Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 525 The Northern Expeditionary Army attacks

Chapter 525 Northern Expeditionary Army - Attack

That night, Alsace couldn't sleep.

The scene in the dream was so vivid and lifelike that he couldn't help but wonder whether this strange dream foreshadowed something.

It wasn't until the sun rose the next morning that Alsace finally decided not to think about it for the time being.

He left the room early and came to the wilderness outside the farm.

He lives in a very remote valley, surrounded by woods and grasslands, a few pieces of reclaimed farmland, and a wooden house.

Since escaping the pursuit of Black Knife, he has lived in seclusion here.

The air in the valley was unusually fresh, which made him feel a lot better. He picked up the two-handed sword for training and practiced swordsmanship in the open space.

For more than a year, he has been trying to improve his strength all the time, especially his swordsmanship. In the past, he has never had much time to calm down and study and train. However, Tirion Fordring's teachings over the past year have made him better. He benefited a lot and his swordsmanship also improved by leaps and bounds.

Also improving was his physique. Although he was only 15 years old, his burly figure was no less than that of an adult man.

His hands of pure steel trained the sword to dance in his hands.

Two consecutive cuts!
These basic combat skills that he didn't think highly of in the past have now been mastered by him.

Drink!The last swing of the sword even split a huge boulder in half.

Bang bang bang!There was a burst of applause, followed by a joking voice,

"The best thing about competing against non-existent opponents is that you will never lose. Come on Alsace, let me play with you."

Arthas turned around, and a young knight walked towards him with his sword raised in both hands, assuming a standard ready posture.

"Tylan Fordring, since you were defeated by me three months ago, you have never defeated me again."

Tyran Fordring is the son of Tirion Fordring, and he is also a good friend that Arthas made during this time. The two are in similar grades and both like swordsmanship and martial arts. During this period of avoiding pursuit, the two of them... We train together and work together, so we can be considered quite good friends.

"Haha, dad taught me another trick yesterday. Don't think you can win so easily this time."

The two of them started fighting while talking.

Tyran Fordring's swordsmanship is also superb, but compared to Arthas, it is still a little inferior. There is no way, Arthas is now a gold level five hero, so naturally he is not the same.

After fighting for more than a dozen times, he easily knocked away Tyran Fordring's weapon with one move.

"Hell, how did you master this swordsmanship? You are only 15 years old. I have never seen a monster like you."

"Haha, it's okay. Compared with my elder brother, it's still a lot worse."

After the training, Alsace did not rest, but came to the prayer room next to the wooden house.

In addition to practicing swordsmanship, he has also been trying to pray to the gods to obtain extraordinary power.

In order to avenge his father, he was unwilling to let go of any method to improve his strength. If he had not been judged by the court mage in his early years as not suitable for practicing magic, I am afraid that he would have tried even Dalaran.

"Holy Light, please answer my call! Give me your radiance!"

"Holy Light, please give me your power and give me the courage and strength to take back everything that belongs to me!"

However, there was no response. As usual, the Holy Light did not respond to his call.

Arthas sighed. Originally, he also had a physique that was friendly to the Holy Light. He remembered Archbishop Fao personally saying that he was very suitable for cultivating the Holy Light when he was a child.

But ever since he learned about his elder brother, he could no longer awaken the power of the Holy Light.

I don’t know if it’s because there is too much darkness in my heart, or for some other reason.

"God of Storms, please hear my prayer and give me your power. In the name of Menethil, I ask for your help..."

"Odin, God of War, I call for your help in the name of a warrior..."

"Naudina, the goddess of life, I pray to you as a descendant of the Menethil family..."

"Naraku, God of Death, may you give me the power of death and bring death to my enemies...

Still can't...

Alsace looked at the simple statues carved from wood around him and thought sadly.

In the world of the sky, the gods are real. When encountering an enemy that cannot be fought against or a situation that cannot be reversed, praying to the gods is the most common choice. The gods often respond to a prayer because of certain characteristics or certain characteristics of the person. Respond to the person's rare character and help the person get revenge or achieve some purpose.

Stories like this have been told for hundreds of years.

But it seems that stories are just stories after all.

Arthas murmured to himself, "It seems that the gods have abandoned me. Now the only thing I can rely on is the sword in my hand."

He looked at the 'Song of Ice and Fire' in his hand, and this sword was the only one that would not let him down.

Looking at the sword, he thought of his elder brother Aidan again. It was his elder brother who gave him this sword. Maybe he could go to him for help.

As I was thinking, the sound of horse hooves came from far outside the prayer room.

Arthas hurriedly put away his sword, and when he walked out of the prayer room, he saw Tirion Fordring riding an old horse into the valley.

He sent the food he bought into the storage room, and then invited Arthas and Tyran Fordring to have breakfast together.

