Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 465

Chapter 465
Believers' beliefs are divided into levels: pan believers, shallow believers, true believers, devout believers, fanatic believers, and the Holy Spirit.

The lowest level is the pan-believer, who can only provide single-digit faith points. Basically, they are the kind of people who just shout about the blessing of the holy light, the goddess of life, Odin's beard, and so on.

From this point of view, almost most dwarves can be regarded as pan-believers of Odin.

Light believers will participate in prayer rituals, true believers will study doctrines seriously, devout believers will pray to the gods devoutly, and fanatic believers can do anything for the gods, killing innocent people and giving their lives.

Therefore, according to the system's judgment, adventurers who can complete the three tests are judged by the system to be the highest-level fanatic believers, and each can provide 1000 faith points.

After all, faith is difficult to quantify, so it can only be judged by fixed standards. Each adventurer can pay the price of his life for his faith, which is naturally the standard for fanatical believers.

After a few days, Murphy's faith points skyrocketed. Even after deducting daily consumption, his faith points were still close to the one hundred thousand mark.

And due to the adjustment of the Storm Dragon's faith content, his faith consistency has also been increased to 39%, which means that he can call up to about [-] faith powers.

Now I finally don’t have to worry about just putting in two miracles and it will be empty.

The control of adventurers who are trying to complete the [Prince's Conspiracy] quest line is also very successful.

This Evil Dragon's Eye is definitely the MVP. With this magic monitoring device, the adventurers who come to steal superstitions can't hide. Mo Fei will occasionally hand over the Evil Dragon's Eye to his subordinates to guard it. After all, he still has his integrity. Things to do.

With nothing to do, Murphy also began to pay attention to the war between the tribe and the elves.

During the time when Mo Fei was spreading his faith, the war between the tribe and Silver Moon City gradually entered a fever pitch.

After defeating the Windrunner Ranger Legion, Silvermoon City was completely exposed to the Horde's forces. However, it was not easy to launch an siege, because outside Silvermoon City, a huge rune was Protected by a barrier.

This powerful magic barrier was established by the elves when they founded their country to protect their city from the siege of the surrounding troll clans. After thousands of years of continuous reinforcement, this magic barrier is said to be unbreakable - —cannot be destroyed.

Of course, like all things that set up such a flag, this 'undestructible' rune barrier was also breached twice.

Historically, during the Second Orc War, the Horde army was blocked by this rune barrier and was unable to break through. In the end, Gul'dan's evil magic destroyed the rune barrier.

Later, when the Scourge Legion attacked Silvermoon City, they were also blocked by the rune barrier. However, due to the betrayal of the elf traitor Darkan, the rune barrier was successfully destroyed.

In this life, Darkan was killed by elven players early on. Although Grogo Evil Eye has mastered the power of evil, it is still far behind Gul'dan. Use this rune enchantment There was nothing that could be done, so much so that the tribal army was blocked by the rune barrier for three days and could not break through.

However, on the fourth day, an uninvited guest came to the tribe's camp.

Wearing a luxurious body armor, the hollow patterns are exquisite and gorgeous. He carries two scimitars behind his back. He has long snow-white silver hair. His gestures are full of nobility, and his delicate face has a slightly cold smile.

A handsome elf boy who could be called 'beautiful' swaggered into the camp of countless ferocious orcs.

Looking at this bold elf, the orc soldiers all showed malicious expressions and surrounded him one by one with battle axes and staffs.

Faced with heavy siege, the handsome elf man said proudly, "Take me to see your chief. I have brought the tribe a chance to win."

5 minutes later - the tribal chief's camp.

The elf successfully met the chief of the tribe.

Ba Dao Qing Wu (tribal chief): "Welcome to the tribe, young elf prince, do you have anything to do with me?"

Blood Shadow Chonglou (Prince of Silver Moon City): "I know you are blocked by the rune barrier. I have a way to help you break through this barrier. I can even lead the elves to join the tribe. But I have three conditions. As long as you agree to these three conditions, I can help the tribe win this war."

