Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 527

Chapter 527 Memories Kill
Thrall roared angrily, "Frostwolf orcs, why did you kill this innocent old man? This is not the honor an orc should have."

Blood-devouring Kuangzhan burst out laughing, "Ha, damn Glory, I'm from a studio, I play games just to make money, how much is Glory worth, I can kill whoever I want, you don't care. Are you awake?"

"You don't deserve to be an orc!?" Thrall roared angrily and jumped up.

The blood-devouring mad battle was also launched at the same time.

Savage Clash!

Bang, the orc lord with gnarled muscles knocked Thrall backwards, and the strength of the two was no longer on the same level.

Blood-devouring Kuangzhan looked at Thrall who was lying on the ground and sneered, "That's it... haha, I thought I was so stupid, but he's just a useless person who can't do anything. I'm a terrifying third-level BOSS. What a fool." A rare elite still dares to fight with me. You are looking for death. Come on, let me teach you what fighting is."

After saying that, he picked up the ax and struck it.

Thrall was hit and realized the difference in strength between the two. He rolled back to dodge, and the two fought together.

At the same time, Arthas also fought with the Frost Troll Chieftain, losing his big teeth due to freezing.

He is very familiar with these frost trolls. In the Battle of Ice Wolf Plains, he led the Lordaeron Army against the frost troll army.

At that time, he looked down upon everything and killed countless trolls with his sword.

But now that he has lost the power of the Holy Light and the protection of the army, it is completely different to fight against hundreds of Frost Trolls alone.

Even after receiving special training from Tirion, he was still in a hurry due to the siege.

These trolls cooperated quite tacitly. A dozen troll berserkers rushed up to fight him in close combat, and dozens of troll headhunters threw javelins and throwing axes crazily.

Alsace cut down several of them, but due to his lack of AOE skills, he was knocked out of nearly a thousand HP by a series of long-range attacks.

no!We can no longer hide our strength.

Arthas knew very well that he had to go all out today.

He suddenly pulled out the Song of Ice and Fire. He used to fight with an ordinary steel sword before, but now he finally pulled out this legendary weapon.

Flame Impact!

With a sword swing, the flames turned into a fan-shaped wave of fire and rushed forward.

The burning troll screamed repeatedly.

Frozen's teeth dropped and he looked surprised: "Are you——Alsace!?"

The reason why he could recognize this sword was because he was also a member of the Frost Troll clan during the Battle of Ice Wolf Plains, but at that time he was just an elite monster.

It was precisely because he killed several Lordaeron knights on the battlefield that he became a minor BOSS, and he was out of control from then on.

Now that I saw Alsace who was killing everyone back then, I immediately recognized him.

Alsace stopped pretending: "Yes, it's me, I am Alsace!"

Frozen out of teeth (Frost Troll Chief): "You killed our chief, and today is the time for you to pay the price. As long as I kill you, I will be the boss of the Frost Troll clan. Hum, I will give the order Frost Troll, become the overlord of one side in this monster feast, come Arthas, be the stepping stone for my rise - kill me!"

With a wave of his hand, countless flying axes suddenly attacked Alsace crazily.

Ice Shield!

Alsace activated the weapon special effects again, and three shields made of frost surrounded him, clang clang clang!Continuously block the enemy's long-range attacks.

"Yin Feng - help me!"

There was a dragon roar in the sky, and the storm dragon swooped down. A breath of thunder paralyzed the troll headhunters. Arthas took the opportunity to rush towards and freeze his big teeth. He still understood the principle of capturing the king first before catching the thief.

Combat technique - stab!
This sword was precise and sharp, hitting the big tooth-free chest right in the middle.

For a non-hero, this skill is extremely high.

However, for a BOSS with tens of thousands of health, it is just drizzle.

What surprised Alsace even more was that the blood volume that had lost his teeth due to the cold was rapidly recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

+33, +33, +33 restored three to four hundred HP in a few seconds.

This is the racial talent of the troll clan, its powerful healing ability.

Alsace's heart sank. It looked like there was going to be a tough battle. He glanced at Thrall's position in the hotel. Boy, you have to hold on.


boom!Thrall was knocked to the ground again. He struggled to get up, the hand holding the battle ax shaking.

"I could spend all day with you!" Thrall roared.

"Humph, with your pitiful strength? You are no match for me at all. Your strength is too weak. Let me deal with you."

Blood Devouring Crazy Battle was also a little annoyed. A rare elite actually made it so difficult for him to fight. Although he was always pressing the opponent to fight, this kid moved very coquettishly, and he couldn't do any damage.

It seems to be a big move.

Savage Roar!

Instantly entering a state of rage.


Bang, the impact knocked Sal and staggered him backwards.

Violent blow!

