Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 533 Three Kings Fight the Lich

Chapter 533 Three Kings Fight the Lich

Before Murphy could figure out what was going on, Galakrond had already rushed over again. The huge body like a mountain set off a violent storm in the air. The dragon's mouth opened wide, absorbing everything around it like a hurricane, as if it wanted to swallow everything. .

Endless devour!

The four disaster dragons quickly distanced themselves.

Murphy, however, stood still and faced Galakrond directly. Controlling the power of the storm made him completely immune to the effects of all wind spells.

However, looking at the giant mouth getting closer and closer, a bold idea suddenly came to Murphy's mind.

With a flap of his wings, he flew directly towards the huge dragon's mouth...


Thordrasus - Throne of the Dragon.

The five dragon kings were gathered in the hall. Kalecgos used magic to create a magic mirror, and the live scene of the Death Beach battlefield was playing in the mirror.

Whether it is the battle between the heroes of the coalition forces and the Lich King, or the fight between the Ancient Dragon King and Galakrond, they are all clearly visible in the picture.

Although the Aspect Dragon gave up on the Wyrmrest Temple, it still paid attention to this war.

Ysera looked at the gradually declining coalition forces and couldn't help but said: "Are we really not going to intervene in this war? It is our responsibility to protect the world. The rise of the Lich King will inevitably bring serious consequences to the world. Disaster may even trigger the Burning Legion again, should we just sit back and watch?"

Alexstrasza sighed, "The loss of the dragon army is too tragic, especially the loss of the ancient dragon. This is irreparable. It is the first time that the dragon army has suffered such a heavy blow. The last time it suffered such a heavy blow, The casualties are still in the ancient war against the Burning Legion.

Now the Dragon Legion is no longer able to continue to maintain the order of this world, so we must shrink our forces and take a long-term approach. "

Nozdormu: "You're right, time has been disrupted. Even I can't predict what will happen in the future from this chaotic time. We must proceed with caution."

Morpheus was more straightforward, "Everyone, the balance of power has been broken. The power of the mortal race is getting stronger and stronger, but the dragon army has suffered heavy losses, so we must take care of ourselves first, and then consider protecting the world. What's more, the disaster dragons have already intervened in this war. Who knows what their intentions are?
Rather than wasting the lives of the dragons, it would be better to let the disaster dragon fight to the death with the Scourge Legion.

For now, we should focus more on improving the strength of the Dragon Legion and mastering the power to completely change the situation. "

After hearing Morpheus's words, several dragon kings showed surprised expressions.

"What are your plans, Morpheus?" Alexstrasza asked.

Morpheus answered calmly, "City in the Sky - Throne of the Dragon God."

Alexstrasza shook his head, "The Sky City refuses entry to ethnic groups other than ancient dragons. If we return to the Sky City, we will inevitably be attacked by the guardians of Kamyatra, not to mention that it is impossible to obtain the divine power of the Dragon God. It is not that simple, you must have the power of authority, to be precise, the power of the five kinds of authority.

Only ancient dragons can carry such powerful power. "

Morpheus nodded and looked at the palm of his hand. The dragon soul was made of the scales of the ancient dragon as a carrier, condensing the five protective powers.

"That's true, but what if we were promoted to Dragon God together?"

Be promoted to Dragon God together?
This wild imagination shocked several dragon kings.

Can you still play like this?
"Is this—possible?"

"How will you know if you don't try it? We control the power of guardianship, life, time, earth, arcana, and even the soul. If we can make good use of these five powers, we may not be able to create such a spell.

Think about it, if we can obtain the power of the Dragon God, then the world will completely surrender to the new order we create.

As for these mortals, hum, they naturally have their destiny. Despite the dangers, I believe they will win in the end. "

Several Dragon Kings were all lost in thought.


Emperor Shenwu (King of the Centaurs): "Keep fighting warriors, we will surely win the final victory."

The Shenwu Emperor roared, waving the halberd in his hand, and fought hard to kill the Lich King.

At this moment, the war between the coalition forces and the Scourge Legion has entered a white-hot state.

Both sides committed all their reserve forces.

The Scourge Legion sent out previously were basically cannon fodder. Although the quantity was huge, the quality was low. Now they have put a large number of elite undead into the battlefield.

The Skeleton Knight, the Abomination, and the Necromancer were finally thrown into the battlefield at this time. The addition of these elite forces immediately changed the situation of the battle, and the exchange ratio instantly became better.

Especially the necromancers. These casters who are proficient in necromancy hide behind the massive undead and perform all kinds of evil and weird necromancy, including corpse explosion, undead plague, and various curse magics, which increase the casualties of the coalition forces.

