Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 466 The orcs rush forward

Chapter 466 The orcs rush forward

Anastria nodded slightly. The matter had reached such a point that he had no other choice.

For now, there is only one battle.

It's time for the magical legions of Quel'Thalas to show off the power of magic!
Anastria (Sun King): "Pass my order to fully assemble the garrison forces in Silvermoon City and mobilize all those who can participate in the war. This battle is related to the life and death of our elves. I want every elf who can cast magic." All ready to fight.

Mages from all the major families will participate in the war. Prepare to fight, compatriots. The most dangerous moment in Quel'Thalas has arrived. "

As the Sun King issued a general mobilization order, the elves in Silver Moon City immediately took action.

There will inevitably be some chaos. The Elf Kingdom is alone at the northern end of the continent, and peace has lasted for thousands of years. Especially the nobles of Silvermoon City, who hide in the magic tower every day to study magic and rarely participate in the war with the trolls, can't help but feel a little alienated. for war.

However, Silvermoon City is a magical kingdom after all. Although magic has countless uses, the most thoroughly studied one is undoubtedly used in war.

Therefore, after a brief period of chaos, the proud elves quickly showed a certain morale.

The nobles were recruited to form a mage group, and the civilians were also armed. Most of the elves were good at bows and arrows, and no matter how bad they were, they could stand on the city wall and shoot arrows.

Even when all the people are mobilized, 10,000+ troops can be organized for defense.

Just as the Sun King and the major elven nobles left to prepare for the war, the princes and princesses of Quel'Thalas gathered together for a small meeting.

It has to be said that in terms of appearance alone, the combined tribes of the Alliance are not as good as one Elf clan. The Royal clan also has a charm bonus. Dozens of handsome guys and beauties gather together, like a model convention, which is very pleasing to the eye.

Alpha (Elven Swordmaster): "There is a traitor among us."

An older elf with a short beard said in a deep voice, looking at everyone present.

This statement did not surprise anyone. Since everyone knows their own affairs, it is not surprising that players can do anything.

The most famous traitor in the history of the elves is Darkan. Now that Darkan is dead, it stands to reason that no one should betray him, so the only possibility is the player.

Galadriel (Grand Magister): "Who?"

Alpha (Elven Sword Master): "Blood Shadow Tower - The rebels have told me that this guy destroyed the rune stones and allowed the orcs to break through our defenses. I'm right, Lao Jiu."

After hearing this, Xueying Chonglou smiled slightly and did not refute.

This time it was almost acquiescence, and the rest of the people immediately glared at him.

Fen Xin Tinghai (Great Elementalist): "What the hell, what's in it for you? Why betray me."

Alpha (Elven Swordmaster): "Xueying Chonglou is going to lead the elves to join the tribe."

Fen Xin Tinghai (Great Elementalist): "I'm really convinced. You must be mentally ill. In history, there were various reasons for elves to join the tribe. Why do you want to add more force to this situation now?"

Xueying Chonglou said disdainfully, "Don't you guys understand? Without a force of their own, elves are destined to become cannon fodder. Whether it's an alliance or a tribe, they have to find a backer. Now my father refuses." If I want to return to the Alliance, I can only choose the tribe, and I also think about the future of my tribe."

Fen Xin Tinghai (Great Elementalist): "I think you want to be the Elf King just for yourself. Blood Shadow Chonglou, you bastard, just listen to me. Even if you die, I won't let you get what you want."

Xueying Chonglou sneered, "Haha, if you want to die, I won't stop you. I don't mind that."

Fen Xin listened to Hai Qi and directly raised the staff.

Alpha said, "I'm curious. You're still so calm at this time. You don't think we don't dare to kill you."

As he spoke, he pulled out the sword on his waist, and the other princes and princesses were also at war with each other, ready to take action.

Xueying Chonglou didn't care, "I'm also curious, what makes you think I'm stupid enough to throw myself into a trap? Stay in the city and wait to die."

