Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 517: Karazhan Chapter

Chapter 517 Return to Karazhan

Deadwind Pass - Tower of Karazhan.

The once gorgeous and majestic Tower of Karazhan now presents a decadent and dilapidated scene.

Since that night of drastic changes, when Medivh and Aegwynn, possessed by Sargeras, fought, and Deathwing appeared magnificently, burning the enemy with dragon's breath and flames, this majestic magic tower has suffered heavy damage.

Powerful fel magic destroyed half of the main tower, and also killed the noble guests attending the banquet in the tower.

The dragon fire destroyed the other half of the tower and burned the main body of the tower to a charred black color.

Later, several heroes of the Alliance led a large group of adventurers to break into the tower and started a battle with Medivh and the guards in the tower, which intensified the destruction of Karazhan.

Then when Medivh mysteriously disappeared, Karazhan was completely defeated.

The banquet hall was filled with ghosts and ghosts of dead guests. Monsters summoned by Medivh from various other worlds lost their restraints and used Karazhan as a battlefield for predators.

Demons summoned by the remnant soul of Sargeras are hidden in secret rooms in the tower. Magic puppets wander in the libraries and corridors, killing all intruders who dare to break in. In the cellars below Karazhan Among them, those magic experiments had already broken through their cage, turning the underground part of the magic tower into a monster's lair.

Even the air was filled with the smell of evil and death. The terrible magic released by Medivh when he went berserk destroyed most of the forests around Karazhan, turning it into a ghostly ghostland...

But on this day, Karazhan, which had long since lost its glory, once again waited for guests, three to be precise.

call out!The light of the teleportation magic gradually dissipated. Murphy stood on the teleportation platform in Karazhan, looking at everything around him with emotion. It felt so familiar. The last time he came here seemed to be an extremely long time ago.

Jaina looked around nervously and expectantly. She had admired Karazhan for a long time.

"Is this Karazhan? I never thought that one day I would come here. I heard the teachers at the academy mention it more than once. It is said that this is the residence of the guardian, where countless secrets about magic are buried, as well as the treasures he collected. All kinds of treasures.”

Jaina eagerly released a lighting spell, and the magical light ball illuminated the dilapidated teleportation platform and the gloomy corridor.

"Yes, this is Karazhan."

Murphy said with emotion and put away the Karazhan emblem.

The main purpose of his visit this time was to learn magic.

Originally, he wanted to go to Dalaran for further training, but after understanding Dalaran's magic teaching process, Murphy decisively gave up.

There is a curriculum for learning magic in Dalaran. There are different schools, how many lessons are taken every day, and various teaching tasks. If you do well, you can unlock rare magic, and even get personal teaching from the dean of the school...

It's very troublesome to increase the dean's favorability and do college tasks to increase the college's reputation.

Don't expect to learn any advanced magic without three to five months of investment.

Murphy doesn't have that much time to go to Violet Magic Academy for a semester of classes now.

Another way to learn magic is to go to auctions. As long as you spend money, you can find all kinds of magic scrolls.

Murphy did spend some money to buy some basic magic scrolls to copy and study.

But his pursuit doesn't stop there,
His real purpose is to recreate the soul magic of Soul Splitting Technique.

Although he could use it before, now he has no clue.

Under normal circumstances, any skill in the game needs to be completed through a carrier.

Magic scrolls, skill trainers, skill books, in short, they need a mechanism to learn.

But the soul splitting technique only exists in Mo Fei's memory. Because it is a unique spell of the black dragon clan, there is no magic scroll at all.

It was usable when he was possessed by Deathwing. Since Deathwing left his body, this skill has completely disappeared from the skill list.

Even though he still remembered the magic spell, he couldn't cast it at all.

He vaguely remembered that when he cast the Soul Splitting Technique, there seemed to be a very complicated way of operating magic, but at that time he relied entirely on the game mechanism to automatically cast the spell. This complexity was purely sensory, and he could not truly understand the mystery.

For this reason, he must truly 'study' the theory of magic, not to learn a certain skill, but to try to master the operating mechanism behind it.

Fortunately, he remembered the Karazhan emblem that Medivh had given him, which could teleport him directly to Karazhan.

The library in Karazhan must have a rich collection, so I would like to borrow a few books to see if I can learn some theoretical knowledge.

"Sir Aidan, are you sure you can learn magic?" Vivian was still a little unbelievable.

It's no wonder that Murphy has always fought in the image of a warrior. Although the Dragon Feast skill also includes arcane skills such as Arcanagos's Arcane Vortex, it is obviously different from real magic.

