Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 516 Gul’dan and Ner’zhul

Chapter 516 Gul’dan and Ner’zhul

On the icy Dragon Bone Wasteland, a huge orc army is meandering forward.

Cho'gall walked at the front of the team. His tall figure, more than three meters tall, stood out among the orcs like a chicken.

Gu: "This damn place is really freezing to death."

Gal: "So what, but for the sake of the master's great cause, we can only keep going."

The two heads were muttering and complaining to each other while looking around.

This strange and icy continent is not safe. From the moment we landed, we have been constantly attacked by various monsters, including savage vrykul, sneaky wolverines, stupid furbolgs... and various unique Arctic beasts. .

It is said that there are dragons in this area, so be careful.

In the sky, several Obsidian Destroyers were protecting the team, and there were many Ahn'Qiraj Soldier Bees, floating above the army, forming a dense swarm.

In the army sequence, there are even more types of soldiers, and you can even see some mantid and yak people.

After a year of fighting in the unfamiliar land of Pandaria, although the orc troops under his command suffered a lot, they also successfully attracted and conquered many foreign troops to join them.

Not only has the size of the Abyss Legion not decreased, but it has grown stronger.

Even the Twilight clan also added a lot of troops.

Suddenly, an Ahn'Qiraj soldier bee landed rapidly. The orc rider on the back of the Ahn'Qiraj soldier bee exclaimed, "It's a dragon! A dragon is coming."

As soon as they heard about the dragon, the orcs and Ahn'Qiraj bugmen in the team suddenly became commotion.

It's no wonder that these orcs are afraid of the dragons. In Silithus, it was a dragon that could control the storm and the centaur emperor who teamed up to defeat their former master, the ancient god C'Thun.

The terrifying storm set off by the storm dragon killed countless Ahn'Qiraj bugs. To this day, this fear still exists in the hearts of the orcs and Ahn'Qiraj bug people.

Gu'gall was also a little nervous. Dragons and natives different from those encountered before were real threats.

"Cheer up, everyone, be alert! Be alert!"

As soon as he gathered some anti-aircraft troops, the giant dragon that the scout said fell from the sky, carrying an icy cold wind and passing overhead like a cold dark cloud.

The huge body with a wingspan of [-] meters caused the Ahn'Qiraj soldiers who tried to block it to fly in all directions.

Seeing the appearance of the giant dragon, Cho'gall couldn't help but think to himself - it's a good thing it's not the Storm Dragon King!
But when he saw the rider on the dragon's back, his expression suddenly turned ugly.

He recognized the man.

Varian Wrynn?

Varian killed the first warchief Blackhand, and fought fiercely with the Horde for half a year in the Second Orc War, killing countless orcs, and also left a big name in the hearts of the orcs.

Why did this guy come to Northrend?Could it be that the master's plan was discovered by the Alliance and they want to stop us?

Gu'gall couldn't help but feel frightened when he thought about this possibility.

However, 'Varian' had already spoken.

Gul'dan (Lich King): "What's wrong Cho'gall? I haven't seen you for so long and I have completely forgotten the etiquette. I didn't even say hello to the teacher when I saw him."


Coul'gall's heart skipped a beat. The hoarse and deep voice was unusually familiar, and the eyes that exuded evil green fire reminded him of something.

Cho'gall (Twilight Chief): "Gul'dan? It's you! How did you-"

Gul'dan (Lich King): "Yes, it's me. I have gained real power. Although it is a little different from what I originally expected, this power is enough to make the world surrender to me. I am very I'm glad to see you here, maybe it's fate.

Now kneel down and be loyal to your master. I think you haven't forgotten who is your master, right? "

Just as Cho'gall was about to speak, his eyes suddenly looked behind Gul'dan. A bigger shadow was falling from the sky and approaching quickly.

A strange smile suddenly appeared on Gujar's face.

"Hail to you - Master."

Gul'dan immediately sensed something was wrong. He turned around suddenly and saw a terrifying black dragon with a wingspan of more than 200 meters, exuding a strange dark aura, quickly passing over him.

The powerful aura made him feel frightened and threatened.

It's Deathwing!
He was startled, and the hatred of the fleet destroyed by the Black Dragon Legion on the Endless Sea came back to his mind again.

Deathwing!You bastard, you still dare to show up, do you think you can insult me ​​again?The person I am now is not the person I was then, and you must pay the price today!
Gul'dan hurriedly pulled out Frostmourne, pulled the reins, and Boleleus rose into the air, circling and confronting the opponent.

However, only then did Gul'dan realize that something was not right about Deathwing. His dark eyes were as dead and lifeless as the night sky. The dragon scales on his body were mostly damaged, and a dark substance was flowing from the wounds. Come out, leaving a dark trail like black smoke during the flight.

If Deathwing back then was like a volcano that could erupt at any time, powerful and violent, now Deathwing is like a bottomless dark valley, implying murderous intent.

What surprised Gul'dan even more was that there was an orc standing on the back of Deathwing's dragon, a burly orc shrouded in an ominous black robe.

