Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 468 Weapon No. 0 attacks

Chapter 468 Weapon Zero - Attack

The only thing that could fight against the Phoenix was the giant dragon, which was also an extraordinary creature. Following Ba Dao's ruthless command, hundreds of dragon knights rose into the sky and launched an attack. Although the quality of the dragon knights varied, they could not withstand the large number.

Especially those adult dragons, each with a wingspan of 60 to [-] meters, and each one is controlled by an orc hero. Not only can the dragons breathe dragon breath and engage in hand-to-hand combat, but the heroes on the dragon's back also have amazing combat capabilities. .

In a 1+1 situation, it was no weaker than an ordinary phoenix. Several dragon knights worked together to fight the Phoenix King to a [-]-[-] draw.

The smaller phoenixes were beaten by the dragon knights and were unable to fight back.

Seeing that the elven phoenix was suppressed by the dragon, the catapults and magic towers were bombarding each other, and the mages on the city wall were all attracted by the orc siege troops.

Ba Dao Qing Wu did not hesitate at all.

Tyrant Blade Ruthless (Tribe Chief): “It’s time, Grog—activate Weapon Zero!
Oh oh oh!
At the sound of horns, hundreds of cleft-hoofed cattle and thunder elephants dragged huge transport vehicles, dragging huge hills-like rocks to the front of the position, and were pieced together by a group of Goron giant beasts.

As the huge stones were placed in place, a huge Hellfire Demon was gradually assembled. Before it could stand up, its size alone made the elf mages on the city wall freeze with fear. Fortunately, there The thing looked lifeless and non-threatening.

Grogo Evil Eye was personally responsible for controlling this powerful war weapon. Looking at the orc warlocks waiting around him, he nodded with satisfaction.

Grogo Evil Eye (Fel Knight): "Warlocks, now, let those weak elves witness the true power of the Horde! Activate!"

With an order, tens of thousands of orc warlocks began to inject evil energy into the huge hellfire.

The green flames of evil energy gradually burned on the huge body, but this was not enough. Grogo's evil eye raised the rune sword in his hand, and a bolt of evil energy suddenly shot out.

Just enough to ignite the eyes of this huge hellfire.

As the evil flames on Hellfire's body connected together, this terrifying monster over 200 meters tall finally moved.


The earth is shaking.

The mages who were fighting raised their heads blankly and looked into the distance.


Titan-level Hellfire - Supremus slowly stood up from the ground. When it stood up, it was like a mountain rising from the horizon. It reached a terrifying height of more than 200 meters, and a huge shadow directly blocked the sun. It cast a long shadow, covering exactly where the city head was.

The mages on the city walls were all so frightened that they forgot to cast spells.

Until an angry shout came - "What are you doing standing still? Keep fighting!"

I finally came back to my senses.

It was Anastria who shouted this. Just after completing the summoning ceremony and returning to the city, he saw this horrifying scene.

The Sun King, who was covered by the shadow, was pale and his hands and feet were trembling. The tribe was so powerful and mastered such terrifying war weapons. Even though he was as arrogant as he was, he had to admit that withdrawing from the alliance might have been a wrong move.

Faced with such a terrifying enemy, how should Silvermoon City resist?
"Your Majesty, we must retreat!" The elven nobles on the side were even more cowardly than him. These elven nobles were used to being pampered and had hardly experienced war. It was nothing to stand on the city wall and use magic to bully the orcs. At this time, they were facing Su Pu. Such a terrifying enemy as Remus was immediately stunned into silence.

But the Sun King knew very well that he must not retreat at this time. The elves could still fight off the hundreds of thousands of orcs relying on the city wall. Once the city wall was lost and massive orcs rushed into the city, Silvermoon City would inevitably fall.

"Shut up for me!"

The Sun King shouted loudly, and the powerful magical aura silenced the surrounding area.

Anastria (Sun King): "The Sunwell is the future of the elves and the source of elves' power. Without the Sunwell, we will lose everything, so we must defend Silvermoon City at any cost. Fight. Quel'dorei! Let us fight to the bitter end!"

In the passionate shouts of Anastria, these elven nobles finally regained some sense from fear, gritted their teeth and began to blast all kinds of the most powerful magic at the enemy, not only to cover up their fear, but also to seek survival.

At this time, everyone had no idea of ​​conserving mana. They poured bottles of magic potion down, and the magic was thrown down as if it was free of charge.

Overwhelming flame storms, meteors and fire showers, various hero-level magic forbidden spells, and various lord-level cluster spells.

Without retaining strength, the terrifying power of magic was fully unleashed.

The orc infantry on the city wall who were attacking the city were suddenly hit. Their flesh and blood fell in pieces under the bombardment of magic. These were not adventurer trumpets used to attract firepower, but real tribesmen. The army is a regular army made of real money.

More than half of the [-] legions were killed or injured in the blink of an eye, and almost all of them were wiped out in the blink of an eye. The sight of the ruthless sword was so painful that it was all money.

Millions of dollars are gone.

"And then on!"

Immediately six more battle groups pressed forward.

At this rate, it is estimated that even [-] infantrymen could not be filled in one day.

But these are necessary. As soon as the city wall is broken, the tide of orcs will crush all the elves.

"Weapon Zero attacks!"

"The magic mecha is ready!"

boom - boom - boom -

Titan Strike Hellfire Supremus, with evil fire burning all over his body, walked toward the city wall with steps that he didn't recognize. Every time he stepped down, he could cause a small earthquake. This guy has a five-headed body. Its shape and body are unusually stocky, not to mention 'only'. With a height of more than 200 meters, its body is even larger than the Deathwing, and its tonnage far exceeds that of a large flying biological unit such as a dragon.

