Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 472 Hotel in the Valley

Chapter 472 Hotel in the Valley
Aidan (Leader of the Dragon Knights): "Miss Jaina? You haven't left yet?"

Murphy asked with some surprise. Jaina came to him before and wanted to take an adventure with him. Murphy did not agree. However, out of etiquette and friendship between royal families of various countries, he did not drive Gianna away, and Let Jaina live wherever she likes in Dragonsorrow Castle and play as long as she wants.

It was just a courtesy, but I didn't expect this little girl to actually stay.

Jaina lives in Longshang Castle these days, and Murphy has encountered her several times when he was catching thieves.

It wasn't until later that Jaina went out for an 'adventure' with some adventurers that she disappeared. I thought she had left, but I didn't expect that she would show up again.

"Didn't you go on adventures with those adventurers?"

Jaina (trainee mage): "Huh, don't mention it. Those adventurers are a bunch of villains and bastards. They called me, called short, they were very unpleasant words. They made me so angry that I had a fight with them. I also killed a few, and then...I fell into a coma for some reason, and when I woke up, I was already back in the castle.

Wasn't it you who sent someone to rescue me? "

Murphy: "..."

He vaguely heard that Jaina would not be killed by those adventurers, right?
It is really possible that although Jaina is a gold-level hero, she is only level 35. It is easy for her to overturn when she encounters a well-equipped team of adventurers.

"You didn't lose anything, did you?"

"Lost something?" Jaina checked it and her expression suddenly changed, "Oops, they took away my necklace. It was given to me by my mother. What should I do, Prince Aidan?"

Aidan (Leader of the Dragon Knights): "Don't worry about Jaina, I will issue a mission to find the necklace. I believe someone will send the necklace back soon. As for the adventure..."

"Please take me with you, brother Aidan. Can you bear to watch me take risks alone?"

He was directly promoted to brother, but Mo Fei was unmoved.

"Sorry, I have no plans to hire foreign aid this time. What I need is experienced players."

"Isn't it okay if I don't participate in the distribution of the spoils? I just want to participate - Teacher Vivian, please say something to me."

Vivian worked as a teaching assistant in Dalaran for a while. Since she was the only night elf mage, she was considered a celebrity in Dalaran, and she knew Jaina.

After listening to Jaina's plea, Vivian smiled and said, "Jaina is an excellent mage apprentice with great potential."

Mo Feixin said, of course I know she has great potential. Jaina will be a representative of human heroes who participated in the Hyjal Holy War in the future, and fought against Archimonde. Later, for revenge, she used the artifact Focusing Rainbow to summon the water elemental army. Wanting to flood Orgrimmar, he almost overturned the tribe with his car.

The strength is evident.

But Jaina is just a little girl now, only over level 30, so how powerful can she be?

But then I thought again, with my current strength, it wouldn't hurt to lead a soy sauce bastard.

He is also going to try to see if he can do it alone.

Since we don’t want spoils of war, we don’t take free labor for nothing.

Another thing is that this little girl has a really sweet mouth. She calls out to Brother Aidan every time, which is a bit embarrassing.

"Okay, but let's make it clear first that all actions must be obeyed. Since you are a trainee team member, you will definitely not have the authority to distribute the spoils. However, if you perform well, I won't be able to share some with you."

"Yeah! Well, I mean, I obey your orders, Your Highness." Jaina said, grabbing the hem of her skirt and curtsying, very much like the princess of Kul Tiras.

In this way, the five hero team members have been selected.

Aidan (Dragon Eater): Epic Level 79, level 16500, HP [-].

Azona (Warbringer) is a second-level gold hero.Level 77, HP: 9550.

Vivian Night Song (ancient mage), fifth level gold.Level 80, HP: 8000.

Angus (High Priest of the Dragon Cult), third level gold, level 80, HP: 8600.

Jaina Proudmoore (Mage), Gold Level 35.Level 3200, HP: [-].

Murphy checked the ranks of the team members and found that he was the one with the highest rank.

This made him quite emotional, thinking that this was the first time such a thing had happened. Never before had he not hung out with a hero whose rank was much higher than his own.

I finally came forward.

This situation made him feel a bit like a leader.

The team of heroes was assembled. Next, Murphy began to gather troops again. Considering that he was already strong enough and the Ice Fissure was a map with a narrow terrain that was not suitable for large armies, he did not gather too many troops. In the end, only a force of 1000 men was assembled.

Four hundred powerful dragon-blooded warriors, four hundred dragon-riding sky patrollers, and two hundred dragon-equipped heavy cavalry.

There are no ground ranged soldiers, but it doesn't matter. Since it is a sealed prison located deep in the ice crack, it must be ground combat, and melee combat units can also be useful.

