Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 471 New Dragon Slaying Plan

Chapter 471 New Dragon Slaying Plan
Fourth, summon BOSS from another world.

Currently, most of the most powerful BOSS players in the game of Firmament World are not in the main material world. They are either elemental lords in the elemental plane, great demons in the twisted void, or undead monarchs in the shadow realm...

The reason why this happens is largely because the world is different.

BOSS in the main material world often face crazy sieges by adventurers, and heroes lead teams to attack and kill. Very few can survive and grow up. Once the plot battle is started, there is a high probability that they will be killed.

But alien creatures are different. As long as they do not come to the main material plane, they will be exiled back to their original world if they are killed.

Although you will die if you are killed in the plane you belong to, there are no heroes and adventurers in the alien plane. Without this biggest threat, it will naturally be easier to grow.

But this creates a problem. The more powerful the creatures are, the harder it is to be summoned to the real plane. As a result, the most powerful BOSS players can only stay in their own planes and cannot find a way to participate in the plot. event.

It can only come briefly in the form of projection occasionally.

This makes those players who play BOSS of alien creatures very unhappy.

Sora has great strength but can't show off. He can't show off. This game is too frustrating.

Now that we have the Sunwell, we can use the power of the Sunwell and cooperate with the summoning spells of warlocks, shamans, and psychics to summon the entities of these big bosses to the main material world.

Although in this way, once killed, you will really die, but the strength of the entity far exceeds that of the projection, and it can still run rampant for a while.

This is a big business, and currently there are only a few official camps that can provide this service.

But the Alliance and the Dark Night Alliance won't do it unless they have to. The Horde doesn't have so many scruples. They are villains themselves. It doesn't matter whether you are a demon from the Burning Legion or an undead from the Shadow Realm. As long as you are willing to pay, they can provide door-opening services. .

It doesn’t matter if you have no money. As long as you are willing to work for the tribe, you can use your labor to pay for the entrance fee.

This way you can not only make money but also gain some powerful BOSS allies.

The last item is to forge artifacts.

Ba Dao Qingqing took out a deep and dark crystal from the bag - the Rezebu Crystal. This shadow crystal has a great background. In fact, this crystal is the core of the Naaru, which was left behind after the death of a Naaru. crystal.

You must know that after the Naaru Holy Light energy is drained, it will transform into a shadow form.

Similarly, when the Shadow Crystal is injected with a large amount of Holy Light, it will also be filled with Holy Light energy.

Historically, this crystal was in the hands of the Shadow Warlock of the Blackstone Clan, and was eventually captured by the High Lord Mograine, who summoned the Five Silver Saints to work together to purify it and transform it into a Holy Light Crystal.

Then it was forged by the dwarf king Magni Bronzebeard himself and became the magic weapon-Ashbringer.

This magical weapon is named after Frostmourne in the history of World of Warcraft. Tirion Fordring cut off Frostmourne holding the Ashbringer.

Therefore, Ba Dao Qingwu, who knew the plot in advance in this life, used his identity as the great chief to cut off the crystal in advance. Now he plans to use the power of the Sunwell to purify it and use it to create a divine sword for himself.

With this artifact, the Glory of Holy Light, the Divine Martial Emperor, and the Disaster Dragon are no longer my opponents.

He was annoyed when he thought about the day Aidan came to disrupt the situation and escaped unscathed. The dignified chief of the tribe was almost brought down by a mere BOSS. This situation must be reversed.

Ba Dao Qing Wu thought confidently.


At this moment, Mo Fei, who was obsessed with Ba Dao Wuqing, was in the Lord's Hall of Longshang Castle, listening to Angus's information about the ancient dragon.

What surprised Murphy was that the Dragon Worshiping Cult had very detailed information about the ancient dragons, which was beyond Murphy's imagination.

He had obtained at least sporadic information on a few Taikoo dragons before, most of which were provided by the Explorers Association. Most of the sources of the information were rumors from around the world, and the authenticity and detail were greatly reduced.

However, the Dragon Worship Cult's information is very detailed, and lists the three major categories of ancient dragons, with dozens of pieces of information.

According to the information given by Angus, the Taikoo Dragon consists of three factions.

The first major faction, the Guardian Dragon.

Including the five great guardian dragons and a group of their earliest followers, most of them have become companions or assistants of the guardian dragons.

Basically, each of the five guardian dragon clans has several Taikoo dragons in charge.

Among them, Murphy is more familiar with Sartario of the black dragon clan, Deathwing's wife Sinestra, Eranikus, the consort of the Green Dragon Queen, etc.

