Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 523 The call of the original plot mission

Chapter 523 The call of the original plot mission

Original plot mission?

Upon hearing those familiar words, Murphy immediately pricked up his ears.

He looked in the direction from which the sound came, and it was several Dalaran mage players who were speaking, and they were having a heated discussion.

"I'll forget it. This task is too difficult. It feels very dangerous to do it. There's no chance at all."

"I'd like to give it a try. If it works, it's the power of the guardian. With such power, you can't go sideways in the game."

"I'm also going to take it. This is the first time I've encountered this origin story mission. It would be a pity not to take it."

"Did you notice that there was a warning about unknown risks behind that mission? It feels particularly weird."

"What are you afraid of? The worst case scenario is that your account will be deleted if you die. It's nothing compared to the power of the guardian."

Murphy was inexplicably surprised when he listened to the conversation between several people. From what they said, it seemed like anyone could take on this task?
And it’s actually related to the Guardian. Isn’t the Guardian Medivh?Could this mission also involve Medivh?
It happened that at this time, Murphy saw Morgan Lisa coming over with a wine glass, and hurriedly greeted her and sat down together.

Morgan Lisa sat carefree on the sofa. In reality, she looked quite heroic, wearing long leather boots and a long windbreaker, with short hair, and dressed in a rather neutral style.

He didn't show any shyness in the face of some rough guys.

"Hey, you have found a good place. Let me see. The chief of the tribe, the king of the alliance, the centaur king, and the storm dragon king are all big shots. What are you talking about?"

"Let's talk about the Guardians again. I heard that you have a new 'original story mission' in Dalaran?"

The three people next to him were all stunned, wondering when they had talked about this.

Morgan Lisa didn't care, "I do have this mission, why do I care about it?
"Can anyone take on this mission?"

"Of course not. You must have a certain strength and status. However, there are indeed many people who are qualified to take on the task. Counting me, there must be seven or eight people who have received this task."

Mo Feixin said no, the original plot mission is so worthless?

"Can you tell me more about this mission?"

Morgan Lisa nodded, "You know the guardian Medivh? Since Medivh disappeared, Dalaran's strategic deterrence ability has been greatly reduced, especially after the birth of the golden tree, the old men have a strong sense of crisis, so Violet After repeated discussions, the council decided to create a second guardian.

But who will be the new guardian will need some testing.

The content of this original plot mission is to complete the trial. There are three trials in total. After completing all the trials, you can become the new guardian. However, there is only one position for the guardian. No matter how many people receive this mission, the final result will be It can only be completed by one person, which is too difficult, so I am also struggling with whether to do it or not. "

Morgan Lisa said helplessly, "The competition is too fierce."

It turns out that this is the case, and it suddenly dawned on Mo Fei.

He said that it is impossible for the original plot missions to be so numerous. It turns out that there are many people who take on the missions, but only one person can complete them.

Guardian... If you complete this task, the original power you obtain should be arcane magic.

He and Godwin looked at each other and exchanged glances quickly.

The two already knew each other's intentions.

The power of the guardian is naturally a very powerful force, especially when it comes to the original plot mission, which means that it will affect reality.

Morgan Lisa is the princess of Lordaeron, Godwin's cheap sister, and Murphy's friend. If there must be a guardian, then it is better to let Morgan Lisa be the guardian than to be done by other unknown players.

The secret alliance of Murphy and Godwin can gain new power.

At this time, the Divine Martial Emperor interjected, "I remember that the power of the Guardian is not all in Medivh? The Guardian is created by all the mages of the Tirisfalin Council who gathered all their magic power and injected it into one person's body. from.

If we want to create a second guardian, wouldn't we have to sacrifice a large number of mages again?Are there really so many people willing to make sacrifices? "

Morgan Lisa lowered her voice and said, "I'm telling you, you must never tell others. In fact, the Guardian is not created by a group of archmages injecting mana into a person's body as recorded in history.

Who can cultivate to the level of a great mage, who would be willing to give away his magic power to others?

Besides, magic is not an internal force, so it can still be transmitted without success. "

Godwin asked curiously: "Then how were the guardians created?"

Morgan Lisa explained: "According to the information I know, it should be the archmages of ancient Dalaran who jointly intercepted a node of the magic network and implanted it into the human body, thereby giving it almost endless magic power. .

