Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 521

Chapter 521
Murphy looked around at the crowd. The players below had different reactions, but most of them were waiting and watching.

It didn't boil over just because of Murphy's few slogans.

There were a few who seemed quite excited, but when they saw that everyone around them had calm expressions, they immediately stopped and waited to see what would happen.

Murphy was not surprised. The Northern Expedition to Northrend and the killing of the Lich King sounded passionate and ambitious, but risks and benefits are usually directly proportional. If you win, everything is easy to say. What if you fail to win? It's no longer dangerous.

There are few players who have reached this level who are so passionate that they don't care about their superiors.

So we have to give them more strength.

"Currently, I have reached an agreement with the leaders of the three camps, Chief Ba Dao Qingwu, King Godwin of Lordaeron, and King Shenwu, the Centaur King. The three camps can dispatch at least one million troops, although it is limited to the first wave of sea transportation capabilities. Only 30 troops can be transported, but these 30 troops are the elites of the three major camps.

There is still a good chance of winning against the unformed Scourge Legion.

Moreover, the biggest advantage of our justice camp is that we can use adventurers to participate in the battle. According to the new version of the game mechanism provided by the official, adventurers will not be resurrected into undead from natural disasters, so the transformation of the natural disaster legions can be limited to the maximum extent. ability.

There are 30 elite troops plus an equal number of adventurers, more than the undead of the Scourge. Therefore, the odds of winning this battle can be said to be at the ninth level. The only trouble is the Lich King.

I don’t know the capabilities of the Lich King, but according to past data, the Lich King is very powerful against large-scale troops, so I’m afraid I can’t defeat him just by stacking troops. We must rely on powerful heroes to defeat him. confrontation.

And this is exactly why I called everyone here. There are so many heroes in our three major camps. As long as we unite, no matter how strong the Lich King is, there is no way he can beat us.

Therefore, this Northern Expedition is very stable. The biggest problem is how to distribute the spoils.

As we all know, the BOSS of the Lich King will drop artifacts, and there are two of them, Crown of Dominance and Frostmourne, especially Crown of Dominance. Once you get this thing, it is very likely that you can directly succeed the Lich King. The value of his identity is absolutely inestimable. You must know that the Scourge Legion is a monster force that is rated as [super powerful] by the system.

It is the same level of power as the three major camps, which means that anyone who gets this crown of dominance can run a powerful business group, just like a tribal group.

As soon as these words came out, the players finally had a reaction. Ba Dao Qingqing made a lot of money after becoming the chief. This matter was widely spread among the player community, and everyone was extremely envious. This kind of good thing is pie in the sky. Why did it fall on him?

Now that I realize that the second pie is about to be smashed, I can't help but have an idea. The official camp has the official camp's gameplay, and the monster forces also have their own leaders.

If anyone can become the Lich King, his income will definitely not be much worse than that of the tribe.

Thinking of this, the players finally couldn't hold it any longer and started whispering.

Seeing such a scene, Murphy smiled in his heart. Sure enough, he still took the bait. In the face of power and desire, no one can stay out of it.

That's fine, let you pave the way for my plan to create authority.

“There will definitely be a lot of heroes participating in the war this time. I personally have two suggestions on how to distribute the loot dropped by the Lich King.

Proposal 1, use the auction method to decide in advance who will get the Crown of Dominance. Whoever pays more will get it. This is true for all the trophies of Frostmourne. After the battle, all participants will be distributed according to their merits. This money.

Proposal 2, in the most traditional way, whoever gets the trophy of the Lich King's head will get it.

Of course, the specific plan to use is decided by everyone's vote. "

As soon as these words came out, everyone had different reactions. Those who felt that there was hope of grabbing the head naturally secretly hoped that they could get the head and took the gamble!
If you think there is no hope, you will naturally want to auction it based on the idea that everyone who sees it will get a share, so that you can at least divide it into several million by then.

But everyone agreed with the matter of voting.

The results of the voting were almost one-sided. 80% of the players chose option 2, and whoever got it would get it.

Although many heroes present belong to different forces and kingdoms, and the composition is very chaotic, there are still several large forces gathered among them. Even solo players will often join forces with other players of the same force.

From this, several larger hero groups were formed.

The royal family of Lordaeron headed by Godwin, the centaur forces headed by Emperor Shenwu, the tribal forces headed by Ba Dao Qingwu, and the mage alliance composed of Dalaran mages. This alliance has a particularly large number of people, with seven or eight in total. People - there is no way, there are too many tycoons who want to play God.

The Assassin Alliance headed by Jian Wuhen, the Elf Group headed by the Windrunner sisters...

These people basically include most of the players.

There are only two or three individual players from different forces left. Most of them heard the news and came to join in the fun. They have no influence at all, and they can't oppose it even if they want to.

Mo Fei was not surprised by this result. It was all within his expectation. Sometimes the control response to a crowd is simpler than that of an individual. Sometimes with a little guidance, you can make things go your way. Go in the desired direction.

"Very good, then since everyone insists on plan 2, let's go with plan 2. No matter who gets the plot kill of the Lich King, the crown of dominance will belong to him."