As for the coalition forces, they finally waited for the follow-up force - the adventurer army.

Due to the limited fleet capacity, the three fleets mainly transported the armies directly under the three leaders.Only a few well-connected adventurers took advantage of the favorable conditions.

The remaining hundreds of thousands of adventurers who wanted to join the war could only take relatively slow merchant ships, following far behind the fleet, and finally reached the coastline.

As soon as he saw the battlefield in front of him, he immediately screamed and joined the battlefield.

With the addition of this group of adventurers, the coalition finally stabilized the situation.

Not only are these adventurers not weak in strength, but they also have a natural advantage in that they will not be resurrected as undead.

Now the two sides are engaged in a big melee across the board, but the focus of the war is undoubtedly the battle over the Lich King. As long as the Lich King is captured, the Scourge will no longer be a threat.

Therefore, the three major leaders all brought their elite men to gather here, and the heroes from various kingdoms, forces, and even wild heroes also gathered around the battlefield. Although they did not expect to steal the Lich King's head, they could just help out. It would also be good to get the achievement of a savior hero.

If you blow it out in the future, it will be your qualifications.

Around the entire Lich King, there were almost a hundred heroes of all levels gathered.

However, although there are many heroes, few dare to fight head-on. There is no way, the Lich King's damage is too high.

Coupled with the instant death skill, if you are not careful, you will be killed in seconds. Mograine's lessons are obvious to all.

Ordinary heroes only have a few thousand HP, so they don't dare to waste it.

At this time, the three leaders of the coalition were the three leaders of the coalition, Emperor Shenwu, Godwin, and Ba Dao Wuwu.

Especially for Emperor Shenwu, I don't know if the aura of the protagonist of the legendary hero has taken effect, or if Gul'dan hates him too much, and the Lich King is staring at him from beginning to end.

In words, he was regarded as the commander-in-chief of this coalition.

Gul'dan (Lich King): "Death, Emperor Shenwu, you will pay the price for your betrayal of me.

Accept the sentence of death, and your soul will eventually be mine. "

Seeing the Lich King coming to kill again, the Shenwu Emperor finally opened up.

Legendary Hero Skill—The Will of the Centaur Emperor.

[The Will of the Centaur Emperor (Legendary Hero Skill/Domination Skill)
Use: Add additional attribute bonuses to you based on the number of ethnic groups you rule. The stronger the forces you rule and the higher the population, the higher the bonus effect.

The effect will gradually decay over six 10 minutes.

Skill introduction: The Shenwu Emperor is the emperor of the centaur clan, representing the highest majesty of the centaur clan and embodying the glory of the centaur clan. The will of the people of the empire will be with you. 】

This skill can be said to be specially prepared for commanding heroes like Shenwu Emperor. The population of the Centaur clan has reached millions, and their power evaluation has also reached a very strong level. The attribute bonuses it can provide are terrifying. All attributes of the Shenwu Emperor were doubled several times.

His whole body has grown in size, his muscles are as solid as a rock, and his body is emitting a spiritual light from the earth. His whole body is as powerful as an unshakable god.

Coupled with the ten-fold blood volume bonus from the camp leader, the blood volume now reached one million. When competing with Gul'dan in terms of skills, they were evenly matched.

Of course, blood will still fall out.

Emperor Shenwu (King of the Centaurs): "Heal me Godwin quickly!"

What a day!Godwin cursed in his heart, I am the protagonist, why am I reduced to a wet nurse?
However, he was still clear about the powerful form. Although he felt unhappy, he still applied the Holy Light Techniques to the Shenwu Emperor.Gul'dan (Lich King): "Emperor Shenwu, you have become stronger, but you can't escape my sharp blade. I will chop off your head and forge it into a piece of equipment."

Frostmourne - Hungry!
Emperor Shenwu (King of Centaur): "How about you try my shot first?"

Spear combat skill - Fearless Knight Charge!
The swords and halberds intersected, and a crack appeared in the halberd in Emperor Shenwu's hand.

Emperor Shenwu was secretly shocked. This legendary weapon in his hand was actually chopped into pieces...

But it's not surprising. Although the legendary weapons are powerful, they are completely inferior compared to the artifact of Frostmourne.

Godwin finally had a chance to show off.

His weapon has also been changed. Since he completed the task issued by the Supreme Will, he received a reward weapon-the Golden Law Holy Sword.

At this moment, the holy sword is in hand, and the holy light gathers instantly.

"Holy Light, turn your power into an indestructible blade!"

Holy light destroys evil!
A sword was swung out, followed by a charge.

Gul'dan waved his sword and blocked the light blade.

"Human King, even the Holy Light cannot save you."

