Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 475: Duel with the Ancient Dragon

Chapter 475: Duel with the Ancient Dragon

"Someone has been here!" Murphy said in a deep voice.

Looking at the corpses on the ground, everyone suddenly became alert. One by one, some drew their swords and some raised their staffs.

Murphy did his duty and stood at the front of the team. He listened carefully. There was silence around him, except for the heavy breathing of Asona.

"Be careful, everyone. The guy who slaughtered the blue dragon may not have left yet. Cheer up and let's take a good look at what is going on."

As he spoke, Mo Fei pulled out the dragon-slaying giant sword and walked slowly towards the sealed prison.

The group of people slowly walked out of the darkness and arrived at the empty rune array.

The ground is entirely made of flat ice, with huge runes outlining mysterious patterns.

These runes are composed of pure arcane energy, and they still remain full of energy after countless years.

Jaina looked at the magic runes on the ground with a look of amazement.

"These runes are so wonderful. They are completely different from the magic runes taught in Dalaran. I can feel the powerful power from them."

Vivian introduced, "This is Dragon Language Magic - Eternal Seal, an ancient and powerful sealing spell. Ordinary dispersing magic is completely ineffective. Hey, the runes have been destroyed. It seems that the things in the sealed prison have been destroyed." was released.

Lord Aidan, no matter who opens the seal, they must have extraordinary magic power. "

Listening to Vivian's introduction, Murphy nodded, feeling slightly annoyed that he was cut off.

What made him most unhappy was that the situation in front of him was obviously a little weird.

These corpses look like they have not been dead for a long time. In other words, the seal may have just been opened. It was not opened sooner or later, but it happened to be opened when I got the information and came to slay the dragon. If there is no ghost here, then there really is. Ghost.

However, Mo Fei was a very brave man. Even though he knew something was wrong, he still stayed and wanted to find out.

He looked at the corpses of the Azure Dragonmen, and he could see some severe carbonization marks on them.

I couldn't help but feel something in my heart. It was not the result of flame burning, but more likely caused by lightning damage. As the Storm Dragon King and a user of dragon thunder, I was very aware of the effects of lightning damage.

He walked up to the blue dragon. It was an adult blue dragon. It was quite large, with a wingspan of over 60 meters. However, its limbs were all broken, and the wound on its chest was an extremely violent laceration. , Mo Fei touched the crack at the wound with his hand - it was a dragon claw!

Thunder and lightning!dragon!The dragon that saved the disaster dragon!

Murphy immediately thought of the 'Storm Doom' Lesa Jess, the only one among the four disaster dragons who escaped.

At the same time, he immediately realized that in this situation, he was likely to be blacklisted by the Dragon Covenant.

He is the Storm Dragon King and the Disaster Dragon. It is easy to connect with the ancient storm dragon. Now he has appeared in the sealed prison where 'Fire Burning World' Philek escaped...

There was a sound of footsteps behind him, and Murphy said coldly without looking back.

Aidan (Leader of the Dragon Knights): "Angus, I think you should probably give me an explanation."

Angus (High Priest of the Dragon Cult): "Ah, Lord Aidan, this may just be a coincidence."

"Coincidence? Hum, do you want to fool me Angus? Want to play tricks with your master."

Murphy suddenly turned around and raised his hand to strike with Rex's dragon claw!

His right hand instantly turned into a huge dragon claw, and Angus was caught in his hand and raised into the air.

Aidan (Leader of the Dragon Knights): "Yesterday, the Dragon Worship Cult just provided me with information. Today, the prisoners in this prison were rescued in advance, and I just happened to come to this place of right and wrong. You think I will Do you believe me?"

As he spoke, the dragon's claws slowly tightened, and the damage number immediately appeared on Angus's head.
155! -270! -395!

Angus's face turned red when he was pinched, and his eyes almost popped out.

"Lord Aidan... maybe... the Dragon Cult... has a traitor..."


