Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 513 Chapter 512 The Shadow of Doom

Chapter 513 Chapter 512 The Shadow of Doom

Everything around him suddenly began to become blurry, like a phantom.

Murphy immediately realized that the time travel skill had expired and he was about to be bounced back to the original timeline.

He immediately transformed into an ancient dragon and assumed a fighting stance, preparing for the upcoming battle.

The surrounding scenery is constantly changing, sometimes it is mountains and rivers, sometimes it is desolate deserts, sometimes it is cities and villages, sometimes it is a battlefield of fighting, the scenery changes like a revolving lantern...

Until the surrounding scene once again returned to the scene of Tongtian Peak, everything finally stopped.

Nothing seemed to have changed around him. The only difference was that the remains of Yakir not far away disappeared and turned into the ancient dragon stone statue lying around the altar again.

But this time, it's really just a stone statue.

The ancient dragon is a creature that transcends time, so Aqir in all timelines is actually the same one. Because of this, when it sacrifices its life in another timeline, it will also die in this timeline. Ended life.

Murphy had no time to sigh and quickly observed his surroundings.

What surprised him was that there were no guardian dragons or dragon legions. Even the dragon thunder storm that originally surrounded Tongtian Peak had calmed down, and a few bright rays of sunlight shone through the gaps between the clouds. Coming down, the warm tones make the atmosphere unusually relaxed and peaceful. Only the biting cold wind on the mountain peaks can still bring a bit of a desolate atmosphere.

Um?Why didn't you block me here?

Murphy glanced around with his ancient dragon's eye and made sure there was no ambush, then he breathed a sigh of relief.

At this moment, the sound of the system suddenly rang.

[System prompt: After completing the plot event [Dragon King Contest: The Rise of the Ancient Dragon King], your identity in this plot event is the Dragon Overlord.

You successfully defeated the Aspect Dragon and the Dragon Legion, and brutally slaughtered a large number of dragons. The Aspect Dragons from two different timelines were afraid of you, and had to give up the battle with You and retreat to their lair.

Now no dragon dares to challenge your majesty. Aidandron, the ancient dragon king, has risen.

Despite this, this incident is still a secret to the world. Only among the members of the dragon clan and the clan, there are terrifying legends about the invincibility of Aidandron, the ancient dragon king.

Based on your performance in this plot event, you receive 3150 plot points. 】

Hearing the sound of the system prompt, Murphy knew that this time the conflict with the guardian dragon was finally over.

The entire conflict originated from his hunting of the ancient dragon, which eventually triggered the pursuit and interception of the guardian dragon. The revenge of the guardian dragon was successfully repelled, which was considered a successful end.

Next, it is time to collect the five powers of the Dragon God.

Murphy looked at the authorities he already had, including a storm power (weak authority) and an arcane guardian (weak authority). There was room for improvement in authority. If he could kill the God of Storms, he would be able to use it immediately. Weak authority is elevated to strong authority.

If you can kill a Titan, you can also increase the authority of the arcane guardian to a powerful one.

As long as the ascended dragon god has five powers, there is no requirement for strength levels. In theory, even five weak ones can ascend. Of course, in that case, the ascended dragon god will be relatively weak.

The Dragon God controls all things, but the strength of this power to control all things is also determined based on the original five powers.

Therefore, it is better to be fully prepared before ascending.

In addition, the selection of the five major authorities is also a key issue. There are countless extraordinary power systems in this world, and it is still necessary to select some authorities with relatively high standards in the field of power to create...

Just as I was thinking about it, suddenly, dozens of messages popped up in the private message channel like crazy.

Murphy opened it and saw that many people had contacted him during his time travel, but for some reason, it didn't appear in the private message channel until this time.

Godwin: Brother Aidan, how are you doing?I'm trapped, can you hold on?We'll help you when we get out of trouble.

Godwin: Brother Aidan, are you still there?This dream space is a bit difficult to navigate, but we are almost able to find the exit. How do I show here that you are no longer on the current server?

Godwin: Brother Aidan, we have escaped from the dream, but why can't we find you?Where are you?Could it be that he was killed?

Godwin: Sorry, brother Aidan, I have to retreat. If you come online, remember to call me. I will ask your men to return to Dragonshang Castle first. It is too dangerous to stay here.

Jian Wuhen: Boss, are you there?When will you give me your second mission?

Darabengba: Brother, is something wrong with you?Why can't I contact you recently?

