Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 520 Heroes Conference

Chapter 520 Heroes Conference
Jinghai City—Tiandu Hotel.

Murphy stood on the rooftop of the hotel, overlooking the busy traffic below. Although it was more than a hundred meters above the ground, under the eyes of the ancient dragon, the scene on the street below was unobstructed.

Luxury cars kept stopping in front of the hotel, and players attending the meeting walked out one after another. There were only a few ordinary players playing the hero template, and the cars they drove were better than the last.

Seeing the players coming continuously, Murphy nodded secretly in his heart, not bad, there are a lot of people coming to the Heroes Conference this time.

Suddenly, several more cars stopped, and a capable bald man took the lead and walked out, followed by several subordinates. People from other cars also followed behind the bald man, obviously together.

Mo Fei felt slightly familiar. Even though he had a human face, he could still vaguely see the ruthless features of Ba Dao.

It is here.

Ba Dao Qingqing looked at the hotel in front of him and said energetically. Grogo Evil Eye on the side was not interested, "Boss, I still think we should unite with the Lich King. Gul'dan is my teacher and he used to be As a member of the tribe, I went to tell him that we can definitely unite. When the time comes, the Scourge will fight in the front, and we will fight for the territory in the back. Wouldn’t it be great? Why should we cooperate with the Alliance and the Dark Night Alliance?

We were still enemies before. "

Ba Dao Qingqing curled his lips, "You know what I mean, this is called the incompatibility of good and evil, and the tribe is not in harmony. The Scourge Legion is an evil force. If our tribe wants to mix with the Scourge Legion, wouldn't it be a dark road? Don't It was darkened by then.

The tribe led by Black Hand was the villain back then, but as soon as they went out they were beaten to death by adventurers. Have you forgotten? "

"What's the big deal about going black? Our tribe is now strong and strong, even if there are no adventurers, it's still worthy of them."

"Damn, what if the adventurers are blackened? They will definitely change their families. How can we make money without adventurers?"

Adventurers are big spenders, and those who play with free templates don’t spend much money.

Just collecting taxes alone generates tens of millions in turnover every month.

There is another sentence that Ba Dao Wu Qing didn't say. If he cooperates with the Scourge, wouldn't Gul'dan become the boss? Then where would he put himself?

He knew Gul'dan well, and he knew that this guy was not the kind of person who could cooperate sincerely. Once the Alliance and Dark Night fell, he could not prepare for the next step and would attack the Horde.

Therefore, the tribe still has to move closer to the righteous camp. It is okay to fight back and forth in normal times. It must adhere to principles on such big issues of right and wrong.

By joining forces to fight against the Scourge, the Horde can justifiably separatize Azeroth.

Grogo Evil Eye said helplessly, "Forget it, it's up to you. You are the warchief and you have the final say."

"Nonsense, I have the final say. Come on, let's go in. Brothers, please cheer me up for a while. Don't let those Alliance and Dark Night look down on you."

The people who came with him were all tribal chiefs and warlord-level figures. They were used to being arrogant in the game, and they would be affected to some extent in reality. They were all dressed in black, with tribal logos printed on their clothes. They looked at each other. Like a gangster.

As a group of people walked into the hotel, a waiter immediately came to guide them.

"You guys are here to participate in the 'Heroes Conference', please come this way." The waiter said with a strange look on his face while leading the way.

Ba Dao Qingqing was stunned - a hero meeting?Okay, it’s really a gathering of heroes, but it sounds so awkward.

I followed the waiter into the banquet hall, but there were already many people inside.

Ba Daoqingqing saw at a glance that the rich second generation who had invested in the tribe was holding a wine glass and chatting with a few people.

Hey, isn't this kid a lame person?How's it going?

The man seemed to feel Ba Dao's ruthless explanation, and turned his head suddenly, showing enthusiasm on his face.

"Ah, this must be the Great Chief Ba Dao Wu Qing. I'm glad to meet you."

This greeting immediately attracted the attention of many people. After all, he was the leader of one camp, so the attention was quite high.

Ba Dao Qingqing is also very face-friendly, "Haha, it's easy to talk, hello friends from the alliance, we don't know each other even if we don't fight."

Godwin shook hands with Ba Dao Qing Wu. Ba Dao Qing Wu didn't know why, but he felt particularly warm and kind to him. He looked like a good person at first glance.

"Faced with a common enemy this time, I also hope that the chiefs can work together and put aside their past grudges."

"It's easy to talk, but I didn't expect that my little brother is also a player. Speaking of which, I still don't know which hero you are in the game?"

"King of Lordaeron, Godwin the 'Bright Light'."

"Holy shit, are you Godwin?" Ba Daoqingqing was surprised. His old opponent who fought life and death on the battlefield turned out to be such a boy who was less than 20 years old. He wanted to ask Godwin what happened to his legs. , but was too embarrassed to speak.

"Haha, I'm sorry for concealing this matter before." Godwin said in a low voice: "You know, this is somewhat unreasonable for outsiders."

