Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 530

Chapter 530
While the heroes of the coalition were sizing up the Lich King's strength, Gul'dan/the Lich King was also sizing up the coalition in front of him.

Due to the long front line between the two sides, the Alliance and the Horde were facing the left and right sides of the Scourge respectively. Therefore, Gul'dan did not see Ruthless and Godwin. The one facing him was in the center. The centaur legion led by the Shenwu Emperor, coincidentally, the two people's positions were exactly opposite each other.

When he saw the figure of the Shenwu Emperor, Gul'dan's originally cold expression immediately turned into an angry smile - it was him!
Gul'dan recognized the old enemy of Emperor Shenwu at a glance, and the memory of being cheated in the past suddenly came to his mind, and a strong hatred caused the power of death in his body to surge.

The hand holding Frostmourne made a clenching sound.

(Emperor Shenwu, it’s time to understand our grievances!)
Looking at the super long blood bar across the sky, Emperor Shenwu was also a little worried, but at this moment, he had no way to retreat and could only bite the bullet.

Because the Lich King had already stared at him, and there was murderous intent in his gaze.

Gul'dan (Lich King): "Let me see, isn't this His Majesty the Divine Martial Emperor? Long time no see. When was the last time we met - oh, by the way, I remembered, it was in your military camp. , you borrowed something from me at that time - oh, it was my head.

I'm very curious, Emperor Shenwu, have you brought my head and prepared to hand it back to me? "

The hatred that gnashed his teeth was almost beyond words. It's no wonder that Gul'dan hated Emperor Shenwu so much. Back then, Gul'dan fought for Emperor Shenwu through life and death, and even teamed up with Hellscream to kill the demigod Cenarius. Emperor Shenwu made an agreement He wanted to send his army to dig the Tomb of Sargeras, but as soon as he turned around, he was betrayed by Emperor Shenwu.

When it comes to the person Gul'dan hates the most, there is no one other than Emperor Shenwu.

At this time, enemies are on a narrow road, and revenge is inevitable.

Emperor Shenwu (King of Centaur): "Hahaha, when did that happen? Why are you still thinking about it? I just borrowed your head. I will return it to you sooner or later. I didn't take it with me this time. It’s a sure thing once, and it’s a sure thing next time.”

Facing Emperor Shenwu's teasing, Gul'dan couldn't stand it anymore, and his cynicism turned into full of anger.

"No need, it's the same as giving me your head - die!"

The power of ice - ice storm!
With a wave of Frostmourne, a force of ice that cut into the bone marrow swept over, turning everything in its path into dead ice sculptures. It was the ultimate cold.

Facing the surging cold wave, Emperor Shenwu did not dare to be careless and hurriedly used his god-given skills.

Mother Earth - give me strength - protect my people!

Earth barrier!

boom!He thrust the staff into the ground suddenly, and the ground instantly rose layer by layer, as if a rock barrier rose out of thin air.

The power of the frost crossed hundreds of meters of empty front line. It was already at the end of its strength, but it still froze the rock barrier instantly, making a terrifying crunching sound, and with a bang, it turned into countless ice and rock fragments scattered all over the ground.

A stone exuding a cold air rolled in front of Emperor Shenwu's hooves, and Emperor Shenwu couldn't help but feel stunned.

Weird, Gul'dan is a bit fierce, but luckily he's far away.

Emperor Shenwu suddenly realized that being the protagonist in a plot event didn't seem to be a good thing. He really had to fight against this.

He hurriedly opened the private message to shake people off.

Emperor Shenwu: "I said where are you all? The Lich King is here. Come over and help!"

Godwin: "Sorry, I'm still fighting hard here, but the mages of Dalaran have passed."

Ba Dao Qingqing: "I am here too, don't worry, I will send people to support you."

Whoosh, whoosh, white light from the Flash Technique flickered, but it was the Dalaran Mage Alliance who came to support them.

Although they gain experience by killing undead, they can upgrade at any time. This is the only Lich King. There is no such shop after this village.

Although the last blow to kill the Lich King is very important, the damage caused before is also considered as a contribution, so the bonus is still needed. After all, the greater the contribution in the BOSS battle, the higher the probability of getting the best equipment when distributing equipment later. high.

This group of Dalaran mages didn't need to command an army, so they naturally rushed over to support them immediately.

In contrast, Godwin felt depressed. I had obviously gathered a large number of people, and the hero conference that I and Aidan held together, why was the Shenwu Emperor stealing the limelight at this critical moment?

