Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 532 Ancient Dragon King VS Galakrond

Chapter 532 Ancient Dragon King VS Galakrond
Galakrond was indeed the former King of Ancient Dragons. Just flying through the air, his terrifying pressure caused the coalition soldiers on the ground to fall into fear.

This kind of terror does not only come from the terrifying dragon power emanating from Galakrond.

Even if such a huge thing flies over the head, the fear of giant creatures is born from the heart.

Just one appearance caused large-scale restlessness and uneasiness.

For players, what is more concerning is Galakrond's level and rank.

Galakrond (Undead Dragon King), the world-destroying first-level BOSS, level: value:? ? ? ? ? ? .

Um?Why isn't the health value displayed?Murphy thought with some surprise.

What surprised Murphy even more was that this thing could actually fly?

The holes in the wings are almost as big as a basketball court.

The broken dragon wings don't look aerodynamic at all.

After inheriting the wisdom of the ancient dragon, Murphy also knew the whole story of Galakrond's fall.

After the death of the Dragon God, Galakrond decided to devour everything and absorb all the power to become the Dragon God.

However, despite devouring countless raw powers, Galakrond failed to achieve his desired goals.

It gradually began to fall into madness. In order to achieve its goal, he was even ruthless in eating, and began to attack other archosaurs. In order to seize the power they absorbed, he would not even let go of the corpses of the same kind.

Galakrond's mind and body were eventually twisted by the power of the dead as he continued to consume the dead protodragons.Malformed limbs and dozens of eyes sprouted from his huge body.Death energy surges through Galakrond's jagged skin, resurrecting the dead.

These necromantic powers seep into Galakrond's prey, resurrecting them into mindless abominations.

Galakrond's army of minions grows.Soon, he and his corrupt followers became a scourge in the skies of Kalimdor.The other ancestral dragons have already been greatly weakened due to long-term confrontation with each other, and are unable to join forces to fight against this new threat.

In the end, it was the guardian Tyr sent by the Titans who joined forces with the five dragon kings to defeat Galakrond with the help of the power of the gods and the power of guardianship.

Galakrond's body fell onto an icy snowfield that eventually became the Dragonblight.

Its corpse was buried by Deathwing with the power of the earth, and the Wyrmrest Temple was built on the skeleton, and five ancient dragons were sent to guard it to prevent it from resurrecting again.

Unexpectedly, thousands of years later, he would be resurrected again by some strange combination of circumstances and become the Immortal Dragon King.

Speaking of which, Galakrond itself is a dragon with the attribute of death, so the title of the Undead Dragon King is fitting.

After all, he had been buried underground for tens of thousands of years and did not have the immortal body of an ancient dragon. After his resurrection, Galakrond had lost most of his flesh and blood. Huge bones were exposed everywhere on his broken body, and his mountain-like body was full of They were all covered with bone spurs and filled with the smell of death.

Coupled with its huge size, it looks even more terrifying.

Lesajes: "I didn't expect that Galakrond would end up like this. The former King of Ancient Dragons should not have ended up like this."

Irudikon: "It has been infiltrated by the power of death and has become the incarnation of death. It must be purified."

Willanoz: "Those useless guardian dragons actually let a group of mortals dig them out."

Philek: "Master, what are you waiting for? Let us understand it."

Murphy hesitated slightly. The series of question marks made him doubtful. Unfortunately, his four subordinates could not see those question marks.

But there was no time to think too much at this time, because Galakrond had already opened its terrifying abyss-like mouth towards the coalition forces on the ground.

Death annihilates the dragon's breath!

Black flames surged forward.

The flames covered such a large area that most soldiers had no chance to dodge.

This black flame containing the power of death was terrifying and abnormal. A breath of dragon breath sprayed out, directly sweeping out a huge gap in the dense coalition front.

Thousands of soldiers were killed instantly.

All the heroes were stunned, how could they fight this?
One mouthful can cause thousands of casualties. Spray dozens of mouthfuls and the coalition forces are basically gone.

