Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 514 Sky World 20 Era of Disaster

Chapter 514: Sky World 2.0 - Era of Disaster

Northrend - Icecrown - The Frozen Throne

The biting cold wind made this huge mountain peak made of icy glaciers and frozen rocks unusually cold.

The howling wind and snow froze everything, and there was only a vast expanse of white as far as the eye could see.

However, at the top of this mountain, on the throne made of ice, in a huge ice coffin, an invisible but extremely fierce battle for the soul is going on.

Through the ice, you can see the young prince wearing the crown of command sitting there quietly, as calm as a king, but in his mind, the war is going on.

"Varian, you are the pride of Stormwind City, and even more proud of me, Ryan. One day you will be crowned king and become the guardian of the Kingdom of Stormwind!"

"Gul'dan, get out of my clan, you loser is not worthy of being a shaman."

"Varian, for the glory of the Alliance, fight, take courage, and never give up."

"Gul'dan, if you lose, keep your head, or crawl out like a dog."

"Long live King Wa, King Wa is awesome! King Wa is invincible!"

"Varian, Arthas and I will help you. Please help our brothers when the country is in trouble. There is nothing to say. Let us fight side by side!"

"Varian, come on, big brother is right behind you."

"Gul'dan, your will is too weak to control the power of the elements."

"Gul'dan, you are about to die, do you need any last words?"

"Gul'dan, I see a glimmer of potential in you. Maybe you can join the Shadowmoon Clan and I will teach you what true power is."

"Varian, my son, Stormwind City has fallen. There is no hope. Leave this city, your future is waiting for you."

"Gul'dan, you want to gain power, come on, accept my gift, serve me, evil energy will bring you everything."

"Varian, run away, run away."

"Gul'dan, do you feel this power? Now bring death and destruction to this world!"

"Gul'dan, before you leave, I need you to do me a favor. I want to borrow something from you...

Haha, of course you have it, but it’s not in your hands, but on your neck. "

"Gul'dan, welcome to the Twisting Nether. Endless torture awaits you."

"Gul'dan, do you feel the pain? Do you feel the despair? Very good. This is exactly what I want."

"Gul'dan, are you crying? You should have expected this outcome, the outcome of making a deal with the devil."

"Gul'dan, I should have tortured you until your soul dissipated, but I am merciful. I am still willing to give you a chance to go to Azeroth to gather an army for me. This armor is your new prison. Go ahead and don't let me down, otherwise - you know what's waiting for you..."


Since the development of Winterfell was completed and it became the Alliance's foothold in Northrend, adventurers from the Alliance have come to this deserted continent full of opportunities in droves like flies.

There are terrifying monsters and precious resources everywhere. Taking Winterfell as the starting point, adventurers have left their footsteps on every map of Northrend.

Especially those high-end player teams often go to extremely dangerous areas to dig out the first pot of gold.

There are also players who love travel and archeology, and they visit various famous classics in Northrend. The one that players talk about the most is naturally the Frozen Throne, a must-go check-in point for plot parties.

Ever since Gul'dan and Varian began the soul war, the two souls had been sealed in a body of ice.

Even the undead army around the Frozen Throne has stopped expanding.

Without the boss's order, several undead lords of the Scourge Legion could only temporarily work as dungeon BOSSs, fighting against the adventure team.

Every now and then, well-prepared adventurers come over to play dungeons.

Because the Lich King has not yet awakened, the difficulty of the dungeon is only 100-player difficulty.

There are also many adventurer teams that have successfully cleared the level.

After clearing the level, you can not only get a lot of top-notch equipment, but you can also take photos with the Lich King, wear luxurious equipment, and post a majestic look online, which has become a new achievement for players in the Sky World.

Even the biting cold wind of the Frozen Throne can't stop the players' enthusiasm.

"Here we are, here is the Frozen Throne. Look, the Lich King is sitting on it." A Dark Night Warrior said excitedly.

"Cool!" The other female knight was also very excited.

The two adventurers, a man and a woman, looked at everything around them and marveled.

There is not a single monster on the Frozen Throne, only a bare ice coffin standing on the throne.

"Come on, let's take a photo."

The two stood on either side of the Lich King, one on the left and the other on the right, posing, using the Frozen Throne as the background, click.

A photo appeared in my hand.

"Haha, that's so cool. Hey, why do the Lich King's eyes light up and emit green fire?"

"Impossible. This eye is obviously closed. I looked at it specifically just now. Hey, it's really open."

Click, the sound of ice breaking came from behind.

The two adventurers slowly turned around with shocked faces, and saw that a huge crack directly penetrated the ice coffin, and the Lich King's ice coffin slowly cracked a gap.

The two were immediately frightened and hurriedly retreated.

Just took a few steps back——

boom!The ice coffin shattered, and the Lich King awakened.