After the troops were assembled, Murphy asked Roland to guard the house while he personally commanded the army and marched out of the castle in a mighty manner.

Since they are all extraordinary soldiers, although there are only 1000 people, they have the momentum of thousands of troops.

The heavy cavalry in dragon armor trampled on the thick ground, and the dragon patrollers circled and danced in the sky, fully grasping the dynamics of the enemies in the surrounding terrain and environment.

At this moment, a group of knights came galloping over like lightning.

The leader was Zhuo Genbao, followed by his generals and guards.

We haven’t seen each other for a while, and the guard of the general who grabbed Genbao has also been upgraded. The champion knight of Yishui is holding a five-meter knight’s super long spear. He moves like a forest of spears, which is quite powerful.

The champion knight is the top-level existence among the three civilian knights (the three civilian knights are the knight-errant, the vassal knight, and the champion knight). Usually only the champion of the knight tourney can trigger the advanced option.

It is a fifth-level unit beyond ordinary knights.

Grabbing the root treasure can assemble a team of champion knights, and it seems that there will be no shortage of martial arts competitions.

Zhagenbao (King of Alterac): "Brother, where are you going? Are you going to Quel'Thalas to join the war?"

Aidan (Leader of the Dragonsword Knights): "What happened to Quel'Thalas?"

"You don't know yet? Godwin has issued a summons to lead the coalition forces to go to the tribe to fight. I guess he must be heading for the Sunwell. Now the heroes from all over the world are in trouble, especially the mages. Everyone is vying to join the battle."

Murphy shook his head, "No, I'm not going to the Sunwell. I have more important things to do."

"No, brother, we at Alterac are relying on you for this war. Without you to support the scene, we at Alterac will have no chance at all."

"Haha, don't belittle yourselves, my good brother. You guys have made a lot of money during this time. Don't just think about making money. You have to raise a wave of troops when you need to. I'm not Alterac." King, you can't rely on me to protect you forever, but don't blame your brother for not helping you. Let's do this. If you are in danger during the war, you can pray to the Storm Dragon Aidandron together, and I will open a map for you then. Cannon.

Of course, the premise is that you have to change your beliefs. "

After speaking, Murphy patted Genbao on the shoulder and led the army towards the snowy mountains in the distance.

Murphy rode on the back of Frost Wolf Felice and led the army to march slowly.

I have to say, I am used to flying around in the sky, but marching on the ground is really a bit slow.

The Great Ice Rift is not too far from Alterac City, but it is not too close either. It is hundreds of kilometers away. It only takes an hour to fly.

But if we march on the ground, it will take several days.

Fortunately, if you have nothing to do, you can still tease this little girl Jaina, or chat with a few subordinates, talk, and connect with each other.Aidan (Leader of the Dragon Knights): "Princess Jaina, why do you have to go on an adventure with me? I think with your identity, it should be easy to join an adventure team. You can even directly recruit a group of adventurers." By."

Jaina sighed, "My father doesn't trust me to go out on adventures. He wants me to go back to Kul Tiras and receive training from the Tide Sage, but I've had enough of the sea. The sea always lets me Feeling creepy."

"Oh, why is that? I heard people call you 'the daughter of the sea'."

The sea near Kul Tiras is not as calm as the eastern continent. There are always strange sounds hidden in the waves. In the depths of the sea, I can always feel an uneasy presence. "Her voice became deeper and deeper, and there was a hint of fear in her eyes, but it was fleeting.

He smiled and said, "Of course the most important thing is that if you want to take risks, of course you have to go with the most experienced and legendary heroes. Only in this way can you experience unusual adventure stories. Our teachers in Dalaran are very strict. If I cannot provide a sufficiently exciting practical paper, I may fail the course.

Whose adventures can be as legendary as yours, brother Aidan? I heard that you even went to Feralas in Kalimdor to fight against the evil Zerg army with the night elves. "

The flattery was just right, and Mo Fei couldn't help but feel very happy.

Vivian Yege glanced at Mo Fei without any trace, as if she thought of something.

It seemed that a monster's roar suddenly came from the front, and Jaina immediately cheered up - there was a fight.

"Wow, it's a snowman! I've only seen it in the monster manual in the Violet Library."

She was just about to pick up the staff and go up to fight.

The next second, a group of dragon knights swooped down and blasted down several dragon thunders, wiping out all the snowmen in an instant.

A dragon-riding patrolman descended on a storm dragon, "Captain, we just discovered a group of snowmen and have destroyed them according to your instructions."

"Well done, continue to be vigilant. All the monsters are in your hands. Fight quickly and try not to affect the speed of progress."

"It's an adult."

The dragon patroller pulled the reins and soared into the sky again.

