Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 467: King of the Phoenix

Chapter 467: King of the Phoenix
Although Ba Dao Qingqing appeared calm and confident on the surface, in fact, deep down, he was still a little panicked. He was not a chief before, but just a clan chief, and he did not feel any pressure.

Now that he has become the chief of the tribe, he finds that he is really not that easy to be a chief.

This time the third Orc War was launched, more than 50 troops were mobilized, and various extraordinary arms were assembled. With such a powerful military force, it was impossible to accumulate so many troops just by natural accumulation in just half a year. It was built entirely by throwing money at it.

Coupled with the fact that people were fed and horses were fed, massive war supplies and military maintenance costs, tens of millions were spent in just half a month. If this battle cannot be won, then these tens of millions will be completely lost. The water is floating.

At this point, the outcome of the war is no longer just a matter of game experience, but is truly related to wealth, life, and the rise and fall of the company.

That absolutely cannot fail.

Moreover, Ba Dao Qingwu is very clear about it. Even though Silver Moon City is isolated and helpless, it seems easy to bully, but both the Alliance and Dark Night are probably paying attention. Once they hold troops under the city for a long time, they may be attacked from both inside and outside. The tribe The army is alone overseas. Once its retreat is cut off, there is a risk of the entire army being destroyed.

So he had already made a plan. He must capture Silver Moon City as quickly as possible. The faster, the better. This battle must not be delayed. The longer it is delayed, the more likely there will be an accident.

This is why he happily gave Xueying Chonglou 1000 million to buy him the ability to destroy the rune barrier.

Now that the rune barrier has been broken, this time, he is bound to take over Silver Moon City in one fell swoop.

As long as the city can be captured, the investment previously invested can be earned back with interest.

Now that things have come to a head, it’s time to fight!

With hundreds of thousands of troops and tens of millions of investments, the victory or defeat of the king will depend on this battle.

Thinking of this, Ba Dao was ruthless and heroic. He kicked his mount in the crotch and rode the hell boar onto a rune boulder that had lost its energy.

The orcs around him suddenly looked over.

Facing countless tribal warriors around him, Domineering and Ruthless began an impassioned speech.

The hero's specialty - 'The Will of the Tribe' is activated!
Ba Dao Qing Wu (Warchief of the Horde): "Warriors of the Horde, orcs, warriors from Draenor, I am your warchief Ba Dao Qing Wu.

We stand here today to win victory and win glory.

We must win this battle. In the past, we suffered a miserable defeat. The two warchiefs, Destroyer Blackhand and Orgrim, were killed one after another. The warriors of the tribe shed countless blood, and we had to retreat to the Dark Portal.

Those Alliance scumbags looked down upon us and called us trash.

But the tribe is by no means a waste. Tell me, orcs, are you waste?

No!You are fearless warriors, iron-blooded warriors, invincible conquerors, and ruthless killers. Today, let those weak elves see the power of the orcs and the glory of the tribe!

Go fight, my warriors, tear our enemies apart with steel and sharp blades, and let the tribe regain its glory with blood and victory! "

This passionate speech successfully aroused the morale of the orcs.


"For the tribe!"


"Victory or death!"

Amidst the thundering roar, the morale of the orcs increased at a speed visible to the naked eye, reaching a certain point.

Ba Dao Qingqing made his blood boil with his speech. He swung his battle ax and said, "Attack!"

Following this order, hundreds of thousands of tribal armies took action at the same time. Completely different from the blind attacks of those small cannon fodders before, the tribal armies launched simultaneous attacks from three directions with strict formations and well-trained training. attack.

The first wave of attack was the wolf cavalry. They were arranged in scattered formations and flew past the city wall in a majestic manner, attracting the first wave of bombardment from the magic tower.

Due to the dispersed formation, not many units were lost. Taking advantage of the charging gap of the magic tower, hundreds of catapults and dozens of hellfire chariots were pushed a few hundred meters away from the city wall.

Following the order from the orc warlord, hellfire and burning flaming boulders rose into the air and blasted towards the magic tower.

Dragging traces of fire were drawn in the sky.

The Tower of Sunfury and the Tower of Moonwrath became the first targets of the fire. These two magic towers are located on both sides of the main entrance of Silver Moon City and are important fortresses guarding the city gate.

Boom boom boom!

Explosions were heard one after another, and the firepower was fierce, but the mages in the magic tower had already activated the magic tower's protective barrier, and all the saturation attacks were successfully resisted by the energy shield.

However, this was just the beginning. The catapults were still firing. Immediately afterwards, several hellfire demons slowly crawled out of the crater under the tower and began to smash against the outer wall of the magic tower.

Ba Dao Qing Wu (tribal chief): "Infantry attacks!"

Four battle groups with close to [-] orc warriors immediately rushed towards the city wall. Siege vehicles, ladder trucks, goblin engineers, and Wuyang Wuyang launched an attack.At this time, the magic tower had been fully charged. However, facing the threat of the catapult in the distance and the dual threat of the orc infantry that was gradually coming to an end, the magic tower decisively chose to fire at the catapult.

