Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 531 The Lich King’s trump card

Chapter 531 The Lich King’s trump card
Grogo Evil Eye saw the scene in front of him and did not dare to rush up. He was not as reckless as Mograine.

He wouldn't even think about killing the Lich King alone.

The leader of such a large-scale group who takes the lead will inevitably be beaten, so it is better to throw a few magic spells from a distance.

A wave of his hand - evil energy entangles him!
A ball of green energy flew towards Gul'dan.

Gul'dan also waved his hand - Death Coil!
The two forces collided, and Gul'dan's power was superior. Not only did it shatter the energy of the evil entanglement, but the remaining power of the death entanglement also flew towards Grogo Evil Eye, accurately sinking into his body.

However, Grogo Evil Eye himself is an undead. After taking this Death Coil, not only did he not lose health, but he also seemed to be very replenished.

Gul'dan was slightly startled. He didn't know why, but the lifeless man in front of him felt inexplicably familiar to him.

"King Ryan? No, who are you?"

Grogo Evil Eye (Fel Knight): "Hehehe, what's wrong, Varian, you don't even come over to ask your dad when you see him, okay?"

Gul'dan sneered when he heard the voice, "Grogo Evil Eye? You, a traitor, are here too. Why do you want to associate with these humans and centaurs? Come on, Grogo, join me, join you Teacher... let us serve the Burning Legion together."

Just as Grogo Evil Eye was about to speak, Gul'dan's face suddenly became distorted.

Varian (Lich King): "No, what did you do! You despicable bastard, you dare to desecrate my father's body, I must..."

Gul'dan (Lich King): "Shut up!"

Gul'dan suddenly regained control of his body. He didn't expect that Varian, who had been suppressed for so long, would suddenly appear again. It must be because of the stimulation.

He sneered and looked at Grogo Evil Eye, "Traitor, is this your purpose? Huh, after all this time, you still haven't made any progress. You don't understand that strength is the foundation of everything. Sooner or later, your little cleverness will It will kill you, but it seems you have already died once.

Come my dear apprentice, come with me to a battle between death knight and death knight. "

Grogo Evil Eye didn't dare to pick a fight. What a joke.

Grogo Evil Eye (Fel Knight): "Hahahaha, Gul'dan, don't be joking. With evil heretics like you, there is no need to talk about fairness and justice. There are so many people here, why should I fight with them?" You challenge each other, let’s all join together!”

Dozens of evil knights raised their rune swords one after another, and dozens of evil arrows and evil energy flew towards the Lich King.

The power of evil can restrain the undead, and because it is a chaotic attack, even the undead will be harmed.

Gul'dan (Lich King): "It seems that you have found many subordinates for yourself, and you still use the necromancy skills I taught you. Didn't I teach you that low-level undead will instinctively move toward higher levels?" The undead of the higher order bow their heads and accept the command!
Obey me, obey your master, and obey the will of the Lich King! "

Gul'dan spread the powerful willpower of the Crown of Dominance around him.

Whispers of the Lich King - Activate!
In an instant, the minds of the death knights were filled with the voice of the Lich King, and a strong impulse drove them to serve the Lich King.

Grogo Evil Eye was taken aback and hurriedly concentrated his energy to fight against it.

Emperor Shenwu on the side saw it clearly.

"Quick, keep attacking, don't let him control all those evil knights."

After saying that, he stretched out his hand and changed the weapon to a bow and arrow - Quickline Wind Bow. He bent the bow and shot.

Weapon Special Effects - Harnessing the Arrow of the Wind!
Whoosh whoosh!He shot seven arrows in one breath.

The mages of Dalaran immediately fired a volley at him. The paladins did not rush forward and kill people, but summoned holy light to fall on the Lich King one after another.

For a moment, the Lich King became the focus of the fire. His blood volume dropped rapidly. Everyone present exploded with powerful output, and each one dealt more damage than the last.

However, for the Lich King, who has more than 500 million health bars, this damage is obviously not enough.

The Lich King casually stood in the area covered by fire, as if standing in the gentle breeze and drizzle, and swung his sword - the wave of ice struck again.

Earth barrier!

Emperor Shenwu blocked the blow again.

When Gul'dan saw this, he directly gave the order to attack.

He also has younger brothers, many of them.

Gul'dan (The Lich King): "My loyal servants, kill - kill all these living people."

Thousands of elite undead gathered around the Lich King immediately launched an attack.

During this period of time, the Lich King continued to resurrect and control the expansion of the undead army, with all kinds of undead under his command.

