Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 522 BOSS also wants spring

Chapter 522 BOSS also wants spring

Luo Xiao looked at his slightly dull self in the mirror and kept cheering himself up.

you can!You absolutely can!Go up and restrain them!Use your devilish charm!

Damn it, cheer me up, Luo Xiao, you are Diapineapple, the demon lord of Eredar!
However, several times of encouragement in front of the mirror had no effect. The life of a lonely otaku all year round made him quite afraid of facing the large group of BOSS players waiting outside.

The thought of standing on stage and facing the attention of dozens or hundreds of people made his scalp numb and his mouth went dry.

This nervous and uneasy feeling made him feel like a fire was rising in his heart.

After taking a few deep breaths, Luo Xiao suddenly raised his hand, opened his palm suddenly, and a ball of green evil fire rose up, illuminating the lounge with a miserable green.

Looking at the evil fire reflected in the mirror, Luo Xiao finally showed a confident look.

That's right!That's it!You have mastered the real power, Luo Xiao, what else do you have to be afraid of? They are just a group of ant-like mortals. You should not be afraid of them, but they should be afraid of you. Hahahaha, that's right. !If they dare to embarrass you, burn them all!
When he thought that his own power could easily burn those mortals to ashes, most of the tension in Luo Xiao's heart immediately dissipated. A strong sense of self-confidence and a sense of superiority that transcended worldly rules made him feel very good, and he even felt slightly elated.

He extinguished the evil fire in his hand, adjusted the collar of his shirt, pushed his hair back, turned around and strode out.

When Luo Xiao walked up to the conference booth, the introverted and shy young man had disappeared. What appeared in front of everyone was an unruly young man with evil eyes shining wildly.

He strode onto the stage, as if a gust of wind was moving with him, and an inexplicable eye-catching aura made everyone around him look at him.

"Hello evil villains, welcome to my territory. I am very happy that so many friends have accepted my invitation to come to this meeting."

The players who came to the party in the seats at the venue were whispering to each other, who is this person?Very arrogant.

"I am Diapineapple, the eredar demon lord. I think you must have heard of my name, and you must also be curious as to why I summoned everyone here today. Don't worry, the answer will be revealed soon.

I think you all must have had enough of the days of hiding from XZ in the past. You are always afraid that the heroes will come to your door, break into your copy, and kill you in the plot.

Even if you want to do some business and expand your territory, you are still afraid of provoking people you shouldn't provoke. Those lords of the alliance, the sentry generals of the dark night, the warlord chiefs of the tribes, just a call from a few heroes will lead to hundreds of adventures. They came over like locusts.

In the past few years, how many famous BOSS players have died at the hands of villains, and how many heroes have died at the hands of adventurers?
Those heroes couldn't defeat us on their own, so they used adventurers as cannon fodder, or else they started a shameless gang fight.

Why should our BOSS hide in the dungeon and wait for others to come and kill him?I think everyone has asked this before.

But now everything has changed, the era of disaster has arrived, and the era of us BOSS players has finally arrived! "

His voice seemed to have a bewitching effect, and there was a strange magic in his voice that made people's blood boil with excitement and deep feeling.

Everyone nodded. Although the BOSS template has strong combat power, the ending of being always beaten by a group is really annoying. Most of the monster forces still cannot fight against the official camp. Although they can be arrogant on weekdays and sweep away without any problems. Visit villages, outposts, and small towns to earn plot points.

But for large cities and castles, most people don't dare to provoke them. If they are blacklisted by the official camp and a dozen princes and lords come over with their troops, they will have no choice but to hide in the dungeon and survive.

As for whether the hero will lead the adventurers into the dungeon, we can only leave it to fate.

This kind of passive life of being beaten naturally makes most people feel uncomfortable.

But there is no way, this is how BOSS plays.

"I think everyone already knows that the Scourge has arrived. For a long time to come, the world of Sky will be in constant crisis. The three major camps will be overwhelmed and their attention will be focused on dealing with these disasters. This is exactly This is a great opportunity for us BOSS players to rise.

