Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 528 Humans and Orcs

Chapter 528 Humans and Orcs

That human knight was right, he should find a teacher, or—four!
Thrall stood up abruptly.

There was no fear on his face as he watched the blood-devouring battle that was about to take his head.

Water flow - healing waves!

With a flash of green light, all the wounds on Sal's body healed instantly.

+3795 (overhealing)!

What?Blood-devouring Kuangzhan was stunned for a moment, this kid could even increase his health.

Throw the net!

With a brush, a big net trapped the Blood-devouring Mad Battle in place.

What?Blood-devouring Kuangzhan was stunned. How could this guy know this skill? Isn't this a hunter's skill?

But it's not over yet.

Thunder - the fury of lightning!The power of lightning surrounded Thrall, and with a push of his hands, a dazzling lightning ball hit the Blood-devouring Mad Warrior.
1899 (paralysis)!

The violent electric current instantly paralyzed the bloodthirsty warrior's claws.

Fearless cut!
Thrall leaped into the air and chopped off his head like a god descending to earth, extremely powerful.

Wocao, what is this guy’s profession?
Blood-devouring Kuangzhan was completely shocked and subconsciously raised his battle ax to resist.

This ax made Blood-devouring Kuangzhan stagger back in shock.

Give me death - Counterattack Storm!
The big ax in his hand slashed wildly towards Thrall.

Thrall retreated—and retreated again.

Just when he was about to be forced into a blind corner, he suddenly stepped out and with a swipe, the figure disappeared from the sight of the blood-devouring mad warrior.

what happened?Before Blood Devouring Kuangzhan had time to react, he felt a strong wind coming from behind him.

He wanted to turn around and defend but it was too late.

Blast!Brush, a trace of blood appeared on the body of Blood-devouring Kuangzhan.

Continuous slashing with strong wind!Brush brush brush.
389! -391! -403!

The blood volume is crazy.

Although he can still hold it as a BOSS, his momentum has been suppressed.

Blood-devouring Kuangzhan was furious for a moment, "Holy shit, who the hell are you?"

"I am - Go'il Thrall, the son of Durotan and the warrior of the Frostwolf clan!"

Blood-devouring Kuangzhan still couldn't believe it, "I believed your lies. Sal is only seven years old this year."

"It's eight years old!"

Thrall said as he took off the Orb of Deceit from his body, and immediately returned to the appearance of an orc boy.

Due to the rapid development of orc children and the influence of evil energy, the eight-year-old orc boy is almost as strong as a 16-year-old human being.

A golden light suddenly bloomed on Sal's body, and the name on his head suddenly changed.

Thrall (the Apocalypse), a first-level gold hero, level 46, health value 5450.

The fate that was originally sealed suddenly awakened.

Sal?You really are Sal!Blood-devouring Kuangzhan finally accepted the reality.

Thrall originally thought that the opponent would put down his weapons because of this, but he didn't expect that the blood-devouring frenzy would show a greedy look.

"Hahaha, it's really hard to find anything after wearing iron shoes. The master of Young Wolf is offering a reward of 50 soft girl coins for your head. I have decided to take the money today."

Blood-devouring Kuangzhan roared excitedly. He originally thought he just encountered a miscellaneous fish, but he didn't expect it to be a big fish.

So what about Thrall, just a newly awakened hero.

I must chop you into pieces today.

"You guys, come in here and kill this bastard."

After giving the order, more than a dozen bandits, including humans and orcs, rushed in from outside, surrounding Thrall with fierce looks.

Originally, the beastmen and bandits were different wild monster factions, but they occasionally merged with each other, and now they are indistinguishable from each other.

He was not afraid of the bandit Thrall who was surrounding him. He was more concerned about what the other party had just said.

"You said my eldest brother put a bounty on my head?" This time it was Thrall's turn to be in disbelief.

"You lied, why did brother do this?"

"Why else, of course it's power. The Young Wolf Lord is now the chief of the Frostwolf clan. He has also rescued [-] orc captives and is about to establish a new tribe. But you are always his worry, after all. Historically, you are the one who finally established the new tribe. As long as you are alive, he will not be stable, so he placed a bounty on your head, and now we can finally deal with you."

