech. There was nothing unusual about it, and he thought to himself that this NPC refreshes very quickly.

[System prompt: After completing the test, you can go to Longshang Castle to meet the Storm Dragon King.

Mission reward - Obtain the title [Dragon Guard].

Very good!
Archer Wushuangxin said that he could go to Northrend to continue moving bricks.

I can't wait to get ready to go, but before I go, I have to go to Longshang Castle to receive the other half of the mission reward.

Fortunately, Dragon Shang Castle is not far outside Alterac City, and it didn't take long to arrive. As soon as we arrived at the outside of the castle, we saw a group of paladins and priests wandering around the castle.

There is actually an acquaintance.

"Hey, Brother Dali, what are you doing here?"

Archer Wushuang said as he was about to enter the castle, the guard at the door naturally gave way to the way.

This suddenly attracted the attention of the Paladin and Priest players.
"Ah, Brother Archer, aren't we on a mission? We need to go to the castle to steal a mission item. Are you going to hand in the mission? Can you do me a favor and take me into the castle."

Archer Wushuang glanced at the Dragon Sword Knight guard at the city gate and asked uncertainly: "Is it possible?"

"You'll know after you give it a try. Do me a favor. How about 50 gold coins as long as you can take me in."

Archer Wushuang is not the kind of stingy person. The key is that moving bricks has become natural. Of course he will not miss it if he makes money.

"Okay, but let's make an agreement first. I won't refund the money if the guards don't let you in."

"And me and me!"

"Brothers, please team up with me."

Four people were formed in one breath, and these four people followed Archer Wushuang and walked in. The guard actually didn't stop them.

After entering the castle, Archer Wushuang dismissed the team. If these people were caught stealing something later, he didn't want to be implicated.

Following the long queue carrying out tasks, he soon arrived at the castle hall of the Knights.

Prince Aidan sat on the lord's throne.

Aidan (Leader of the Dragon Knights): "Very good young warriors, you have proved your loyalty and faith. Welcome to become a member of the Dragon Guard. Now, offer your faith to me, and you will be rewarded."

Murphy recited his lines enthusiastically to several adventurers. He was not so excited about joining these adventurers, but mainly because he had gained a lot of faith points in this day.

Mo Fei looked at the faith points with satisfaction. In just two days, he had earned more than 5 faith points. If it weren't for the fact that the number of Holy Light preachers in the city was too small and the refresh rate was too slow, he would have been unable to do the third round of the Dragon Guard mission. You need to wait for the refresh slowly, there may be more.

After all, who doesn’t want free boat tickets?

This is the benefit of having scarce resources.

Creatures like adventurers don't regard you as a god or a demon. Don't try to deceive people without giving them benefits.

As long as there are benefits, not to mention the Storm Dragon, even the Burning Legion will still work.

Fortunately, he still has some resources at his disposal. Although the benefits he can provide are not too amazing, they are irreplaceable. With the free tickets and the Storm Dragon Prayer skill, he has attracted many believers.

But compared with the believers absorbed by the Holy Light Church, it is still far behind.Because the Holy Light Preacher is a belief in the main god, it has a very good effect on NPCs. In comparison, the Storm Dragon belief is pitiful.

After sending away a wave of adventurers, new adventurers immediately came up.

Mo Fei had no choice but to continue repeating his lines.

Aidan (Leader of the Dragon Knights): "Very good young warriors, you have proved your loyalty and faith. Welcome to become a member of the Dragon Guard. Now, offer your faith to me, and you will be rewarded.

Mortal, from now on, you are my servant. Serve me and I will give you great power. ""

Several players on the side immediately knelt down on one knee, "Great Storm Dragon, I am willing to offer my faith to you, and I am willing to pray to you devoutly..."

Archer Wushuang was confused. He was a hunter and had never entered a temple. How could he offer his faith?
"Hey brother, how do you do this?"

"It's very simple. Open the action interface. There is a 'prayer' action in it. Add the keyword Storm Demon Dragon to the prayer action, or you can just follow it and the system will determine it."

Archer Wushuang read it again.

System prompt: You are praying to a 'divine creature'. Do you want to abandon your original belief and convert to a new one?whether.

Um?Do I still have an object of faith?
Archer Wushuang checked it and found out that it was true. He used to believe in the sun god Anser. He seemed to have chosen it randomly when setting up his account, but it didn't seem to have any impact. It was mainly of no use to the hunter profession.

[System prompt: You have gained a new faith [Storm Dragon Faith]. Due to your status as a dragon guard, you have received the gift of the Storm Dragon. You can learn one of the following two prayer skills for free. 】

Archer Wushuang checked the bonus skills, Wind Step and Protective Whirlwind.