The orc's hood suddenly opened, revealing three dark red eyes.

Ner'zhul (Void Walker): "What's wrong, Gul'dan? I haven't seen you for so long and I have completely forgotten the etiquette. I didn't even say hello to the teacher when I saw him."

Ner'zhul's voice reached Gul'dan's ears clearly through the howling cold wind.

No, that was not shouted out, but directly transmitted to his consciousness using psychic powers.

Gul'dan was shocked, Ner'zhul?How could it be him!And looking at his appearance, he seemed to have gained tremendous power.

And why is Ner'zhul mixed with Deathwing.

At this time, the powerful aura exuded from the other party was not weaker than him at all.

Gul'dan held Frostmourne in his hand and gritted his teeth for a moment.

Gul'dan (Lich King): "Ner'zhul, why are you here?"

Ner'zhul (Agent of the Void): ""I should ask you this, right? Gul'dan, aren't you already dead?Let me guess, those demons sent your soul back to this world to be put to good use? "

Gul'dan (Lich King): "Watch your words Ner'zhul, my power is beyond your imagination. Don't try to anger me, otherwise I will let you taste the pain of being tortured in the past."

Ner'zhul (Void Walker): "Gul'dan, your bluff can't scare me. I can feel the death magic in you, but don't forget, I taught you your necromancy. I am far superior to you in the research of soul magic, and compared with the power I have obtained, your power is not worth mentioning at all."

Gul'dan (Lich King): "Hahahaha, you know nothing about my power Ner'zhul. I have obtained power from the Burning Legion that you can't imagine. I have understood the true meaning of death and transcendence. Crossing the line between life and death, I hold the authority of true power, and if I wish, you and your army will become a member of my undead army."

Ner'zhul (Void Walker): "Really? Then I'd really like to give it a try."

Without further ado, the two of them took action at the same time.

The Darkness of a Thousand Souls!

Gul'dan swung his sword suddenly, and the magic power of death and ice merged into a torrent and blasted towards him.

Void Annihilation Wave!
Ner'zhul also raised his staff, converging the power of shadow into an all-destroying shock wave and blasting it towards Gul'dan.

The two energies collided in mid-air and exploded instantly, turning into a huge energy wave that spread in all directions. Even the cold dark clouds in the sky were blown away by the shock wave.

The huge impact also caused the two giant dragons to be slightly blown away. Relatively speaking, it was obviously Boleleus who was blown away more.

Both master and disciple were greatly surprised.This traitor/old guy is actually so strong?

Both of them had reservations, but because of this, they were both unsure of the other's strength at this time.

Of course a tiger will feast when it encounters a sheep, but if it is another tiger, it should think twice before doing so.

Ner'zhul (Void Walker): "Not bad, traitor. It seems that your studies have not fallen behind during this period."

Gul'dan (Lich King): "It's all thanks to the teacher's good teaching. Teacher, your spells are becoming more and more sophisticated."

Ner'zhul (Void Walker): "Gul'dan, why don't you join me? My plan requires a lot of manpower. I need a strong man like you. I can forget the unpleasantness between us in the past, and I can also bring true love to the world." I will give you my power as long as you serve me."

Gul'dan (Lich King): "This is what I should say. The power of death is the true meaning of everything. All things will eventually perish. Only death is eternal. Join me and we will make this world tremble together." .”

The two tested each other, were wary of each other, and attracted each other.

No one knows each other better than the two of them. They were once masters and apprentices, but later they turned against each other, and then later worked for the tribe together. Their past experiences made their emotions extremely complicated. While they hated each other, they also valued each other very much. strength.

At this moment, Conan the Barbarian King and Winter is Coming finally arrived with their undead army. The first to arrive were the gargoyles and skeleton cavalry flying in the sky.

Facing the orc army that was waiting for them, the two people immediately took up their positions.

In terms of numbers alone, the scale of the Scourge Legion completely exceeded that of the Abyss Legion.

However, seeing the two men in the sky, the two decisively did not order an attack.

At this moment, the two masters and apprentices in heaven have already reached the conclusion.

The two finally understood at this time that they had embarked on completely different paths.

Ner'zhul (Voidwalker): "Then let's do it Gul'dan, take your army and leave. Don't block my way, and I won't block yours. By the way, your dragon is pretty good. , very-'exquisite'."

These words made Gul'dan choke. He originally thought that the resurrected Boleleus, the white dragon king, was very powerful and domineering as a mount, but compared to Deathwing, which has a wingspan of more than 200 meters, it was completely inferior. .

Gul'dan (Lich King): "Hmph, a truly strong man doesn't need a mount to bluff, let's go!"

Watching Gul'dan leave with his men on a dragon.

Deathwing suddenly let out a low roar, "Ner'zhul, were you implying that I was your mount just now?"

"Don't worry about it so much, Deathwing. We are on the same team. Isn't it just to assist me that N'Zoth sent you here?"

"I only obey the orders of my master." Deathwing's voice was emotionless. "My master asked me to help you find the whereabouts of Yogg-Saron, not just to show off for you."

