Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 518: Re-engraving the Soul-Splitting Technique

Chapter 518: Re-engraving the Soul-Splitting Technique

["Arcane Analysis of the Soul"

Author: Psychic-Verastan Veldre.

Revised by: Medivh.

The human soul is composed of positive and negative sides, derived from the reflection of the power of light and shadow when the universe was born. Therefore, when exposed to different energy characteristics, its personality is often affected.

The characteristics of the power of shadow are devouring and assimilating, so users who learn shadow magic often show selfish and violent characteristics.

The characteristics of the power of light are infection and assimilation. Therefore, users who learn to use the Holy Light will often selflessly dedicate everything they have. However, things will turn to the extreme, and the phenomenon of external assimilation will also form...

Ether constitutes the basic solute of the soul. Using the four-dimensional principle of magic, we can draw the following conclusion: the soul can be reconstructed...

The body is the representation of the soul in the material world, so changing the soul will also produce intuitive changes to the body...]

This book is not so much a magic book as it is a theoretical book on the principle analysis of the soul.

Some of the contents are easy for Mo Fei to understand because of his exposure to them in the game, but as you go to the back, the contents become more profound and obscure.

The key is that Mo Fei doesn't understand much of the relevant content at all, especially some of the information quoted in the book, which obviously involves other different magic disciplines.

Murphy looked at it and couldn't help but frown. Without complete theoretical study, he would not be able to learn the secrets inside.

Suddenly something clicked in my heart. The author was in his ring. Why bother? Just ask him directly and he would die - Grandpa Sargeras, it's time to come out and teach.

"Sargeras, do you know what is written in this book? What is the ether? What is the four-dimensional principle of magic? What is the Neisser phenomenon? Explain it all to me."

The remnant soul of Sargeras: "I don't know much about this. You know that I control the power of evil energy and have no research on magic arcana."

Mo Feixin said that you are the only one who believes in ghosts. Sargeras himself is a Titan, and arcane magic was created by Titan. How can the dignified and top thug of the Titan family forget all the memories of the past.

Moreover, Sargeras later switched to the Fel camp and mastered powerful Fel magic. Fel magic also involves a lot of research involving the soul.

Then he possessed Medivh again. After staying together for so many years, it stands to reason that he should be able to master the magic that Medivh knew.

If you say you don’t understand the content in this book, who will believe it?

"It seems like you have no value anymore, so why not recast it?"

The remnant soul of Sargeras: "Wait a minute, okay... maybe I can recall it, ah, I seem to have remembered some things from the past, let me explain it to you."

The remnant soul of Sargeras is very smart. In the past, he could fool around and find trouble. At that time, the artifact of the Ring of Dominance was very important to Aidan, so no matter how angry Aidan was, he would not How dare you do anything to him.

But now that Aidan has transformed into an ancient dragon, his strength is no longer what it used to be. The value of this artifact has been greatly reduced. In addition, Aidan can recast the power and directly seize the evil power in the Ring of Dominance, which is sealed in The remaining souls in the Ring of Dominance are even more dangerous.

As long as your performance is of little value, you may be decomposed.

Immediately, he explained all the weird terms in the book one by one, and by the way, he also acted as an explainer and derived many profound theories.

With the free lecturer, The Remnant Soul of Sargeras, the obscure knowledge in the book suddenly became clear.

The more Mo Fei learns, the more excited he becomes. This book "Arcane Analysis of the Soul" analyzes the soul from the perspective of magic and is very helpful for him to recreate the soul splitting technique.

By the time the book was finished, Murphy had vaguely figured out the principle of soul splitting.

The human soul is composed of two elements: light and shadow. Shadow and holy light are mutually exclusive. However, at the beginning of the birth of the universe, the collision of the power of shadow and holy light produced a substance called ether. It is the product of the fusion of holy light and shadow. It reaches a delicate balance under the strong force and then evolves into a soul.

The principle of soul splitting is to break this balance and decompose the two elements, which is somewhat similar to 'element decomposition'. Due to the repulsive nature of shadow and holy light, the two will automatically fight against each other.

The so-called soul splitting technique is actually to separate two kinds of energy, and then split into two divided soul individuals, one positive and one negative.

And since the body is the real reflection of the soul, the split of the soul will also lead to the split of the body, whereby one person becomes two people.

What an amazing theory.

Mo Fei couldn't help but sigh. He stretched out a hand, and the magical light of the Soul Splitting Technique gathered in his palm. He had the urge to try it for a moment, and the man behind him happened to come up.

Lord Voldemort (Shadow Mage): "Hey buddy, I'm right. I can't understand this book at all."

You are the one.

Murphy suddenly turned around and raised his hand - Soul Splitting Technique!

Voldemort was caught off guard and was struck by the Soul Splitting Technique.

