Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 469

Chapter 469
Done!It's all over!

Looking at the collapsed city wall, Anasteria's heart suddenly went cold.

He had just released a powerful forbidden spell. The erosion of arcane energy brought his body to the verge of collapse. Then he witnessed the collapse of the Silver Moon City Wall. The huge blow caused heavy damage to his body and mind.

The whole person became extremely depressed in an instant, and even felt a little at a loss.

The mood just collapsed.

Fortunately, he had already delegated the command of each force before, so naturally there were leading hero lords to respond.

The closest to the gap was the Arcane Puppet Legion led by Count Leyer. With an order, dozens of five- to six-meter-tall arcane puppets immediately blocked the gap, followed by hundreds of elven warriors. and mages.

These dozens of arcane puppets lined up in a row, pressing towards the orc infantry pouring out of the gap like a city wall.

Then they fought with the orcs' vanguard at the gap.

Fortunately, only one part of the city wall was crushed, and there were still mages on the city walls on both sides. At this time, they were condescendingly releasing magic towards the gap, interrupting the line of orc infantry, and finally blocking the gap.

At the same time, more troops rushed towards the gap.

"It's over, it's all over!" The Sun King was still muttering to himself. Although the gap was temporarily blocked, there were too many orcs, and the elves' army was limited in number, so I'm afraid they wouldn't be able to withstand it for long.

Alpha (Elven Sword Master): "No, father, the matter is not over yet. As long as the gap is blocked, everything will be fine. In this small gap, the enemy's numerical advantage cannot be used. We can continue to fight for Quel'Thala." The people of Sri Lanka, we must fight to the bitter end."

After hearing this, the Sun King finally regained some of his mentality.

"You're right, we must fight to the end." He braced himself to continue fighting, but staggered and almost fell.

The elf princess who was supporting him quickly grabbed him.

The elven royal family on this side of the city wall are eager to seal the gap.

At the same time, the tribal leaders outside the city looked completely different.

Looking at the gap that opened, Ba Dao Qingqing was relieved. He was scared to death. He didn't expect that even the No. [-] weapon was able to stand up. Fortunately, it penetrated the city wall at the last moment. It would be damned if it failed. .

Now all we have to do is fight into the city and win.

Ba Dao Qing Wu (tribal chief): "Attack, all-out attack!"

The orcs rushed towards the gap like a tide.

"The magic mecha attacks!"

A dozen giant magic mechas with a height of 50 to [-] meters, driven by evil engines, took rumbling steps and pressed towards the city wall amidst the roar. Although it was smaller than Supre Musi is far behind, but compared with the magic puppet, it stands out from the crowd.

These magic mechas are enough to destroy the walls of Silver Moon City and expand their advantage.

The siege troops were sent out, but Ba Dao Qing Wu was still worried.

The enemy in the city will inevitably gather forces to defend the gap, and must send out troops who can decide the outcome with one blow.

He looked at the surrounding orc warlords, ignored their pleas to fight, and set his sights on Garrosh.

Tyrant Blade Ruthless (Warchief of the Horde): "Garrosh - the time has come for you to show off. Lead my Kor'kron Guards and rush through the gap. Don't stop and penetrate the enemy's defense line in one breath. Go ahead. For tribe!"

Garrosh Hellscream (Sword Warlord): "It's the Warchief—for the Horde!"

Facing unprecedented challenges and honors, Garrosh behaved extremely calmly. Under the envious eyes of the surrounding orc warlords, he took the Arcanite battle ax handed over by the soldiers - Gorehowl was taken away by his father. I can make do with this.

Three thousand Kor'kron Chief Guards were mustered.

This is the imperial guard specially formed by Ba Dao Qingwu for his own safety. They are all elite units and are formed from elite warriors drawn from the major clans. Although they are not extraordinary arms, they are not weaker than extraordinary arms at all. These three thousand libraries The Karon Guards are not only powerful in combat, but also have extremely high health. Each of them has more than [-] health, and there are thousands of spellcasters responsible for assisting in combat.

Ba Dao Qingqing also specially found someone to develop the most perfect reinforcement system to ensure that this unit can exert its maximum combat effectiveness.

First, each person is given a bottle of potion.

【Devil's Blood Hot Drink (Drink/Consumables)

Use: Gain a Demonic Rage buff that lasts 24 hours.

Item introduction: Carefully blended from the demon blood of the Abyss Demon King and multiple herbs, the violent power of the demon blood is successfully retained and the drinker is prevented from falling into permanent corruption. 】

This is one of the latest combat supplies developed by the Horde as an alternative to Demon Blood.

After all, drinking demon blood can easily lead to loss of sanity, and evil energy can pollute the environment and can easily be exploited by the Burning Legion.