Hey, the rewarded skills are actually pretty good.

Archer Wushuang looked at the two prayer skills in front of him and was quite surprised.

Originally I just wanted to get a boat ticket for free, but I didn't expect that I would get an unexpected reward.

No need to think about it, it must be Wind Walking. For long-range hunters, mobility is quite useful. However, he also noticed the description of the skill of Protective Whirlwind. This skill is specifically for long-range physical attacks. It seems that PVP will be used in the future. Be careful.

[Dragon Guard (rare title)
Title reward: You can ride on the ship of the Storm Dragon King fleet for free, Storm Dragon Prayer ×1, Dragon Mark ×1.

Title introduction: The title of a fanatical believer of the Storm Dragon Aidandron. You are willing to do anything to protect the Storm Dragon. When the Storm Dragon encounters danger, you will accept the call and fight for it. 】

As soon as Murphy sent these adventurers away, a system prompt sounded in his ears.

[System prompt: Someone has stolen evidence of your collusion with the Dragon Worship Cult, triggering a pursuit. Whether to participate in the war, you can also assign a subordinate to accept the challenge, or the system can generate a clone.

Mission goal: Chase down the adventurers who sneaked into Longshang Castle and eliminate the targets before they escape from Longshang Castle.

Mission successful: your crime will go undetected.

Mission failure: Your blackening index will increase by 1%, and your reputation in the alliance will drop by 1000 points. 】


Murphy had a headache. As much as it was fun to increase faith points, it was very annoying to catch adventurers.

When he returned to the castle two days ago, he found a box in the bedroom that could not be moved or destroyed. As long as the adventurer opened the box, he could find a secret letter written by the Dragon Cult to Prince Aidan.

In the past two days, adventurers have been sneaking in from morning to night to steal messages.

He couldn't stop for most of the night.

Originally, he thought that this quest line would trigger a BOSS battle. As the quest BOSS, it was not fun to eliminate these trustworthy adventurers. Unexpectedly, the final challenge was hide and seek. As long as the adventurers escaped from the confines of Longshang Castle, the quest would be completed. .

So in order not to lose his reputation, he had spent the past two days trying his best to catch the thief.

Moreover, this task can only be completed by one BOSS at a time, which is really troublesome.

Fortunately, he had one piece of equipment that was suitable for the current situation.

[Fel Eye of Eranikus (off-hand item/epic)]

This piece of equipment has a very useful special effect——

Equipment special effect 2: evil dragon magic eye.Summon a levitating dragon eye with 300 health points and gain the vision of the evil dragon eye. The evil dragon eye can move freely within 1000 yards around you and can see invisible units.

This thing is simply prepared for this situation.

Murphy had already flown the evil dragon's magic eye to the top of the castle. At this time, he directly opened the magic eye's vision, and the bird's eye view of the entire castle immediately came into view.

The four adventurers were sneaking out of the castle from different directions.

A man on horseback prepared to force his way through the gate.

A thief turned on stealth and wanted to sneak out.

One sneaked into the basement, probably hoping to wait for the storm to pass before running out.

One climbed up to the roof and tried to jump out from behind the castle wall.

"Hey, you're quite smart. We split up and acted separately. It's a pity that you met me."

Murphy walked out of the castle directly, transformed into a storm dragon, flew to the city gate first, and blasted the riding paladin to death with one breath.

Then he flew to the top of the building and slapped the assassin who was about to climb over the wall to death.

Then the thief, and finally the guy hiding in the cellar.

In less than 5 minutes, all four adventurers were wiped out.

Back in the lord's hall, Mo Fei became worried.

It's not a problem to keep being like this. You can only be a thief for a thousand days, but you can't prevent a thief for a thousand days.

Got it!Mo Fei suddenly had an idea and simply summoned the companion storm back, letting the companion storm directly envelope Longshang Castle.

With the heroic specialty of Storm Controller, his followers and subordinates will not be harmed by the storm at all and can enter and exit freely. However, those who want to steal mission items will suffer environmental damage once they enter the storm, and the storm will slow them down. The thunder and lightning output, coupled with the constant patrolling of the Storm Dragon Knight in the sky, makes it impossible to escape even if you ride a flying mount.

Now I can finally sit back and relax.

From this day on, Longshang Castle was shrouded in a strange storm, and it became a special landscape in Alterac.

 It has been a bit difficult to write these two chapters recently, mainly because I want to present the process of this faith mission, but the writing is not very touching and feels a bit stiff.

  If I don’t write it, it seems like something is missing.

  All in all, it was a headache, but I finally finished it. I'm sorry if I found it boring.

  Next, return to the main line.

(End of this chapter)

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