Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 526 Arthas and Thrall

Chapter 526 Arthas and Thrall

"Quick, don't let him run away!"

"Mage, hurry up and slow down!"

"Stun him!"

Amid a burst of fierce shouting, a small BOSS battle was taking place in the wilderness near Snowman Mountain.

Seven or eight adventurers who were upgrading the snowman nearby were surrounding an orc elite monster and attacking desperately.

The levels of several people are not high, and the highest mage is only level 36. However, they have tanks and damage output, as well as treatment and blood boost. Although it is a temporary wild team, it is quite organized in fighting.

The warriors and knights grabbed hold of the small BOSS in front of them, while the rest of the group tried their best to deal damage.

The orc elite monster showed no fear in the face of so many enemies. There was no anger or fear in his eyes, only calmness.

He kept moving and dodging, using the positions of the two tanks to avoid the surrounding long-range attacks, and he was able to withstand them for a while.

Poof!A warrior who was resisting monsters was hit on the head by an orc with an axe. A critical hit caused [-] plus damage. One-third of the warrior's health bottomed out instantly, and he seemed to be dead.

The orc casually picked up a green weapon that exploded into his backpack, and the next second he was beaten back by a series of long-range attacks.

Without the warriors to block the shooting range, the next few long-range shots finally produced a round of effective output.

Especially the mage, whose ice spear almost penetrated the orcs.

The blood volume bottomed out instantly, leaving only a blood skin.

The orc stumbled to the ground, seemingly without the ability to resist, and the adventurers around him suddenly became excited.

"He's dying!"

"Let me take your head!"

"Haha, this head is mine."

Suddenly a black shadow flashed out behind him, but it was a thief who had been lying in wait for a long time, trying to take the final blow.

However, the moment the thief appeared, the orc who seemed to be on the verge of death suddenly turned around and struck him in the head with a sharp axe.


When the body of the orc elite fell, the thief was also taken away with one blow.

Then rubbish equipment exploded all over the place.

It's all gray garbage, rusty daggers, broken shields, broken battle axes...

"Fuck, what kind of bullshit BOSS is this? How come all the drops are garbage?"

A group of people were speechless looking at the mess on the ground.

"Haha, don't you know? This rare elite is a famous dung monster in this area. It doesn't drop well, but it is very difficult to kill. It has a high IQ and is very ruthless. Generally, it is easy for two or three people to encounter it alone. Being wiped out by a group. Last time, a team of five people was wiped out by this guy.

And even if you kill them, they will basically not drop anything. "

"Hey, there's a blue breastplate here."

The hunter who spoke pulled out the only good trophy from the garbage pile with excitement on his face.

[Silver Scale Breastplate (Excellent)

Item introduction: A breastplate made of pure steel with a mithril coating attached to the surface, making it more resistant to magic damage. 】

"Oh, this is an exclusive drop for this monster. It is almost a must-drop. It is rubbish blue equipment. The auction house only sells one piece of hardware. It drops in the world. You can also do blacksmithing. It is not valuable."

The adventurers sighed and discussed how to divide the spoils. At the same time——

With a flash of white light, Sal appeared in the hotel room.

He opened his eyes and touched his chest. As usual, all the wounds on his body were gone. The previous battle, near-death, and death seemed as if they had never happened.

But the battle did happen.

Thrall could feel that with the killing of the two adventurers just now, his strength had increased a little.

During this period of time, he ran into the wilderness every day to fight with those adventurers. At the beginning, he was easily killed every time. However, with the accumulation of experience, Thrall gradually found some fighting rhythm, and occasionally he could Killed several adventurers.

By now, Thrall has completely understood the fighting styles of these adventurers, and he can gain something almost every time he goes out.

Of course, he would die outside basically every time.

What surprised him was that no matter how terrible the enemy he faced, no matter where he ran, as soon as he woke up, he would return to this hotel, unscathed.

This made him wonder, could the old man be the legendary god?Everything that happened to him seemed inexplicable except for miracles.

But the old man didn't want to explain, and it was hard for him to ask questions. As long as he could keep doing this, sooner or later he would become strong enough to defeat Aidan!
Sal thought firmly.

Opening the backpack, one-third of the junk equipment that the old man asked him to carry was missing, and the silver scale breastplate was gone again without any suspense.

But Thrall was not nervous. When he walked out of the room, he saw an intact silver scale breastplate on the table.

Thrall put the silver scale breastplate on his body casually.

When he came to the hotel lobby, the old man was making oatmeal. He saw him coming down and said hello without surprise.

"How was it? What was the result?"

"Killed three. There were too many enemies. We could have won..."