"You lied! My eldest brother is not that kind of person!"

Starting a new tribe?Where did this start?
"Hahahaha, Sal, Sal, you are really a fool. You can't trust your own son in the face of power, let alone a brother. The Young Wolf Master is someone who wants to do big things. Killing your NPC is nothing, no. No nonsense, you must die today, come to me!"

A group of bandits swarmed up, wielding swords and axes at Thrall, almost chopping him into pieces in an instant.

However, the next second, a violent thunder suddenly bloomed in the crowd.

Heroic combat skill - Thunder's Fury!
Thrall, who fell into a rage, fused the warrior's anger with the shaman's elemental power, and even unintentionally fused the hero's soul with it.

As Thrall struck down with his axe, electric currents shot out, and a violent explosion knocked all the surrounding soldiers away.

Then a series of combos were directed at the Blood-devouring Kuangzhan.

Fueled by rage, his skills are deadly.

Thunderbolt lightning!

Thunder explodes!

Swift wind and thunder!
The battle ax carried the power of thunder and slashed the blood of the bloodthirsty warrior, but it was unable to move due to the paralysis effect.

Pfft, the battle ax split open Blood-devouring Kuangzhan's head and embedded itself in it.

Thrall was breathing heavily, as furious as a crazy beast, but as calm as a hunter.

Blood-devouring Kuangzhan glanced at the ax stuck in his head in disbelief - Damn, what a joke, I'm a terrifying third-level boss, and he died here. I'm not willing to accept it, I'm obviously going to rise. .

After rolling his eyes, he finally gave up.

As the body fell, Thrall finally calmed down from his anger.

He hurriedly rushed to the old man beside him.

To his surprise, the old man seemed to have a breath.

Seeing that it was Sal, the old man showed a relieved expression.

" really didn't...disappoint me."

"Stop talking, old man, I'll treat you."

After saying that, he fired a healing wave, but the green light flashed, but the old man's blood volume did not increase at all.

"Ahem... It's useless, my life has reached its end... It doesn't matter, I've stayed in this hotel enough anyway... Now that you finally have the power to protect yourself, it's time to find your destiny. "

The old man grabbed Sal's hand and stared at him, "Remember, with great power comes great responsibility - eh."

He rolled his eyes and gave up.With great power comes great responsibility?

Salmo recited the old man's last words and became obsessed for a moment.

At the same time, the battle outside the door also reached a critical moment.


The power of the ice quickly froze his big teeth and heel into a lump of ice.

However, the frozen troll chief did not die. Frost trolls have extremely high freezing resistance.

But the next second.

Flame Slash!
Song of Ice and Fire suddenly burst out with flames, slashed with a sword, and the ice exploded instantly, splitting into two pieces.
19312 (fatal blow)!
Phew, my strength is still the same as before.

Arthas looked at the troll corpses all around and sighed with emotion.

Without the command of the chief, the remaining trolls suddenly lost all morale and fled.

He hurriedly rushed towards the hotel. Don't let that kid die.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw the corpses of orcs and human bandits scattered all over the floor, as well as an orc boy, holding the old man's body, his face full of grief.

"Fool?" Arthas asked uncertainly.

"It's Thrall!" The orc raised his head. The green orc face could vaguely be seen as the facial features of the previous human boy, and the expression on his face was exactly the same.

"You are an orc!?" Arthas was shocked.

He encountered too many strange things today.

Sal sneered, "What, are you planning to kill me?"

Arthas shook his head, "What's the difference between humans and orcs?" He looked at the corpses of the bandits. The corpses of orcs and humans were stacked together, indistinguishable from each other.

Times have changed. The Alliance and the Horde used to be distinct, but now these different races are mixed together.

The Alliance even formed an alliance with the Horde to fight against the Scourge. Who could tell whether they were enemies or friends?

"You look angry. Stop blaming yourself. You have avenged him."

Thrall shook his head, but the redness in his eyes has not receded, "My anger is not just because of these - I just learned that in order to secure the position of chief, the eldest brother has offered a reward of 50 'soft girl coins' to hunt down I."

"Your elder chasing you...haha, haha, hahahahaha!" Arthas suddenly burst out laughing, laughing hard.

