Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 473 Thrall’s Determination

Chapter 473 Thrall’s Determination

Sal stood in the shadow of the corridor, looking at the closed door of the guest room in front of him, his heart beating like a war drum.

He was holding a wood-cutting ax in his hand, which was the only handy weapon he could find. He was usually very skilled in chopping firewood and driving away wild beasts, but at this moment, looking at the door so close, Feeling the pressure in the air, his hands couldn't stop shaking.

I don't know when sweat has soaked my palms.

You can't be afraid, you can't retreat, you have to cheer up, Sal, do you still remember your vow of revenge!
Thrall still clearly remembers the night that changed his life. Countless warriors of the Frostwolf clan fled back to the tribe in a hurry. The orc warriors who were originally high-spirited all became despondent and fled for their lives in a hurry.

"What happened?" he asked loudly at that time.

"Failed, we were defeated by humans."

"Where's my father?"

"Chief Durotan was killed by a human hero."

Sal can still recall the despair and anger he felt at that time.

"Who killed my father?" he shouted loudly.

"A dragon, a human who can turn into a dragon, Aidan, that person's name is Aidan!" The orc warriors cried and fled from the Frostwolf clan's camp, fleeing into the wilderness, leaving only Thrall standing. In that short home.

Aidan!Aidan!Aidan!I must kill you!

The young Thrall secretly swore, and what followed was a long journey of wandering and fleeing. He was chased by the Alliance's army, by the Alliance's adventurers, by wild beasts and snowmen, and finally ended up in this remote valley.

He originally thought that he would hide for a lifetime. Living in this valley, the hatred and fear gradually faded away. Until today, during the day, when he saw the human named Aidan with his own eyes, Sal suddenly understood that revenge, fighting, The glory of his ancestors, blood and hatred, all these are his destiny.

I must kill Aidan!
Sal murmured to himself, but his hands couldn't help but tremble.

Although they only met a few times during the day and the conversation never lasted more than five sentences, the human named Aidan still brought him tremendous psychological pressure.

When he saw the human who killed his father with his own eyes, he suddenly understood why his fearless and powerful god-like father died in the hands of the other party.

That man frightened him, his strange vertical pupils seemed to hide dark red lightning.

That gloomy temperament made the air freeze.

Everything he does is an invisible deterrent.

When standing next to the man, an invisible pressure made Sal unable to breathe. When he looked at the man, he vaguely saw a terrifying shadow on the man.

It is extremely awe-inspiring.

Sal recalled Aidan's figure and those eyes, and his hands trembled even more.

Fear came to mind involuntarily.

He gasped for air and tried to close his eyes, searching for fighting skills in his memories.

He vaguely recalled memories of his father teaching him how to use an ax as a child.

"Did you see this wooden pile? Use the ax to chop it down hard. Remember, only the head of the ax is lethal. You must control the center of gravity and distance, like this."

Durotan said as he casually struck down the axe, and with a click, the thick log was split in half instantly.

Sal, who was still young, raised his ax and struck it hard, but it hit the dirt next to the wooden pile.

Uncle Saurfang, who was watching the fun next to him, laughed loudly, while Uncle Samuro, who was wiping the blade of his knife, shook his head.

Thrall looked at his father with some sarcasm, but Durotan smiled tolerantly.

"You are still young, my child, but one day you will become a powerful warrior." He stroked Sal's hair with his hand, and the warm touch seemed like yesterday.

Thrall opened his eyes suddenly. There was no father in front of him, only the dark corridor. He looked at the ax in his hand. The hands holding the ax became unusually calm at this time.

If any player passes by, they will be surprised to find that a ball of golden light suddenly appears on Thrall's head, and the name on his head changes suddenly.

Silly (Fighter).

Although he knew that he was still extremely weak compared to his opponent, at that moment, Thrall found the feeling of a warrior.

Just when he was about to rush into the door together, a crisp voice suddenly sounded behind him.

"Hey, what about you, what are you doing here?"

Sal was startled. He turned around suddenly and found that it was the girl who was walking with Aidan during the day. Her long golden hair shone in the dark, her sapphire-like eyes looked at him warily, and the staff in her hand was faintly visible. pointed at him.

"I - I -" Thrall said in a hurry - "I heard that Prince Aidan is a great warrior, and I want to ask him for some fighting skills."

"You? Fighting skills? Hahahahaha." Jaina burst into laughter.

Thrall's face suddenly turned red, "I am a warrior!"

"Don't be kidding. Prince Aidan is not something a kid like you can disturb. If you really want to learn fighting skills, go find the big guy outside. Maybe he can teach you a few tricks."