Alpha's face changed slightly, Fen Xin Tinghai couldn't bear it anymore, he raised his hand and fired the scorching sun ray!
Polar ray!

Almost at the same time, Galadriel also unleashed her magic.

The two magical names were instantaneous, and the blood bar of the Blood Shadow Chonglou dropped sharply, but there was no intention of evading it.

Until the blood bar bottomed out and disappeared with a pop.

[Hero Skill—Real Phantom! 】

Create a phantom with the same attributes and appearance as you, and randomly obtain five skills of the original body. The phantom cannot use hero skills.

Because it is a hero skill, the effect is surprisingly good, and even everyone was fooled.

Everyone in Chonglou looked at the disappearing blood shadow with serious expressions.

An'er (Princess of Silvermoon City): "What should I do now?"

Fen Xin Tinghai (Great Elementalist): "What else can we do? We have to fight to the end. Even if we want to surrender, we can't surrender to the tribe. I don't have a problem with the orcs. The eastern continent is all alliance countries. If we join the tribe, we The elves will inevitably become cannon fodder."

Galadriel (Grand Magister): "You're right. It's better to join the Horde than to return to the Alliance. The most you can do is make some blood. If you can't, joining the Night Elves is better than the Horde."

Qi Wu (Princess of Silver Moon City): "Yes, I think adding elves is good. At least we are all compatriots. Were they one family 1 years ago? Moreover, the elves are so beautiful, and those orcs are so ugly."

Alpha (Elven Sword Master): "My little sister has already gone to Kalimdor to look for reinforcements, and it is impossible for the Alliance to not respond to the war here. We only need to hold on for a while and wait until the reinforcements arrive, and we can naturally turn defeat into victory."

It sounds good at first glance, but everyone knows that things are not that simple. Even if the night elves really agree to send troops to assist, it will probably take at least a week to arrive across the endless sea.

The Alliance obviously wanted to watch the excitement. Unless they voluntarily surrendered, or the elves collectively converted to the Holy Light as Godwin had previously requested, the Alliance would never send troops.

By noon, Silver Moon City was fully mobilized.

The princes and princesses climbed onto the city wall one after another, gathered around the Sun King, and faced the orc army outside the city.

On the high tower, the Sun King looked at the orc army in the distance with a solemn expression.

Such a huge orc army is really shocking.

An army of hundreds of thousands of orcs spread out, so dense that one could not see the edge.

The players were shocked, not to mention the elven nobles. If the players died, they would only lose a character. The elven nobles really had all their wealth and lives in Silvermoon City.

Some elven nobles couldn't help but complain, "What the hell is the Windrunner Legion doing? Why haven't they launched an attack yet?"

However, the princes and princesses knew that after the tribe surrounded Silver Moon City, they sent more than a dozen plundering war groups to attack the cities and magic academies that raided the elves.

The biggest advantage of the orcs is that they have a large number of troops, so naturally they cannot waste them.

In order to protect the elven civilians in these undefended towns, Kael'thas and Sylvanas divided their forces for rescue, and constantly gathered elves from various places. Naturally, they had too much to take care of themselves for Silvermoon City. In their understanding, Silvermoon City With thousands of magicians gathered together, it is impregnable, and with the rune barrier as a barrier, there is no need to worry about being breached in a short time.

We still have to prioritize protecting people.

However, standing on the high tower at this time, he saw the endless army of orcs, blocking the entire line of sight. The Sun King couldn't help but take a breath of cold air, completely losing the confidence he had before.

However, the Sun King still remained calm. No matter how many enemies there were, they were only flesh and blood. They would certainly not be able to resist the power of the Sun Well.

Anasteria (Sun King): "Great Astromancer Solanlian, I order you to guard the Tower of Starfury, control the power of the stars, and never let the orcs destroy our city.

Archmage Rodman, go guard the Tower of Moonfury and don't let me down.