"It's not bad." The old man said with a smile, "Hurry up and eat, I just left a portion for you."

Thrall sat down and started eating, savoring some details of the previous battle while eating.

Suddenly, the old man frowned and looked outside the door.

"Put on the orb quickly, someone is coming."

Thrall quickly activated the Orb of Deception and instantly transformed into a human.

Then I saw a young blond man pushing the door open and walking in.

Alsace looked at the hotel in front of him and felt slightly relieved. Fortunately, this hotel was real and he had a place to stay tonight.

He glanced at the hall, paused for a moment on Sal, and then turned to the old man.

"Old man, I need a room, and help me prepare some food supplies."

As he spoke, he slapped a few silver coins on the counter.

The old man glanced at Alsace with a smile, but the name above his head showed - [Mysterious Human Warrior].

Another person with a story, the old man thought.

"Okay young guest, there happens to be freshly cooked oatmeal and barbecue here, why don't we eat together."

As he spoke, he filled a bowl of porridge, then put a few pieces of barbecue on the plate and served it.

Alsace nodded and started eating hungrily.

After leaving the royal family for such a long time, Alsace has already lost the flashy character that made him a prince. He can eat any food. The oatmeal tastes quite good. The hot food seems to have some kind of magic power. One bite of it makes him feel... The fatigue also seemed to subside.

The barbecue is juicy, charred on the outside and tender on the inside. The energy that disappeared after one bite instantly surged up again.

Arthas was surprised.

"Old man, this food tastes good."

The old man smiled and said, "Eat more if you like."

But I thought to myself, old man, I have master-level cooking skills, so of course it’s delicious.

While eating food, Arthas was inquiring about information. He had been living in seclusion for too long, and he was eager to obtain all the information he could collect.

"How far is it from Alterac City?"

"It's about two days' journey. If you ride a horse, you can get there in one day."

Arthas nodded and continued eating his dinner.

"Are there any dangerous monsters around here?"

"Beastmen, bandits, ice trolls, snowmen... of course, there are also the direwolves everywhere. This is Alterac, how can there be less monsters? It is said that there are storm giants and frost giants on the nearby dangerous peaks. Haunted, there has been no peace here since the battle of Ice Wolf Plains.”

The battle of Ice Wolf Plains...

Arthas couldn't help but look back on his face. It seemed like just yesterday that he led the Lordaeron army to participate in the Battle of Ice Wolf Plains. At that time, he was high-spirited, but now...

"Little brother, you look very touched."

"Yes, I also participated in the Battle of Ice Wolf Plains. I am a knight of the Kingdom of Lordaeron. I participated in the war as a guest soldier and killed several orcs with my own hands."

"But in that battle, I was mainly fighting the ice trolls. I witnessed with my own eyes Prince Arthas' heroic act of killing the ice elemental lord, and Prince Aidan of Alterac, killing the orc chief Durotan."

Click!There was a crisp sound, and Alsace looked up, only to find that it was the boy on the other side of the table, and the spoon in his hand had been broken somehow.

He couldn't help but glance at Thrall a few more times. The human boy's face looked red, and Arthas couldn't help but pay attention.

"Silly boy, after you finish eating, go chop the firewood outside." the old man ordered.

Thrall nodded, turned around, picked up the ax and walked out.

Soon dinner will be over.

It was not completely dark yet. Arthas stood in front of the hotel, walking around the hotel and observing the surrounding environment. This was what Tirion taught him. Now that he was being hunted by Godwin, he had to be even more careful.

Even if you are just staying in the wild, be prepared to escape at any time.

When I walked near the woodshed, I happened to see Sal chopping wood.

Watching Sal chopping firewood, Alsace's face became slightly excited.

"Good posture. Are you a warrior?"

"I'm just a farmer." Sal said quietly.

Click!Another piece of wood was neatly split in half.

"I have met many farmers, but farmers are not as good as you. You must have participated in battles, I can see it." Thrall glared at Alsace and continued to chop wood.

"Don't be so nervous. I don't mean any harm. To be honest, if you need guidance, maybe I can teach you a few tricks. If you encounter bandits or beastmen, you can protect yourself. Since the Battle of Ice Wolf Plains, there have been many beastmen around. To plunder and deal with those ferocious beasts, only swords and battle axes can make them obedient and reasonable."

Thrall was upset by a few words. Seeing the serious expression on Alsace's face, he almost couldn't help but strike it with an axe, but he held it back in the end. In the end, the young man in front of him did not mean any harm. And although the human boy in front of him was about the same age as him, Sal had a vague feeling that the other boy was very powerful.

"If nothing happens, please don't disturb me. I still have work to do."