Sal suddenly became angry, "Why are you laughing? What's so funny."

Arthas finally stopped, "I'm laughing because - my eldest brother is King Godwin of Lordaeron. He also sent people to hunt me down, so I hide here incognito. Guess why he wants to hunt me down?" , Hahaha, yes, it’s the same reason why your elder brother is chasing you, in order to secure his position as king.”

At this moment, the name on Alsace's head suddenly changed from a mysterious human warrior to Alsace (Wandering Knight).

Thrall couldn't help but be stunned after hearing this, and he couldn't help but show a bitter smile, but the bitter smile turned into laughter, and the laughter turned into wild laughter. Arthas also laughed again, and both of them shed tears of laughter.

After laughing like this for a long time, they finally stopped and looked at each other, suddenly feeling a sense of sympathy for each other.

After half an hour.

Sal put the old man's body into the pit, filled it with soil, and filled it with stones.

Looking at the grave, Thrall was silent for a long time.

“Where are you going next—Alsace?”

"I'm going to Alterac to find my big brother Aidan. These monsters are gathering here. From what they say, it seems that something big is going to happen here. I can't sit idly by."

"I will go with you."

"Aren't you afraid that they will kill you?"

"As you said, orcs, humans, it's hard to tell."

"Okay, but for safety's sake, you'd better take that orb with you."

Thrall nodded, put on the Orb of Deceit, and transformed back into a human boy again.

He put on all the armor and weapons he found on the orc bandit lord, and the two young men headed north.

On the vast snowfield, the two walked side by side.

After walking for two days, the majestic city walls of Alterac soon appeared in front of them.

The two of them did not enter the city, but walked around the city and walked towards Longshang Castle not far away.

The castle is surrounded by storms and is unusually eye-catching.

With the strength of the two of them, the environmental damage was not a problem. They quickly passed through the storm and arrived at the gate of Longshang Castle.

Alsace directly stated his purpose of coming, "I want to find Brother Aidan."

Because they were Murphy's [brothers], the knight guarding the door was very polite and directly welcomed the two into the castle.

The butler in the castle told the two of them, "Lord Aidan has led the army to attack Northrend."

What?Alsace suddenly became anxious. What the troll chief said vaguely revealed some kind of conspiracy. It was terrible that his eldest brother left at this time.

"Then who is in charge here now?"

"I am in charge."

A crisp voice sounded from outside the door. As soon as the two turned their heads, they saw Jaina in battle mage attire walking in. Jaina was surprised when she saw Arthas, "You are - Arthas Prince? Oh my God, why are you here? There have been rumors outside that you are missing."

The two of them can be considered childhood friends, but they have been through too much and are somewhat alienated from each other.

Alsace smiled bitterly, "It's a long story."

Jaina also noticed Thrall and recognized him as the guy in the hotel. However, she was a little surprised to see Thrall wearing armor and a battle ax.

"Hey, how come you are together?" Jaina looked at Thrall, "We met before, where is your grandfather?"

"Grandpa - he's dead."

"Oh, I'm so sorry."

"Let's not talk about those things for now. The monsters in the Alterac Mountains have been doing something strange recently. They are gathering in abnormal large-scale. I suspect that something terrible is about to happen."

Jaina smiled mysteriously, "Don't worry, Lord Aidan has already foreseen everything from his destiny. The monster army will launch a large-scale attack on Alterac. Before he left, he specially gave me a task to lead his soldiers to crush This plan.”

Both of them were a little surprised.

Jaina said proudly: "Of course it's me. I'm a powerful mage and have personally participated in the dragon-slaying battle."

As he spoke, he waved his staff, and a surging magic power surged instantly.

"You can fight those monsters with me if you want."

The two looked at each other and nodded.

Arthas was still a little uneasy, "Brother, when will he come back?"

"The Scourge will naturally come back after they are dealt with. Calculating the time, they should be almost at Northrend."

PS: I will return to the main plot tomorrow. When I wrote these two chapters, I was a little nervous. I was worried that readers would not like to read the plot other than the protagonist. However, these two characters are related to the important plot later, so I have to write about it.

Fortunately, we will return to the main line next.

(End of this chapter)

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