I'm afraid it doesn't have to weigh tens of thousands of tons.

As it gets closer and closer to the city wall, the terrifying pressure brought by its huge size becomes stronger and stronger.The mages on the city wall almost involuntarily turned their firepower and blasted all kinds of magic towards Supremus.

However, Hellfire itself is an elemental demon with extremely high magic resistance. The resistance of Supremus is even more exaggerated. Ordinary magic blasts on the body do not even respond, and hero-level magic can only be knocked out. It only had one thousand eight hundred health points. The evil flames burning on the body made of huge rocks were so intense that they almost turned from green to blue.

At this time, even the princes and princesses stepped forward.

Hero Skill—Starlight Extinction!
Hero skill - Sun Fury Wave!

Hero skill - Comet's Wrath!
All kinds of ultimate moves were directed at Supremus, and Supremus' health bar finally lit up.


The blood volume is as high as 200 million.

In terms of blood volume alone, it is even more terrifying than Deathwing.

Of course, the real combat effectiveness of this thing is far inferior to that of Deathwing or even the five dragon kings. Even though it has a super high blood volume and a huge body, it has no skills and its intelligence is close to zero. It consumes energy to run. It is extremely tall, making it almost impossible to move over long distances, and has no countermeasures against long-range attacks.

The only function is probably to be used as a siege weapon in this kind of siege battle. Anyway, the city wall cannot escape.

Although the scene of a large group of great wizards, great magisters, and great elementalists performing magic together was astonishingly gorgeous, the Sun King knew that this was not enough to fight against the terrifying hellfire.

It must be blocked!
It's time to unleash the power of the Sunwell!
Anasteria (Sun King): "Elders, councilors, assist me, let us summon the power of the Sunwell!"

The eldest group of the surrounding elven nobles immediately gathered around, and twelve great magisters surrounded Anasteria.

They raised their staffs high, linked their thoughts with the Well of the Sun, and then concentrated all the magical energy towards the Sun King.

Rays of arcane energy linked them to each other. The surging magic power gathered around Anasteria. His body was completely immersed in the arcane energy. The powerful force made him levitate into the air. , without even using the levitation technique, a huge magic circle emerged at his feet. Anasteria tried hard to control the magic power in his body so that it would not go out of control, converting the arcane energy into the magic of destruction.

The Sun King was surrounded by strong light, and the whole person was like a huge golden ball of light. The light became brighter and brighter, and finally it was suspended above the city wall like the sun.

Twelve great magisters surrounded the area, constantly controlling the dissipated energy. This was the first time this forbidden spell was used after it was created.

Finally, as the Sun King pushed with his hands - powerful energy poured out instantly.

The devastating impact of the Sunwell!
A golden energy beam more than two meters thick blasted towards the face.

boom!This beam of light hit Supremus' chest. In an instant, the huge rocks that made up Supremus were dissolved by golden energy. Supremus' health bar dropped crazily, and the evil flames on his body flickered. .

Although the huge size brings a terrifying health value, the super huge size will also cause some area spells to gain superimposed damage. The 200 million health volume was bombarded by 10,000+ in the blink of an eye.

Ba Dao Wu Wu looked at it with gnashed teeth, and Grogo Xie looked at it dumbfounded.

Grogo Evil Eye (Fel Knight): "Warchief, no, it must be withdrawn, otherwise Weapon Zero will be destroyed."

This thing consumed countless precious materials and countless man-hours. Plus the cost of transportation, the cost exceeded tens of millions.

If this is ruined, it will hurt to death.

Ba Dao Qingqing (Great Chief): "Shut up - useless trash, move forward! Keep moving forward! Even if you die, you must blow open the city gate before you die."

Ba Dao Qingqing knew very well at this time that he had no room to retreat. As the saying goes, one can go all out and then be exhausted. Today, the morale is like a rainbow. If the city cannot be broken, then it will inevitably fall into a protracted war of attrition. This is not What he can accept is either chicken or banquet today.

Being reprimanded in this way, Grogo Evil Eye also got angry and waved his rune sword - "Move forward!" Grogo Evil Eye issued the command to attack.

Supremus is essentially a war weapon and has no fear of death, so it continues to move forward despite the damage caused by magic, advancing slowly but unstoppably.

The Sun King used his magic power even more crazily, and the energy of the Sunwell was released crazily through him.

The light beam grew brighter and thicker.

Finally - boom!The power of the Sunwell directly penetrated Supremus' huge body and shot out from the other end.

Supremus' huge body suddenly stopped.

Click, click, click... The sound of rock shattering kept coming, and the terrifying war weapon, which was more than 200 meters high, suddenly stopped, and a crack extended upward and downward from the gap at the same time.

Supremus' towering body swayed slightly before falling down suddenly.

Success!The Sun King was pleasantly surprised. The magic was finally interrupted. The Sun King slowly floated down from the sky. In just a few minutes, all his hair turned brilliant white, and dozens of scars appeared on his skin. , the light of arcane energy seeped out from those scars, looking shocking, as if it would explode from the inside at any time.

He was holding his staff and breathing heavily.

After releasing such powerful arcane energy, even the body of the Sun Royal Family cannot withstand the backlash of this power.

Anastria knew very well that his life had come to an end, but it was all worth it, as long as—

However, the next second, the relieved expression froze on his face. Supremus' huge body fell down in the direction of Silver Moon City. A princess quickly hugged him and teleported to him. aside.

The next second—

With a loud bang, Supremus' huge body of tens of thousands of tons pressed directly against the city wall, directly crushing a large part of the city wall, and immediately exposed a huge living body.

On the other side of the gap, countless orcs showed enthusiastic expressions.

Flooded toward the gap.

(End of this chapter)

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