He originally wanted to have a dialogue between kings with the Lich King. The human king versus the ghost king could be regarded as a meeting between the two heroes.

Unexpectedly, for some reason, he became a supporting character for no apparent reason. The people leading the troops on the opposite side seemed to be those two idiots, Winter is Coming and Conan the Barbarian. What the hell was going on?

However, he was also faced with an endless offensive of the undead army at this moment, and he couldn't ignore his own troops and grab the BOSS's head.

With one evil-breaking move, he chopped down a skeleton knight. Godwin turned around and called Mograine over.

This damage still needs to be dealt with in advance.

Godwin (King of Lordaeron): "Lord Mograine, bring some paladins to support our allies. The glory of defeating the Lich King must not be given to all the centaurs. This battle between good and evil must Led by followers of my Holy Light."

Mograine (Lord Paladin): "Your Majesty, I will never let you down. For the sake of the Holy Light and Lordaeron, I must kill the Lich King."

After saying that, he led a group of knights and headed towards the middle.

Godwin was stunned for a moment. He was about to tell you not to work too hard, but the undead army on the opposite side had already killed them. He could only swallow his words and continue fighting.

He made up his mind to quickly defeat the enemy in front of him and attack the Lich King's main formation from the flank. By then, the Lich King's blood volume would probably be almost exhausted, so he could just go over and encircle them and steal the heads.

Ba Dao Qing Wu on the other side had the same idea.

He also sent his own men.

Ba Dao Qing Wu (tribal chief): "Grogo Evil Eye, you bring people to support the middle lane. Do more damage to the BOSS. Don't let them take away all the BOSS's contribution points."

Grogo's evil eyes nodded, then rode an undead horse and a group of evil knights and headed towards the middle.

The reason why Ba Dao Qing Wu did not send Hell Roar was to keep this trump card and take the Lich King's final blow.

Of course, the main reason is that the artifact of Ashbringer is too important to Ba Dao Qingqing, and he can't bear to keep it away from him. What if Hellscream runs away with the artifact, it is better to equip him with it at the critical moment.

Tyrant Blade Ruthless (Warchief of the Horde): "Dranosh, Garrosh, the King of Destruction, the Greenskin King...all lead my troops to charge, quickly defeat the enemies in front of me, and surround the Lich King!"

Garrosh: "Yes! Warchief."

Dranosh: "For the Horde!"

The Invincible King of Destruction: "Ho ho ho ho!"

Green King: "Wahhhhh!"

A group of warlords led the elite orcs to attack.

The two wings were fighting fiercely, and the center army had the support of the heroes on both wings, and Emperor Shenwu felt confident.

There are so many high-level heroes here, and a group of 40 people is almost assembled. It's not easy for you as the Lich King.

He knew very well that this version of the BOSS was definitely not something he could defeat alone, so he very much welcomed the help of others. He just kept his cards to grab the final blow, and just mixed in some damage in the early battles.

Put on the bow and start shooting.

The Dalaran Mage Alliance came up with a saturation bombing.

Meteor burst!
Arcane Comet!Sun rays!

All kinds of powerful magics were blasted towards the Lich King.

For a moment, the light of magic almost drowned the Lich King's figure.

But Gul'dan had no intention of dodging, and did not even let Boleleus take off.

Lift Frostmourne high.

The power of death - the enchantment of annihilation!
The power of death quickly spread around, and in an instant everything within a radius of a hundred meters turned into a strange black and white tone, as if everything was withering and everything fell into absolute deathly silence.

This is the true ultimate expression of the power of death. Not only does life die, but even magical energy dries up and withers. It can be said to be the ultimate anti-magic skill.

Those magics that fell into this barrier were quickly extinguished and dissipated like flames falling into a vacuum.

A ferocious saturation bombing, but not even a spark was lit.

"Wocao, what kind of skill is this?"

"Are you kidding me? Just kidding."

"Hey, hey, I read that right."

The mages were stunned for a moment, and Mo Fei was also paying attention to the battlefield of the Lich King. He couldn't help but feel moved when he saw this scene. He recognized it at a glance. It must be the power of the power of death!That is the power of death that touches the level of law, and this is what he wants to seize.

"Lord Aidandron, why don't we take action?"

Murphy glanced at Lesa Jess next to him. She seemed eager to give it a try.

"Don't be impatient. When playing chess, the pawns are always at the forefront. The Lich King is far more powerful than that. You must wait for the opponent to use up all his cards before making a move. Be patient."