The battle ax slashed wildly, and Thrall was overwhelmed with the response. He barely blocked three attacks, but the fourth blow knocked the weapon away.

Skull-splitting blow!

Bang, this blow almost blew Thrall's head off.
1873 (coma)!

Thrall's health bar bottomed out in an instant, and he fell into a coma.

He fell to the ground with a plop.

(Am I still too weak? Am I going to die?) Thrall thought this at the moment he lost consciousness.

In a daze, he seemed to have returned to his childhood in the Frostwolf clan.

"Uncle Saurfang, what is power? Why is everyone looking for power?"

"This is the power!" Saurfang raised his arms, and the bulging muscles were extremely exaggerated.

"The strength of a warrior comes from the courage in his heart and the anger in his blood. Courage makes you fearless, and anger makes you powerful. But don't be carried away by anger. Release the anger in your heart towards your enemy, and let A furious will dominates your body. This is the strength of a warrior.

Grab your weapon, little thing, and let me see what you're capable of. "

Thrall swung the small ax and swung it vigorously, but suddenly lost his center of gravity and almost fell to the ground.

"Hahaha, you are too young to understand these things yet. You will understand them when you grow up. Come on, let me teach you a few tricks. Watch out."

"This is called Fearless Slash! This move is called Whirlwind Slash! And this move, this is the secret skill of our Thunder God Clan, Storm Strike. I don't teach ordinary people."

Thrall looked at the combat skills displayed by Saurfang in confusion. Every blow was so powerful that it could crack mountains and crack rocks, and his mouth grew huge.

"Father, what is power? Why do people search for it."

Durotan looked at Thrall lovingly, "Power comes from your patience and your control of timing. If a hunter wants to catch his prey, he must remain calm at all times, grasp the timing of his attack, and kill him with one strike.

Remember, the hunter is also the prey. Always be alert to danger in the forest and never be careless. Come on, son, let me show you what a real hunter is. "

A group of reindeer were driven over from the woods. Durotan first calmed down and locked eyes, then suddenly took out his hand and split a reindeer in half with a flying ax.

Spin Throw!

Throw the net!

Raptor strike!
Dance of the Frostwolves!

In the blink of an eye, five or six reindeer had fallen on the ground, and each one was killed with one blow, without any delay.

"do you understand."

Sal shook his head in confusion.

Mother's laughter came from the side.

"Durotan, Go'el is still too young to learn hunting."

"Humph, he is my Durotan's son. I was already able to hunt cave bears when I was six years old..."

The scene in front of him changed again, and Thrall saw Samuro, chopping the blade in his hand against the wind.

"Uncle Samuro, what is power?"

"Power is speed, absolute speed, and absolute accuracy. The body is extremely fragile in front of steel. As long as you are fast enough and kill the enemy before he kills you, you can win the battle. Just like so--"

Gale Slash!
Brushing, the sword blade slashed out, and a leaf was split into two parts from the stem.

"As long as the speed is fast enough and the accuracy is high enough, you can kill everything. The way of the sword is the way of the wind. Feel the strong wind, control the strong wind, and transform into the strong wind - watch out for little Gu'ir."

He kicked a tree nearby, and as the leaves fell, he swung the sword again.

Gale Slash!
Continuous slashing with strong wind!

Dancing in the wind!


Samuro's figure was like a whirlwind, and the fallen leaves were like falling into a meat grinder in the whirlwind. When Samuro's figure stopped, hundreds of leaves were split in half from the middle.

"Wow, that's amazing."

Thrall scholar Samuro spun around, but fell to the ground.

"Hahaha, little Gu'il, you are still too young. It took me a lifetime to learn this trick..."

"Grandpa Drek'Thar, what is power?"

"Power is the element. This world is full of elemental power. Call them. If you can get a response, you can control all things, the power of storm, fire, earth and water... watch out."

Drek'Thar pointed to a boulder not far away.

The wind!

A whirlwind swirled and gathered around Drek'Thar, and with a sudden wave of his hand, it turned into a whirlwind and rolled the boulder directly into the air.


The fierce flames gathered in his hands, and with one punch, the fierce flames exploded the boulder into pieces.

Amidst the rubble in the sky, Drek'Thar once again summoned the power of the elements.


Boom, an earth wall rose instantly, blocking all the gravel, but Sal was hit on the head by a piece of gravel because he was standing far away.

It hurts!

Drek'Thar was startled and waved his hand hastily.


Brush, green light flashed, and Sal's wounds healed instantly.

"See, this is the power of the elemental power."

Sal looked at it in confusion. The four figures in front of him gradually became blurred and overlapped.

He opened his eyes suddenly, and the severe pain was fading from his head. In just a moment, many forgotten memories seemed to be recalled in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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