This choice is generally wise. Anyway, there are still a large number of defenders on the city wall. Just leave these orc infantry to them.

These elven mages also began to pour out firepower.

The biggest advantage of Silvermoon City is that there are enough mages. Other kingdoms have archers on their walls. Only Silvermoon City can use mages as regular long-range troops.

Dense fireballs and lightning blasted towards the bottom of the city wall, and the saturated magic attack blocked the attacking orc army from a line 50 meters away from the city wall.

Ba Dao Qing Wu (tribal chief): "The flying dragon knights attack to clear the airspace above the city. The troll bat knights are preparing to attack the city wall!"

Thousands of flying dragon cavalry flew towards the city head in overwhelming numbers. The Dragon Eagle Knights in Silver Moon City immediately took to the air to fight. The flying dragon knights and the dragon eagle knights fought together without giving in, and units were constantly being killed from the air. come down.

Bodies and blood rained down.

Taking advantage of the air force's entanglement with each other, the Troll Bats immediately entered the battlefield and began to throw incendiary bombs on the city walls unscrupulously.

The Troll Bat's aerial combat ability was worrying, but its ability to throw bombs was really powerful. As the bombs exploded on the city top, the mages suffered heavy casualties.

The Sun King looked solemnly, the tribe's extraordinary troops were more powerful than he expected, and the number of air force troops far exceeded that of Silver Moon City.

It must be countered, otherwise the wall will be in danger.

Anasteria (Sun King): "Fighters of Quel'Thalas, don't retreat, our home is behind you! My children, it's time to show the majesty of the Sun Royal Family! Come to me Come, let’s summon the Phoenix together!”

Soon a dozen princes and princesses who were not assigned tasks were summoned together by Anasteria. In the open space in Silvermoon City, dozens of elementalists were also summoned. Under the command, every six people cooperate with one royal member to form a summoning circle.

Get ready to start the collective call.

What they want to summon is a powerful elemental creature from the fire elemental plane - Phoenix!
As early as thousands of years ago, in the process of researching elemental magic, the late king of the Sun Chaser family successfully summoned the Phoenix King and signed a contract with the Phoenix family. At the cost of offering powerful magic power and precious materials, he obtained The ability to summon a phoenix.

However, there is a characteristic of strange beings like phoenixes. They are not life forms in the usual sense and cannot stay in the material plane for a long time. Therefore, they can only be summoned in times of war.

And only the Sun Royal Family is qualified to summon the Phoenix, so for thousands of years, the number of times the Phoenix has participated in battles has been very rare.

But at this critical moment, this ancient contract will naturally come in handy.

Anastria refused to give in and was the first to start summoning. He raised his staff high and gathered magic power while chanting ancient spells loudly.

[An ancient existence from the plane of fire element. 】

[The crimson feathers, the body of flames, the elemental life of immortality in Nirvana. 】

[I sacrifice to you with the essence of fire, I summon you with magical energy, and I bind you with an eternal oath. 】

[In the name of the ancient contract between my ancestors and you. 】

【I summon you to come to this world! 】

On the ground, a huge magic circle outlined by flames slowly emerged. A crimson phoenix made a piercing sound and soared into the sky from the flames. Its wings over a hundred meters were completely composed of flames, crimson. Colorful flames almost burned the sky.

Phoenix King——Oh!

The hot breath made the elemental masters sweat on their foreheads and the air became distorted.

Seeing the gorgeous and huge firebird circling wantonly in the sky, the Sun King suddenly felt excited. How could the tiny orcs resist such a powerful force?

This is just the first bird.

Historically, only the Sun Royal Family could summon phoenixes. Since the Sun Chaser family was not prosperous and had only one lineage, they could usually only summon one or two phoenixes in each war.

Fortunately, the population of this generation of Sun Royal Family is quite prosperous, and there are more than a dozen great elementalists alone. At this time, a dozen phoenixes were summoned amidst loud chants.

Although it is much smaller than the other phoenixes of the Phoenix King, it is enough to kill the tribe's dragon knight instantly.

These phoenixes are not only powerful in combat, but also have splash damage. When they attack in groups, their power is even more terrifying. The sky-wide flames they release can burn hundreds of dragon cavalry to death in one encounter. The rest of the dragon cavalry also retreat one after another. However, phoenixes are immune to fire damage. It's useless for the Troll Bat Rider to charge forward and explode himself.

The air combat scene suddenly became one-sided.

Ba Dao Qing Wu looked a little surprised. He didn't expect Silver Moon City to have so many phoenixes. He thought only Kael'thas could summon them.

Fortunately, the tribe also has trump cards that are useless.

Ba Dao Wuqing (tribal chief): "Dragon Knight—attack!"

(End of this chapter)

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