Murphy snorted coldly. He was not planning to kill Angus. He was just giving him a warning. He had spent a long time with the priests of the Dragon Worship Cult. These strange people who pursued power could not use ordinary people's methods. Thinking about it, the more you show your strength, the more you will gain their fanatical admiration.

Murphy suddenly let go of his hand and turned it back into a human arm. Angus lay on the ground, coughing.

"go on."

Angus struggled to get up from the ground, but there was no anger on his face, only flattery and flattery.

"Lord Aidan, ahem, this really has nothing to do with me. I'm just following orders. And, ahem, there must be some misunderstanding here. The members within the Dragon Worship Cult are complicated, and maybe someone has secretly leaked the information. No matter what, , I think we'd better get out of here first.

The seal has been opened, and the Blue Dragon Legion has probably been alerted. Maybe a dragon will come to check soon. "

Mo Fei looked at the blue dragon corpse in front of him noncommittally. He mobilized his troops and finally found the place, but the prey he wanted was missing. It was really disappointing.

It's not my style to go all the way for nothing and get myself into trouble.

But now is not the time to fall out with the dragon army, maybe we should avoid suspicion.

No, if you can run away, the monk can't run away from the temple. Even if you leave, you will easily be found. It's better...

Murphy's heart moved, and he suddenly had a bold idea.

at this time.

Vivian (Ancient Magister): "Everyone, be careful, I feel magic fluctuations - huge magic fluctuations."

Immediately everyone knew the origin of the fluctuation.

It's sizzling!

A blue light suddenly appeared out of thin air, and a huge portal that was five to sixty meters high slowly opened. Then, a huge blue dragon walked out of the portal. The blue dragon was so huge that it required You can pass through by lowering your head. Behind the blue dragon, there are groups of blue dragon warriors, blue dragon guards, blue dragon weavers...

Murphy looked up and glanced at the huge blue dragon.

Mirgos (high-level blue dragon lord), world level three, level 90, health value 285000.

Judging from the size, it should be at the level of an ancient dragon.

When the ancient blue dragon saw the dragon corpses on the ground around him, he roared furiously.

Mirgos (high-level blue dragon lord): "Who dares to break into the forbidden area of ​​​​the Blue Dragon Legion, who dares to slaughter the descendants of the Blue Dragon King, who..."

Its eyes suddenly looked at Murphy and the others, with an icy chill in their eyes.

"So it turns out that here, you need to report your name as a mortal, otherwise..."

Aidandron's Dragon Soul Annihilation!
Boom, a black light that tore apart the soul directly interrupted Mirgos's lines.

Murphy was also very decisive. In this situation, these dragons were killed by lightning, and he was the Storm Dragon King. It was completely meaningless to try to explain.

Besides, he didn't intend to explain that the guy in front of him was also an ancient dragon.

That is also a dragon heart.

And he also had a plan at this time.

Since the other party may misunderstand that I am 'Storm Doom' Lesajes, I might as well confirm this identity, force the Dragon Covenant to enter the field, and the dragon that intercepts me is probably 'Storm Doom' Lesajes. The other party is hiding it but it is not clear. It is difficult to find it, and it is even more difficult to figure out the other party's purpose. It is better to let the dragon army do this job.

Lysajes wants to make itself the scapegoat, but it probably doesn't know that players can log off.

When I was in a hurry, I just went offline and waited for the news. Instead of being a target, I wanted to see how 'Storm Doom' Lesa Jess could escape the pursuit of the Dragon Covenant.

This heroic skill knocked Mirgos staggering, and the blue dragon's huge body was almost knocked to the ground.
29817 (serious injury)!

One big move directly knocked out one-tenth of his health.

There is also a DEBUFF attached.

[Dragon Soul Weakness (serious injury): Your soul has suffered heavy damage, the spell power is reduced by 10%, and the maximum mana value is reduced by 10%. 】

Mo Fei glanced at the opponent's health bar and immediately became convinced. He was only world three, but he was also world two. The first-level gap could be made up with his personal strength.