"Shoot it down!"

"What is the Air Force doing?"

"Mage, Mage! Hurry up and turn it on!"

"Eat a shower of meteors from me!"

"Gryphon Knight—Attack!"

In an instant, countless coalition air forces launched an attack on Galakrond. All long-range firepower on the ground was aimed at the behemoth flying slowly in the sky.

All kinds of magic, dragon's breath, thunder and lightning, ballistae, rained down on Galakrond's body - raindrops in the true sense. For Galakrond's terrifying size, ordinary magic was really like raindrops. negligible.

A dense explosion then exploded on Galakrond's body, but Galakrond didn't care.

Another breath of death and annihilation dragon sprayed out, killing thousands of soldiers again.

However, the even more terrifying thing about Galakrond's Death Dragon's Breath is yet to come. The soldiers who were sprayed to death by the dragon's breath all had their flesh and blood burnt away by the black flames, leaving only charred skeletons, and these skeletons were actually dying. Under the influence of energy, he gradually began to stand up, transformed into an undead and became a member of the Scourge.

Originally, the coalition forces were at a disadvantage in terms of numbers. The undead resurrected in various ways disrupted the formation. Now they are being burned to death and transformed in batches. If this continues, the battle will be over in less than 10 minutes. Law beat.

Unfortunately, this guy's health bar was so long that it couldn't even be displayed. The coalition fired at full fire for several rounds, but there was no change in the health bar at all, or was it just a series? ? ? ? ?
Ba Dao Qingqing raised the Ashbringer to calculate the distance and decisively gave up on opening the weapon.

Too far.

Godwin hesitated whether to fly up and start a fight, but after looking at the hesitant allies around him and the Lich King in the distance, he gave up.

Only Emperor Shenwu had to fight at this time. He had no choice but to do so. He was in the middle of the formation, and all Galakrond was spraying was his troops.

Gritting his teeth, he raised the staff and opened the gravity barrier. This kind of flying unit should be pulled down first.

However, he was stopped by the shadow of war on the side.

"Are you crazy, Your Majesty? If you use the gravity barrier to pull it down, our troops will be completely destroyed?"

Emperor Shenwu reacted immediately, and now he didn't even dare to take action. This thing probably weighed tens of thousands of tons, and it was hovering over the army of men and horses. Once it fell, his troops would suffer heavy casualties, and even if it was pulled, There is no way to fight it when it comes down. It is so big and tough, and no control skills can control it.

Although Galakrond is the first level of world destruction, one level lower than the Lich King, on such a large-scale battlefield, he is much more terrifying than the Lich King.

"Then what should we do? We can't wait to die!"

"Get the self-destructing troll bat on!"

"It's useless. It's so big. Even if I use up all the self-destruction bats I brought, it won't blow up."

"How about we retreat first!"

"How to withdraw? The troops are all engaged in battle. They are already a little unable to hold on. As soon as they withdraw, their morale will collapse."

The heroes were at a loss for a while and almost fell into despair.

A voice suddenly sounded behind everyone.

"You are no match for it - let me deal with it!"

When everyone turned around, they saw Aidan suddenly appearing behind him with four strange-looking men.

Godwin hesitated and said: "Aidan? I know you can transform into a dragon, but compared with that thing, I'm afraid the Storm Dragon King is no match."

Mo Fei smiled slightly, "Storm Dragon King? Hahahaha, that is already in the past. Let you witness with your own eyes the moment when this ancient holy relic appears again and the original overlord returns again."

The incarnation of ancient dragon!

This was the first time he used this power in front of other players.

The small body instantly grew larger, and a strangely shaped giant dragon appeared in front of everyone.

The surface of the body is covered by rock-like dragon scales, four dragon wings are raised high, the layers of dragon horns are as sharp as mountain peaks, and the whole body is surrounded by red thunder.

