Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 524 Alsace’s Dream

Chapter 524 Alsace’s Dream

Murphy looked at the new knights training in the martial arts field and nodded with satisfaction.

The knights of the knights can only be trained by noble recruits. After training, they will become fourth-level soldiers. Due to this restriction, it is difficult for general knights to expand their scale quickly. They can only rely on the reputation of the knights to obtain a certain number of noble recruits every week. .

Fortunately, as the reputation of the Storm Dragon King gradually spreads, the reputation of the Knights of Dragon Sword has also risen sharply. It is currently the second largest national knight order after the Knights of the Silver Hand. This has also led to the recruitment of nobles. The number of people can increase by dozens or hundreds every week.

Coupled with the heroic expertise of the leader of the Dragonsorrow Knights, the scale of the Knights has grown at a very impressive rate. Even after experiencing constant battles and encountering the siege of dragons, the number of Dragonsorrow Knights has now increased instead of decreasing, and has already exceeded Five thousand.

The only pity is that the number of extraordinary soldiers has dropped a lot. They have been continuously consumed in successive years of battles, and now there are only [-] in number.

Especially during the dragon disaster not long ago, the Storm Dragon Knights took to the air to meet the attack of the invading dragons and fought bravely. Although they saved the Dragon Shang Castle, they suffered heavy casualties as a result.

Roland (Deputy Leader of the Dragon Knights): "Sir Aidan, now that the Knights have enough recruits, do we need to train another group of advanced soldiers?"

Aidan (Leader of the Dragon Knights): "No, it's not necessary. Just keep the current number."

With Mo Fei's current strength, the Knights' help is no longer very great. They are more of an auxiliary force and cheerleading team, used to increase their presence on the battlefield and increase their momentum.

After all, the majestic Ancient Dragon King needs a younger brother.

At the beginning, he trained these extraordinary soldiers mainly for the convenience of dragon slaying. Now that the journey of dragon feasting has been completed, there is no need to continue training.

Of course, the main issue is money. Training these extraordinary soldiers is very expensive.

"How are those guys doing recently? Are they still used to life here?" Murphy asked.

After hearing this, Roland immediately showed a helpless look, "Those adults... I can only say that they are quite peaceful."

These people naturally refer to the four great disaster dragons. Since conquering these four, Murphy has taken them under his command. Now they have all turned into human forms and settled in Longshang Castle.

However, even though it is transformed into a human form, the disaster dragon's human form still retains the characteristics of its elemental power, so the uniqueness of its identity can be seen at a glance.

Moreover, compared to the Aspect Dragon, the Disaster Dragon is more unruly, wild and unruly, and it even looks down upon weak races like humans.

After all, the four major disaster dragons have been sealed for tens of thousands of years and have no experience in communicating with weak races.

With the temper of the Disaster Dragon, how could it be possible to calm down? Fortunately, Murphy, the ancient dragon king, is still somewhat powerful. Although these four guys are insignificant mortals when they open their mouths and weak ants when they close their mouths, they really look down on Long Shang. The knights in the castle, but under the suppression of Murphy, can only live with their mouths.

"Haha, there's no need to cover up for them. Those guys haven't received much discipline, and it's normal to have a temper. If they go too far, just tell me and I'll discipline them."

While the two were chatting, a knight suddenly rushed up to the tower.

"My lord, King Godwin of Lordaeron has sent a summons order."

Mo Feixin said it was finally about to start.

He had already prepared for this. In fact, he helped draft this summons order. The content was to summon all the countries in the alliance to deal with the natural disaster forces that appeared in Northrend.

Godwin's actions were quite fast. He started taking action less than three days after the Heroes Conference.

However, even though I knew the content, I still had to go through the process. I picked it up and looked at it, and the sound of the system immediately rang in my ears.

[System prompt: Trigger plot event - [Crisis in Northrend], you have received a summons from King Godwin of Lordaeron to assemble the forces of the alliance countries to jointly deal with the rising natural disaster forces in Northrend...]

Murphy put away the summons and smiled slightly, "Roland, assemble the troops, we are going to fight, and notify the four guys that it is time for them to go on the field."

After receiving the order to go out, the four disaster dragons were quite excited.

However, these four people couldn't bear to look at Mo Fei's intention to mobilize troops and send troops together with the alliance.

"Lord Aidandron, let me tell you, there is no need to go to such trouble. These weak humans are worthless. As long as you lead us personally, what kind of enemy can resist the power of the Ancient Dragon King?"