As for now, let's talk about leveling up first. It just so happens that he hasn't reached full level yet, and there are endless undead monsters in front of him.

Meteor Storm!

As soon as he raised his hand, flames all over the sky fell like meteors. This magic was not very powerful because it was not blessed with equipment or expertise, but it was enough to deal with these low-level undead.

And it can be released almost infinitely. If you throw out a few AOE skills, the experience value will increase.

But it made Godwin on the side look a little sideways for a moment?Are you thinking that you are not a warrior?How come you still have magic?


Gul'dan (Lich King): "Hahahaha, is this your ridiculous magic? Mages of Dalaran, I heard about your reputation from Kel'Thuzad, but is that it? Try it now. My magic!"

With a wave of Frostmourne, a strange and unspeakable cold aura instantly covered hundreds of meters around Emperor Shenwu.

Death withered!

[Death and Decay: Consumes 1% of the target's health every second and causes an additional 144 points of shadow damage. 】

This move can be said to be quite terrifying for units with high blood volume such as heroes and BOSS. It doesn’t matter how much your health volume is, it will be deducted directly according to the percentage.

Everyone immediately felt that their vitality was constantly draining. Although it was not as powerful as ordinary attack magic, there was an indescribable feeling of terror and despair.

Everyone was in a mess, subconsciously trying to avoid it.

Fortunately, Mograine led a group of paladins to arrive in time.

Seeing this scene, they hurriedly cast the Holy Light together.

"Holy Light! Protect your people!"

Group Holy Blessing Technique!
Rays of holy light fell from the sky, neutralizing and dispelling the aura of death that filled the air. A huge dome composed of dozens of holy lights covered everyone, and neutralized the magical damage of death and decay.

But this holy light only resisted part of the power of death and decay. Although the holy light restrained the power of death, the holy light displayed by everyone seemed so small in the face of absolute power.

Like an isolated island in the tide of death, the surrounding centaur warriors had no one to care about and they lay down instantly.

Emperor Shenwu (King of the Centaur): "His spellcasting must be interrupted! - General Mograine, thank you for your support."

Mograine nodded towards the Divine Martial Emperor, "Your Majesty Godwin asked me to support you. Is that the Lich King? The villain dared to desecrate Prince Varian's body. He must pay for it - let I'll deal with him!"

After saying that, he kicked the war horse in his crotch, drew his sword and rushed out.

"Wait a moment!"

Emperor Shenwu still wanted him to wait, but Mograine turned a deaf ear. Mograine did not have a player's perspective and could not see the super long health bar of more than 500 million. He did not know the official information, let alone Understand the concept of the Lich King being immune to critical strikes.

He only had one thought in his mind, to kill the Lich King.

Under the protection of the power of Holy Light, the Paladin is invincible!
"Holy Light - that enemy is worth fighting!"

Mograine was indeed confident. He had made great achievements in the war with the tribe, killing many orc warlords and high-level orc warlocks. Those fancy evil magics were of no use as long as they were killed close by.

In his opinion, Gul'dan was an orc warlock, so he must not be good at close combat. He couldn't fight with his own spells, but as long as he got close to him, he would be able to catch the opponent off guard.

Gul'dan sneered when he looked at Mograine who was coming to kill him.

Although he himself is a warlock, Varian is a top warrior with powerful martial arts. After he defeated Varian's soul and took control of his body, Gul'dan also gained Varian's skill pool.

Not to mention, he still has the magic sword Frostmourne in his hand.

Well done!
When the distance between the two sides was still more than ten meters, Gul'dan interrupted the guidance of death and decay and concentrated the power of death on the sword.

The power of death—the soul-stealing blade!
[Soul-stealing Blade: Your next attack will have an instant death effect, and the target you kill will be immediately converted into an undead servant. 】

And Mograine suddenly jumped up from his horse and swung his sword towards Gul'dan on Boleleus' back.

Fearless cut!
clang!The two swords intersected, and the Great Lord's Sword in Mograine's hand was cut into countless fragments. The blade of Frostmourne slashed across Mograine's chest, and the powerful death magic instantly penetrated his heart. When Mograine When Lenny landed, his body already showed the unique aura of death of the undead.

He slowly got up from the ground, but his eyes had turned into blue will-o'-the-wisps.

Emperor Shenwu was dumbfounded, he must be an idiot.

This head was given as a gift...

Fortunately, Death and Decay was interrupted.

At this time Grogo Evil Eye also arrived with a team of evil knights.

(End of this chapter)

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