This guy is obviously weaker than the two alien dragon kings he fought before.

With his current strength, he can definitely fight head-on.

After he transformed into a dragon, his blood volume was 278850, which was less than [-] less than his opponent. Before he knew it, his strength had reached the level of ***OSS.

Now that the opponent is seriously injured, he can be hung up and beaten.Mirgos (high-ranking blue dragon lord): "Damn it! You despicable mortal, dare to attack the noble blue dragon lord..."

"To shut up!"

Murphy shouted, the dragon transformed!

Instantly transformed into a majestic dragon with a wingspan of more than [-] meters, its size is not small compared to its opponent.

Edandron (Storm Dragon King): "Open your blind eyes and see what kind of great existence you are facing - face the power of the Storm Dragon King."

Mirgos was startled.

Mirgos (high-ranking blue dragon lord): "Storm Dragon King? Are you Lysajes!? It turns out that the rumors are true. You are a rebel of the dragon tribe, disguised as a human prince of Alterac. That's it. Everything has become clear, your true purpose is to rescue your evil and fallen brother.

Kill them all, warriors of the Blue Dragon Legion, fight for the Dragon Legion. "

Edandron (Storm Dragon King): "I will deal with this reptile, and I will leave the smaller ones to you."

After speaking, without waiting for everyone's reaction, he rushed towards Mirgos.

Mirgos did not dare to confront him head-on. He spread his wings, soared into the air, and flew towards the sky.

Blue dragons are known for their magic and do not naturally like melee combat.

After receiving a shot of Dragon Soul Annihilation and being hit hard, I didn't dare to fight head-on.

Thunder breath!

Arcane Breath!

The two giant dragons sprayed out their dragon breath almost at the same time, and the two energies collided with each other, making a violent explosion.

Unexpectedly, the power of Mirgos's dragon breath was so powerful that it actually offset it.

Murphy moved forward desperately, but Mirgos flew back with his wings flickering. However, the blue dragon was no match for the Storm Dragon King because of its speed. Murphy rushed to the blue dragon in an instant and swung his claws towards Mirgos's chest. Down.

Milgos saw the miserable situation of the blue dragon just now, how could he dare to catch it.

Dragon language magic - crystal shield.

A protective shield composed of pieces of hexagonal crystal emerged around him, protecting his entire body.

Mo Fei didn't care. The ancient dragon's claws grabbed it, and the crystal shield shattered into pieces. It was completely unable to withstand it, and it only achieved the effect of slowing down for a moment.

Mirgos rolled sideways to avoid the blow, but several dragon scales were still scraped off by the dragon's claws.

Mirgos was shocked and angry. He was not familiar with Lysajes, and they had not seen each other for tens of thousands of years, so it was normal for him not to recognize them. However, he would never forget this ancient dragon's claw.

When the ancient dragon fell together, the ancient dragon's body had already degenerated into the ancestral dragon. How could this guy still grow in reverse?

This only strengthened Mirgos's determination to win over the opponent.

Seeing the Storm Dragon King rushing towards him again, Mirgos did not dare to be careless and hurriedly flew upwards. The terrain here was narrow and not suitable for dragons to fly. Once the opponent got up close and personal, he would have no chance at all.

But as long as he flies outside and has the distance advantage, Mirgos is confident that he can defeat the opponent.

Let you, a stupid and arrogant evil dragon, experience the mystery of dragon language magic. After tens of thousands of years of painstaking research, I will see how you respond when I bring out the results of combining arcane energy and dragon language magic.

Mirgos (high-ranking blue dragon lord): "Storm Dragon King, if you have the courage, go outside and challenge me."

After saying that, he suddenly flew upwards, and when he approached the dome, he phased and teleported directly to the outside of the Ice Rift.