"Don't underestimate these mortals Lesajes. Although mortals are small, they can often burst out with huge power in crises. Don't forget that your master was also what you call a 'weak human being'. 'Well, why, do you think you are strong enough to challenge me?"

In just a few words, the four disaster dragons were frightened and subdued.

Before setting off, Murphy did not forget to use the [Calling Brothers] function of the [Brotherhood Leader] hero specialty.

This time we are going to crusade against the Lich King, and Arthas has a close relationship with the Lich King, so he might be able to play some role.

I just don't know where Alsace is now and whether he can receive this call.

The situation in Arthas is unknown, but Jaina is clamoring to join the war.

"Lord Aidan, will you let me go with you?"

"No Gianna, this war is very dangerous and you cannot participate in it."

"I've grown a lot during this time!"

Murphy glanced at the character level above Jaina's head. It was already level 55, and he had indeed gained a lot of experience.

Still he shook his head.

The Lich King is a world-destroying BOSS. Not even Mo Fei dares to say that he can be completely sure of defeating him. When dealing with such an enemy on the battlefield, we must not be distracted. If this little girl goes to the battlefield, what if? It's not easy to do anyway.

"You stay in Dragonshang Castle and help me clear away the storm giants and ice trolls in the nearby mountains. These monsters have been endangering the safety of the people of Alterac. Now the kings of Alterac are mine. Brothers will also join the army in the war, and Rio Trunk will be very empty in the next period of time. Please help me protect this kingdom."

Jaina had no choice but to accept it.

Just when Murphy received the summons, all the forces in the entire Eastern Continent were preparing for war.

All countries in the alliance have received Godwin's summons order. The summons order describes in detail the terrible things that happened in the northern continent of Northrend. The Scourge Legion has been born. The huge undead army is growing and is about to launch a purge of the eastern continent. Only Preemptive strikes can nip this world-ending crisis in the bud.

However, although the summoning order was very serious, the various countries were obviously not very concerned about this summoning order. There was no way, I had never heard of this Scourge Legion before, who knew whether it was true or not.

Don't think it's another plot by the King of Lordaeron to increase his power, right?

Therefore, although various countries responded to the call, they only sent a few thousand troops to respond to the situation, and did not dispatch the main force at all. The main force of the alliance still relied on Lordaeron.

Godwin didn't care either. This operation was to demonstrate the power of the Kingdom of Lordaeron and the nobility and selflessness of the Holy Light King's Guardian Alliance. The summoning order was just to allow all countries to participate and act as spectators. .

He witnessed the King of Holy Light and the Knights of the Silver Hand kill the Lich King with his own hands, and saw the huge Scourge Legion defeated in his own hands. This also allowed all countries to understand that only the Holy Light can protect the world.

It's much simpler for Emperor Shenwu. After all, he is the king of centaurs, and he doesn't need any reason to order the centaur troops.

An order was given and the army was assembled. The centaurs had previously established a base on Sun Chaser Island in order to fight against the tribe, which was just the starting point.

He also sent an invitation to the night elves to join the war, and mentioned that this Scourge Legion was likely to be the precursor of the Burning Legion, but like the Alliance, Malfurion and Tyrande did not take it seriously.

Mainly because the two were wary of and distrustful of Emperor Shenwu.

But Emperor Shenwu was the leader of the camp after all, and he told this information conclusively. The two of them still sent a force to join the battle and investigate what was going on with this natural disaster army.

On the tribe's side, there was even more movement.Ba Dao Qing Wu was determined to compete for the crown of dominance. He assembled a large number of troops outside the Cursed Land and ordered a fleet from the goblins in Booty Bay.

"Great Chief, are you really going to help those humans fight the war?"

"Yes, Chief, why do we want to get involved in things between humans?"

Listening to the doubts of the warlord chiefs under his command, Ba Dao Qing Wu was well prepared.

"No, this war is not for humans, but for the tribe. Do you know who the leader of the Scourge is - Gul'dan!"

"What, that traitor?"

"Gul'dan is not dead?"

The orc chiefs were all extremely surprised.

"His soul is possessed by the human prince Varian, and now he has gathered an army of hundreds of thousands of undead. His purpose is to turn this world into a world of the undead, whether they are humans, orcs or other races. As long as they are living creatures, they will all be transformed into undead and allowed to be driven by him.

Of course we don't have to participate in the war, but without the invincible warriors of my tribe, those weak humans and elves and dwarves will definitely not be able to withstand the attack of the Scourge Legion, and will soon be transformed into undead. The combined population of the alliance countries is tens of millions. Ah, once transformed into undead, even the elderly, women and children will have certain fighting capabilities. By then we will face an army of tens of millions of undead.