The second largest faction, the Alien Dragon King.

Most of this type of ancient dragons are hidden in various high mountains and rivers, in precipitous places, in areas with the most dangerous environment. Some run their own dragon groups, and some live alone, working tirelessly to pursue power.

Some also take human form and hide among mortal races.

The Boleleus and Ankarad that Murphy had killed before belonged to this category. There were also a very large number of these dragons. The Dragon Worship Cult alone had more than ten of them.

In addition, there is the third major faction - the Disaster Dragon King.

This name comes from the information provided by the guardian dragon.

Due to some reasons, the Dragon Worship Cult has not been able to contact the Disaster Dragon King, and all relevant information was obtained from the mouth of the guardian dragon.

According to the Aspect Dragon, in the ancient times, the current Aspect Dragon accepted the power and authority granted by the Titans and gods, and was upgraded from the Ancestral Dragon to the current Aspect Dragon.

But there are some archosaurs who think this is not a good idea.

They formed an alliance, and this part of the archaic dragons united under their four leaders. Initially, the four archaic dragon kings and the five guardian dragons argued over whether they should accept the power of the Titans. The archaic dragon kings believed that dragons should not be The power of the Titans and Gods changes. There should be no deals with the Titans and Gods. Dragons have to find their own destiny in their own way.

The guardian dragon believes that only the gods rule this world, and only by following the guidance of the gods can we bring a glorious future to the dragon clan.

Unfortunately, the ancestral dragon king and the guardian dragon could not convince each other. This disagreement eventually turned into hatred, and the hatred turned into war.In order to defeat the five guardian dragons, the ancestral dragon king embraced the pure power of the elements, poured the power of the elements into his own body, and became the incarnation of the pure elemental power. At this time, they and the five dragon kings who possess the power of the guardian dragons are stronger same level.

The specific process is not described in detail, only the results are known.

They call themselves the Disaster Dragons, and they want to bring destruction and disaster to the world and purify all mortal races.

Each dragon king corresponds to a kind of disaster.

They are -

'Collapse of the Earth' Irudikon.

'Desolate Frost' Willanoz.

'The world is burning' Philek.

'The End of the Storm' Lesa Jess.

The four disaster dragon kings and the five guardian dragons started a fierce war, and once had the upper hand. However, with the intervention of the Titans and the gods, the five guardian dragons were given corresponding powers. In the end, the four dragon kings were defeated. Once defeated, except for the Storm Dragon King who escaped without a trace, the other three dragon kings were captured and sealed by the guardian dragon clan with the dragon language forbidden spell...

My day!Murphy listened to Angus's introduction, and the more he listened, the more something was wrong. He thought to himself, what the hell is this? Why is it so similar to the disaster dragon he set before?

Moreover, the one who escaped among the four disaster dragons happened to be the Storm Dragon King. Could it be that he was regarded as a fugitive by the guardian dragon?

Fortunately, the Aspect Dragon is currently hiding in hiding due to the Dragonmaw Orcs. Otherwise, he might have to jack up the tank, especially after he advanced to the Disaster Dragon. Shit.But there is another Storm Dragon King, which is a bit worrying.

However, Mo Fei is not surprised that dragons can gain whatever power they absorb by absorbing elements of certain attributes. It is also not surprising that two dragons with the same attributes can gain power.

To be able to compete with the five guardian dragons, the strength of these four dragon kings must not be weak.

It would be nice to try one, and the drop would definitely not be bad.

This information also comes with a map that lists the locations of various ancient dragons.

Of course, it is not complete. Many of them only have a general area, and some are even missing. However, the dragon clan has the habit of building nests, and there are also many ancient dragon nests that have been directly marked.

Murphy looked at the information in his hand and felt relieved. It was a good thing that he had been fighting with the Dragon Worshiping Cult during this time. Now his advancement plan could be said to have a general direction.

The five guardian dragons and the ancient dragons around them cannot be touched for the time being. If they are attacked by the Dragon Covenant, no matter how strong they are, they will not be their opponents.

But if they dare to be alone, it is not impossible to consider.

The best thing to deal with is the alien dragon kings. They are alone and have no background, so they will be slaughtered. There are also the three sealed dragon kings who either can't do it or they don't know how to open the sealed prison.

Come on - let’s not pick and choose, just follow the map and pick out the things that are easy to do.

Hey, there is one in Alterac, which surprises Murphy.

And it's also a disaster dragon.

After looking at the marked location, I saw that deep in the Ice Rift Valley deep in the Alterac Mountains, on the map where the Snowman was originally painted, there was a sealed prison.

