Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 476 Dragon Falls

Chapter 476 Dragon Falls
Miracle - the storm is coming!
In the dark night sky, strong winds rose out of thin air without warning. The wind and clouds met, instantly turning the sky into a doomsday scene covered with dark clouds and howling wind.

"What!" Mirgos looked at the storm gathering from all directions in surprise. The storm came so suddenly without any warning, which shocked Mirgos.

No wonder he was surprised. Although the Dragon Clan can absorb various elemental powers to obtain the corresponding domain power, these absorbed powers are more like a biological instinct. Just like a bird needs to flap its wings to fly, the Dragon Clan also needs to flap its wings to exert domain power. If you need to read a bar to accumulate energy, you must have the necessary actions.

Just like a blue dragon using magic, even if it has natural control over magic power, it still has to recite the incantation and read the incantation.

But at this moment, the other party just stood out of thin air, and the storm automatically gathered. This was the first time it had seen such a smooth operation.

No, this is not the first time. The missing Malygos does not need any spells or actions when releasing magic. That is because Lord Malygos has already mastered part of the authority in the arcane field. It is truly from the legal level. Mastered the power of the arcane.

There are several other guardian dragons who also have this ability.

Could it be that the storm dragon in front of me has reached the same level of strength?

Do not!impossible!
Milgos immediately denied the conjecture in his mind. The power of law is not so easy to master. Maybe the other party just used an imperceptible method of casting spells.

Moreover, such a large-scale and long-term spell ability must require continuous guidance. All you need to do is launch a powerful enough attack to interrupt the opponent's concentration.

In the blink of an eye, more than a dozen real and fake blue dragons blasted out another spell.

However, Mo Fei did not stay where he was and was beaten. Instead, he flapped his wings, soared into the air, and flew towards the top of the storm. He passed directly through the clouds and stood proudly above the storm. At this time, the storm became more and more fierce. .

Mirgos tried to stay steady in the strong wind. He could feel the huge pressure coming from the storm, as if the storm was alive.

wrong!This is no ordinary storm, this is a miracle!
Mirgos was shocked. This Storm Dragon King had actually touched the power of the law and the authority of the gods.

Gotta get out of here!

At this moment, he finally felt fear for the first time.

Twelve real and fake blue dragons flew in different directions at the same time.

However, it was too late. Murphy, who stood proudly above the storm, clenched the dragon's claws hard.

Miracle - big tornado!

The center of the storm began to rotate and shrink crazily, like a huge tornado, sucking the air crazily towards the eye of the wind.

Mirgos flapped his wings vigorously and fought against the storm. He was also an ancient blue dragon after all. The strength of his body alone was enough to resist the suction of the storm. However, those dragon phantoms could not. After all, the clones created by magic were not The entity, which does not have as huge a mass as the real body, is like a sailboat falling into a maelstrom when pulled by the storm. It can only drift with the wind and keep falling into the eye of the wind.

In the blink of an eye, all eleven phantom dragons were pulled to the center.

Murphy looked down at the blue dragon phantoms struggling in the storm.

Miracle - thunder!
Boom boom boom boom!A series of thunder exploded crazily towards the eye of the wind. This miracle was a joy to use. There was no need to read the message or aim at all. It could be said that the words were spoken as the thunder struck.

Dazzling thunder continued to shine in the center of the storm, reflecting the light and shadow of eleven phantom dragons that were constantly struggling and roaring. The lightning damage had a conductive effect. The health bars of the phantom dragons squeezed together dropped wildly, and one after another was blasted into nothing.

Murphy saw it clearly and couldn't help but marvel at the mystery of this dragon language magic. The blood volume of these phantom dragons was the same as that of Mirgos, but the damage received was increased ten times. However, since Mirgos himself had a blood volume of 28, In other words, the opponent is equivalent to summoning eleven summoned creatures with more than 8000 health at once.

If this were put into a BOSS battle, it would definitely be a magical skill that could easily wipe out adventurers.

Even if you encounter other ancient dragons, you can surround them and beat them up with just one move.

What a pity you met me today!Murphy thought.

Seeing the eleven phantom dragons dying and mutilating, Murphy no longer hesitated.

Dragon Thunder Shaping!

Another big thunder gun blasted down, and the remaining phantom dragons disappeared into thin air.

At this moment, only Mirgos was left struggling in the storm.

Murphy looked down at the other party.

Aidandron (Storm Dragon King): "You see, Mirgos, the ignorant blue dragon, the power of the dragon god has been controlled by me. You despicable rebels will eventually pay the price for your betrayal. The doomsday storm has arrived. , can’t you still smell this breath of destruction?”