Taking advantage of the fact that the Scourge Legion has attracted the attention of various official forces, we have a good opportunity to develop our territory, expand our power, and make achievements.

This time we are called together just for this matter. If we can unite as one and cooperate with each other, we will definitely become bigger and stronger together. "

As soon as these words came out, there was a lot of approval.

But there are also those who don’t buy it.

"Haha, Diapineapple, right? If I remember correctly, you are all the bosses of the Burning Legion. The mission of the Scourge Legion is to open the door to the Burning Legion. Once defeated, you will not be able to come. You said so much Don’t you want us BOSS players to act as cannon fodder to attract the attention of the three major camps for you and distract their forces so that the Burning Legion can invade smoothly.”

Luo Xiao was a little surprised that the other party was not affected by his charm.

"Who is your Excellency?"

"Lord of Fire Demon—Laglios, but you can also call me Xiao Yu." The man said with a nonchalant expression.

However, after hearing his words, everyone immediately nodded. This makes sense.

"Wo Cao, are you the Balrog? I am Baal. We were summoned together during the Battle of Black Gate. Haha, we finally met."

Luo Xiao glared at the men beside him.

" turns out to be His Excellency the Fire Demon Lord. I am quite familiar with your name. Your Excellency killed a group of heroes from the Alliance tribes with one move on Broken Spear Peak. It was a feat.

You are right, it is my purpose to let the Burning Legion enter Azeroth smoothly, but this is not about you helping me, but about everyone helping each other. It can even be said that I gave you a chance.

Because regardless of whether you take action or not, the Burning Legion will definitely invade successfully. This is the history of the plot. If there are no accidents, this is bound to happen. Even the game company will guide to ensure that this happens.

Only war can bring casualties and allow those hero players to spend more krypton gold, so I don't need your help.

Of course, it would be better if everyone works together.

Moreover, invading the main material plane is the goal of every alien world monster faction. Haven't you elemental lords always wanted to invade the real plane, recreate the earth, water, wind and fire, and return the material world to the elemental world of the original period?

What better time to succeed than during the Burning Legion's invasion?
With the Scourge and Burning Legion attracting the attention of the official faction, wouldn't it be easier for you to succeed?

Why not take advantage of the opportunity and join in the grand event?Or are you just going to do nothing and just sit back and watch the Burning Legion be defeated?Then you will continue to be treated as a dungeon by adventurers? "

Laglios was speechless at these words.

"I think all of you friends here who like to play BOSS are not the kind of people who follow the rules. It is precisely because we are tired of those cliche plots where heroes must defeat evil that we chose to become BOSS in the game and play the villain. Isn't it?
The best opportunity is right in front of you now. Don't you want to truly control your own destiny?

The promotional slogan of Cangqiong World is that players create history, players compose legends, and all stories are created by the players themselves.

Would you rather be the villain defeated by the hero in those legendary stories?Don’t you want to truly change history and create your own legend? "

A series of questions made the crowd below commotion.

Yeah, what better time than now.

In the past, everyone did not dare to show their faces easily because they were afraid of being surrounded by heroes and adventurers. Now that the Scourge has become the focus, it is a good time for the heroes to rise.

Of course, wild monster forces with big goals like destroying the world cannot be achieved.

But it would be good to take this opportunity to expand the scope of influence, capture several villages, towns and castles, and expand the power level of the monster group.Even if you are lucky, you might be able to create a franchise race just like the Shenwu Emperor.

If you want to be an official, you will kill people, set fires, and be recruited.

Centaurs can do it, why can't we do it?

As the saying goes, princes, generals and Xiang Ning have the kind of talent. Does the official camp have the kind of talent?

"Well said, our troll clan once established a glorious empire and ruled Azeroth. Now it is time to rise again. I will take advantage of this time to unite the major troll tribes and establish the troll empire camp! I am the troll chief Tarbanya from Zul'Farrak, are there any other Troll BOSS players with me?"

"Count me in! I am the great witch doctor of Zul'Aman."

"And I, the Ice Hunter of Zul'Drak."