The Great Elementalist Burning Heart Tinghai, my child, now the kingdom has reached its most critical moment. The Sun Chaser family must fight for glory. You must guard the Tower of Sunfury and destroy all enemies who dare to invade Silvermoon City.

Grand Arcanist Celeborn, you guard the Tower of Sunfire.

Archmage Xinbu, go and guard the Silver Star Tower.

Grand Magister Galadriel, go and guard the Tower of the White Moon..."

In the blink of an eye, the Sun King dispatched twelve heroes, and twelve large magic towers were built around Silvermoon City. These magic towers are not only places where magicians study magic, but also part of the defense system of Silvermoon City.

The magic network of the magic tower is directly connected to the Sun Well. When necessary, the power of the Sun Well can be absorbed to release destructive magic. With a high-level mage sitting in charge, each magic tower is an indestructible and powerful fortress and firepower point. .

With these twelve magic towers serving as horns to each other to protect the city, combined with the garrison on the city wall, even a million troops are not afraid.

After allocating the guards of the twelve magic towers, Anasteria is still allocating troops. This war cannot end in a short time. It must not only defend, but also wait for opportunities to counterattack.

"Alfa, you are responsible for leading the Dragon Eagle Knights. If the enemy's Dragon Knights invade the airspace, drive them away immediately."

"Lloyd, you are responsible for leading the Spellbreaker Legion."

"Reil, you are responsible for controlling the arcane puppet army!"

Under the dispatch of the Sun King, the entire Silver Moon City garrison was on standby.

At this moment, the orc army also took up its stance and launched an attack.As expected, the tribe's attack was well planned. One hundred thousand troops were dispatched in the first wave of the offensive. Countless orcs swarmed towards Silvermoon City and launched attacks from all directions at the same time.

it has started!

On the city wall, the players who were not assigned tasks became tense.

Looking at the orc troops getting closer and closer, a strange emotion gradually rose in everyone's hearts.

Damn it, why are these orcs not wearing any clothes?

The magic councilors on the tower also started talking.

The first wave of orc troops numbered tens of thousands. What was strange was that they were all naked, wearing only a pair of shorts. They were armed with a broken axe, a broken wooden stick, and a broken short bow, and they rushed toward the city wall in a chaotic manner.

Running and shouting slogans.

"For the tribe!"


"Blood and Glory!"

"Grab the money and rob the staggering bitches!"



Not to mention, the momentum is quite fierce.

It’s just that this equipment is too bad, right?

Anastria (Sun King): "So brave and unafraid of death, the orcs are as fierce and wild as the legend says, firing with all their strength to block the enemy's attack."

The mages in the magic tower began to inject energy into the magic amplification device.

Huge arcane energy balls as big as stars were blasted towards the crowd, and the dull explosions made the earth tremble.

Each explosion can kill dozens or hundreds of orc soldiers.

Soon all the magic towers started firing.

The mages on the city wall also cast various destructive spells downwards from a condescending position.

For a moment, flames and lightning, ice and arcane, and gorgeous magical light danced wildly.

These orc soldiers, who didn't even have the most basic armor, were killed in droves.

Soon there were corpses everywhere outside the city.

The noble mages on the city wall were beaming with joy.

"Haha, the orcs are indeed a group of savage and mindless beasts. Are they here to die?"

"This is the power of magic. Let these uneducated barbarians have a good experience with it!"

"Well done, that's how you teach them."

However, the players had solemn expressions, and they saw the problem.

These streaking orcs sent out in the first wave are all level 1 trumpets.


Grogo Evil Eye (Fel Knight): "Hahaha, these stupid elves have indeed fallen into the trap. In this way, their firepower configuration has been completely figured out. The warchief really has a good plan."

Ba Dao Qing Wu (tribal chief): "Haha, it's just a small trick. You can't use conventional tactics to deal with NPCs. You must give full play to the players' advantages. Let the people in the strategy department summarize the firepower layout of Silver Moon City. I want a copy before noon. Detailed plan of attack.”

Of course, these orcs are not tribal soldiers. No matter how much money they have, they cannot waste it like this.

