Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 519 Bucket Number

Chapter 519 Bucket Number (Additional update for the leader: chivalrous and righteous, lazy sheep)
Not only did everyone ignore the temptation of Dark Voldemort, but they retreated and threw a bunch of binding magic at the two people.

Magic chain!
Antonidas Body Holding Technique!

After the others stepped aside, Murphy aimed at the two and released the prepared magic again.

Soul splitting technique!
boom!The light of magic hit the two people again, this time it successfully decomposed the two souls into etheric matter again. The two Voldemorts fused together like plasticine. The light dissipated, and Voldemort appeared in front of everyone again.

He touched his face and let out a sigh of relief.

Then he sat down on the ground.

The furious Gandalf looked curious, "How did you feel just now, Lao Fu? How did you feel? You were torn apart just now. By the way, were the two people just now really you, or were they taken over by the computer?"

"It's all me, it's all me. That feeling is like looking at things from two perspectives at the same time. It's indescribable, but both memories are in my mind." Voldemort looked scared.

He suddenly looked at Aidan, with a wary look on his face, and raised the wand in his hand again.

Murphy looked at him indifferently, and the pressure emanating from his body made Voldemort afraid to take action at all.

"What kind of magic did you use on me just now? How could this happen! You, you are going too far!"

"Haha, don't be nervous. I was just joking. Have you changed back? Put down your wand and talk to me properly, unless - you want to try again."

This hidden threat made Voldemort's face stiffen.

"Hmph, forget it this time. Don't blame me for being rude next time you dare to sneak up on me." Although he spoke forcefully, his tone was obviously a little scared.

When the mages saw that the emergency was over, they dispersed one after another, only looking at Murphy with a little more awe.

Mo Fei didn't care, and the Soul Splitting Technique was successfully recreated.

He opened the skill list and was surprised to find that there was no magic called Soul Splitting in the skill column.

It seems that this skill is beyond the system rules, or it is learned by bypassing the system rules.

But I don’t know if the game company knows about this situation, or if it doesn’t understand at all.

Jaina also came up at this time, "Wow, brother Aidan, you were so awesome just now, can you teach me?"

"Not for the time being. This magic is too dangerous and not suitable for you." The Soul Splitting Technique can also be regarded as a shadow-based magic. If you learn more of this type of magic, your personality will inevitably become distorted.

Murphy touched Gianna's golden hair and said in his heart that you should just treat it as your ice magic.

Because he possesses the ancient dragon's will, he is not afraid of this influence at all.

The re-engraving was successful, but Mo Fei did not leave. This library is a treasure house. The magic theories and knowledge in it are difficult for ordinary people to understand, but for him, they are out-and-out spiritual. food.

Throughout the next day, Murphy read eagerly in the library.

If you encounter something you don't understand, just ask the remnant soul of Sargeras directly. He is also half the author of these books. Medivh left a lot of notes and personal opinions in these magic books.

While reading, Murphy used his arcane guardian authority to simulate. The arcane energy moved like an arm and a finger under the control of his mind.

In one day, Murphy learned hundreds of magic tricks.

These magics, like Soul Splitting, do not exist in the skill list. They are more like derivative skills of arcane guardian authority.

This is the great thing about mastering power and authority. By analogy, as long as you have relevant knowledge and theory, you can master it all at once.

There is absolutely no threshold for learning magic.

In the evening, Murphy said to the two of them, "Let's go out and experiment."


In the wilderness outside the Tower of Karazhan, Murphy is constantly experimenting with his magic.

Fireball!Arcane missiles!Pyroblast!Ice arrow!snowstorm!Magic shield!
The magic he had learned before was released smoothly, just as he expected.

The only problem is that the power is too weak.

This is mainly because Murphy does not have any magic-related hero expertise, nor does he have equipment matching the mage. The power of his skills are all blank attributes that have not been enhanced.

To be honest, it would be better to use these magics to attack people than to carry two big swords to attack people, which will increase the output.

Even AOE magic is far less powerful than Dragon Thunder and Storm Miracle.

The only ones that are more useful are the auxiliary magics.

For example, mirroring, flashing, invisibility, etc., if combined with his combat skills, would be quite effective.


Murphy summoned a flame that soared into the sky and curled his lips as he watched several dead trees turn to ashes in the flames.

Not bad, after all, I learned a lot of useful skills, and I can combine combat skills with magic in the future, such as mirror clone slash, flash behind and follow with lion slash, etc.

And for some special scenes, magic also has more ways to deal with it.

Overall, the harvest is not small.

"Vivian, I'm going to be away for a while. Do you still want to come to Karazhan to study?"

Vivian nodded, "If possible, I certainly hope to learn more knowledge."

She also gained a lot today. Although she didn't want to admit it, the knowledge in Medivh's collection of books was no worse than that of the Royal Library of the Dark Night Empire. She benefited greatly from many shocking magic theories.

"Of course, take it." Murphy threw the Karazhan emblem directly to her.

“With it you can read back and forth freely.”

"Lord Aidan, you gave it to me?"