Ba Dao Qingqing laughed after hearing this, "Oh, tell me, what are the conditions?"

"The first condition is, give me 1000 million when the deal is accomplished. You must pay as long as the rune barrier is destroyed, regardless of whether you can break through Silver Moon City.

The second condition is that after the war, the tribe must support me as the leader of the elves and hand over all the elven captives to my command.

The third condition is that if you can capture Silver Moon City, I must share the water from the Sunwell. "

These three conditions are not low, but considering that the other party claims to be able to easily break through the rune barrier, it is not too harsh.

However, Ba Dao Qingwu chuckled and said, "Sorry, I'm afraid I can't promise you."

"Hmph, are you sure that the rune barrier cannot be broken if no one destroys it from the inside? If we want to quickly destroy the rune barrier, as a member of the Elf Royal Family, only I can do it. "

Ba Dao Qing Wu (tribal chief): "But you are not the only prince in the Elf Royal Family. Come out, rebel, and meet your brother."

As soon as he finished speaking, an elf prince with blond hair and a gorgeous robe walked out of the room behind him. Blood Shadow Chonglou immediately recognized him, and the other party also recognized him.

Rebel (Prince of Silver Moon City): "Damn it, Blood Shadow Chonglou, you are just a kid. I know you are not an old bird, but you betrayed my elves, how shameless."

Xueying Chonglou was startled, but he immediately came back to his senses. This guy was definitely not a good person if he appeared here.

"Gan, didn't you come here to lead the way? How dare you scold me?"

"That's different. Brothers, my position has been clear for a long time. I have always called on elves to join the tribe. Didn't you see that my names are all rebels? I thought that I would bring elves to join the tribe, but I didn't expect Ah, I didn’t expect that even if I, the rebel, rebelled, your boy’s slogan of fighting to the end every day was the loudest, and I didn’t expect that you would also come to lead the way.”

The blood shadow remained unchanged, "I just know how to disguise. Do you think everyone is as stupid as you?"

While the two elf princes were arguing, an orc guard suddenly burst in from outside the door.

Orc Guard: "Warchief, there is an elf named Handsome Jack outside who wants to see you. He said that he brings the only chance for the tribe to win."

Soon the third elf prince also ran in. The three princes looked at each other in confusion, and the atmosphere was somewhat awkward.

Ba Dao looked at the happy scene in front of him ruthlessly but happily, not to mention how proud he was.

This is what the people want. Our big tribe has just arrived at the city, and even the elven royal family is eating pots of jelly to welcome the king's army, so they ask how they can lose this battle.

He was not too surprised by this situation. Historically, the elves had joined the tribe in the later period. He originally thought that due to changes in history, this matter would go wrong. He was also thinking about how to collect a few at once. Where's the traitor?

But I didn't expect that someone among the elf players would come to seek refuge.

"Okay, everyone, there is no need to argue. Everyone has the same goal. I also agree with your ideas. It is time for the elves to join the big family of the tribe.

I understand all your requirements. I can give you money, power, and strength.

But this is a buyer's market after all. It only takes one person to destroy the rune barrier. If the three of you come together to seek cooperation, it's impossible for me to give you three rewards.

How about this, after the deal is completed, each of you will receive 100 million, and I will give you some of the water from the Sunwell. As for who will be the Elf King, you three can discuss it among yourself, or you can just imitate the princes from Alterac. Forget it, set up a prince's council.

Of course, I won’t force you if you don’t want to. If someone quits, the benefits will naturally be left to the remaining people. Which of you is interested in taking this job? "

The price was cut by half, and the three princes looked at each other, speechless. This was really true - one prince carried water to drink, two princes carried water to drink, and the three princes had no water to drink.

If there was only one person serving as the leader, he would definitely set the price casually. Now that the leader has to compete for positions, this is a bit troublesome.

Xue Ying Chonglou sighed, hooked his hands, and motioned for the two of them to come over to discuss.

The three princes came together, and Xueying Chonglou whispered: "I said, it's better to do this..." His voice became smaller and smaller, and the two cheap brothers just wanted to get closer and hear it clearly.