Voldemort himself let out a miserable howl, and his whole body was forcibly split in half from the middle.

This suddenly stimulated the other mages around, and they all raised their staffs to take action.

However, Aidan was not worried and said calmly: "I advise you not to be impulsive."

Absolute strength brings absolute self-confidence. In a real fight, he is worthy of these mage heroes.

Those few people didn't take action directly, and their relationship with Voldemort wasn't very good either. They were all here to read a book.

"What did you do!" "Wocao, someone is PKing!"

"Voldemort, you—fuck, why are there two of them?"

The two people who were blown into two pieces by Murphy in front of them got up from the ground.

Voldemort's Demon A (Shadow Mage), Level 48 Gold.Level [-]
Voldemort's Demon B (Mage), first level gold.Level 32.

The two Voldemorts looked at each other in shock.

Murphy was quite satisfied when he saw this scene. The Soul Splitting Technique was completed.

"Don't be nervous, everyone. I just tried the newly learned magic. Don't worry, this magic is not an offensive magic and will not cause harm. You can see that both of their health bars are full."

Voldemort’s Demon B (Mage): “Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu I’m so scared. Why are you like this? You do it when you say it. UuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuWhat is wrong with me?”

Voldemort's Demon A (Shadow Mage): "Shut up, you useless loser. Why are you crying? You dare to attack me. Believe it or not, I will kill you today."

The two demons of Voldemort showed completely different personalities. Murphy was quite interesting. He didn't care about the threat of Voldemort A, but he was curious about the split consciousness of the two people in front of him. Are they the same player?Or does the player play one of them and the other is controlled by a computer simulation?

Some other players haven't reacted yet, they just think this magic is interesting, but some have already changed their expressions.

The player's soul can actually be split. Isn't that schizophrenia?You must know that although the player's body is fake, the soul or consciousness actually exists in reality. Now the consciousness that appears in the game can be split. If it doesn't go back, will there be problems in reality?

This is a magical effect that touches human consciousness. It's so scary.

For the first time, people had questions about the security of the game.

Just playing a game, it won’t complete schizophrenia, right?

Mo Fei continued, "Don't worry, I can change you back. You are now only half of the soul of the original owner. When you merge into one, you are your original self."

Lord Voldemort had a plaintive look on his face, "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu”””””

Voldemort himself frowned, "Wait a minute, you are saying that you want to merge the two of us into one, what will happen to us? Return to our original self, neither better nor worse? - I changed my mind, I It’s good now.”

Furious Gandalf (Battle Mage): "Old Fu, what stupid things are you saying? You are nothing like your original self now. Change back quickly and don't let anything go wrong."

Voldemort's Demon A (Shadow Mage): "Hahahaha, why should I be like the old me? I feel great now. In the past, I was worried about this and that. I wanted to play the role of a villain but was afraid of being hostile. No responsibility at all.

That's right, I am the real me now, without so many moral constraints and without the oppression of rules. I can do whatever I want, why should I care about other people's opinions.

You did a great job Aidan, do me a favor and kill this whining piece of trash. I hate this weakness. "

After hearing this, Murphy suddenly understood that this guy must have a dark personality.

"But I think you have a bit of an anti-social personality in your current situation. I'm afraid it will be a disaster if you return to reality."

Voldemort's Demon A (Shadow Mage): "So what, if you can, kill us all."

Sallyman suddenly interjected, "You can't kill him! He will quit the game as soon as he dies, and his body may be controlled by this antisocial personality. Let's hold him down together."

"Get out of here you bunch of trash."

A finger of death!
This dark Voldemort is indeed a ruthless man, and he can use his ultimate move when he raises his hand.

Fortunately, everyone present was a top-notch mage, and they had already been on guard against this strange sight.

Death Protection Barrier!

Counter magic!

Dark Voldemort flicked his wand a few times, but failed to release his ultimate move.

Before he could cast the second spell, several people had already restrained Dark Voldemort in various ways.

Voldemort's Demon A: "Don't fight anymore, be careful not to hurt him."

The furious Gandalf was speechless. He looked up at Murphy and said, "Brother, whatever happened to you, you should hurry up."

Murphy said: Tie the two of them together, and then I will use the same magic just now.

"Ooooh, okay, okay, hurry up, I'm scared to death."

Voldemort himself, Demon B, went up and hugged A, and refused to let go.

"Let me go, you bastards. I'm finally free. I don't want to be one with this loser. Hey Gandalf, we are friends. Do me a favor and kick this guy away. Wait. I'll go back and transfer you 50, no, 100 million.

You all have a share. "

It's a pity that most of the people who play hero templates are not short of money, only one or two are slightly moved, and the rest are unmoved.

(End of this chapter)

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