However, it sounds simple, but it is extremely difficult to do. It even requires the mobilization of the entire power of Dalaran, and it requires a large amount of materials. It seems that it also requires some kind of non-renewable special resource. I don’t know what it is. , but it seems that it is very difficult to get this thing in Dalaran.

This thing should be used as the carrying core of the Magic Network node.

Even so, it is very difficult to create a guardian, because the body of an ordinary mortal has to withstand the power of the magic network. Even just one node is very dangerous and can easily die suddenly. I checked some secret information on Dalaran , in ancient times, Dalaran conducted many secret human experiments in order to create guardians, which is also a very dark history.

Being able to successfully create a guardian in the end was also a matter of luck.

So this time the council directly gave the task to the open source. As long as it meets the standard of the archmage's strength, you can accept it. It is because it is too dangerous. I estimate that if it fails, there is a high probability that it will be sent.

But if it can be done, it will be amazing. The endless magic power means that any ancient forbidden spell can be cast at will, and any magic can be used casually without restrictions. It can be said that it is a nearly invincible existence. "

Morgan Lisa said with a look of yearning. Few people could not be tempted by such power.

The Guardian is indeed nearly invincible. When Sargeras entered Azeroth in the form of a clone, he was stunned and killed by the previous Guardian Aegwynn in a single fight.

Although the power of the Demon King's clone is relatively limited, no matter how limited it is, it is still Sargeras, the Demon King, and the Dark Titan.

Being able to challenge Sargeras's clone alone, the Guardian's power is probably still higher than that of the five dragon kings (alone).

Murphy estimated that the effect of this magic network node should be similar to that of his magic network guardianship, both of which provide endless magic power.

And because I am a warrior as my main profession, I don’t have any hero expertise or equipment support. The power of magic is not too great, and it can only be regarded as a part-time job. Therefore, the magic power of this guardian should be far away in terms of power alone. above oneself.

"I see. It sounds really powerful. If you need any help, just ask. If you want to be a guardian, I will definitely support it."

Godwin also said from the side, "Me too, sister, we are brother and sister. Brother, I will definitely support you as a guardian."

"Ha, you're welcome then." Morgan Lisa suddenly laughed, "Then I'll take over the task later."

Emperor Shenwu and Ba Dao Wuqing listened to the conversation of several people, but they each had their own thoughts.

Ba Dao Qingqing felt very sad. He had just forged the artifact of Ashbringer, which finally gave the tribe a certain high-end combat power. He didn't expect that the alliance would create another guardian here. This would not be good. If the guardian If this is done, then the Horde will be even more weak compared to the Alliance.

No, we have to make some big plans quickly to enhance the high-end combat power of the tribe. Although our tribe is a bit weak in magic, we also have our own unique professions, such as warlocks, shamans and so on.

Why don't we go back and summon the warlocks and shamans of the tribe to have a discussion and see if we can also come up with a humanoid weapon similar to the guardian?
Emperor Shenwu paid attention to a different point.

——The original plot mission?It seems that they attach great importance to this original plot mission, and the name of this mission is also very special.

Emperor Shenwu had some doubts in his heart. Have these two men done similar tasks?Otherwise, how could they be so sure that this original plot mission is worth doing.

No, after returning, we must immediately arrange for the intelligence department to collect all information about the [Original Story Mission]. I always feel like these two guys are hiding something from me. "Who has accepted the mission now?"

"I, Gandalf the Furious, the Great Astromancer Floating Dream, and by the way, Kael'thas also wants to take on this mission, but the Dalaran Council doesn't seem to want the elves to get involved. You know - now all the elves have taken refuge in Luo It’s the Royal Court of Danlun—no offense intended, brother.”

Godwin shrugged and said it didn't matter.

"Oh, by the way, there's also Sole Law, the one over there."

Murphy followed Morgan Lisa's hand and found that it was the Black Sect Warrior who was with Midnight Law God.

He estimated that if the Dharma God hadn't failed twice in the middle of the night, he would have had a chance to take on this task. Unfortunately, after failing twice, his level dropped too much, and he was obviously out of luck.

He was about to retract his gaze, but suddenly he glanced at the woman next to Weiwo Dufa. At first glance, the woman seemed nothing special, but she seemed to be able to sense his gaze. The woman turned around suddenly, and her two eyes The people's eyes came into contact instantly.

The woman had a pair of beast-like eyes, as eye-catching as a cat, with a wild and alert look, and unusual sharpness.

Murphy couldn't help but feel shocked.

He had a feeling that the other party must also have some kind of power.