By the time the undead lords who had received the news arrived, the ice covering the Lich King had completely disappeared, and the two adventurers unfortunately became the first victims of the Lich King after he awakened.

Several bosses from the Scourge Legion gathered around the throne, all with excited faces - our boss has finally woken up, and now he can finally cause trouble, no longer having to keep his tail between his legs.

Conan the Barbarian (Lord of Death): "Ah, Boss Varian, I missed you so much. We finally have you back."

Winter is coming (Death Knight): "Yes, King Varian, no, it should be Lord Varian, the Lich King. Now we can finally launch the undead natural disaster and sweep across the world, regardless of the alliance and tribes, haha Ha ha!"

Kel'Thuzad (Necromancer): "Prince Varian, how are you feeling now?"

Anub'arak (Crypt Lord): "Master, we await your orders."

However, everyone talked for a long time, but the Lich King on the throne made no move.

Now everyone finally felt that something was wrong, especially those who were more familiar with the plot. They watched the green fire coming out of the Lich King's eyes and beat their drums.

At this time, the Lich King on the throne finally spoke.

Gul'dan (Lich King): "Hehehehe, what makes you think that the final winner will be Varian's arrogant young prince?"

As soon as the words came out, the whole place fell silent, only the cold wind was still blowing.

Everyone was dumbfounded. They had always felt that the winner of this soul battle must be Varian. After all, Varian has the aura of the protagonist.

But if you think about it carefully, whether it is the research of soul magic, the understanding of the Crown of Dominance, or the mastery of power, Gul'dan is far superior to Varian. It can even be said that the two are not on the same level at all. Class.

How could Varian, a warrior, win a battle of souls with a warlock who was good at soul magic?

It’s just Varian’s experience as a dragon, as well as players’ belief in the victory of the protagonist of traditional fantasy novels, and the example of the original Lich King Arthas defeating Ner’zhul in the Battle of Souls, that makes players This idea came naturally.

But the final result was beyond everyone's expectation. It was Gul'dan who won the final battle for the soul.

He took over Varian's body and became the Lich King.

Now everyone was dumbfounded.They have never considered this possibility at all, so how should we react now?Congratulate the boss, or go up and kill someone with a knife?

Conan the Barbarian (Lord of Death): "You idiot, Goudan, I didn't expect you to win? I just said it doesn't feel right."

Hearing the word "goudan", Gul'dan suddenly raised his hand, and an irresistible force of death threw Conan the Barbarian King directly into the air, and then slammed it to the ground, boom!

This force was so powerful that even the icy ground and the armor on his body cracked instantly.

Gul'dan (The Lich King): "Don't let me hear that name again, or-"

As soon as the Lich King stretched out his hand, the power of death in Conan the Barbarian King's body immediately turned into black thread-like things, which were pulled out from the body crazily. Seeing that the undead man with burly muscles turned into a face Withered skeleton.

Conan the Barbarian King screamed in pain.

"Ah ah ah, no, boss, I was wrong, I was wrong."

"Hmph." Gul'dan snorted coldly, waved his hand, and the power of death returned to Conan the Barbarian's body, but his muscles were still gone.

When he got up from the ground with his armor in hand, Conan the Barbarian King quickly lowered his head and admitted his mistake.

Others might be able to make a few gestures when meeting the Lich King. His BOSS profession, the Death Lord, was transferred to him by the Lich King. He is completely controlled by the other party and must surrender.

Seeing that Conan the Barbarian surrendered, Gul'dan looked at the other bosses.

Gul'dan (Lich King): "Winter is coming, what do you say?"

Winter is coming (Death Knight): "Of course you listen to the boss. I have long disliked that Varian. Before, I just had no choice but to make a fool of myself. Boss, you are wise and powerful, but what about that kid Varian?" You are half as charming as you, boss."

Gul'dan was quite satisfied with what he said.

Needless to say, Anub'arak will definitely continue to be loyal. This big bug is very aware of current affairs.

It was Kel'Thuzad, the undead archmage, that Gul'dan paid more attention to.

Gul'dan (Lich King): "Kel'Thuzad, I learned a lot about you from Varian's memory. Are you pursuing knowledge, magic, and the secret of death? I can give you this knowledge." and power, follow me, and you will obtain unprecedented death magic. This magic transcends flesh and blood and can allow you to achieve true immortality.

So what do you say?Will you take refuge in me, or be loyal to your prince? "

Kel'Thuzad (Undead Archmage): "I am only loyal to the Lich King and the holder of the Death Artifact. It doesn't matter who the Lich King is. Kel'Thuzad serves you, my master."

Elsa looked anxiously on her face. Damn it, Conan the Barbarian and Winter is Coming, forget it and defected to him. Mr. Ke, you thick-eyed guy, also betrayed you. Thanks to Varian and you. Working together for so long.