Alsace smiled, but was not annoyed.

But he was secretly relieved, it seemed there was no danger.

Of course he was not just idle, but more of a test to see if the other party posed any threat.

Night fell quickly.

Alsace lay on the hotel bed and tossed and turned, but couldn't fall asleep.

As soon as I closed my eyes, I remembered that weird dream. What happened to my second brother?Alas, it seems that the answer can only be known after finding the eldest brother Aidan. I hope the eldest brother is still in Alterac.

Suddenly, a faint sound of footsteps came from the window. He jumped out of bed in a hurry, came to the window vigilantly, and looked sideways outside.

Um?Is that the guy called Silly?
But he saw the young man carrying an ax and wearing a silver armor, and he didn't know where he was going.

not good!Could it be that he discovered my identity and wanted to report me?

Alsace's heart suddenly started beating wildly, and he grasped the hilt of the sword. If he had no choice but to strike first, he would have to strike first.

No, we can’t judge so quickly, but we must be prepared.

Alsace jumped out of the window silently, and he decided to follow him to find out.

After following the man for a while and walking out of the valley, the young man seemed to have no intention of traveling far, and instead walked towards the snowman cave near the valley.

Night is a time for humans to rest, but it is also a time for monsters to be active. Snowmen dig moss and buds in the wilderness, or catch hares and sheep.

Thrall did not turn back into an orc. To these ignorant snowmen, there was no difference between humans and orcs.

During the day, he fights with adventurers, and at night, he also looks for monsters to attack.

A snowman discovered Sal and immediately let out a roar. Three or five snowmen surrounded Sal.

"Come on! Fight with me!" Thrall roared, venting the frustration in his heart during the day.

Poof!The snowman's head was chopped off by Thrall with an axe. Thrall had no skill book and no one to learn combat skills from, so he could only rely on instinct to fight.

He didn't know how many times he had practiced this ax movement, and now he had reached the level of innocence.

Let’s call you—a decapitating blow!

Thrall murmured to himself, but without stopping, he struck out with another axe, killing the other snowman.

The third snowman rushed towards him, trying to knock him down with his weight advantage, but Sal dodged it with a flexible step back.

Another spike.

Looking at the three corpses on the ground, Sal finally felt a lot more relaxed and even felt a sense of accomplishment. He had indeed become stronger.

Suddenly Sal's ears twitched slightly!


Alsace clapped his hands and walked out, "Haha, you said you're not a warrior, so you gave me a decapitation blow. I have to say, you really surprised me. This move of yours can be used as a combat skill." Taught and disseminated.”

Alsace was indeed surprised. The opponent had obviously not systematically learned fighting skills, and did not have any advanced moves. He was just simply chopping, but his movements were sharp and fast, and he had the aura of a senior warrior.

Could it be said that he created his own combat skills?

If so, he is a born warrior.

Even he was a little surprised by such a talent.

"Shut up, you have no right to comment on me!"

Thrall's anger came from nowhere.

"Of course I am qualified. As I said before, I am a knight. Hey, you seem to be very angry. I'm sorry for following you. I just couldn't sleep and went out for a walk, so I accidentally bumped into you.

Hey, what are you doing coming towards me with an ax?Do you want to compete with me?Okay, then I will play with you. "

Alsace looked at Thrall coming towards him menacingly, but he didn't take it seriously at all.

The opponent's skills are indeed not bad, but compared with a master like him who has participated in the war and has been specially trained by Tirion Fordring, he is not at the same level.

In just seven or eight moves, Thrall was knocked to the ground, but Arthas did not kill him.

"You played well, but unfortunately you don't have any rules. I suggest you find a teacher."

He said, holding out a hand to Thrall.

Sal couldn't help but be startled, and the anger in his heart suddenly vented.

"Hmph, there's no need. I can still kill people even if no one teaches me."

"Have you killed many people?" Alsace's voice became a little serious. If the other person was just a grumpy guy who liked to chop down snowmen, he wouldn't care. He could even teach him a lesson, but if he was a murderer, it would be different. .

"There are many adventurers. As long as they dare to trouble me, I will fight them. The number of adventurers who died in my hands is not even one thousand, but eight hundred."

"Oh, adventurer, it's okay." Alsace immediately became calm.

"Okay, I'm sorry to disturb your enjoyment. I think it's time for me to go back. You can continue."

Thrall watched Arthas leave, but he had no interest in continuing to fight. He had been training hard for so long but he couldn't even defeat a human boy... Was the opponent too strong?

Maybe he should learn a few tricks from the other party. In order to get revenge, why should he be so proud and arrogant.