"I understand, I understand, it doesn't matter." Ba Dao ruthlessly combined the series of events that happened before. He still didn't understand that he was being used as a knife for others, but it didn't matter. He also made a lot of money from attacking Silver Moon City. Everyone needs it. What you want?

Ba Dao Qingqing was too embarrassed to talk about the past. The leader of the alliance invested in the tribe. It would not be a good thing for him or Godwin to reveal this matter.

While they were chatting, the voice of a frost wolf came.

"Haha, you are ruthless and domineering? Haha, as expected, you are a bit domineering as your name suggests."

Ba Dao Qingqing turned around and saw a middle-aged man, followed by a secretary and bodyguard, striding into the venue.

This old man looked like a successful man, and he looked vaguely familiar, as if he had seen it in some Fortune magazine.

The secretary next to him whispered something in his ear, and Ba Dao Wuqing was immediately surprised and said, "Holy crap, are you the boss of Haotian Group?"

"It's just me. I didn't expect that my humble reputation would make my brother laugh."

Ba Dao Qingqing is ashamed of himself. No wonder this guy is so arrogant in the game. He turns out to be the boss of Haotian Group, and his family has tens of billions of dollars.

Soon, several powerful men came forward to chat, all of them were rich or noble. In comparison, he, a chief with a small net worth, was considered a poor person here.

"You are ruthless and domineering, huh, you do look very vicious."

As soon as Ba Daoqingqing raised his head, he saw several fashionable beauties, all with looks above eight points, pointing at him, their faces full of contempt and resentment.

He suddenly felt unhappy.

Damn, you are so rude, am I mistaken? I don’t even know you.

Grogo Evil Eye on the side immediately whispered, "Those people are all from the elves."

It’s no wonder that Ba Dao Wu is ruthless. He destroyed Silver Moon City before, so no wonder he is hated by others.

However, he was so shameless that he didn't care at all and walked straight over to say hello.

"Girls, don't be too entangled. Let's put aside the past grudges. Besides, the Elf Prince Blood Shadow Chonglou has joined the tribe. From now on, we are all a family. If you want to come to the tribe to play, you are welcome at any time. Of course, if you must be an enemy of my tribe, Even though I’m here, I don’t have anything else under my command, the orcs are in charge, and I’ll make sure that I’ll make sure that you’re all comfortable.”

This tyrant's ruthless remarks made several girls stamp their feet in anger, but there was nothing they could do.

Ba Dao Qing Qing walked around and developed a lot of interpersonal relationships. Those who came to the Hero Conference were either powerful heroes or lords, nobles and even members of the royal family from various countries.

They are all top-notch consumers. Ba Dao Qingqing handed out a circle of business cards, which can be used for future business.

He chatted back and forth, but found that only one person was missing.

"Let me tell you, have any of you seen Aidan from Alterac? This kid almost killed me last time. I have to fight him this time." "Are you looking for me? "

A calm voice sounded out of thin air behind Ba Dao Qing Wu, and Ba Dao Qing Wu suddenly felt the hairs on his back stand up.

A terrifying aura like a giant beast appeared looming behind him.

At that moment, he seemed to be back in the game again. The moment he faced the Storm Dragon King, the overwhelming feeling of oppression made him shudder. What the hell?Why is it scarier than in the game?
And at that time, he was surrounded by countless tribal warriors, and Lao Hou, a powerful bodyguard, was by his side. But at this moment, there was only Grogo Evil Eye, a useless person, and the group of chiefs and governors who came with him. They all took their wine glasses and ran to the girl to flirt with her.

He slowly turned around, only to find that there was no giant dragon behind him. There was only a young man with an indifferent face, looking at him with a smile.

That feeling of depression disappeared instantly, as if it was just an illusion.

"Are you—Aidan?"

"Yes, it's me. Do you have something to tell me?"

Mo Fei slowly walked towards Ba Dao Qing Wu. Every time he took a step, his figure seemed to become much taller in an instant. The huge shadow made Ba Dao Qing Wu breathless.

Not an illusion!

Ba Dao Qingqing opened his mouth, but his courage disappeared instantly.

"Hahaha, it's nothing. I just want to get to know Brother Aidan. You bullied me so much in the game. Finally, we met in real life. Why don't we get close..."

"Haha, brother Aidan, we finally meet, what a talented person." Emperor Shenwu also came over at this time.

He was much more polite to the Shenwu Emperor Mo Fei. After all, he was a good brother who had fought side by side.

"Brother Shenwu the Great Emperor is also very heroic."

"Haha, well said. This time you summoned the heroes of the world, and I came without saying a word. We are going to deal with the Scourge, right? This time my centaur's iron hooves will definitely show off their power."

"Damn, are you Aidan?" A sudden voice suddenly interjected.

Murphy glanced at him and recognized him immediately.

Voldemort himself?
This person looks very similar to the one in the game. The only difference is that he is bald in the game.

"Aidan? Holy shit, you're here. I was just looking for you. What tricks did you use that day? The more I thought about it, the more wrong it became. It almost gave me a schizophrenia."