"You're absolutely right, it's time for us jackals to rise up."

"We quilboars also want to build an empire."

"Oh yeah!"

"That's right!"

"Rise up!"

"We, the Naga clan, will rule the world again. Long live Queen Azshara!"

"It's time for our lobsterman empire to rise."

"And we kobolds, I, the majestic king of the kobolds, have our homes raided every day by a bunch of noobs in their [-]s and [-]s. I can't stand it! I can't stand it!"

Dia's pineapple heart said wild boar people... kobolds... lobster people... Can you be more low-key when choosing monsters?Why are there people playing with all kinds of crooked melons and cracked dates?

But naturally he couldn't show it on his face, he kept expressing his agreement.

In fact, you can't blame the players. The more powerful the monster forces, the more intense the competition. A large company like the Burning Legion can't even compete with a middle-level cadre if it spends hundreds of thousands.

And like the gnolls and wild boars, you can buy a chief with just a few hundred thousand, while the low-level monsters like the kobolds can become a king with just a few hundred thousand.

Therefore, many unpopular monster factions are also played by people.

"It would be great if everyone has this energy, but don't underestimate the official camp. After all, there are invincible adventurers who act as thugs. If you start alone, you will definitely be brutally suppressed. In the end, it is just a trigger. A plot event, and then being eliminated by the heroes who arrived, became just one of the heroes' achievements.

But if everyone launches the attack at the same time while the Scourge Legion is at war with the three major camps, they will be able to be caught off guard.

After they reacted, they expanded their power.

"that's right!"

"That's right, let's do it!"

"We have to determine a time, and then we will launch together."

"Everyone has to keep it a secret. Don't let those hero players know."

Diapineapple looked at the high morale below and felt very excited.

(Lord Sargeras, I will not let you down.)

While the BOSS conference was in full swing, at this moment, the Heroes Conference had been successfully completed and the specific Northern Expedition plan had been discussed.

It’s time for free activities.

It is rare for hero players from all walks of life to get together offline, and it is a big event with so many people present at the same time. Naturally, they need to have a good communication, exchange information and consultation, and make a few friends, which may come in handy in the game in the future.

No matter how much you remove the layer of separation in the game, it is still more engaging in a real meeting.

Soon the players were divided into small groups of three, three, two, three and five, getting to know each other and exchanging information and consultation.

However, Murphy entered the VIP area alone with several big guys.

Emperor Shenwu, Godwin, and Ruthless Saber are the key figures in this operation. Without them, who would make the three leaders of the camp? To mobilize the army to conquer Northrend depends on the cooperation of these few.

"Will Malfurion and Tyrande go to war?"

"I'm afraid that's enough. The couple still don't trust me very much. They can at most send some troops to me, but they probably won't go out to fight in person."

"Didn't you say you could use the Burning Legion as an excuse?"

"It's useless. It doesn't matter if they don't believe me."

"It's okay. My tribe is here, just the Scourge. It's nothing. Gul'dan is just a traitor to my tribe. He will be scared to death when he sees me, the chief."

"By the way, your tribe and Gul'dan are not secretly colluding, right?"

"Damn, what are you talking about? Our tribe is all upright and upright heroes. Do you understand blood and glory..."

"By the way, should your alliance create a Silver Northern Expedition to respond to the situation?"

"I think it will work. I'll ask Uther to take care of this later... By the way, Aidan, do you know where Arthas and Tirion Fordring are?"

Arthas, the Lich King in history.

Tirion Fordring, the man who killed the Lich King in history.

These two people have been away from the public eye for too long. At this moment when heroes are gathering to besiege the Lich King, when they are mentioned, several people are quite curious.

Murphy shook his head: "I don't know this at all."

But there was one thing he didn't say. He could use the [Calling Brothers] function to summon Alsace. Perhaps Alsace should be recruited to participate in this Northern Expedition to the Lich King.

As Murphy was thinking, the conversation between several people not far away suddenly caught his attention.

"Let me ask, are you going to take on the original plot mission this time?"

(End of this chapter)

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