But she didn't dare to say anything. While Gul'dan was subduing the others, she raised the staff and began to cast teleportation magic.

The fluctuations in magic attracted Kel'Thuzad's attention.

"Stop her!"

But it was too late.

With a whoosh, Elsa was teleported away.

Gul'dan (Lich King): "Don't worry about her. A mere mage can't make any waves. We have more important things to do.

Gather my army, it's time to make the world tremble. "

Kel'Thuzad said, "Where are we going, Master?"

Gul'dan (The Lich King): "Dragonblight!"

[World Announcement: In the year 1442 of the Sky Era, the Lich King finally woke up from his slumber.

Gul'dan successfully defeated Varian, seized his body, and became the real Lich King. When he woke up, a death disaster that spread throughout the entire sky world was about to inevitably take place.

Where the army of the undead will point its sword, and where the shadow of death will shroud, everything will be revealed in the near future.

This event has been recorded in the Chronicles of the Sky - The Age of Scourge. 】

[World Announcement: With the advancement and development of the game plot, the game is about to enter the 2.0 era and launch a new expansion pack [Era of Calamity], which will be launched in the near future.

A terrible disaster is about to come to this world, the evil enemy finally reveals its ferocious claws, and the crisis of destruction affects everyone.

Whether it is the Alliance, the Horde, or the Dark Night Alliance, they will all face unprecedented challenges.

Brave adventurers, follow your heroes and protect your kingdom and people.

The relevant information of this expansion pack has been officially updated, and players can log in to the official website to view relevant information.

The following is a summary of information about the expansion:
Open a new adventure map - Northrend.

In the north of the sky world, at the other end of the cold North Sea, the cold continent of Northrend has opened its door to the world.

The Alliance, Horde, and Dark Night Alliance all sent their own expedition teams to establish their own pioneering points on the edge of Northrend to explore this strange continent.

Adventurer players can join the expedition team through the recruitment officer of their camp, arrive in Northrend, and join the exploration of the northern realm.

A new monster force has been added - the Scourge Legion.

Strength evaluation - super powerful.

The leader of the force - the Lich King.

The Scourge Legion is the main monster force in the current 2.0 Era of Calamity version, and the Lich King is the version BOSS.

Added new player selectable monsters:

Ghouls, skeleton warriors, skeleton mages, skeleton archers, cave dwellers, abominations, gargoyles, necromancers, banshees...

Added new player-optional BOSS:

Death knight, cave lord, frost dragon, lich, dark ranger...

Added new game mechanics——

Mechanism 1: Whispers of the Lich King.Players with all undead monster templates in the game have a certain chance of hearing the Lich King's whispers and choosing to succumb to the whispers. They can directly join the Scourge and become a member of the Scourge to destroy the world.

Mechanism 2: The journey of natural disasters.When the Scourge marches, it will leave an undead rotten land covered by the power of death. All undead creatures can gain a 10% all-attribute gain and a 100% health recovery rate when fighting on the undead rotten land. .

All living units will receive continuous negative energy attacks.

Mechanism 3: Wrath of the Lich King.As the version BOSS of Sky World 2.0, the Lich King gains 50% of all attributes and 100% of the extra health gain, and cannot be killed by a critical strike. When the Lich King enters the battlefield, all undead units gain ' Death Frenzy' effect increases attack and casting speed by 30%.

Mechanism 4: Death Transformation.Players killed by the Lich King himself (only humanoids, beasts, and dragons) can get a chance to switch races.

Choose to take refuge with the Lich King: You will be automatically transformed into the undead tribe, retaining most of your ranks, skills, and attributes during your lifetime, fighting for the Lich King, and you will also be under the control of the Lich King (you must complete the requirements issued by the Lich King) Task instructions), some professions will change their professional attributes, for example - Paladin will automatically change professions to become Death Knight.

Refusing to surrender to the Lich King: The player's character will die permanently and cannot log in again, but the character will appear in the battle sequence of the Scourge and become an NPC character.

(This option does not appear on adventurer template players, and adventurers cannot be transformed).

Mechanism 5: Savior.Players who participate in slaying the Lich King will receive the epic title [Hero of Salvation], and their character templates will automatically be converted into hero templates.

If the player is already a hero, he will be promoted to an additional level and a legendary feat will be added to the three triggered feats.

The player who completes the final kill will receive the legendary title [Savior], and the character template will automatically be converted into a hero template - Epic Level One.

If the player is already a hero, he or she will receive 5000 story points and can upgrade to a legend without restriction.

(Adventurer players cannot obtain other rewards other than titles)

The news of the Lich King's awakening quickly spread across major game forums as if it had grown wings, especially when Gul'dan defeated Varian and became the real Lich King, and also seized Varian's body.

This was beyond everyone's expectation.

It also caused huge reactions in player forums.

(End of this chapter)

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