Emperor Shenwu and Ba Dao Qingwu both looked at Voldemort with different expressions, thinking, "What are you talking about?"
After that day, Murphy also thought about why he did that. He had never liked to cause trouble in the past.

At that time, I used the Soul Splitting Technique against Voldemort with a completely nonchalant attitude and used it casually.

Thinking about it afterwards, the only explanation is that his mentality has changed as his strength has increased.

For the immortal ancient dragon, all life is just a passing cloud, an existence like ants and dust, so what's the big deal if he experiments with a mortal mage.

Mo Fei was vaguely uneasy about this. The reason why he was a little bit was because he knew that he should be uneasy. After all, his personality seemed to have been changed, but deep down in his heart, he didn't really care about it. He didn't have any uneasiness. Emotions are only indifferent.

"It's nothing, just a little trick. Sometimes you have to admit that this game has a lot of magic..."

There were many people coming, and they were clearly divided into several groups.

One wave from the Horde, one wave from Haotian City, one wave from Lordaeron, and one wave from Dalaran (after all, he is the Master and there are many players).

A group of girls from Quel'Thalas, a few pseudo-tycoons from Alterac, Jian Wuhen and a few assassin heroes were hiding in the corner muttering something. In addition, Kul Tiras and Stormwind City , and even fringe forces such as Ironforge and Gnomeregan have heroes coming to the party.

Almost half of the top group of player heroes in the entire game are here.

In terms of power, it includes the three major forces of the Alliance, Tribes and Dark Night Alliance.

I just don’t know how many of these people have mastered the power of origin?Murphy couldn't help but think.

At around [-] noon, the conference finally officially started.

Murphy did his part and became the host of this conference.

"Everyone, welcome to the Sky World Heroes Conference. This time we are summoned for an urgent matter. Times have changed. The arrival of the new expansion pack [Era of Calamity] means that the era of peace has ended. "

A time of peace?
People are saying that in the past few years, you called it a peaceful era?The Alliance, Horde, and Dark Night Alliance fight every day, and peace is nothing.

Looking at some of the disapproving reactions below, Mo Fei didn't take it seriously and continued.

"I know, everyone must be thinking, in a peaceful era? The Alliance, Tribe, and Dark Night Alliance fight every day. What a waste of peace... But compared with the era of disaster we will face next, those wars in the past are really just small fights. Just make a fuss.

Whether it is the Alliance, the Dark Night Alliance, or the Horde, all they want is to fight for power and expand their territorial power.

No matter who wins, the world will still work.

However, everything is different now. The world is about to face the threat of destruction. It is destruction in the true sense. According to the information I got from the game company, there will be a total of four disasters that can destroy the world in the Age of Calamity. The Scourge Legion It's just the first natural disaster. The Burning Legion will most likely be the second natural disaster, and then there will be the third and fourth natural disasters.

Every time there is a possibility of destroying the world - if we don't deal with it proactively. "

These words finally attracted the players' attention, but some people still couldn't believe it.

"Isn't that true? How can the villain win? In the end, isn't it always the hero who defeats evil?"

"No, that's not the case. The degree of freedom in this game is very high. All history and legends are written by the players. If we don't actively respond and leave it alone, the evil forces will be unstoppable.

Not to mention, there are also players among the monster forces. There are many players serving in the Scourge Legion and the Burning Legion. There are also different monster forces. Do you think these BOSS players will want to be pushed down and surrounded every day? Beat?

Now that the Era of Disaster has arrived, they will inevitably take advantage of the opportunity to rise up. Coupled with the existence of various world-destroying forces, if we continue to fight among ourselves, it is really possible to lead to the destruction of the world - the destruction of the world in the sky.

If that were the case, we would all be sinners. After all, after experiencing so many hardships in history, the Alliance and the Horde still protected the world in the end.

If the world is destroyed because of us, it can only be said that we are too useless, right?

As interlopers in history, we should make the world a better place, not a worse place.

It’s time to put aside our disputes and unite to fight against all the evil forces trying to destroy the world, whether it’s the Scourge or the Burning Legion, we’ll defeat them all!
Of course, you can also win glory and wealth by the way, which I think is what everyone wants. "

When Murphy said the previous words, everyone looked disapproving. Until the last words came out, everyone finally showed approval.

Murphy saw everyone's reactions in his eyes and thought that there were still too few plot parties. Most players were pursuing becoming stronger, being in the limelight, special achievements in equipment, expertise, skill books, etc.

There are not many people who really want to save the world.

"The most terrifying thing about the Scourge Legion is its powerful ability to violently attack. All the lives it kills will be turned into undead. Destroying a city can add hundreds of thousands of troops, and destroying a country can add hundreds of troops. The tens of thousands of undead armies, once given time to develop, the Scourge Legion will eventually be unable to resist.

Moreover, according to information provided by two Scourge insiders, Winter is Coming and Conan the Barbarian, Gul'dan is trying to resurrect the Dragon King Galakrond. Once he completes the ritual, it will be difficult for us to fight against him.

So our best choice is to take the initiative and form a coalition of the three major forces to conquer Northrend and kill the Lich King..."

(End of this chapter)

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