Murphy smiled and said: "Of course. In fact, I have never revealed to you that I am actually a magic genius."

Vivian curled her lips, obviously not believing it.

Mo Fei didn't even explain it, but after a while he realized how powerful it was.

"Careful, I feel something - it's a demon!"

Vivian raised the Dragon Spine Staff and released a visualization technique. A faint blue light flashed through, and the outlines of several shadow demons suddenly appeared in the air.

This is a life form between a void creature and a demon. It can become invisible in the dark and wait for sneak attacks. Its unique debilitating magic and physical damage reduction properties are a nightmare for physics professionals.

But Vivian is very good at dealing with this kind of thing. At that time, the magicians of the Dark Night Empire had no taboos when studying magic, and they often summoned such creatures.

Arcane Prison - Magic Explosion!
Lines composed of arcane energy tightly bound the Shadow Demon in the barrier, and then with a bang, the energy in the Shadow Demon's body was instantly detonated, turning into an energy wave and dissipating into the air.

"Good job."

Murphy complimented him, saying that it would still be a bit troublesome for him to fight this thing if he didn't transform.

Walking along the stairs, they casually dismissed a few undead guards and a few wandering hellhounds that were blocking the way, and soon the three of them arrived at the second floor of the banquet hall.

The sound of music came faintly from downstairs. When the three of them walked to the stairs, they saw a large group of ghost guests dancing to the music below.

There were glasses of wine, laughter and laughter, and the table was filled with colorful food and drinks. The guests were dressed in exquisite dresses, dancing elegantly, or chatting in small groups.

If it weren't for the unique ghostly light emitting from them, it would really look like a luxurious and flashy banquet scene.

Unfortunately, in front of the Eye of the Ancient Dragon, they all showed their prototypes.

What you see in front of you are just some sad ghosts, immersed in the echoes of memories from your lifetime, constantly repeating the things you did during your lifetime.

"It's a pity. It was quite lively here back then."

Murphy muttered to himself and took the lead walking downstairs.

The ghosts are all neutral units, so there is no need to worry about being attacked.

"Sir, do you need anything?"

The ghost of a servant came over with a tray full of wine and asked diligently.

Murphy waved his hand.

"Don't pay attention to us. Let's take a stroll. Oh, by the way, is Mr. Medivh back?"

The ghost of the servant had a blank look on his face, "Master - he hasn't been to the banquet hall for a long time."

"let it go."

Murphy said, leading the two of them through the banquet hall and toward the library.

After walking in the winding corridors of Karazhan for a long time, I finally found the place in my memory.

"Here we are, here we are. There should be a magic puppet guarding this place. Hey, where is the curator?"

Murphy glanced around, but only saw the remains of some arcane puppets.When the three of them walked to the library door, Murphy saw the remains of a huge puppet at a glance. It was the body of the 'librarian' lying in front of the library door.

Um?Has anyone been here?
The curator is a terrifying BOSS, and he also has a bunch of puppet boys, so he seems to be a master.

When he walked to the door, Murphy gestured to Gianna and Vivian, pushed the door open, and saw seven or eight mages in the library, each holding a book and reading enthusiastically.

When they heard the sound of the door being pushed open, everyone immediately looked around, and seven or eight wands were pointed at the three of them.

There are actually a few 'acquaintances' here.

Sallyman, Morgana, Gandalf the Furious, Lord Voldemort...

Although I can't say how familiar they are, I have seen them all.

Aidan (Lord Protector of Alterac): "Don't be nervous, I'm just like you, I'm just here to borrow a few books."

Furious Gandalf (Battle Mage): "Damn, I was shocked. Hey, isn't this Prince Aidan? And Jaina... why are you here?"

"Of course I'm here to read a book, why are you here?"

"We also came to read a book."

Sallyman on the side said as she casually put the book in her hand back on the bookshelf, and then took another one.

While flipping through it, he explained to Murphy, "Since this place was abandoned, we have been running here to get some magic books to take back. The Guardian's library definitely has good stuff, but it's a pity that Medivh is in this library. A spell has been cast that we cannot break, and no book can be removed from the library without the owner's permission - you see."

Sallyman said, picking up a book and walking towards the door. When she walked to the door, she seemed to bump into something. When people passed by, the book was sent back to the bookshelf with a hiss.

"So we can only read books in the library." He said and spread his hands.

Murphy suddenly felt that something was not right. He picked up a book and looked at the cover of "Twelve Application Methods of Arcane Missiles". When he opened it, it was full of words.