Mirgos was frightened and angry. He flapped his wings vigorously and finally escaped from the tornado. He tried to stabilize his body in the storm.

Mirgos (high-ranking blue dragon lord): "You are not Lysajes! Who are you?"

Aidandron (Storm Dragon King): "Humph, what's the point? No matter who I am, you are dead anyway." After saying that, he dived towards Mirgos, who still wanted to phase. Teleportation, but this time Murphy was already prepared in advance.

As soon as his divine thoughts moved, a bolt of lightning immediately struck Mirgos. The damage was not high but enough to interrupt his spellcasting. The power of this miracle was like the extension of the will of the gods/divine creatures, without any movement at all. Being in the storm is like fighting within the scope of one's own will.

This is the effect of the storm field.

Mirgos was furious and wanted to release phase teleportation again, but at this time, the Storm Dragon King pounced on the ancient blue dragon.

Mirgos immediately chose to fight. After all, he was an ancient dragon that had lived for tens of thousands of years. It was still terrifying to fight for his life. The two giant beasts were biting madly in the air, but the battle soon became one-sided. , fighting hand to hand, how could Mo Fei be afraid of these nerdy blue dragons.

The ancient dragon's claws tore through the blue dragon's scales, and its huge fangs bit through the blue dragon's neck. In the blink of an eye, Mirgos was bitten with blood and fell into the disadvantage.

Arcane explosion!

Arcane energy burst out crazily around the blue dragon, forming a huge blue ball of light in mid-air.

However, Mo Fei directly embedded the dragon's claws into the blue dragon's muscles. This powerful impact failed to repel him, but instead stimulated Mo Fei's wildness.

He suddenly brought his wings together, spun around and fell downwards.

Dragon combat skill——Dragon Pendant!
This move frightened Mirgos. Facing the ever-accelerating falling speed, it was pinned down to bear the impact. Mirgos immediately realized that he was going to die.

"No!" It let out a desperate roar.

The next second - boom!

The two giant dragons hit the ground solidly.

This blow directly punched a big hole in the thick ice surface of the ice field, and the two giant dragons passed through the dome and fell back into the dark rift valley.
39872 (Crushing Blow)! (Speed ​​damage bonus 786%)

boom!When he landed on the solid ground of the sealed prison, he finally stopped and suffered another injury.
26019 (paralysis attack)! (Speed ​​damage bonus 598%)

This move of Dragon Pendant was indeed astonishingly powerful, and Mirgos's health bar dropped by two large chunks at a speed visible to the naked eye.

What's even more terrible is that the huge impact directly broke Mirgos's bones, causing him to fall into a state of paralysis. This is a rare situation. The ultra-high toughness brought by the size of the ancient dragon is generally difficult to be overcome. It was hit stiffly, but its huge weight also brought a super high toughening effect. It was stunned that it hit a big stiffness. In the stiff state, it was completely defenseless.

Murphy didn't hesitate, and dug out Mirgos's head with his claws. The dragon's claws penetrated through the eyes, blowing out his brain.
108172 (fatal blow)!boom!Mirgos, whose head exploded, stopped moving.

Murphy slowly turned around from the corpse. The blue dragons and blue dragons who were besieging Vivian, Jaina and others were so frightened that they opened the portal and ran away.

Murphy's heart moved.He let out a demonstration roar at the dragon men who were opening the door to escape.

Edandron (Storm Dragon King): "Tell your king, tell the traitors of the Dragon Alliance, Lysajes is back, the Disaster Dragon will eventually fulfill the destiny given to us by fate, and this world is doomed. "

When the last dragon disappeared into the portal, the portal also closed.

The surroundings fell into silence again. Jaina looked at the huge blue dragon with its head blown out, and the fear and shock in her heart were intertwined.

Prince Aidan is so violent. I have only heard some rumors in the past and it is not so intuitive. Seeing him blow the faucet with my own eyes is a completely different feeling.

And listening to what he said, it seems that there are many dark secrets behind it. If you follow the adventure, will you be silenced?

She was very nervous.

The eyes of those adventurers were shining.

Wocaowocaowocao, I've heard that Prince Aidan can transform into a dragon before, but I didn't expect him to be so awesome. He killed such a big dragon just like that. It's awesome.

Angus suddenly broke the awkward silence at this time.

Angus (High Priest of the Dragon Worship Cult): "Look! The great Aidandron, the great Storm Dragon King, the reincarnated dragon, the inheritor of the dragon god, your great power frightens the world, your power shocks the sky, the giant... Dragons will surrender to you, mortals will be impressed by your fame, and you will bring the prophecy of doom and the death knell of destruction to this world..."