Although it was much smaller than the terrifying body of Galakrona, the dragon with a wingspan of more than [-] meters still made everyone look at it.

The key is that the sacred and ancient aura emanating from this strange dragon shook the morale of the surrounding NPC soldiers. The troops that had already shown signs of morale collapse immediately regained their morale.

The King of Ancient Dragons?

Godwin was deeply shocked. The mysterious ancient dragon in front of him made him fearful. He had a feeling that the power level of this ancient dragon might still be higher than that of Nagaraklone.

Emperor Shenwu also felt the power of this ancient dragon, but he couldn't help but ask, "Is it okay, Brother Aidan?"

Aidan Delon (King of Ancient Dragons): "Don't worry, everyone, I'm not fighting alone." Ancient Dragon made a majestic voice. "Disaster Dragon, come with me to fight!"

With four thunderous dragon roars, the four disaster dragons transformed together.

The heroes were stunned as they didn't expect Aidan to have so many powerful subordinates.

Each of the four disaster dragons is a world-level fourth-level or world-level fifth-level BOSS, plus Mo Fei, a world-level fourth level.

There are a total of five world-class fourth-level/ fifth-level BOSS.

This gorgeous scene immediately boosted everyone's morale.

With such a powerful ally, there is nothing to fear.

Five giant dragons soared into the sky and rushed towards the mountain-like Galakrond in the sky.

Emperor Shenwu (King of the Centaur): "Galakrond has Brother Aidan to deal with it, we can't fall behind, let's destroy the Lich King together!"

Emperor Shenwu roared and took the lead in charging.

Just as Godwen was about to shout slogans and lead the charge, he was robbed of the limelight, and he suddenly felt depressed.

Why does it feel like this guy has become the number one commander of the coalition forces?

Godwin (King of Lordaeron): "Let's go too! Paladin - charge!"


"For the Alliance!"

"For the tribe!"

"For the Dark Night Alliance!"

"For Aidandlon!"

A group of heroes attacked the Lich King together. Originally, everyone was trying to mix up the assists and let others go first. However, Galakrond's appearance immediately made everyone afraid to delay any longer.

Gul'dan looked at the swarming Alliance heroes and snorted, "Come on, ants, face the power of the Lich King!"

The real decisive battle finally begins.


At this moment, the battle in the sky has also begun to break out.

The five giant dragons flew into the sky and immediately attracted Galakrond's attention, especially the ancient dragon king Aidandron flying at the front. The familiar yet unfamiliar appearance made Galakrond's originally dead pupils shrink.

For the first time, I had mood swings.

The huge dragon's face was even more distorted.

Galakrond (Undead Dragon King): "Ancient dragon...impossible...impossible...who are you...let me...devour you..."

Mo Feixin said that this guy still wants to eat it.

Aidandron (King of Ancient Dragons): "I am the reincarnation of the Dragon God. The new King of Ancient Dragons, Aidandron, is also the one who will make the ancient dragon clan rise again. Galakrond, please be loyal to me. I will lead the dragon clan to return to the world. Kamyatra, the city in the sky, be loyal to me. When I become a god, I will give you the body of an immortal ancient dragon, allowing you to become a sacred and noble ancient dragon again, and get rid of your current half-dead appearance."

Galakrond (Undead Dragon King): "You lie...I am...the Dragon God...devour...devour everything..."

The intermittent voice had obviously lost its rationality and ability to think.

"Hmph, that's it then—let's do it, everyone."

With an order, the four disaster dragons could no longer hold back and launched an attack.

Lysajes (Thunder-Eating Dragon): "Thunder! Listen to my command."

Philek (Fire Dragon): "Fire! Roar with me."

Irudikoon (Dragon of Collapsing Mountains): "The earth! Crack everything apart!"

Willanoz (Frost Dragon): "Ice! Freeze the sky!"

Four powerful dragon breaths blasted towards Galakrond together, so powerful that the sky was filled with light.