Only then did Jaina notice that the dragon knights in the sky were in a search formation. Every twenty were in a team, searching in all directions at the same time. When encountering mobs, they would swoop down and bomb in clusters. With such a group of air force in the air, they were covering , ordinary monster groups have no chance of getting close.

It's more of a march than an adventure.

Jaina was dumbfounded. This adventurer was a little different from what she imagined. What should she say when she goes back like this?

I walked from morning to night, covering more than 100 kilometers in one day.

Murphy estimated the distance. He should be able to reach the Ice Rift Valley tomorrow night, but tonight it seemed he could only find a place to camp in the wilderness.

However, in the vast snowfield and snow-capped mountains in front of us, there really weren’t any decent camping spots.

Fortunately, the people of Alterac are resistant to freezing. Murphy saw the shirtless and vigorous appearance of the dragon-blooded giant warriors, and then saw the leader of the team, Azona, who is three meters tall and full of muscles. Also only wears simple armor.

The Vrykul are more resistant to cold than the Alterac people.

But it was not safe to go offline in the wild, and Murphy didn't want to stay in the wild for a night.

At this time, the Dragon Patroller landed again.

"Master, we found a valley in front of us, which is very suitable for stationing."

"Take me there."

Following the lead of the dragon-riding sky patroller in the sky, the army soon entered a hidden valley.

The terrain of this valley is very peculiar. The snow-capped mountains on both sides block the wind and snow. The entrance is a downward snow slope. The terrain of the mountains sunk here, forming a basin. In this valley that is not disturbed by the wind and snow, In the middle of the valley, there was a rare appearance of greenery. Crisp grass covered every corner of the valley, interspersed with some coniferous trees unique to the cold zone.

The melted snow water on the surrounding snow-capped mountains has formed several intertwined clear streams, and you can even see some fish swimming in the river. At this time, the setting sun illuminates the river water with sparkling waves, like broken gold.

What a peaceful and peaceful natural scenery.

I have to say that the scene where the lush green grassland in the valley merges with the snow-capped mountains in the background is truly stunning.

"Wow, it's so beautiful." Jaina exclaimed, "Look, there seems to be a hotel there."

hostel?Murphy was a little surprised.

He looked in the direction pointed by Gianna's little hand and saw that there was indeed a hotel. It was a standard two-story building, made of red bricks and stones, and the roof was covered with blue tiles.

Smoke was rising from the chimney.

The hotel is located on a meadow not far from the creek, with several apple trees growing around it.

This was a pleasant surprise.

Naturally, such a hotel cannot house a thousand troops, but it is enough for a few heroes to rest.

"Let's go, everyone, we will stay here tonight. Asona, you lead the soldiers to camp around the hotel."

When the group of people came to the door of the hotel, they happened to see a young man chopping wood. He was waving a wood-chop ax quite vigorously. He immediately turned his head when he heard the sound of horse hooves.

Murphy glanced at it,

Silly (hotel clerk) elite template, level 20.HP 850.

Hey, it's interesting. The hotel clerk is actually an elite, but the name is a bit weird, silly...who would come up with such an ugly name.

The young man looked at the army and immediately showed a wary look. He held the ax in front of him, but did not retreat. He was a bit brave.

But when he saw Murphy, his face suddenly turned pale and he froze there.

Am I so terrible?Murphy thought in his mind.

Yes, it's probably the effect of the 'Magic Dragon's Majesty'.

Since he advanced to the Disaster Demonic Dragon, his Dragon King's Majesty has become [Dragon King's Majesty/Demon Dragon's Majesty].

[Dragon King’s Majesty/Magic Dragon’s Majesty.

Characteristic effects: Charm value +10, automatically releases LV100 intimidation spell on all units within 2 yards.When you have a conversation with a target, you will automatically release a lv1 control spell on the target. This effect will not trigger hostility.

When surrounding creatures look at you, there is a certain probability of triggering the [Fear] effect.

Feature introduction: As you evolve into the legendary disaster dragon, you gain a touch of divinity. The terrifying aura and extraordinary power exuded from your body make the weak creatures around you involuntarily fear and awe, and even fall into fear. 】

Murphy stopped the Frostwolf mount, "Hey boy, are there any rooms in the hotel?"

The young man didn't answer. He looked at him blankly, with a stiff expression and his hands holding the ax tightly. Murphy even suspected that the other party might want to strike with an axe.

It wasn't until Murphy's mount Frost Wolf Fenris sniffed the boy and let out a somewhat shrill howl that the boy suddenly reacted.

His face turned red, and he dropped the ax in his hand to the ground in fright.

"Sir, would you like me to arrange a room for you?"

"Arrange five rooms, prepare food for the night, and - feed my wolf with raw meat." Murphy said, getting off the frost wolf's back, casually throwing the reins over, and taking a few The individual walked into the hotel.

(End of this chapter)

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