A smile appeared on the corner of Murphy's mouth. The Dragon Worshiping Priest never disappoints people when it comes to singing hymns to the Dragon Master.

Murphy was very doubtful whether he had been trained by the unified team.

He nodded at Angus, indicating that it was okay.

Angus immediately stopped praising him and came up to him, looking at the huge blue dragon corpse in amazement.


Mo Fei was not polite and just took away all the drops from the Blue Dragon. It was best to start the group independently. He didn't have to discuss the distribution with others and had the final say himself.

He turned into a human form and glanced at the crowd. These few were not weak in fighting power. After he left for a while, there were dozens more corpses on the ground around him, but those ten mighty dragon-blood giants Several soldiers were also killed, probably being used as human shields and cannon fodder.

"Let's go, there's nothing left to miss here."

When the group of people left the ice rift and returned to the ground, the sound of a system prompt rang in Murphy's ears.

[System prompt: You have completed the secret plot event [Return of the Disaster Dragon]. Based on your performance in this plot event, you have obtained 1855 plot points.

The legendary dragon of disaster was released from its seal, and the mysterious dragon issued a declaration of doomsday. The bell of doomsday has sounded, and four horrific disasters are about to come to the world.

The event has been recorded in the Chronicles of the Sky - Dark Secrets. 】

A secret event?That's fine, it saves the good thing from being ruined by those players.

Secret events do not appear in world announcements and appear in the official archives after a year.

So for at least a year, no player will know what's going on here.

Murphy knows very well that with his current strength, it is already difficult for ordinary players to deal with him. Faced with a frontal siege, he is confident that he can deal with thousands of enemies, but if they tip off the Dragon Covenant, it will attract the five major forces. It would be very dangerous if the Dragon King came to deal with him.

Now, if there is no way for players to cooperate with the five dragon kings, then they will naturally be much safer.

Moreover, the five dragon kings are currently being hunted by the Dragonmaw Orcs, so it is probably difficult for them to find time to do it themselves.

In the meantime, the truth of this matter must be clarified. What is the origin of the mysterious dragon that cut off his head? Is it Lesa Jess? If so, what is the other party's purpose? All these must be solved. figure out.

Maybe that mysterious voice on Tongtian Peak can know something.

I happen to be going to have a dragon meal in a while, so I want to inquire about it.

In addition, the loot also needs to be distributed.

Although this battle was completely Mo Fei's personal show, his subordinates had no credit but hard work. At any rate, they helped clear out many mobs, so they should still be rewarded somewhat.

Especially Vivian Yege and Asona, they are both his direct subordinates, so their loyalty still needs to be cultivated.

Murphy thought about it, then opened his backpack and checked what he had just picked up and dropped.

The drops of a little-known ancient dragon like Mirgos are indeed quite poor.

But after all, it is an ancient dragon, and it is a plot kill. The drop difference is only relatively speaking, and there are still many good things.

The first is the dragon heart. There is nothing to say about this. It is somewhat similar to the one in Malygos, but the arcane energy contained in the dragon heart is obviously much less. It is not on the same level at all.

The next most important thing is a staff with a curious shape. The curved staff body is made of dragon bone and is as smooth as jade. The curved staff body has a vertebrae structure, and the head of the staff is shaped like a dragon skull. , and even has two dragon horns, which looks quite evil.

[Dragonspine Staff of Mirgos (Legendary/Two-Handed Staff)

Story Weapon: Unique.

Attack: 77-109.

Magic power +99.

Weapon Effect 1: Shadow of Mirgos.Summons the Shadow of Mirgos to fight for you, lasting for 10 minutes. The Shadow of Mirgos can use most of the magic mastered by the main body, but the damage is only 10% of the main body, and will receive 10 times the damage when attacked. Increased damage (limited to once per day).

Weapon Effect 2: Power of Mirgos.Summons the power of Mirgos, gaining unlimited mana for 60 seconds and a 100% increase in casting speed (limited to once per day).

Weapon Effect 3: Spirit of Mirgos (Passive).The maximum mana value is increased by 1000 points.

Weapon introduction: A staff condensed from the dragon spine of Mirgos. Although the ancient blue dragon has died, the powerful arcane energy in it still remains in the remains. When holding this weapon, the caster can gain huge benefits. Magic buffs, and at the same time can use the last magic Mirgos used during his lifetime].

What a good thing!Mo Fei thought.

This thing is definitely a top-notch weapon for mages, and it is also versatile. No matter what kind of advancement or style it is, it can be used.

(End of this chapter)

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