The Blood Shadow Chonglou suddenly flew up, swinging out two scimitars, and a shrill white light suddenly flashed out.

Hero Skill - Circle of Death Dance!
Two heads flew up directly.
7852 (fatal blow)!
7983 (fatal blow)!It was unlucky for these two people. Because they were legal professions, their defenses were low. In addition, because they were here to negotiate, they had no defense. They were talking to their brothers, and they were killed with one move.

The blood shadow fell back to the ground, turned around and looked at Ba Dao Qingwu, casually shook off the blood beads on the two scimitars, and said calmly: "Now, we can have a good talk - Your Excellency, the Great Chief."

Ba Dao Qingwu was also shocked, Wo Cao—a ruthless man, he will kill his brother whenever he says.

He is also a sensible person. As soon as he saw this situation, he knew that there was no chance of bargaining.

He couldn't help but smile, "Guess what, I think the three conditions you just made are very reasonable. I agreed. As long as the rune barrier is destroyed, the 1000 million will be lost immediately.

As long as Silvery Moon City is captured, you will have a 5% share of the well water in the Sunwell.As for the Elf King, it doesn't matter if you become the Elf King after the war, but you have to make sure that the Sun King dies. "

"Don't worry, I will send father on his way."

"Then it's settled, I'll just accept it."

Blood Shadow Chonglou: "What Boss Ba Dao said is unreasonable. This is my honor. After all, the blood elves should belong to the tribe."

As the two of them were saying this, the guard came to announce that another visitor had arrived.

This time, a group of trolls came, led by Zuljin, the leader of the Amani trolls.

The trolls are also the old enemies of the elves. The two races have fought for thousands of years. The Amani trolls once established a powerful empire. However, since they were defeated by the coalition forces of elves and humans 3000 years ago, they have become worse day by day. Now it can only huddle in the ancient troll city Zul'Aman, and almost all its outer territories have been lost.

Now that I heard that the orcs were attacking Silvermoon City, I immediately ran over to join them.

The Amani trolls are welcome to join Ba Dao Qingwu. Although there are trolls in the tribe, they are all small tribes recruited from Stranglethorn Vale. They are still incomparable to the Zul'Aman trolls whose ancestors were richer.

A tall troll chief walked in and immediately became alert when he saw the blood-shadowed building.

Ba Dao Qing Wu (tribal chief): "Don't be nervous Zuljin, this elf prince is our ally, just like you."

Zuljin looked at the Blood Shadow Chonglou with vigilance, then glanced at the two corpses on the ground, and nodded noncommittally.

He first bowed his head ruthlessly and respectfully to Ba Dao.

Zuljin (Amani Troll Chief): "The great and ruthless war chief, the Amani trolls and the elves have been enemies for thousands of years. If we are enemies of the elves, we are willing to join the tribe, but we must defeat the elves. After that, the Dark Forest must be assigned to our troll family.”

Xueying Chonglou sneered disdainfully, it was really funny that these ugly trolls dared to come to seize the territory.

Although he chose to betray, Blood Shadow Chonglou does not intend to be a weak leader. The tribe cannot defeat it, and you group of trolls have turned the world upside down.

The princes and princesses of Quel'Thalas used trolls as a daily routine when they had nothing to do. Several troll bosses died at his hands, so they had a natural psychological advantage over the trolls.

Blood Shadow Chonglou (Prince of Silvermoon City): "The Dark Forest is the territory of Quel'Thalas. There is nothing to discuss about this. If you want the Dark Forest, bring your troops to take it."

Zul'jin (Amani Troll Chief): "Don't think I'm afraid of you point-eared elves. If it weren't for the help of your human allies, the elves would have been killed by our Amani trolls long ago. Now without the help of the alliance, You elves would be better off just getting out of this forest. Only in this way can you survive."

Blood Shadow Chonglou (Prince of Silvermoon City): "I don't need any help to deal with you wastes. Times have changed Zul'jin. The Amani Empire has long been wiped out. Now only you poor remnants and defeated generals are left. Even if we gather together All your people have no meaning, otherwise why have you done nothing in the past few months, huddled in Zul'Aman and waited for destruction.