The most common ones are various skeleton soldiers, zombies, and ghouls, which are sent to the battlefield in large numbers as cannon fodder troops. Attacking in groups are completely cannon fodder troops used to consume the enemy's morale and magic power.

The more powerful undead after resurrection were divided into groups by Gul'dan and formed into troops with different uses.

Among them are the Vrykul undead warriors. These burly undead warriors who are more than three meters tall are extremely powerful, and because the Vrykul are actively transformed into undead by the temptation of power, their bodies are very well preserved, and they are as strong as the undead. Muscles have high physical damage reduction.

Thousands of Vrykul undead warriors came to kill them with an astonishing momentum.

Emperor Shenwu also immediately gave the order to attack, and his heavily armored horsemen, cavalry, and spear knights formed a tight formation and launched a wall charge.

Although the height is much shorter than that of the Vrykul, the centaur is long enough, and its four legs charge extremely fast, so the impact is not as bad as that of the Vrykul Undead Warrior.

The two torrents soon collided.

After a fierce collision, the centaur and the Vrykul fell to the ground.

Soldiers versus soldiers, generals versus generals, soldiers from both sides fought together, but the heroes launched a siege directly towards the Lich King.

The first row of Fel Knights are resistant to damage. Because Fel Knights are undead, they are highly resistant to many undead magics and can resist the line as long as they are not controlled.

The druid priests in the back row add blood and heal the Fel Knight.

The Paladins continued to use various Holy Light skills on the Lich King.

Emperor Shenwu has the most important job. He must always be prepared to deal with the Lich King's ultimate move. Although there are many heroes present, he is the only one who can compete with the Lich King head-on.

While everyone was besieging the Lich King, the war on the two wings was also developing. The two armies of the Alliance and Tribes had successfully begun to advance.

Although the undead army is large in number, its quality is obviously not good enough. There are a large number of low-level undead in it. Even if the death frenzy is turned on, it is no match for the elite Northern Expeditionary Army, which is generally at level [-] or above.

The exchange ratio easily reached over 1:10. Every time an alliance warrior fell, at least 10 undead soldiers had to be killed.

As the two armies slowly but surely pushed forward and squeezed, the coalition's front line soon vaguely surrounded the numerically superior undead army.

Seeing that the battle situation was strong for his side and the front was stable, Godwin asked Uther to lead the troops to continue fighting, but he led some paladins to kill towards the middle battlefield - the Lich King had been fighting for a long time, I don’t know how much blood is left, but don’t let anyone cut off my beard.

Ba Dao Qing Wu had the same idea, and asked a few young warlords to continue leading the battle, leading Hellscream and other tribal hero groups to kill in the middle.

Seeing more and more heroes around him, the Lich King was not afraid at all.

While resisting the joint siege of the surrounding heroes, he released a wave of ice from time to time, using large-scale AOE skills to suppress the coalition heroes.

Not caring at all that the wings were being squeezed.

Godwin (King of Lordaeron): "Gul'dan, your end has come. Let me, a believer in the Holy Light, kill you with my own hands."

Emperor Shenwu (King of the Centaurs): "Gul'dan, look around you. Facing so many heroes and warriors, even the Lich King will surely perish."

Ba Dao Qing Wu (the chief of the tribe): "Come on Gul'dan, hand over your crown of dominance, return to the tribe, I can spare your life - Hey, don't look at me with that look, I'm It’s called a strategy.”

Gul'dan sneered in response to all the clamor.Gul'dan (Lich King): "Hahahahaha, stupid mortals, you don't understand what kind of terrifying existence you are facing.

The Burning Legion will come, the Demon King will rule this world, and I will finish it all.

Do you think you have a chance to win? But you don't know that you have already fallen into my trap.

Come out, warriors of the undead.

Show up, soldiers of the Scourge. "

A low echo echoed over the battlefield, and the ground beneath everyone's feet suddenly began to tremble.

Emperor Shenwu had a very strong sense of the earth, and he immediately sensed that the tremor was coming from behind. He turned around suddenly and saw a scene that shocked him.

On the ground behind the coalition forces, lumps of earth continued to rise, and cave-dwelling monsters and death beetles with eight claws and sharp fangs kept emerging from the ground.

A huge beetle more than 30 meters long also appeared.

Crypt Lord - Anub'Rekhan.

boom!Another huge beetle with a body length of more than 40 meters emerged.

Crypt Lord - Anub'arak.

Anub'arak and Anub'rakhan were both kings of the Spider Kingdom. After being killed and resurrected by the Lich King, they became generals of the Scourge.