In comparison, this devil's blood potion is much better. It has immediate effects after drinking it. The effect of the medicine disappears within 24 hours and can be restored to its original state.

Immediately afterwards, shamans hundreds of meters away began to apply the 'bloodthirsty spell' to these guards.

Bloodlust: Increases your movement speed by 40% and attack speed by 25%.

There are hundreds of warlocks applying "Fel Frenzy" to them!
Fel Frenzy: Increases the unit's attack frequency by 75% and loses life at a rate of 4 points per second.

Then there were the blood priests from the Blood Ring Clan, who also imposed 'bloody rage' on them.

Bloody Fury: Increases your attack strength by 80 points and gains an additional 5% critical hit chance. Each time you kill a unit that can bring you experience points, this effect will be increased by an additional 10%.

These orcs were buffed by four consecutive BUFFs, and each of them suddenly seemed to be possessed by a god of death, with their whole bodies glowing red.

Then there were newly trained orc mages who added acceleration, brute force, and other spells.

Finally, each person puts on an 'anti-magic shield'.

Riding on the prepared wargs, three thousand Kor'kron guards, led by Garrosh, rushed towards the gap like an unstoppable torrent.

At this moment, the battle at the gap in the city wall has become fierce. Countless mages are crowding on the walls on both sides, frantically bombarding the gap with magic. Stone wall spells, spider web spells, grease spells, quagmire spells, and fire wall spells are all crazy. was released at the gap.

Trying to use magic to seal the gap again.

On the tribe's side, there were also groups of warlocks and shamans, blasting lightning and flames towards the city wall.

There was even a great shaman who cast earthquake spells on the city wall to expand the scope of the gap.

Countless orc warriors rushed into the gap and were immediately blocked by the line of arcane puppets. They fell down under the bombardment of countless magics, burned to ashes and turned into coke.

The elves were also furious, and elven warriors kept throwing themselves into this meat grinder, blocking the gaps between the arcane puppets.

For a moment, this small area was like purgatory, and the flesh and blood of orcs and elves were everywhere like mud.

Around the gap, fierce battles also broke out. At this critical moment, the elves of Silvermoon City unleashed their greatest fighting power. Even the adventurers who didn't work very hard were infected by the fanatical atmosphere and became brave. stand up.

Even the powerful magic mecha cannot achieve a breakthrough. Its huge size often becomes the priority target of elf mages and magic towers. Under saturation attacks, its 10,000+ health points can only last a few minutes.

At this moment, a group of orcs with a bunch of BUFFs came over to kill them.

As soon as this troop appeared, it immediately attracted the attention of the elf mages on the city wall.

Fen Xin Tinghai (Great Elementalist): "Hold on, aim at the gap, and use full firepower!"

The elf prince shouted, estimating the distance of the enemy's charge, and he was ahead of schedule. Just as he was about to hit him with a raging flame storm, he suddenly felt a chill coming from behind.

Before he could interrupt the spell to flash or freeze, he was struck in the head by a giant axe, splitting him in half - an instant kill.

The other mages turned around in horror, and the figure of a burly orc suddenly appeared in the air - Grom Hellscream, who unexpectedly appeared at the top of the city.

"Damn it!"


"Hit him down quickly!" Facing this murderous god-like guy, all the mages were instantly covered. They were all focused on pouring out firepower, not expecting that they would be so easily approached.

Before he could take action, Grom was rolled over by a big windmill.


The steel whirlwind-like battle ax swept across the narrow city wall, and blood and flesh flew everywhere. The blood roar easily tore apart the weak bodies of the elf mages. Seeing the opportunity, they quickly ran away. After a moment of hesitation, they immediately became the dead souls under the axe.

A storm of blades swept over, and the city wall was cleared in the blink of an eye.

At this moment, three thousand elites led by Garrosh also came to kill them.

Seeing that the firepower at the gap was weakening, Garrosh subconsciously glanced towards the top of the city, only to see Grom nodded slightly towards him.

Garrosh suddenly felt excited.

His father has been protecting him, so he can't fall behind.


Before the mage troops had time to reorganize, this fierce cavalry killed them directly through the gap.

They charged directly at the gap between the arcane puppets. The moment they passed through the gap, the tomahawks in their hands fiercely slashed and smashed at the thigh joints of the arcane puppets. The orc warriors in the four-level violent state were extremely powerful. , the bulky arcane puppets fell down one after another, and were washed away in the blink of an eye.

Facing the impact of this powerful orc, seeing that the front was about to collapse, the Sun King sent out the last ace infantry of the elves.

"The Spell Breakers attack!"

The Spell Breaker is a unique extraordinary weapon of the Elf clan. It combines magic with combat skills, and with the enchanted Elf armor on its body, it can resist and fight, throw magic, and counter the opponent's spell-casting units.