When Mo Fei saw it, he immediately chased him out. The meat in his mouth could make you run away.

He knew very well that long-distance teleportation requires reading time, and the opponent's teleportation ability must only be able to teleport short distances.

He did not hit the dome above. It was made of solid ice and frozen soil. It was not easy to break through, and it was easy to be ambushed.

The moment he approached the dome, Mo Fei used the Dragon Feast skill everywhere.

Noreldorm's time turmoil!

In an instant, the storm dragon turned into a shadow, passed through the ice and frozen soil, and flew back to the ground.

Milgos, who was preparing for a critical attack, was shocked. How did this thing fly out?

The magic that is ready to go can't wait.

Dragon language magic - arcane storm!
Hundreds of arcane missiles, each one the size of a washbasin, were condensing around Mirgos, firing, condensing and firing again.

It shot out like a violent storm.

However, all the magic was in vain and penetrated through the Storm Dragon King.

This is the time power of the bronze dragon! ?Mirgos was increasingly shocked.

The next second, Murphy returned to reality from the turbulence of time.

Pounced on Mirgos again.

Dragon Language Magic——Dragon Phantom!
In an instant, Mirgos transformed into a dozen identical blue dragons and flew in all directions. Murphy threw his paw into the air, and when he turned around, he found that a dozen blue dragons had already surrounded him.

Dragons surround the Storm Dragon King, each one lifelike.

Um?Magic phantom?What's the use of this thing?

Mo Fei didn't care. He had seen mirror magic a lot. It was of no use other than attracting firepower. It could be broken with just a slight scratch.

However, the other party seemed quite proud.

Mirgos (high-level blue dragon lord): "You see, Storm Dragon King, this is the true power of magic. Arcane energy is presented in the form of dragon language magic. This is a wisdom that you can't understand at all. Now ——Facing this endless arcane energy."

More than a dozen Mirgos roared arrogantly at the same time, and the echoes echoed through the sky. Twelve blue dragons began to cast magic at the same time, breathing dragon breath.

Arcane Breath!

Arcane Blast!

Arcane Missile!

Arcane ray!

bang bang bang!Boom boom boom!Whoosh!
Magic flying all over the sky was coming from all directions, and it was impossible to hide even if you wanted to.

Just looking at the sound and light effects, it was blinding, and for a moment, Mo Fei seemed to be overwhelmed by magic.

At first, Murphy thought that these magics were all fake, and tried to identify which one was the real Mirgos by the direction of the attack.

However, the magic and dragon's breath hit him, but they dealt solid damage.

Murphy was shocked by a saturation bombardment, losing more than 1 blood points.

All the magic shot by these phantom dragons are actually real, and there is no way to tell whether they are true or false.

This thing is kinda awesome.

But although he was surprised, Mo Fei was not panicked. Even in the magical world, there are laws. These phantom dragons can never be as strong as real dragons. This can be seen from the magical power released by these dragons. .

If a group of real ancient dragons used magic together, there would never be such a little damage.

These phantom dragons are most likely to be enhanced versions of mirror images. They have certain spell-casting abilities, but their damage is much weaker than their own bodies.

But in this way, it is difficult to identify which one it is.

Seeing that more than a dozen giant dragons were about to start the second round of output, Murphy hurriedly stretched out his dragon claws.

Arcanagoth's arcane vortex!

This round of bombardment was all sucked into the arcane vortex.

Mirgos (high-level blue dragon lord): "Arcane vortex? Interesting. It seems that you have learned a lot of tricks in the past tens of thousands of years, but it's useless. I know what your magic is, don't you?" You may be able to resist this endless magical attack forever, this is a power you cannot resist."

Edandron (Storm Dragon King): "You call this power? Hum, brother, your short-sightedness and ignorance make me feel sad. You have not grown up at all in the past tens of thousands of years. Let me show you what That’s the real power!”

Miracle - the storm is coming!
(End of this chapter)

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