The mage heroes looked at each other and nodded secretly. We are all mage heroes. When fighting, we can naturally hide behind with peace of mind. When the time comes, when the Lich King is about to die, we will use our attacks together to blast him with long-range magic. , in terms of grabbing heads, who can beat us, that's for sure.

Jian Wuhen and several assassin-type heroes remained calm, but secretly exchanged opinions. We are all assassins, and snatching heads is definitely a professional. When the time comes, we will all be stealthy and wait for the last moment to get the heads. This Be careful - if it doesn't work, you can still steal a wave.

Ba Dao Qingqing secretly calculated that I have Ashbringer in hand. In the history of Warcraft, it was Ashbringer who cut off Frostmourne and killed the Lich King. In addition, Laohou knew how to use Wind Step to give him the Ashbringer at the critical moment. A jumping chop, that's for sure.

Godwin's face was indifferent, but he was extremely confident in his heart. The power of the Holy Light was the nemesis of the undead. With the help of the Five Silver Saints and the powerful power of the Holy Light given by the Supreme Will, the Lich King would inevitably fall in his hands. This is sure.

Emperor Shenwu is confident, but the strength of legendary heroes is beyond what you ordinary people can match. Since he advanced to legend, he not only obtained the soul of legendary hero, but also strengthened a [legendary hero skill] that surpasses ordinary hero skills. , and legendary heroes also have a passive trait, which is [legendary character] - it is easier to become the protagonist of plot events and dominate the development of the plot.

It's equivalent to a system providing help invisibly. This is the legendary halo of the protagonist. How can you compare with me?This is sure.

However, Emperor Shenwu still has some concerns. Although there is currently only one legendary hero like him among the players, there are several legendary heroes among NPCs.

Among the three major camps, there are almost one or two hidden bosses who have the rank of legendary heroes.

And according to his observation, those particularly famous NPC heroes often play a more critical impact in the plot. If these NPCs are included, then his advantage is not that high.

"Brother Aidan, I think you have overlooked a question, what should we do with those NPCs?"


"Yes, if those NPCs also join the battle, wouldn't all our efforts be in vain if the Lich King is killed by them?"

Murphy nodded, "This is indeed a problem, so what do you think, should we unite all the forces that can be combined, or should we try our best to exclude NPCs and let us, the player heroes, complete this battle alone."

Godwin said: "I object to excluding NPCs. The Lich King is very powerful and must unite all combat forces as much as possible to participate in the war. How can he abolish his martial arts?"

Godwin thought to himself, what a joke. If NPCs are not allowed to participate in the battle, wouldn't all my Five Silver Saints become decorations?

Unlike the large number of players under Emperor Shenwu, almost all of his people are NPCs.

Jian Wuhen said: "I think our players are enough. There is just a Lich King, so many of us are still afraid of him? NPCs, just step aside."

These members of the Assassin's League are all alone, and of course they don't want NPCs to come and take the credit.

"No, absolutely not! Why can't the NPC work?" Ba Dao Qingwu hurriedly lined up with Godwin. He had to rely on Lao Roar to get the head, and he didn't dare to let him go up and fight for his life. "Haha, what's the problem? Some people are not good at fighting." Of course, the mages of Dalaran support not allowing NPCs to participate in the war. They are similar to the Assassin's League in that they have no power and rely on their own force.

At this time, two distinct camps were formed. One supported NPCs' participation in the war, and the other opposed NPCs' participation in the war.

"Let's do this. NPCs can participate in the battle, but they can only serve as a reserve team. If we can't stand it anymore, we will send NPCs in."

"I think we can let the NPCs fight the first wave, and we can attack after the Lich King is almost consumed. Anyway, the Lich King is a version of the BOSS and cannot be fatally struck. It will definitely be a protracted battle."

"Yes, yes, that makes sense. Even if the Lich King enlarges his attack, the NPC will die first."

Everyone was talking about various suggestions.

In the midst of the lively discussion, suddenly a burst of laughter came from the crowd, making everyone look askance.

"Hahahaha! It's ridiculous. It's ridiculous."

Everyone turned to look, but there were several players in the corner. Mo Fei only recognized one - Midnight Dharma God. This anchor's face looked too familiar, and the remaining three should also be the black ones from back then. One of the Thirteen Warriors.

He deliberately pretended to be unfamiliar, "Before you make any shocking remarks, could you guys introduce yourselves first?"

The three of them didn't waste any time and reported their families directly.

"One of the Thirteen Black Gate Warriors—Jedi War Madness."

"One of the Thirteen Black Gate Warriors - I am the only one who can do it."

"One of the Thirteen Warriors of the Black Gate - God of Calculation."

who?Everyone had a blank look on their faces, and even if they remembered it, they couldn't help but show disapproval.

No wonder, the first Battle of Black Gate happened a few years ago. Although it was a sensation at the time, in terms of the scale of the battle, the number of heroes participating in the battle, and the influence of the plot, it was completely different from the second Battle of Black Gate. No comparison.

Not to mention the subsequent wars of the Alliance Tribes, which did not involve hundreds of thousands of troops. The first Battle of Black Gate seemed to be nothing special except that it was relatively early.