Morgan Lisa: Aidan, what are you doing with Godwin?Are you going to slay the dragon again?Why didn't you call me?
Morgan Lisa: Aidan, how do I show that you are not on the current server?Are there other servers for this game?

Elsa: Aidan, are you there?Varian seems to have woken up just now. Let me inform you, maybe you want to know, I have to go to the Lich King...

Looking at these private messages, Mo Fei was a little surprised. Switching the timeline is equivalent to switching to a different server?This is a bit magical.

Does that mean more servers will be opened in the future?

Is roaming at this time equivalent to directly connecting to the server?
Thinking of this, Mo Fei couldn't help but feel a little guilty. It seemed that the skill of time roaming might be a BUG skill. His ability must not be exposed. It would be bad if the game company found out and deleted it.

Although this game is known as free exploration, the game GM will not interfere in the player's normal gameplay, but it is still a good precaution.

He opened the private message and replied to several old friends one by one, but Godwin stayed until the end.

Aidan: Brother Godwin, I'm fine. I went to another planet before.

Godwin: Another... planet?
Aidan: Yes, similar to Draenor, our ancient dragons have the ability to travel through space, and can hide to other planets when in danger.

Godwin: Go ahead, you're so powerful... I have to say, brother Aidan, your strength has once again exceeded my imagination. It's okay. We have a happy cooperation this time. We will still have to help each other if anything happens in the future.

Aidan: That's natural.

Godwin closed the private message and couldn't help but marvel in his heart that he could be teleported to other planets.

He has finally found the right ally, he is strong enough and will be reliable in the future.

But at the same time, he felt a little regretful - he actually wanted to know if the player died in the game, whether the abilities gained in reality would be affected.

It seems that there is no chance for the time being.

But it doesn't matter, your strength will become stronger soon.

He thought to himself, raised his head, and looked forward expectantly.

At this moment, he was standing inside the golden tree, surrounded by the dark space inside the tree and the golden holy light in the sky.

The Egg of Shadow—should now be called the Egg of Holy Light—was placed on an altar in the space inside the tree, shrouded in a beam of light.

Godwin lowered his head and prayed quietly.

"Great Supreme Will, I have obeyed your order and brought back what you want. Please answer my prayers, guide my path, and tell me what to do next."

A vague luminous human figure gradually appeared in the light pillar.

Godwin knew that it was just a projection, but he still knelt down on one knee and lowered his head piously.

Supreme Will (????): "You have done well, my child. One day the power of the Holy Light will envelope the world, and the divine light will protect all living beings, and you, Godwin, will become my spokesperson. , rule this world, I will give you supreme power, a sacred body, immortal life, and establish an eternal order belonging to the Holy Light."

Godwin felt excited in his heart.

Supreme power!Holy body!Immortal life!
Yes, that's exactly what he was going to get.The glowing blurry figure stretched out its hand,

The egg of Holy Light on the altar slowly floated up and fell into its hands. With a faint flash of light, the Egg of Holy Light also began to throb, as if a life was gradually hatching in it.

Supreme Will (????): "I have given my blessing to this sacred crystal. Soon, a sacred creature will be born, and it will help you achieve this goal and wipe out everything that prevents this. Enemies of the Divine Mission.”

Godwin looked at the egg of holy light and vaguely felt a sacred and weird aura emanating from the egg, and he felt excited.

Suddenly, as the light flickered, a shadow seemed to flash past on the Egg of Holy Light.

Godwin was stunned for a moment and blinked, only to find that the power of the Holy Light was sacred and dazzling, with no shadow anywhere.

You must have seen it wrong, right?Godwin thought so.


Murphy closed the private message.

He is very much looking forward to his next plan.

Create the five powers, go to the Sky City, ascend the throne of the Dragon God, and ascend to the Dragon God!

However, it is not easy to do all this. The possessors of the power of authority are at the most demigod level.

It doesn't mean that you can control power if you are strong enough. Only those who can touch the power of law and control the rules of power are qualified.

According to his speculation, the kings of the four elements and the five guardian dragons should all have some authority, weak or weak. The kings of the four elements correspond to the four powers of wind, fire, water and earth. The five guardian dragons naturally have The corresponding protective power.

In addition, there should also be a few surviving wilderness demigods.Cenarius should also have it. Last time I heard from the night elves, it seemed that he was about to be resurrected. He should have natural authority in his hands.

Another example is the Blood God Haka, the power of blood.

Bwonsamdi, the troll god of death, the power of death.