He ran a few steps to keep up with Alsace, but he didn't know what to say.

The two of them walked side by side towards the valley. The sky in the distance was dark, the snow reflected the moonlight, and the surroundings were silent except for the occasional howl of the direwolf.

Suddenly, they both stopped at the same time.

"Something happened!" Alsace said with a serious expression.

"Something happened!" Sal was shocked.

In the distance, in the direction of the hotel, a fire was rising.

The two looked at each other and ran towards the hotel together.

From a distance, I saw a large group of ice trolls, human bandits, and beastmen surrounding the hotel.

The hotel had been set on fire, and a burst of wild laughter was coming from inside.

"No!" Sal roared, the old man was in danger.

"Don't go there, there are too many enemies." Arthas wanted to hold Thrall back, but Thrall had already rushed out.

Damn it!This idiot!Arthas sighed and followed suit.

In the hotel, the frost troll chief 'frozen his teeth' and the orc bandit lord 'bloodthirsty war' were dividing the looted materials from the hotel.

Even though it was just a hotel, there was quite a lot of supplies that were revealed. Not only were there a lot of food, drinks, gold coins and materials, but dozens of 'Silver Scale Breastplates' were also found in the warehouse. Although they were the lowest-end blue equipment, But after all, it’s also a blue outfit, so it’s pretty good to use it to pile up loot.

This hotel owner actually revealed several professional skills books. Sure enough, one cannot take risks.

Frozen to Lose His Big Teeth (Frost Troll Chief): "Haha, what an unexpected harvest. I originally just wanted to find a place to station troops, but I didn't expect so many good things to come out."

Bloodthirsty War (Orc Bandit Lord): "What I'm saying is that this valley is suitable for us to station troops. Let's build a monster camp here, brush it with several waves of mobs, and save them for it to wait for Northrend. As soon as the fight begins, we immediately launch an attack on Alterac.

I have made it clear that Alterac is out in force this time, and the main army has gone to Northrend to grab the Crown of Dominance. There are only a few hundred defenders in the city, and the Storm Dragon King is not here, so what do we have to worry about? .

As long as we win Alterac, our monster power rating will increase by at least two levels.

The two of us can also rise to two levels, and at least we can defeat the disaster-level BOSS without escaping. "

Frozen out of teeth (Frost Troll Chief): "Can we do it with just a few people? We are all wild monsters. We have no siege weapons, so the city gate is difficult to break."

Blood-devouring War (Orc Bandit Lord): "What are you afraid of? Aren't there storm giant kings and direwolf kings who are coming to join the battle? Then just let the storm giants break down the door. By the way, there seems to be a wandering white man. Even if the dragon comes, it has to join in. With so many wild monsters, how can a mere Alterac defeat them?"

The two bosses were talking when suddenly the system prompts sounded in their ears at the same time.

[System prompt: Trigger the plot event - [Hero Thrall's Awakening], your identity in this plot event is - the villain BOSS].

"Hey, the system prompted me to trigger a plot event?"

"I heard it too, eh? The awakening of the hero Thrall? This Thrall sounds so familiar. I seem to have heard it somewhere. Damn it, it can't be that Thrall."

"That Sal? I didn't see anyone else in this hotel?"

Both of them were confused, and then they heard the screams of their men outside the door.

The two hurriedly rushed out of the hotel. As soon as they went out, they saw a young man wielding a battle ax, slashing wildly at the bandits and ice trolls who blocked the road.

He glanced at the name on the boy's head.

The two were immediately happy.

'Silly' (Human Warrior) Rare Elite: Level 45, HP 2250.

Frozen out of teeth (Frost Troll Chief): "Haha, it turns out it's a fool, not Thrall, just a rare elite. I thought he was a hero."

Blood-devouring Mad War (Orc Bandit Lord): "No, there is another one over there. Holy shit, he's a golden five hero!"

Frozen out of teeth (Frost Troll Chief): "What are you afraid of? He's just a bare-bones hero and a warrior. Our BOSS is already stronger than the heroes. There are so many mobs that he can't be killed. I'll deal with him." That Golden Five, hurry up and get rid of this 'idiot'."

The two bosses instantly assigned tasks. The Frost Troll Chief called on his men to besiege Alsace. The Orc Bandit Leader gave a sinister smile and rushed towards Thrall.

Thrall rushed to the door of the hotel and was stunned. A burly orc was looking at him with greedy eyes. Behind him, you could see the old man's blood-covered body, lying on his back on the floor of the hotel.

"No!" Thrall roared and looked sharply at the orc robber lord in front of him.

He had been looking forward to seeing other compatriots one day, but at this moment, there was only anger in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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