The general view among players is that the thirteen heroes who participated in the first Black Gate battle and played hard were just lucky. They happened to catch up with the good times and followed King Wa to rely on them. The adventurer just earned a handful of plot points.

After that, except for the Dark Night God and the Dawn Sword, who gained some popularity through live broadcasts, the rest basically had no sense of existence.

Three people will suddenly appear, giving the impression that they are outdated celebrities trying to gain a sense of presence, without any real character.

However, Mo Fei knew that this was not the case. When he played the BOSS template, he also had a good understanding of the strength of the hero players. The Battle of Black Gate was not so much the result of the luck of the thirteen hero players, but rather their initiative. It can be said that the whole process is under control.

This kind of ability to predict the game plot and control the adventurers is definitely a professional player.

Moreover, these 13 people are all civilians, have no royal background, and are not descendants of gods. It can be seen that all of them are powerful players, which are very different from wealthy players such as Godwin and Shenwu who rely on krypton to spend money.

"So you Black Gate warriors, what are you laughing at?"

Jedi Warrior: "I'm laughing at you for not understanding anything at all. The Lich King is the version BOSS. You must know that the powerful Destroyer Blackhand didn't even get the identity of the version BOSS. The Lich King can be said to be the first true version BOSS. In the sense of the world's public enemy, such a BOSS can't be so easy to deal with. Even if you gather the power of all heroes, you may not be able to win. You are still plotting here, and you still want to trick this and that. If we had this idea back then , it is impossible to defeat the Black Hand."

God of Calculation: "You guys, with all the tricks, it's hard to say whether you can win in the end."

I have my own way: "You are right. If this time it is all your naive thoughts, I think we should give up participating in the war. There is no need to go and die with them."

Everyone was unhappy now.

Who is being naive? With such a luxurious lineup like ours, the Lich King is just a BOSS. No matter how powerful he is, can he defeat so many people?

Godwin smiled slightly. Although he was scolded, at least the views of the three people were favorable to him.

"I think what these three warriors said makes sense. All the interests we are currently discussing are based on the premise of defeating the Lich King. If we can't even defeat the Lich King, what are the interests?
If the battle is defeated, I am afraid that everyone present does not know how many people will die on the battlefield. Instead of calculating the benefits, it is better to get the victory first. I think we should attack with the whole army, all the heroes, and attack the Lich King. No matter Whether it's a player or an NPC, it doesn't matter who can help.

Even in the worst case scenario, if the Lich King is killed by an NPC, at least we can get the title of Savior Hero and get rewards, which is better than being killed by the Lich King. "

For Godwin, he had no intention of becoming the Lich King at all. His intention was to hand over the Lich King to his subordinates. By then, he would be the Prince of Holy Light and his subordinates would be the Lich King. All figured out.

As for who it is, Godwin already has a candidate. He must have the spirit of sacrifice and be willing to bear the heavy responsibility of the Lich King, and at the same time, he must be able to be controlled by him.

Emperor Shenwu still wanted to object, but Jian Wuhen suddenly led the Assassin Alliance to rebel.

"What Godwin said makes sense. I think it's better to be safer and let the NPCs help fight."

From Jian Wuhen's point of view, there didn't seem to be any great assassin heroes among the NPCs. They were all waiting to grab the last blow anyway. No matter how many other NPCs came, it wouldn't stop him from grabbing heads. More people would spread the loot value.

BOSS drops are shared by all heroes participating in the battle. Generally speaking, each BOSS will have a loot value. The stronger the BOSS, the higher the loot value. All drops will be dispersed among the loot values ​​according to their value.

In this kind of large-scale plot battle, in addition to specific equipment, the distribution of loot will be based on the value of the loot shared by each player, and then distributed.

Those who get the BOSS head will undoubtedly get the largest loot value and the best drop - the Crown of Dominance.

But if a certain hero shares too much in the whole process, there is a slight possibility that he will surpass the final killer.

So as long as you can grab the last shot, it's more cost-effective to have more heroes.

Emperor Shenwu suddenly laughed when he saw Jian Wuhen's betrayal.

"Well, since everyone thinks so, I don't have any objection."

He had taken Jian Wuhen's consideration into account, but he still had the legendary assassin Garona in his hand. When it came to grabbing people's heads, Garona might not be worse than Jian Wuhen. When the time came, he would be hiding Garona while hiding. The probability of this Crown of Dominance is still very high.

Emperor Shenwu also does not intend to become the Lich King. He plans to give the Lich King to his subordinate War Shadow...

Next, everyone discussed the formation method of the coalition forces and the action plan of the war, where to assemble, where to land, etc.

As expected, it was too late to do so without any benefit. With the Crown of Command hanging on the cake, everyone's enthusiasm was visibly rising.

Soon a preliminary war plan was completed. This battle is undoubtedly led by the players, and they must defeat the Scourge before they can stop it...

At the same time - Magic City.

Just when the Heroes Conference in Jinghai City was being held, and when everyone was discussing how to fight against the Lich King and how to share the spoils, a player conference was also being held in the city of Magic City.

It's just that it's not a hero conference, but a BOSS conference.

(End of this chapter)

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