So even if it is for ourselves, we must defeat Gul'dan together with the Alliance. Okay, there is nothing more to say, go and gather the troops! "

When the governors under his command rushed to assemble the troops, Grom Hellscream did not leave.

"Ba Dao Qing Wu, what on earth are you planning?"

Ba Dao Qing Wu looked at Hell Roar with some annoyance.

"Watch your words, Grom Hellscream! I am still Warchief, and you must show me respect."

Grom shrugged his shoulders and bowed his head in a perfunctory manner, "Huh, okay - Warchief, but you haven't answered my question yet."

Others can ignore Ba Dao Qing Wu, but for Grom, Ba Dao Qing Wu must be appeased. He is also counting on Grom to help snatch people's heads.

“The reason Gul’dan was able to become the Lich King and command an army of millions of undead was because he mastered two artifacts, the magic sword Frostmourne—and the Crown of Dominance.

Especially the Crown of Dominance, this weapon must be in the hands of the tribe, otherwise once it is obtained by the Alliance, their power will be greatly strengthened, and our tribe will completely lose the opportunity to conquer the world.

The Crown of Dominance can control the natural disasters of the undead. If we can get it, we can assemble enough cannon fodder troops. Although our tribal warriors are powerful, their numbers are still too small compared to the alliance. But if we have the Crown of Dominance, we can assemble enough cannon fodder troops. With the summoned undead army, the problem of troop strength can be completely solved. At that time, no one in this world will be able to resist the attack of my big tribe.

So Grom, this burden must be borne by you. At the critical moment, you must capture this helmet for me. "


Alsace stood in the darkness, confused and at a loss. He didn't know why he appeared here, he just looked around in a daze.

In the darkness, a deep chill suddenly came, like bone-deep ice, and the sound of wind carried snowflakes, covering Alsace's sight.

The darkness was gradually replaced by an icy snowstorm, and Alsace was in a trance. He vaguely heard a familiar voice in the snowstorm.

"Aidan... Arthas... I'm so cold... where are you..."

It's the second brother's voice!

Alsace was startled, and suddenly found that he could move.

He walked in the direction of the sound. There was thick ice and snow under his feet, and the biting cold surrounded him. The winding ice road led upwards to no one knows where.

He climbed hard, and Varian's voice kept coming.

Unconsciously, his eyes suddenly became enlightened, and he climbed to the top of a mountain peak.

"Varian, where are you?" he yelled.

There were only empty echoes all around.

"Are you looking for me?" An old and cold voice sounded from behind, with an echo, as if it came from the netherworld.

Arthas felt goosebumps arise in him. He turned around suddenly. Varian's figure could be vaguely seen in the wind and snow. Standing in front of a throne made of ice, Varian's figure seemed to be covered by a layer of shadow. shrouded.

He wore a skeleton-shaped armor, held a magic sword that exuded a strange cold air, and wore a helmet with the aura of death on his head. Those blue eyes filled with the aura of death were looking directly at him through the helmet. .

For some reason, Arthas felt that Varian's appearance was strangely familiar, as if he had seen this scene before.

"Second brother?"

"Hehehehe, Varian has long since ceased to exist. You ignorant human prince. Your second brother has been devoured by me. Now it's your turn!"

The figure suddenly raised his hand, pointing the magic sword at him. Arthas felt a huge suction force sucking him towards the sword.

He was frightened and struggled hard but couldn't get away.

"Prince of useless humans, the power of Frostmourne is beyond your ability to resist."

Just when Arthas was desperate, a hand suddenly grabbed his shoulder.

"Alsace—don't fall into darkness."

When Alsace turned around, it was his eldest brother Aidan who looked at him firmly.

Looking around, there were no other people anywhere. There was no cold mountain peak, no Varian, and no magic sword.

"Brother Aidan, second brother him?"

"Varian is in danger. Perhaps only we can help him. Come to me, Arthas. For Varian, we must work together."

"Come to me..."

"Come to me..."

"bring it on……"

The voice kept echoing, as if the elder brother was beside him, but Aidan's face gradually became blurred, and only the eyes staring at him were always clear.

Alsace opened his eyes suddenly and looked at the wooden roof above his head in trance.

The cold moonlight shines in from the window, showing the chill, and you can vaguely see the moon hidden in the dark clouds.

The scene in the dream was so vivid.

(End of this chapter)

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