The bodies covered with thick carapace and spikes were like two giant tanks, charging into the crowd. The huge collision angle easily lifted off, smashed, and pierced the soldiers blocking the way.

Like two bulldozers, they destroyed the coalition's formation.The long-range troops rushed towards the mage troops in the rear.

The cave monsters and death beetles launched attacks even more frantically.

The alliance tribes were suddenly attacked from both sides and fell into chaos.

"Damn it, there's an ambush!"

At this time, everyone finally understood why the Scourge Legion would leave the beach and allow the coalition forces to land before attacking. They also retreated several miles at the beginning to allow the coalition forces enough space to expand their formation. This was simply to lay out bugs in advance and wait for an ambush. Woolen cloth.

The Alliance tribes hurriedly detached some troops to fight back.

But this ambush was just the beginning. A shrill roar suddenly sounded from the clouds in the sky.

Hundreds of giant frost dragons swooped down from the clouds. Around them, tens of thousands of gargoyles pressed down like dark clouds.

Gryphon Knight - Attack!
Dragon Eagle Knight - Attack!
Hippogriff Knight - Attack!
Dragon Knight - Attack!
Storm Dragon Knight - Attack!
The air forces of the Alliance, Horde, and Dark Night Alliance also took to the air to fight, fighting with the undead air force in mid-air.

Emperor Shenwu (King of Centaur): "Air force? An ambush underground? Is this your trump card? Gul'dan, I have to say that your strategy is very insidious, but to my Centaur Empire, it is nothing."

Gul'dan (Lich King): "No, this is my trump card!"

The power of death - the dead awaken!
With a wave of Frostmourne, the corpses of the soldiers who had died in the previous battle began to move again in an instant.

Although the coalition forces advanced smoothly before, killing and injuring 10,000+ undead.

But the same number of soldiers who lost ten thousand to twenty thousand were now burning with blue fire in their eyes, and they got up from the ground and rushed towards their comrades around them.

This hasn’t been played yet.

The Necromancer troops, who had been hiding behind the undead army, began to release various summoning spells under the command of Kel'Thuzad.

Resurrect the skeleton!

Corpse transformation!
The undead regroup!

Most necromancy summoning techniques use corpses to create undead creatures, which is essentially different from summoning demons and summoning elements.

Under the control of thousands of necromancers, skeleton warriors burst out from the bodies of the killed zombies and ghouls.

Or wake up again.

Even some severely damaged undead skeletons were directly gathered together and used necromantic magic to create heavy units such as skeleton giants and abominations.

Since many dead people and bones were at the feet or even behind the soldiers, this wave of summoned undead directly completely disrupted the coalition's formation, and the undead were everywhere for a while. "

The front line suddenly became chaotic.

Ba Dao Qing Wu (tribal chief): "The situation is not good."

Godwin (King of Lordaeron): "Aidan, can you help me?"

Emperor Shenwu (King of Centaur): "Brother Aidan, stop watching and help quickly."

"Aren't we still here?" Lesajes couldn't help but ask again.

"No, it's not time yet. Let's deal with the enemy in front of you first."

Murphy said and once again increased the magic output.

He stretched out his hands, and powerful magic gathered around him, forming a huge whirlpool of magic.

His hands stretched toward the sky, as if tearing something apart.

Ancient magic - meteor magic!

A crack suddenly appeared in the sky, and a huge meteorite fell suddenly from the crack.

Because the meteorite was so huge, the descent seemed extremely slow, but it only took more than ten seconds.

Rumble rumble rumble...

The dull impact made the earth tremble, and the mushroom cloud and powerful shock wave sent flying sand and rocks into the sky.

brush!With a flash of golden light, Mo Fei immediately upgraded.

This meteor technique killed thousands of undead, and the shock wave knocked down more undead.

Ba Dao Qingqing (tribal chief): "Damn, he's awesome."

Godwin (King of Lordaeron): "Well done Aidan."

Emperor Shenwu (King of the Centaurs): "Brother Aidan, can you do magic?"

Aidan (Lord Protector of Alterac): "I understand a little bit."

The mages in Dalaran were dumbfounded. Shouldn't magic be our specialty?
Murphy was about to continue his attack with a few more blows when he suddenly felt the sky darken and a strong wind rise from the ground. He subconsciously raised his head and saw a giant dragon that looked like a mountain.

It flew over the battlefield like it blocked the sky and the sun.

Murphy was also shocked when he looked at the terrifying skeletal dragon with a wingspan of more than a kilometer.


He actually resurrected Galakrond!

(End of this chapter)

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