Thrall knew that the other person was talking about the giant named Asona. This was the first time he saw such a tall and strong human being, bigger than an orc. Although not as scary as Aidan, it still shocked him.

Just as he was about to argue a few words, Jaina had already waved her hand, "Take me to the animal pen. I want to see the white wolf."

Thrall hesitated for a moment, then put down the ax obediently and led Jaina toward the animal pen.

He had no hostility toward the human girl in front of him. Compared to those strong men who made him feel unattainable, the girl in front of him was much more approachable.

The two came to the animal pen behind the hotel, where Fenrir, the frost wolf, was lying.

When Thrall saw the white wolf, he felt sad again. He knew very well that Fenrir had clearly recognized him during the day.

He was very sure of this. When he was a child, he often played with Fenrir. Frostwolf was the pet, mount, and battle partner of the Frostwolf orcs.Even considered family.

He still remembered that his father once said that when he was six years old, he would choose a frost wolf for him to grow up with. Obtaining a frost wolf was both an honor and a sacred ritual. If an orc chooses a frost wolf, the frost wolf will also Choose orcs and become companions to each other.

It's a pity that he couldn't wait for his partner after all.

"Hey." He whispered in exchange.

Fenrir opened his eyes and looked at him calmly. Then he stuck out his tongue and licked Thrall's palm.

"Wow, how did you do that? Aidan's horse never listens to other people's orders. I can't even touch it. During the day, I thought it would eat you."

Thrall explained: "Frost wolves are not brainless beasts, but intelligent beings. As long as you respect it, you will be respected as well."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, you know quite a lot about beasts."

As Jaina spoke, she suddenly curtsied to Fenrir, then reached out and stroked Fenrir's hair. As expected, Fenrir didn't resist and allowed the two of them to stroke his hair.

"Well, if only I wanted such a mount. My father bought me a colt, but I didn't like it very much."


"Only what you get is meaningful. Prince Aidan killed the orc chief with his own hands. This frost wolf is his trophy."

Sal immediately tightened his grip on the ax, the anger in his heart suddenly emerged, and his teeth crunched loudly.

Jaina felt the change in him, "What's wrong with you?"

"My father died in that war." "Oh, I'm sorry." Jaina said, which surprised Thrall. He thought the other party was a high-ranking human noble lady.

"It's nothing. He died heroically. This is the fate of a warrior." Thrall said, suddenly looking at Jaina, "Do you hate orcs? I mean, have you ever participated in a war with orcs."

"I have never been on the battlefield, but when I was in Lordaeron, I did kill an orc assassin, but this has nothing to do with you. This place is quite nice. Staying here is better than dying in battle. Now There are wars going on everywhere, and you won’t survive a few battles if you go to the battlefield like this.”

"I am a warrior." Thrall couldn't help shouting.

Jaina laughed, "Okay, if you are ready one day, I can take you on an adventure."

"I'm not interested in taking risks, I want revenge."

"Ah, do you want to go to the battlefield? The orcs are attacking Quel'Thalas, and the Alliance's army will be setting off soon. You can enlist in the army."

"The tribe is back again? Isn't the chief dead?"

"Yes, but now there is a new chief. It seems to be an orc named Ba Dao Qing Wu."

The ruthless sword?Thrall didn't know much about this name, but that didn't stop him from admiring it. To be able to become a warchief, he must be a powerful orc. Maybe he could find Ba Dao Qingwu and join the tribe, and maybe then he would have a chance to take revenge. .

Seeing Thrall's gritted teeth expression, Jaina misunderstood his thoughts.

"Are you going to find Ba Dao Qingwu? I advise you not to have such thoughts. Those orcs are very cruel and will not let anyone go. The elderly, women, children..."

These words made Thrall feel very harsh. The orcs were all noble warriors fighting for glory, so how could they attack the elderly, women and children.

What made him feel even more harsh was the contempt of the other party.

"I'm not a kid, I'm a warrior."

Sal said, puffing out his chest proudly.

Jaina blinked her eyes as if she had discovered a new world. Not to mention, this silly boy named Silly. Although he looked young, he was very strong, with strong arms, broad chest and back. Maybe he could be trained. He can become an excellent warrior.

"Okay, okay, you are a warrior, okay, okay - warrior idiot, I'm going back to rest, see you tomorrow."

She rubbed her hand on the wolf's head, turned and left.

The girl left, but Sal was confused.

Are you going to find the warchief?Or continue your revenge?
Unconsciously, he returned to the corridor again, looking at the door in confusion for a long time——

"If you are ready to take action, I suggest you change your weapon. The thing in your hand cannot cut through dragon scales."