"Wait a minute, what you are reading are not skill books?"

As soon as this question came out, everyone suddenly showed subtle expressions.

This question is naturally crucial.

The magic books in the game are actually divided into two categories.

One type is the skill book. As long as the conditions are met, you can learn the magic in it immediately after taking a look at it. There is not much text in it, and you don’t need to actually read it.

The other type is 'informative books', which have no value in themselves and are just to enrich the relevant text of the game. It seems to be the same thing. This type of books will introduce the details of various magics in detail, such as the principles of use and so on. The thing looks mysterious, but actually it has no use.

All players learn are skill books, and only NPCs will read those knowledge books, so in theory, there is no long-term reading.


"Are you trying to learn some knowledge from these books that does not exist within the framework of the game? Real magic?"

The few people looked at each other, but no one said anything.

"Haha, there is no real magic, we are just watching and playing."

"Yes, yes. If you want to learn magic or something, you can just buy scrolls and copy them. There is no need to go to such trouble."

"We're just curious. We'll just take a look and feel the atmosphere of the game. We'll also look to see if there are any hidden tasks worth exploring. Maybe there will be triggers in these books."

The more the other party explained this, the more sure Murphy felt.

After playing the game for so long, even if it does not count the original plot missions, he has long discovered that the many restrictions of this game are not absolute.

When he was still the Black Dragon Lord, he had broken through the framework of the game, and this new account also used design techniques that did not exist in the game several times.

For example, injecting evil power into the storm...

In other words, there should still be many such techniques in this game, so he tried to recreate the soul-breaking technique.

It seems that I am not the only one who discovered this.

He didn't say anything.

"Haha, I understand, I'm also here to feel the magical atmosphere, so don't interrupt me, we can each be busy with our own business."

After saying that, they ignored those people and the three of them dispersed, each looking for books of interest.

NPCs are obviously different from players. They can truly learn the magic principles recorded in the book, and their growth mechanism is completely different from players.

Murphy casually read the book "Twelve Application Methods of Arcane Missiles".

This book is completely different from ordinary skill books. It records various variants of arcane missiles in detail.

Large arcane spheres, the most common three-shot arcane missiles, magic missiles that use thoughts to guide and track targets, arcane barrages that release dozens of pieces at once, super-large arcane missiles that only exist in theory ——Arcane Comet (Murphy has seen this in the hands of Kalecgos).

Normal arcane missiles only have a standard three-shot burst.

Murphy mobilized magic power as described in the book and guided it with spiritual power.

Try using a variant of Arcane Missile as in the book.

This process is very complicated and completely different from the simplicity of directly learning skills.

Fortunately, with the power of arcane guardianship, Murphy's use of arcane energy can be said to be as good as an arm and a finger, and he can easily simulate the operating principles recorded in the book.

Magic power gradually gathered in the air, and the gravitational magic power inside formed a sphere that shrank inward. The excess arcane energy was evenly distributed around, forming an arcane magic ball the size of a basketball.

It worked.

Looking at the arcane magic ball in his hand, Murphy felt quite happy, feeling a sense of accomplishment that he had truly learned and mastered magic.

This is much more fun than just reading the skill book and then swiping a white light to learn it.

"You really learned magic!" Vivian was a little surprised.

Murphy shrugged.

Arcane Missiles, Arcane Spells, Arcane Barrages... Murphy didn't try Arcane Comet out of safety considerations, but he basically learned all the variants of Arcane Missiles.

Even the most basic magic can be manipulated. The more he tries, the more finely Murphy controls arcane energy.

There is even a feeling that the arcane energy is integrated with itself, as if it is an extension of the will and a part of the body.

The mage players on the side were completely dumbfounded.

They have been studying here for many days and have developed some special magic techniques, but the arcane energy is unpredictable and cannot be easily controlled.

Seeing Murphy's control over magic power, everyone was inexplicably shocked. Where did this guy come from?He looks like a warrior from the looks of his attire. Why is he so slippery with magic?
After flipping through a few more books, Murphy finally found the book he was looking for.

"Arcane Analysis of the Soul."

He picked it up hastily.

A mage on the side reminded.

"That book is too esoteric and obscure. It also makes people's heads hurt when reading it. It feels very weird. I think it would be better for you to read an introductory book like "Elemental Reaction: Magical Fission" or "The Mystery of Natural Magic"."

Mo Fei ignored it and started reading by himself.

(End of this chapter)

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