"Don't worry, my scouts are everywhere. The burial place of Yogg-Saron has been found. It is sealed in a Titan ruins - a temple called Ulduar. We will arrive there soon. Dig up Yogg-Saron."

Ner'zhul said with great anticipation.

After successfully digging out the Heart of Y'Shaarj in Pandaria, coupled with the power of the Eye of C'Thun he obtained previously, he is now extremely powerful.

That idiot N'Zoth thought he could control himself and use himself to seize the power of other ancient gods for it. It was really laughable.

After Yogg-Saron is solved, N'Zoth will be next. By then, with the power of the five ancient gods gathered, no one in this world can stop him.

When Ner'zhul returned to the surface, Cho'gall immediately came to greet him.

"Master, why don't we keep Gul'dan? After all, he was once your enemy." Cho'gall said with twinkling eyes. He actually had his own selfish motives. Gul'dan hated betrayal the most, so he turned to Ner'zhul. If you encounter Gul'dan in the future, you will definitely be in danger. If Ner'zhul can kill Gul'dan, that would be the best.

Ner'zhul (Void Walker): "It's not necessary. At our level of power, past grudges are meaningless. The only thing that is truly meaningful is power, power! Keep moving forward."

The orc army of the Abyss Legion and the undead army of the Scourge Legion passed each other and watched each other disappear from sight.

At this moment, Gul'dan also landed back to the ground.

Conan the Barbarian King immediately asked, "Boss, aren't we going to attack?"

Gul'dan (Lich King): "No, there is no need to make matters worse. Ner'zhul is not our enemy, at least not now."

Ner'zhul?Conan the Barbarian King and Winter's Coming looked at each other and saw each other's surprise. Why did Ner'zhul come to Northrend?

"Then what are we going to do next? Are we preparing to attack Azeroth?"

"Do not."

Gul'dan said, but he remembered the taunt he had just made.

Forget about others, Ner'zhul's taunts were too hard for him to ignore.

Xiao Long, who dares to laugh at me, let me show you what a real giant is.

Gul'dan (Lich King): "Gather all the troops and dig out the monster under Wyrmrest Temple for me. I will resurrect Galakrond."


Winter is Coming: Here’s how it goes, Brother Aidan, what’s up with this intel.

Aidan: Very good. When the Lich King is killed in the future, you and Conan the Barbarian will be the first to count. Your benefits will definitely be indispensable.

Conan the Barbarian King: I don’t think about the benefits or anything like that. Just be careful when you fight the dog eggs and don’t accidentally hurt friendly troops.

Winter is coming: Also - there must be a Lich King in this world, you know this, right?Now that Varian is dead, it's better to leave the Lich King to us.

Godwin: Don't worry, we are all professionals, we won't accidentally hurt you. As for the Lich King... With such a huge family fortune like the Scourge, it is better to fall into the hands of our brothers than to fall into the hands of NPCs. As long as you Cooperate well with us to take down Gul'dan, so what if the Lich King's position is given to you.

Winter is coming: Hahaha, brother is right, then we can make an agreement.

Turn off the group chat.

Murphy and Godwin opened a separate chat channel.

Godwin: Brother Aidan, why do you think Ner'zhul appears in Northrend?This is so weird.Ner'zhul is also a world-destroying BOSS. Gul'dan is already difficult to deal with. If the master and apprentice join forces, it will be difficult for us.

Aidan: Don't worry, the grudge between them is absolutely impossible to cooperate. Ner'zhul is indeed very strong, but when I fought against him, his strength was just that. As long as all our heroes unite, we are not afraid of not being able to beat him.

Murphy actually had some speculations about Ner'zhul's appearance in Northrend. During the last battle, Ner'zhul successfully absorbed C'Thun's power.

So could it be that this time he came for the Ancient God again?

The ancient god sealed in Northrend is Yogg-Saron. It is sealed in the Temple of Ulduar and is guarded by a group of Titan Guardians created by the Titans. Ner'zhul is probably not here for Yogg-Saron. Bar.

Is this guy going to absorb all the power of the ancient gods?
Can an orc's body withstand such a powerful force?

And shouldn't Deathwing be sleeping in the Deep Rock Abyss?Why did you run out so early?Also hanging out with Ner'zhul.

And once the power of the five ancient gods is gathered... Murphy is shocked, and suddenly thinks of the past he saw in Yakir's memory.

Could it be said that Ner'zhul's real purpose is to summon the Lord of the Void?
But don't be afraid. To summon the Lord of the Void, you need to gather the power of the five ancient gods. But currently, the Heart of Xal'atath should be hidden in the Sky City, and Ner'zhul cannot possibly gather it all.

But I'm afraid it will be troublesome sooner or later.

It seems that this international organization of Alliance, Horde, and Night Alliance must be maintained for a long time. After the Lich King is defeated, I am afraid that I will have to continue to fight against Ner'zhul.

But the primary goal at the moment is to get rid of the Lich King first.

(End of this chapter)

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