At the same time, the woman also narrowed her eyes slightly. She felt a pressure from Murphy's eyes, which was the terrifying pressure of a great beast.

Ordinary people might not notice it at all, but she sensed the scent of a superior person in her eyes.

"What's wrong, Meow?"

"Nothing." The woman shook her head. "Where were you talking about?"

"I need your help for the first trial of the Guardian."

"Don't worry, I will help."

Murphy also withdrew his gaze, feeling quite amused that the extraordinary beings hidden among the players had finally begun to be exposed one by one.

Beep beep, the phone suddenly rang.

Murphy picked it up and saw that it was an old friend calling.

"Excuse me." He nodded to a few people, picked up the phone and walked aside.

"Hey, Lao Xiao, why do you have time to contact me?"

"I just attended a meeting and I want to exchange some information with you."

Meeting?Murphy's mind turned and his heart suddenly moved.

"Let me guess, game BOSS conference?"

"Damn, how do you know?"

"Because I am attending the Heroes Convention here. The Era of Disaster is coming. Whether it is a hero or a BOSS, I think we must be prepared. Maybe there are adventurers' conventions and lords' conventions somewhere now. .”

"Haha, this really comes to mind. You know the demon lord named Dia Pineapple. He called on us bosses to start a war together when the Scourge Legion invaded, expand our power, and add some obstruction to the three major camps. "

Murphy was not surprised. It would be strange if the BOSS players did not take any action at such a delicate timing. "Why are you telling me this?"

"Of course it's because we are old friends. How about we cooperate? As long as you do me a favor, I will give you the launch date and the BOSS list."

"so good?"

"Of course there are conditions. Recently I triggered a particularly difficult mission and I am wondering whether to do it or not. I may need your help. Have you heard of the original plot mission?"

Mo Feixin asked what happened today, everyone was rushing to the original plot mission.

"I've heard of it. What, you received one?"

"That's not true, it's just that I have such an opportunity. Recently, a strange fire element was planted in the land of fire. It looks like a big eye. If you get close to it, it will trigger an original plot mission. I am also the first The first time I saw this thing, I thought you knew a lot, so I wanted to ask you, what is this original plot mission all about?"

"If you complete the original plot mission, you will get a super reward. I can't say what it is specifically, but I strongly recommend that you take on this mission yourself. No matter how difficult the mission is, you have to do it. As long as you complete it, you will definitely benefit from it. "

"Is it so awesome? Is it true?"

"Of course it is true, but please note that this kind of mission is very risky. If you are not willing to invest a lot, don't do it. It will save you trouble."

"Hmm... If you put it this way, the content of this mission is indeed a bit outrageous... But if there is really any super reward, it would be reasonable. Don't be pretentious and tell me directly, what kind of reward is it?"

"You wouldn't believe it if I told you. Anyway, it's very, very powerful. It can be said to be something that everyone dreams of."

"Old Mo, this is too mysterious - damn, I believe you this time. I will go back and take over this mission, but you have to do me a favor and find some elementalists to summon me to the main material plane. , this task must be done on the main material plane."

Murphy said curiously, "Why didn't you ask him for help when Ba Dao Qingqing summoned him at the Sunwell?"

"That guy was very evil and the price he asked was too high. Moreover, I had not encountered this mission at that time. We are all old friends. Let's help each other. This mission can only be completed in the main material plane."

Murphy pondered for a moment. Summoning a Fire Demon Lord was not an easy task.

But with his current strength, it's not that difficult, and he also knows a few of the great elements.

"Okay, I'll think of a solution later, but if I summon you here, just giving you some information won't be enough. If I need your help later, you can't shirk it."

"That's natural."

hang up the phone.

Murphy was very satisfied with the results of this heroes conference. He not only successfully organized a coalition to fight against the Scourge Legion.

I also took a look at the current players.

He has always been curious about how many players have completed the Source Power mission and obtained superpowers.

Now it seems that the number of such people is still very small, and the only ones confirmed so far are him, Godwin, and the mysterious woman.

It's not surprising that the mission in the original plot is very difficult, and it was only by chance that I was able to complete it.

Godwin relied on the identity and power of the King of Lordaeron.

Without these conveniences, it would be difficult for ordinary players to complete the mission even if they receive it.

For example, for the two newly discovered original plot missions, there are probably many people taking them, but only one person can complete each mission.

Now that he has taken the lead, he naturally wants to capture this power into the hands of his own people as much as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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