Breakfast was the leftover roasted wild boar meat from yesterday, paired with oatmeal. Practicing swordsmanship requires a lot of energy, so the three of them had huge appetites.

While eating breakfast, Alsace couldn't help but ask about things outside the valley.

"What's the latest news in Lordaeron?"

"There is a lot of news. Your eldest brother, Godwin, has issued a war mobilization order again."

"Are we going to fight again?" Alsace was a little shocked. His eldest brother was really good at fighting. After taking office, he continued to fight. The tribe alone fought three times. He issued summons orders at every turn. It was completely Make full use of your identity as the leader of the alliance.

"The people we are going to fight this time are said to be the Scourge in Northrend. It is said that Prince Varian completely degenerated for unknown reasons and became the so-called Lich King, gathering a terrifying undead army in Northrend.

King Godwin announced that he would deal with the threat of the Alliance before the natural disaster reaches the Eastern Continent, so he will unite the Centaurs and tribes to form a coalition. The Alterac Federation has responded to the call and began to assemble the army. I met many people marching on the road. soldiers. "

The Scourge... Varian...

Alsace's heart sank, and he couldn't help but think of his dream last night.

Could it be that what I saw in the dream was real?Varian is really in danger!

The second brother will definitely not degenerate into the Lich King. Yes, the voice in the dream said that it swallowed the second brother's soul. The eldest brother in the dream also said that Varian was in danger.

No, I can never hide any longer.

"Lord Tirion, thank you for your protection during this time. I think it's time to say goodbye."

"Are you leaving? It's very dangerous outside. Godwin must not have given up on hunting you."

"I know, but I can't hide here forever. It's time to face my fate. Besides, I'm not alone. You said before that my eldest brother Aidan has now become the Protector of Alterac. , is the incarnation of the disaster dragon, he can definitely help me."

Tirion Fordring sighed, "Well, if you insist, then let's go. Unfortunately, I can't teach you how to use the power of the Holy Light. Other than that, I have taught you everything I can." Here you go.”

"This is not your fault, Lord Fording. I think that maybe the depths of my heart are covered by shadows, or the power of the Holy Light is different from what I thought." Arthas shook his head as he spoke. But the Holy Light is not the only power in this world, and one day I will find my own path."

"So where are you going after you leave here?"

"Go to Alterac to find my big brother - Brother Aidan."


"Haha, Aidan, you are finally here! I have been looking forward to it for a long time."

In the Royal Court of Lordaeron, Godwin was surprisingly enthusiastic. He glanced behind Murphy a few times and glanced at Zhu Genbao and the others. "Hey, where is Jaina?"

"She is not suitable for this level of war. I asked her to stay in the castle and help clear away the wild monsters nearby."

Godwin was somewhat disappointed, but he quickly adjusted.If you defeat the Lich King with your own strength, you can still win the surrender of Kul Tiras. Marriage and other things are political means, but a true king must first have strength.

"I have assembled an army of 20 people. The Knights of the Silver Hand are fully equipped and ready to go. The Royal Knights of Lordaeron are also gathered here. There are also battle mage troops sent by Dalaran, and the Holy Light Priests from the Church of Light are gradually... The regiment—this is a professional unit to deal with the undead natural disasters...Brother Aidan, you also brought the troops, right?"

"Alterac Alliance has [-] troops and [-] Dragon Knights."

Godwin nodded with satisfaction. In fact, the troops assembled far exceeded the number that would be dispatched. Due to limited transportation capacity, the alliance's actual number of troops dispatched was only [-].

There are also quotas reserved for the troops of other forces. Alterac dispatched 3000 troops, which is already a large force.

This is entirely because Alterac is controlled by players. Knowing that the threat of natural disasters is real, and knowing the value of the Crown of Dominance, it is natural to increase investment.

This 50-strong army can be said to be the elite among the elite. Although the number is only [-], it is enough to face the natural disasters of more than [-].

Not to mention the Horde and Night Alliance allies.

Calculated this way, even if the Scourge Legion has an army of millions of undead, the three-party coalition will not be afraid.

It can be said that Godwin is quite confident about this battle. The real problem is how to capture the head of the Lich King among all the powerful ones.

The two walked out of the royal court side by side. On the parade square of Lordaeron City, densely packed troops stretched as far as the eye could see.

The most eye-catching ones are several knights with distinctive armor.

There is also the Holy Light Priest Corps, with a golden light shining in the sky. Under the light of the golden tree, the huge legion is extremely spectacular.

The support troops sent by various kingdoms are also ready to go.

Godwin looked at the army in front of him with great satisfaction: "With such an army, the Scourge Legion will definitely be able to bulldoze them all!"

Murphy nodded: "It should be no problem."