Vivian said in disbelief.Such a treasure was given to her like this.

"Yes what's the matter?"


System prompt: The loyalty of your subordinate hero Vivian Nightsong has been increased, and is now 83/loyal.

Vivian Nightsong (Ancient Magister): "By the way, Lord Aidan, do you want to learn the ancient magic of the night elves?"

Mo Feixin said that she had finally improved her favorability, but she didn't expect there would be an unexpected surprise.

"of course."

"If you want to learn, I can teach you what I know about magic."

"That couldn't be better."

Jaina on the side also hurriedly pricked up her ears.

Vivian started to talk about it.

Compared with the ancient magic of the night elves, the biggest difference is that one pursues the ultimate in magical power, while the other pursues the stability of magic.

The reason for this difference is related to the background of the two eras.

The ancient night elf empire had an endless source of magic power in the Well of Eternity, so there was no need to worry about insufficient magic power. Therefore, when creating magic, they often pursued the ultimate in power.

Many powerful and terrifying magics were created, especially those magics created by Queen Azshara herself, which allowed her to destroy cities, flatten mountains, fill rivers, and even destroy the world with her own strength. This time she called herself God thinks that all mortals are ants under her feet.

Because of this, the magisters of the ancient night elves were all fire supremacists.

Saving magic?Are you kidding? That thing doesn't cost any money, but Jin's career is over.

But in modern times, these powerful ancient magics are not very practical, because the Well of Eternity is gone, and the magic power needs to be absorbed by the magicians bit by bit from the magic network. Naturally, they can save as much as they can in use.

The magic power required by those ancient magics is too high, and one big move often results in empty mana, so how can it work?

And in order to ensure safety, modern mages pursue the safety and stability of magic. After all, there is not so much magic power to waste. If you cast spells randomly and you are not careful, magic short-circuit will occur. Once this occurs, the magic power is often consumed excessively, causing it to become a dead spell. By.

The mages trained in Dalaran in the early years often suffered from various emergencies, such as mana rampage, mana depletion, etc., resulting in a lot of losses.

Therefore, for thousands of years, mages have continuously optimized, classified, and specialized magic, and banned those magics that are dangerous to spellcasters. Therefore, modern magic rarely has such great power. Flame storms and blizzards are already the most powerful ones. If equipped, as a single target, Meteor Explosion and Pyroblast are the best combinations.

But the problem of magic power is not a problem for Murphy. With some arcane guardianship authority, he can draw magic power from the magic network endlessly without worrying about the problem of blue bars and insufficient magic power output.

The ancient magic provided by Vivian gave Murphy a good opportunity.

The learning process was not difficult. In more than an hour, Murphy successfully learned five ancient magic spells from Vivian.


Meteoric Technique!
The sky suddenly darkened, and a huge burning meteorite slowly fell from the sky. The falling speed was not slow, but because the meteorite was so big, it looked like it was in slow motion.

The ground was shaking, the mushroom cloud produced by the explosion rose hundreds of meters high, and the shock wave spread to several kilometers away.

So strong!Murphy felt the aftermath of the earth, looked at his hands, and felt the terror of magic for the first time.

The only problem is that the reading bar is too slow and the spell casting is too long. It takes at least 1 minute from the time the meteorite is summoned to the time it lands. Those who are fast and can use magic can escape in advance.

It is only suitable for dealing with some units with stationary output.

Moreover, the mana consumption is extremely serious. One meteor spell consumes thousands of mana. For an ordinary mage, it is estimated that one tube of mana will be gone after one meteor spell is thrown out. There may even be situations where the mana is not enough to complete the magic.

Vivian looked shocked. Did she learn it now?
She had practiced hard for several months before she could master it, and now she hardly dared to cast spells of this level due to insufficient magic power.

"Lord Aidan, I have never seen a magic genius like you!"

"Haha, just so-so." Mo Fei said modestly.

Murphy now finally no longer feels that weak in human form.

He was full of confidence at this moment.

Even if he doesn't transform into an ancient dragon, his current strength has reached the top level in the entire game.

In terms of vitality, due to the enhancement of the blood of the ancient dragon, the blood volume directly exceeded the [-] mark.

In terms of mana, with the power of arcane guardianship, he has unlimited blue bars and can last indefinitely.

In terms of strength, his strength attribute exceeded 120, making him a macho man.

The agility is a bit worse, but it's still at 80 points.

Intelligence was originally a shortcoming, but now it has directly reached 110 and can learn most spells.

Although the spirit is not high, because of the existence of the ancient dragon's will, he can be immune to any mental attack, charm, mind control and other effects.

Although the perception is very low, the Eye of the Ancient Dragon can see through some invisible illusions, which makes up for the lack of perception, and no longer needs to be afraid of any sneak attacks.

In close combat, the double giant swords are unparalleled in chopping vegetables, eggplants and melons.

Long-range dragon thunder and storm miracle.

Now I have mastered all modern and ancient magic.

It can be said that he is completely a bucket number now, with almost no shortcomings.

It's time to hold a hero meeting.

(End of this chapter)

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