They have always existed as the Royal Guards.

It is also the Sun King’s final trump card.

However, in the face of these ruthless macho men, hundreds of law breakers who had just gathered were rushed to pieces after just one encounter.

Without it, the difference in strength would be too big.

The orcs relied solely on their brute strength and the magic iron battle ax with the magic-breaking effect to easily tear apart the elves' exquisite armor.

The ferocious orcs knocked away shields, slashed through flesh and blood, and tore apart the formation in the blink of an eye.

The elf lord in charge wanted to reorganize his formation, but a tall orc had already rushed in front of him.

He hurriedly drew his sword and prepared to fight, and at the same time immobilized the opponent's mount with an Earth Binding spell.

The orc abandoned his mount, jumped into the air, and struck him with an ax, cutting him in half with his sword.

Garrosh pulled the battle ax out of the elf lord's chest, feeling that he had learned it again. This move could be regarded as a family secret.

In the blink of an eye, a flood of orcs poured in through the gap.

The elves could no longer resist, and the elven warriors who came to support them were completely insufficient.

Seeing that the front line was completely shattered, and the follow-up orc Wuyang Wuyang rushed in, the expressions of all the princes and princesses changed drastically - it was over, it was really over now.

Silver Moon City has been breached!

Once the gap is opened, it cannot be closed completely. All the people in Silvermoon City can only gather [-] troops, including a large number of civilian mages. Throwing a fireball from a distance is okay, but once the orcs kill them, it will not be possible at all. There is no way to resist.

At this moment, the tide-like orc army drowned everything.

The elven princes and princesses fought and retreated, fighting hand to hand with the orcs in the streets and alleys, using magic to turn the ground into a swamp, and using fire to ignite the walls of houses.

However, this can only delay time.

After cutting down an orc adventurer with one sword, Alpha looked around with an extremely ugly expression on his face, "Damn it, how could this happen? It's only been one day!"

He did not participate in the Battle of Stormwind City, but he never imagined that Silvermoon City would be captured in one day.

The key is that there are too few adventurers. If there are no adventurers to serve as cannon fodder, one less person will be killed just by relying on the NPC army.

If there were [-] adventurers here at this time, how could they be defeated so quickly?

On the other hand, the adventurers of the tribe were simply invincible.

Looking at this desperate situation, the Sun King actually calmed down at this time.

He suddenly broke away from his daughter who was supporting him, took a deep breath, and raised the staff again.

Anasteria (Sun King): "Silvermoon City has fallen, but you cannot stay and wait to die. You go, my children, leave here with the hope of Quel'Thalas, let me Come and wean you off."


"Father, let's go together."

"Yes, Father!"

After saying that, everyone still has a good impression of the Sun King. Although he has an arrogant personality, he is handsome. In this era of good looks, he is naturally favored by many girls.

Even those male players who have no feelings for this cheap dad can't help but be a little moved at this time.

After all, this kind of drama of life and death is difficult to encounter in reality.

Even if it's just a game experience, it still makes everyone sad.

Especially some of the more emotional female players hugged the Sun King's arms and burst into tears.

The Sun King was greatly relieved when he saw this. They are all filial children, but he also strengthened his determination, "As the king of the elves, I must fight for my kingdom.

Come my children, do not let my sacrifice go to waste. "


Although surrounded by tribes, what the elves do not lack most is teleportation magic.

As long as you want to leave, you really can't stay.

In the palace square, several archmages jointly summoned a giant portal, and a large number of elven nobles and civilians fled towards the portal.

The players are not just for a living. Since they want to leave, they must evacuate as many citizens as possible.

This evacuation was very hasty, and they had never thought that Silver Moon City would be lost in one day.

Fortunately, the palace itself is a fortress. There are several small magic towers on the city wall that can provide fire support. They can hold up for a while before the siege weapons come in.

At this moment, Ba Dao Qingwu had led his army into the city and followed the main road all the way deep. He laughed while looking at the burning city and countless corpses around him.

"Hahahaha, it took Orgrim several months to attack Stormwind City, but it took me one day to attack Silvermoon City. This is the difference."

"Great Chief, the elves are making their final resistance in the palace, and they are still evacuating civilians."

"It doesn't matter if some of them run away. Don't kill the prisoners indiscriminately. Send troops to attack the treasury. By the way, send troops to occupy the Sunwell first."

The Sunwell is just north of Silvermoon City, passing through Silvermoon City.

Compared to Silvermoon City's treasury, the value of the Sunwell is even greater.

Ba Dao Qingqing issued various instructions. This investment was considered stable, but it was not completely stable. Next, the development schedule of the Sunwell will be put forward.

(End of this chapter)

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