These are actually adventurers, and they are all adventurer’s trumpets.

Although the adventurer will not die, he will become weak if he dies in the plot battle. If he becomes weak three times and one time he will die, he will be basically useless.

Therefore, in order to allow adventurers to play a better role, Ba Dao Qingwu simply called on players to create N level 1 trumpets for each player to use as cannon fodder.

Anyway, under the full bombardment of the magic tower, a large trumpet of more than 40 levels cannot withstand a few rounds. It is better to use the trumpet to test the enemy's layout first.

By the way, also consume the opponent's magic potion.

Because they are level 1 alts, they haven’t even completed the novice tasks, and they haven’t even received the novice equipment. Everyone only has the novice weapons given by the system when they were born, so they are completely streaking.

At this moment, the bodies of streaking orcs were piled outside Silvermoon City, and the scene was slightly spectacular.

Looking at it, even the NPCs could tell that something was wrong.

"Oh my god, aren't these orcs afraid of death?"

"Crazy, really crazy."

"Your Majesty, it seems that more magic potions must be mobilized to maintain such firepower."

"Maybe we should open the Sunwell!"

Listening to the various suggestions from the nobles, the Sun King also fell into deep thought.

He really doesn't want to use the power of the Sunwell. Arcane energy has a gravitational effect. A strong enough energy field can continuously absorb magic power from the Demon King.

The Sunwell was originally just an ordinary lake, but it happened to be at the node of the magic network. The late king of the Sunstrider family poured a bottle of water from the Well of Eternity into the lake. This pure arcane energy immediately began to absorb magic. The magic power in the net is constantly absorbed and accumulated.

The Sunwell was born, and the energy became stronger and stronger, and the arcane energy gradually dissipated into the lake and then into the air.

The whole process lasted for nearly ten thousand years before the Sun Well became as powerful as it is now. If it is not destroyed and the Sun Well continues to operate, perhaps in hundreds or thousands of years, the Sun Well can become the second eternal well. well.

At that time, the elves will once again become the masters of this world.

Therefore, for nearly ten thousand years, the Sun Royal Family has maintained an ancestral motto and cannot easily use the power of the Sun Well. They only use the energy radiated from the Sun Well to practice magic.

Anyway, this alone is enough.

Therefore, he really didn't want to ruin this ten thousand year plan unless he had to.

Anasteria (Sun King): "Don't worry, the enemy's offensive cannot shake Silvermoon City's defense yet."

At this moment, even the elf adventurers on the city wall couldn't stand it anymore.

"Holy shit, these tribe players are so naughty, how can they still do this?"

"You are so inexperienced at all."

The tribe can send an army of trumpets to die, but the elves can't do it. All the elven adventurers are from the alliance camp. Strictly speaking, the players who come to help now are all here to gain reputation, and most of them are from the alliance camp. It's for Sylvanas.

Now that Queen Xi is no longer in the city, there are only 5 adventurers helping to defend the city, but they all come here to gain experience and equipment while defending the city.

The Sun King can't move at all. You are not even the leader of the alliance, you are just the leader of a neutral force. Who will listen to you? Helping you defend the city is for the sake of Queen Xi.

If he wants players to build alt accounts and use them as cannon fodder, he doesn't have the charisma.

Besides, he has no concept at all.

The battle lasted until noon, with orc corpses strewn across the fields, and the corpses of bare-butt orc trumpets extending from the city wall to the orc camp.

Although the Sun King's face was still as dark as water, the paleness of his face had revealed the horror in his heart.

He had previously received battle reports from the Alliance and the Horde, saying that the Horde was abnormally strong, but he was somewhat dismissive of it.

Now I finally see it. I didn’t see it as powerful, but the pervert is really perverted.

In the tribal camp outside the city, looking at the attack plan sent by the Strategy Department, Ba Dao Qingqing nodded with satisfaction.

"Send my order and prepare to attack the city!"

(End of this chapter)

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