There are also two officers of the Burning Legion, Archimonde the Defiler and Kil'jaeden the Deceiver, who should have the power of Chaos Evil Energy.

By the way, there is also the Lich King, he should also have the power of death.

Elsa just said that Varian woke up...

However, the Lich King is his brother, so it’s not easy to attack him.

Varian wakes up and the Lich King is born, which means that the natural disaster of the undead is about to start. According to the Dragon God's prophecy, this should be the first of four natural disasters. In other words, the prophecy of doomsday has finally begun.

Murphy was thinking about it.

Suddenly, he looked at the sky with feeling, and something was approaching quickly. Since he became an ancient dragon, he had gained the authority of the storm power, and he had gained the authority to control the dragon thunder storm around Tongtian Peak.

At this time, something entered the range of the dragon thunder storm, and he immediately sensed it.

Five majestic dragons with wingspans exceeding a hundred meters were approaching rapidly.

Are they the five guardian dragons?wrong!
Mo Fei used the ancient dragon's eyes to instantly see the person coming.

The four major disaster dragons, and the Netherworld Death Dragon Fresanks.

Roar!The King of Ancient Dragons let out a roar and soared into the air. Without any acceleration or wing-waving movements, he instantly climbed into the air higher than the five giant dragons, just in time to load up on the five ancient dragons that were approaching quickly.

Murphy looked down at the invading dragon and asked directly.

Edandron (King of the Ancient Dragons): "Lisajes, are you and your brothers here to be my enemies? Answer me so that I can decide whether you live or die."

It’s really a cologne!
Seeing the mighty posture of the Ancient Dragon King, the five ancient dragons looked shocked.

'Desolate Frost' Willanoz (Frost Aurora Dragon): "Is the prophecy really true?"

Aidandron (King of Ancient Dragons): "Of course the prophecy is true, and it's time for you to make your own choices. Surrender to me. When I ascend the throne of the Dragon God, I will give you the power of the ancient dragon. Restore you to your former glory.

Or if you fight against me, I will completely destroy you now. "

After speaking, he spread his dragon wings and let out a roar of demonstration. As if in response to him, a dazzling red thunder suddenly lit up in the sky around him.

The violent thunder startled the five ancient dragons.

The dragon thunder storm that had subsided around Tongtian Peak was instantly reawakened by Mo Fei's call. The wind roared, thunder roared, and the terrifying dragon thunder storm surrounded the surroundings. The red thunder light shrouded all five ancient dragons. Under the power of the ancient dragon.

"It's true, it really is true!"

Willanoz was the first to lower his head and said, "I salute you, King of Ancient Dragons. I am willing to serve you."

"Great Ancient Dragon King, great Dragon God, we are willing to surrender to you and serve you. Please take us back to the sky city Kamyatra and let us restore the power of the ancient dragon."

The Dragon of the Earth, the Dragon of Flame, and the Death Dragon of the Netherworld laid down their heads one after another.

Only Lesajes still looked a bit unruly.

Murphy stared at her and slowly approached. The ancient dragon thunder and lightning wrapped around the ancient dragon's body echoed faintly with the storm thunder on Lesa Jess's body.

Aidandron (King of Elder Dragons): "Lesajes, make your choice."

Those dark golden vertical pupils stared at the other person with pressure.

Lesajes finally gave in.

The five great disaster dragons were crawling around the Ancient Dragon King.

Lesajes: "So Lord Aidandron, what are we going to do next? Are we going to start the prophecy of the doomsday and bring four disasters to this world?"

Murphy looked at the four disaster dragons.

Edandron (King of Ancient Dragons): "No, your understanding of the prophecy is fundamentally wrong and you have completely misinterpreted its true meaning. The disaster in the prophecy has already come, but it was not initiated by you, but by you. It has its own destiny.

The biting cold wind from Northrend is about to hit this continent, and the Undead Scourge will spread death and despair in this land. That is the real answer to the Frost Disaster.

The Burning Legion is ready to move, and the demon lord will ignite the world with the flames of chaos. That is the truth of the Flame Disaster.

The ancient god from the abyss is about to break through the Titan's seal and corrupt the world with the twisted power of the void.

And after all this, is the day when the doomsday storm really comes.

It is also the time when the Dragon God returns and we return to the Sky City.

Wait patiently, my 'Duwakein', our time is coming! . "

(The Road of the Ancient Dragon - End)

Please look forward to the next volume, the chapter about disaster.

(End of this chapter)

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