If the tribe hadn't arrived, would you have dared to leave that city?Don't kid yourself trolls. "

Regarding the dispute between trolls and elves, Ba Dao Qingqing naturally favors the elves. Otherwise, the trolls have joined the tribal camp. Although they are jungle trolls of the Gurubashi clan and do not belong to the same species as the forest trolls, the trolls The demon race is not considered popular to begin with.

The real usefulness of the Amani trolls is the [-] troops. Although there are many troops, for the tribe, the most indispensable thing is warriors.

In contrast, the elves are very important to him, as they are responsible for the future appearance of the tribe.

With the optional race of elves, the number of tribal adventurers has definitely skyrocketed.

Ba Dao Qingqing (the chief of the tribe): "Zul'jin, you kid, don't be ignorant of good and evil. The elf is right. This world depends on strength. If your warriors are as brave as you say, with your strength It was enough to regain the territory, so why come to the tribe for help.

But I am merciful, and I can give you part of the territory, but now the elves will also join the tribe, and it is impossible to take back all the territory. "

Ba Dao Qingqing said, taking the map and without any nonsense, he directly drew a line on it.

"With the Darkwater River as the boundary, the forest on the north bank of the river belongs to the Amani trolls, and the forest on the south bank of the river belongs to the elves.

Looking at the distribution on the map, Zul'jin reluctantly nodded. The Amani trolls were previously encircled and suppressed by the elves and humans, and were beaten to pieces. They had been compressed to a small area near Zul'Aman.

Now that two-thirds of the territory has been opened up at once, I can finally take a breath.

As for the remaining territory, we will talk about it later.

"If this is the case, we Amani trolls will send thirty thousand warriors to fight for the Horde."

Ba Dao Qing Wu (tribal chief): "We will launch an attack tomorrow and lead your warriors to meet here as soon as possible. Prince of Blood Shadow Chonglou, I will leave the rune enchantment to you."

The next day, when the tribe launched another attack, the elf mages who relied on the rune barrier for defense were horrified to find that the orcs had easily crossed the boundary of the barrier.

They tried to activate the barrier, but nothing happened.

Facing the tidal army of orcs, these mages were so frightened that they had no choice but to flee and return to Silvermoon City to report to the Sun King.

"What, the rune barrier has been destroyed, what's going on?"

The Sun King was extremely shocked and angry. Although the defense of Silver Moon City was strong, the rune barrier was. Unexpectedly, it was broken in just three days.

The mage who reported the report said with a sad face, "Your Majesty, we tried to reactivate the rune barrier before we left, but there was no response. Someone destroyed the barrier stone of the rune barrier."

The Sun King felt a chill in his heart. The barrier stones were all located inside the barrier. Those who could destroy the barrier stones must be the elves within the barrier.

Could it be that there is a traitor in Quel'Thalas?

Blood Shadow Chonglou (Prince of Silver Moon City): "Father, I think this must be the work of a traitor."

"Who do you think it could be?" the Sun King asked subconsciously.

Xueying Chonglou said categorically: "Except us, the Sun Royal Family, everyone is suspected."

There is some truth to this. As the rulers of Silver Moon City, the Sun Royal Family has the largest vested interests and is the only group that cannot betray them.

All the princes and princesses also nodded in agreement.

The Sun King also thought it made sense, but this was not said. There were so many mages and noble factions in Silver Moon City, and there were many people who had access to the rune stones. It was impossible to investigate at this time.

For the current plan, we can only defend the city first, but we must take precautions against the nobles. At present, only our sons and daughters are absolutely reliable.

He thought to himself as he looked at the elf princes and elf princesses around him.

Little did he know that his eldest son was ready to take over.

Solanlian (Great Astromancer): "Don't worry, Your Majesty. The magic legions of our elves have already been prepared. Even if those barbaric orcs have an army of millions, they will not be able to break through our defenses."

(End of this chapter)

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