An old voice sounded behind him, and Sal turned around in embarrassment, as if he was a primary school student caught playing truant.

The old man was not angry, but looked at him with a smile, "If you don't plan to take action, then come with me and let's have a good chat."

Sal followed the old man to the old man's room.

The old man poured a glass of cider and handed it to him. Sal drank the wine in one breath and finally calmed down.

He took off the Orb of Deception from his neck and immediately transformed back into his orc appearance.

During this period, he hid his identity in this way.

The Orb of Deceiver changed his appearance to that of a human, and also allowed him to gain a human perspective on the world.

He gradually learned about human society. The more he learned, the more confused he became.

Only when he is alone with the old man will he change back to his original appearance.

"So there are your enemies among those people?"

"Prince Aidan, he killed my father."

"Oh, then you have made a terrible enemy. Prince Aidan is a man of the hour. He is very powerful and has slain countless dragons. It is said that he has also killed ancient gods. Some people even think that he is the strongest player at present. Looking for His revenge will not be easy.”

Thrall didn't know what the player was, but he also understood what the other party meant.

"No matter how difficult it is, I will do it. The hatred for killing my father is irreconcilable. There are things a man should do and things he should not do - this is what you taught me."

"This is indeed the truth, but it shouldn't be now. If you go to kill Aidan now, the only result will be death. With your current strength, even if the opponent stands still and lets you chop you, you can't win.

Didn’t I also teach you that it’s never too late for a gentleman to take revenge? "

Sal lowered his head sadly, knowing that what the old man said was right.

But how do you become stronger?
How can he become as powerful as his father, no, more powerful than his father? Only in this way can he defeat Aidan.

"I don't have much research on game upgrades, but I still know the general process. The improvement of strength is nothing more than occupation, rank, level, skills, equipment, etc. The only way to obtain these is to fight, keep fighting, and kill monsters. If you kill more, you will naturally gain experience and upgrade, and you will naturally be able to explode equipment. As for the rank, it seems that you need to complete amazing achievements and defeat powerful enemies..."

After listening to the old man's words, Sal suddenly felt hope, "You can teach me, right? Just like you teach me the principles of life and knowledge, you can also teach me how to fight, right?"
You told me about your fighting experience when you were young. Although I couldn't understand it very well, I knew that you were also a warrior. "

"Hehehe, of course, but my battle and your battle are not the same concept, but... I have a way.

Do you remember those adventurers? "

Of course, I remember that when Thrall was living in the wilderness, he met many adventurers from the alliance and was attacked many times. He still can't figure out how he survived in the first place. He has always had a vague feeling about these adventurers who were like crazy dogs. Some fear.

"Go and fight those adventurers. If I remember correctly, you should be able to gain experience by killing adventurers, and you can also explode the opponent's equipment. As long as you kill enough adventurers, you can become stronger. "

Sal was a little worried, "But I can't beat them, there are many of them."

"Then use your brain. Have all the things I taught you been in vain?"

"What if I die?"

The old man smiled mysteriously, "Don't worry, I'm here and I won't let you die. Just go fight those adventurers and try your best to defeat them. If you win, of course it's best. If you are defeated, I will save you too."

Thrall was a little unbelievable. Life and death in battle often only took a moment. He was fighting in close quarters with those adventurers, and the old man didn't go with him. How could he be saved?
Is it some kind of magic?Yes, the old man must be a wizard, just like the shamans in the tribe, possessing some extraordinary power that he cannot understand.

The old man said confidently: "Just believe me. Do you think I will lie to you? In short, I will not let you die. But you must also pay attention. You can only fight with those adventurers. Never go to fight a powerful hero like Aidan, or a named BOSS, otherwise I won’t be able to save you.”

Thrall can understand that although the old man is powerful, he is not a god. If the enemy is too powerful, it may be beyond the scope of his magic.

Sal suddenly showed a determined look, "Okay, as soon as those people leave, I will go find the adventurers to fight. I want to become stronger. When I am strong enough, I will go to Aidan for revenge."

The next day, when Murphy walked out of the room, he found breakfast had been prepared.

After breakfast, Murphy couldn't wait to embark on the journey.

When he led the army to gradually leave the valley, he noticed the young man named Silly, watching him from a distance.

He felt a little strange, but then he thought of a reasonable explanation.

This fool is probably a player. After all, only players would give such a strange name.

And maybe he is a fan of his own.

It’s not surprising that he is considered a celebrity after all.

He waved to the young man in the distance and led the army into the vast snowfield.

(End of this chapter)

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