He didn't particularly care about the spectacular military power in front of him. The real victory or defeat ultimately depended on the competition of high-end combat power between the two sides. These troops were just used as counterweights to resist the lower-level combat power of the Scourge Legion. The Scourge cannot use the human wave tactic to protect their king.

When the time comes when all the Lich King's men are gone and he is left alone on the battlefield, that's when he will take action to seize the power of death.

after one day--

At the Royal Port of Lordaeron, the huge expedition fleet finally set off.

Hundreds of large battleships and hundreds of small frigates were arranged in neat formations, sailing majestically on the sea.

There are forests of sails on the sea, and there are countless griffin knights, dragon eagle knights, storm dragon knights, and light cast dragon knights in the sky. It is a spectacular sight that covers the sky.

Standing on the bridge, Murphy was thinking about the dynamics of those BOSS players. According to Laglios, the BOSS alliance had decided to launch a full-scale offensive at the same moment when the coalition forces and the Scourge Legion were facing off.

The 20 troops gathered by Godwin, plus the troops sent by various countries, amounted to nearly 30. Now only the most elite 10 have been dispatched. The remaining 20 are nominally prepared to enter the battlefield later, but in fact, they are for those who Prepared by BOSS players.

Jackals, kobolds, trolls, ogres, goblins, naga, murlocs, lobstermen...

Dozens of monster groups and hundreds of BOSSs will launch attacks from various areas, destroy village strongholds, expand larger monster spawn areas, and even attack cities.

I just don’t know how these BOSS players will look when they find out that they have been predicted in advance.


"Damn, go! These monsters are crazy!"

"What the hell, what happened to these trolls? Why did the number of spawns suddenly increase several times? Just one person accidentally attracted so many monsters..."

"Stop complaining and run away!"

At the foot of the snowy mountains of Alterac, a group of adventurers were fleeing.

The soldiers leading the team shouted loudly, trying to cover the retreat of their teammates.

But with several times the frost trolls chasing them, this kind of cover was completely meaningless.

People kept getting caught in the troll's nets, and then they chased them, surrounded them and hacked them to death.


Brush, a net caught a priest girl.

The priest girl suddenly screamed in fright.

"Ahh! Help, help, help!"

"No, wet nurse has been caught!"

"Let go, Captain, there are too many monsters!"

"Can not be done!"

The soldier screamed unwillingly and was slashed by six or seven trolls with axes. He screamed and died on the spot, and two pieces of junk equipment exploded.

The remaining adventurers didn't dare to stop. They ran so fast that they disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"It's over!" The priest girl looked desperate. She saw a group of ferocious trolls surrounding them, and the leading troll berserker struck with an ax as big as a wheel on the head.

A figure suddenly leaped over.

Fearless chop!Poof, the two-handed sword intertwined with ice and flames cut the giant monster in half.

The pastor girl was surprised at first, and then she was happy.

This is when you encounter a wild NPC hero.

When she saw Alsace's appearance, the priest girl's eyes were filled with little stars. Wow, what a handsome guy. A ray of holy light shone on Alsace.

Come on, handsome guy!I'll milk you!
Trolls swarmed up and nearly overwhelmed Arthas.

Alsace was not panicked.

"Singing wind!"

Roar!There was a dragon roar in the sky, and a storm dragon with a wingspan of seven or eight meters swooped down and breathed out a thunder. The splash effect of the thunder instantly paralyzed the trolls for a moment.

This paralysis effect only lasts for one or two seconds, but on the battlefield, one or two seconds is enough.

The two-handed sword rotated and swung, sweeping through the pile of trolls. Blood and flesh flew everywhere, and ice and fire splashed everywhere.

Alsace's swordsmanship is superb, killing these monsters is like chopping vegetables and melons.

In three to two minutes, the last frost troll was chopped to the ground.

The female priest also broke free from the constraints of the net.

"Wow, thank you so much, little handsome guy. I don't know how miserable I would be without you. This little girl has nothing to repay. Otherwise, I..."

"You're welcome, madam, it's a knight's honor." Alsace performed the knight's salute gracefully.

The handsome appearance and the performance of chivalry made the female priest even more elated.

"Ahem, how can that be done? I must repay you. This is a life-saving grace. This little girl can't repay you. Otherwise, I..."

"If Madam really wants to repay me, then please provide me with some information. I am going to Alterac. Are there any supply points nearby?"

The priest girl was greatly disappointed when she saw Alsace being so determined.

However, she also knew that these NPCs would not be able to be defeated if they did not have enough favorability, but she could only secretly regret it.

"Follow this road all the way north, and you will see the entrance to a valley. There is a hotel deep in the valley where you can supply supplies and repairs."

"Thank you."

Alsace nodded and set off on the road again.

(End of this chapter)

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