The thunder of destruction penetrated the dragon scales.

The flames burned flesh and blood.

The force of collapse shattered the dragon scales into pieces.

The frost spread, covering Galakrond's body with frost.

But these are not as good as the ancient dragon's thunder. The red super ancient dragon thunder directly hits Galakrond's head, blowing Galakrond's head to one side and leaving a huge thunder mark on his face.

Roar!Galakrond let out a roar of pain, and this attack finally made it feel the pain for the first time.

The death and annihilation dragon's breath suddenly spurted out.

The black flames that filled the sky instantly annihilated the dragon breaths of the five giant dragons, shining on the five dragons like spreading dark clouds.

The first one to bear the brunt is Murphy.

Galakrond seemed to have identified his new ancient dragon and completely ignored the other four disaster dragons.

Mo Fei didn't dare to take a direct hit. For a range attack like Dragon's Breath, the larger the body, the higher the damage stacked. A dragon with a wingspan of more than a hundred meters would definitely do explosive damage if hit directly from the front, but it would be a humanoid unit. The damage taken is much higher.

The power of magic network protection——Dragon Flash!
A teleport appeared above Galakrond.

Dragon combat skill——Dragon Pendant!
The four wings are brought together and rotated downward, like a meteorite falling from the sky!

boom!The huge force of the collision caused Galakrond's flight to tilt downward again.

It flapped its wings vigorously, setting off a terrifying wind pressure like a hurricane, and the breath of death was churning all over its body. It spun in the air and threw Murphy off its back. It turned around and stretched out its huge dragon claws dozens of meters long, towards Murphy. Catch them.

If he is caught, Gu Long may not be able to break free even with his strength.

Thundercloud incarnation!

The huge dragon claw went down and passed directly through the thunderclouds.

Thunder Cloud instantly returned to the form of an ancient dragon, and another blast of dragon thunder struck Galakrond's face.

The damage is not high, the insult is very strong.

Galakrond opened his mouth wide-Ouch!
The dragon devours!

Galakrond opened the abyss's maw and actually activated the swallowing skill.

I want to swallow a world-class BOSS.

Mo Feixin said you were kidding?A sense of absurdity arose in his heart. This was impossible.

However, after taking a look at the size of the abyss's maw and the size of Galakrond, he really didn't dare to bet on it.

The swallowing skill is a biological instinct, not magic, and the scales of the ancient dragon are useless. Once swallowed, it may be difficult to escape.

He accelerated quickly, Gu Long's flying speed was not afraid of anyone.

A hat trick, he flew above Galakrond. He did not stop, accelerated again, and instantly flew to an altitude of more than a thousand meters above Galakrond.

The distance is enough—Dragon Thunder Storm!
The sky was suddenly filled with crimson thunder, dragon thunder fell one after another, and the sound of thunder filled the sky.

Under normal circumstances, Dragon Thunder Storm is okay against miscellaneous soldiers and monsters, but it is not very useful against BOSS because its power is scattered.

But to deal with this kind of super giant BOSS, it is precisely this kind of multi-stage AOE skill that is most effective.
Because Galakrond was so large, almost every dragon thunder from the Dragon Thunder Storm hit Galakrond.

The damage of each dragon thunder is calculated separately. In the blink of an eye, dozens of dragon thunders hit the target, causing tens of thousands of damage.

The crimson thunder tore through Galakrond's flesh and shattered its scales. However, what surprised Murphy was, that string? ? ? ?There was still no change in the blood bar.

While Mo Fei continued to release the dragon thunder, he frowned slightly in his heart. Something was wrong. No matter how strong he was, it was impossible for the blood volume to be unable to be displayed, right? You know? ? ? ?This kind of display must be beyond the rules of the game. Before, Murphy had only seen similar phenomena in two super-god-level entities, Dragon God and Void Will.

Although Galakrond is powerful, he cannot be on the same level as the Dragon God and the Will of the Void.

(End of this chapter)

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