'The world is burning' Philek.

There is also a sealed prison under the volcano in the Blackstone Mountains.

'Desolate Frost' Willanoz.

Finally, there is the sealed prison located in the Wind God's Throne.

'Collapse of the Earth' Irudikon.

Murphy found that the location of these three sealed prisons was quite particular, and they happened to be sealed on a map that restrained their attributes.

It seems that the guardian dragon is quite afraid of these three guys. The strange thing is why it doesn't just kill them.

'Fire Burning the World' Philek, right? Okay, let me do the surgery on you first.

He is still very familiar with the location of the Ice Rift. The most common monster there is the Yeti. It is not difficult. However, considering that the 'Fire-Scorching World' Philek is a character who can fight against the five guardian dragons, it is safe to do so. , it is still necessary to bring enough troops to feel at ease.

This time, Murphy decided not to look for people from outside. He had rescued many people from Boleleus's ice prison, many of whom were heroes. After eating and drinking in Longshang Castle for so long, it was time to show his talents. It worked instantly.

The reason for not looking for external aid is that you can keep the exploded equipment for yourself. Although forming a few powerful teammates can indeed make the battle a lot easier, it is really painful to have to divide most of the loot every time.

Secondly, it is due to Mo Fei's confidence in his own strength. He is now a world-class BOSS. Although he is only world-class BOSS, he is at least in the same category as other ancient dragons.

Although he would be a little worse on the streets, he was able to impose himself more and with the help of his subordinates, he won no matter how hard he fought.

Ever since I advanced to the Disaster Demonic Dragon, I haven't really tested how strong I am.

This is the time to test the waters.

When he gathered his heroes together, Murphy was pleasantly surprised to find that an unexpected person appeared among them.
Aidan (Leader of the Dragonsorrow Knights): "Ms. Vivian Nightsong, are you back from Dalaran?"

Vivian Nightsong (Ancient Magister): "Yes, Prince Aidan, I have mastered the working principles of modern magic. Thank you for the letter of introduction you provided me. I think it is time to come back to serve you."

"Ha, that's perfect. I just have a new dragon-slaying plan. Are you interested in going with me?"

Vivian bowed her head and said, "Of course, Your Highness, I also want to try my newfound magic. I have to say that I have benefited a lot from studying in Dalaran."

"You don't have to be so harsh, just call me Aidan. By the way - how does Dalaran's magic compare to the magic of the ancient Night Elf Empire?"

"Haha, I can only say that it is more-exquisite."

Exquisite?This comment is a bit interesting. Exquisite means small. Although he didn't say it directly, Murphy felt that Vivian didn't seem to like Dalaran's modern magic very much.

Yes, the ancient night elf empire controlled the well of eternity, the source of arcane magic. The power of magic they used must be extremely amazing. The night elves 1 years ago were able to confront the Burning Legion head-on. Among them The mage is the main force.

In comparison, the high elves who control the Sunwell are already degraded versions.

Mo Feixin said that it seemed that Vivian was very confident in her own strength. It was just right to bring her along this time to see how good she was as an ancient mage.

"Aidan—Arsona—is going to war!"

As soon as the vrykul heard that they were going to slay the dragon, they immediately began to fight.

Mo Fei naturally wouldn't refuse this. The last time he fought against the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg, Asona performed well. He killed many bugs and seemed to have killed a Zerg BOSS. Now he has been promoted to the second level of gold. .

With warriors and mages now available, the most lacking thing now is wet nurses.

He glanced at the people under his command, and there seemed to be no treatment.

Angus suddenly said at this time, "Prince Aidan, if necessary, I can accompany you."

Yes, why did you forget him?

The profession of Dragon Worshiping Priest is an unofficial camp profession, and its skill system is also quite unique.

Many skills are bound to the dragon clan.

For example, the Dragon Cult priest’s strongest healing skill—Dragon Blood Healing.

[Dragon Blood Healing: Restores 15 health points of a target within 1500 seconds, and the effect on dragons is doubled. 】

For example, the Dragon Cult Priest's buff skill - Dragon's Wrath.

[Dragon's Wrath: One of the dragon creatures gains a furious effect within 60 seconds. 】

It can be said that the priests of the Dragon Worship Cult are professional assistants dedicated to the dragon clan.

Mo Feixin said that would be no problem.

Now that we have nannies, there are already four of us. Do you want to form a team?

At this moment, the door of the conference hall was suddenly opened, and Jaina burst in with an excited look.

"Prince Aidan, are you going to slay the dragon? Please take me with you."

(End of this chapter)

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