Soul-stealing blade!

clang!The two swords collided, and Godwin was so shocked that he took several steps back. On the other hand, the Lich King remained motionless.

Damn, it’s still a lot worse.Godwin thought to himself.

Gul'dan sneered slightly, this guy is quite powerful.

Ba Dao Qingqing (tribal chief): "Goudan—eat me with a knife!"

Void Shattering Slash!
Ba Dao Wuqing can't help it. Apart from the centaurs, human kings are already here. It would be too embarrassing if he, the majestic chief, doesn't show his respect.

Fortunately, Ashbringer is still in hand, so it's not a waste.

Gul'dan hurriedly swung his sword to fight for the third time.

This time, Ba Dao Qing Wu relied on the power of the artifact to evenly compete with the Lich King.

Gul'dan was shocked. Is this guy Ba Dao Qing Wu so powerful?
No, it was the weapon in the opponent's hand. This giant sword burning with shadow flames was not much worse than Frostmourne.

The collision of ice and fire created a huge shock wave.

Let both of them take a few steps back.

Gul'dan snorted coldly, "The ruthless sword? The tribe has really fallen. Even a loser like you can become the warchief."

Ba Dao Qingqing cursed loudly, "You damn bitch, you can't speak human words. You are a second-fifth son of the tribe and the leader of the devil, but you have the nerve to talk to others." Ba Dao Qingqing is so angry. Isn't he just picking things up? He has a great chief, how come anyone can give him a few words?

But the power of this artifact is really not overwhelming. With the Ashbringer, what do I have to worry about? I can do it myself.Maybe I can crush Frostmourne with one sword like in the original history.

If he could kill the Lich King with his own hands, then no one would dare to question the majesty of his great chief.

Ba Dao glanced behind him ruthlessly. He was not afraid now. The leader of the camp had a tenfold health bonus. Although his health bar was not as exaggerated as that of Emperor Shenwu when he was in state, it was still close to 20. Plus the health bar behind him A group of royal wet nurses, great prophets, great shamans, and great witch doctors were all there to increase his health at any time, so it was not easy for him to die.

On the other side, Godwin has gathered nannies and tanks, and the paladins around him can each increase their health.

Gul'dan fought with these alliance heroes for a long time, and suddenly found that he could not lose any of them-except for Mograine, who gave away his life at the beginning.

The main reason is that these three leaders are too tough and it is very difficult to kill them.

He glanced at the heroes outside the circle around him, and suddenly he thought, why should he go to such lengths with the three guys in front of him? He could just attack these weak heroes.

Death Grip!

A prophet who was adding blood to Tyrant Blade was instantly grabbed by a force.

Before he could react, Frostmourne stabbed him through the chest.
7859 (fatal blow)!


This player never expected that the Lich King would suddenly attack him.

[System prompt: You have been killed. Since you were killed by the Lich King himself, you have been given a chance to choose.

Option 1: Accept the Lich King's transformation.Your race will be automatically transformed into the undead race, retaining most of the ranks, skills, and attributes in life, fighting for the Lich King, and at the same time being controlled by the Lich King.

Your professional prophet will be automatically converted into a necromancer, and your skills will be converted into necromancy spells of the same type.

Option 2: Refuse to surrender to the Lich King: Your character will die permanently and cannot log in again, but the character will appear in the battle sequence of the Scourge and become an NPC character. 】

This player has his heart set on it, so why should he say it? He decisively chooses to surrender.

In an instant, blue soul flames burst out from the eyes of the orc prophet. All the original skills of the prophet disappeared and turned into the skill tree of the necromancer.

The healing wave turned into a negative energy wave, the flame blast turned into a ghostly flame, the blessing spell turned into a curse spell...

Well, at least the number is saved.

Death Grip!

A paladin was also captured.

Soul Reaper Blade.

Ba Dao Qingqing was horrified, "The nest is not good. If this guy wants to have our little brother perform surgery on him, I will do it for him."

While roaring, Gul'dan made a gesture behind him.

"Hmph, do you think I didn't see those mice of yours?"

The Lich King has anti-stealth units like ghosts under his command. There are dozens of ghosts around him at any time as his eyesights. No matter whether they are sneaking or being invisible, they cannot escape his attention.

Ripple of death!

A stream of death energy spread out in all directions, and several figures suddenly appeared in the air.

Jian Wuhen, Garona, Black Knife Dixi, Grom Hellscream, Black Shadow...

With one move, a group of guys who were hiding and waiting to grab heads were exploded. Everyone looked at each other, a little embarrassed.

However, they had no time to be embarrassed. Gul'dan waved his hand, and hordes of undead were already coming towards them.

"You mortals have no chance. The Scourge is unstoppable."

Death Grip - Soul-stealing Blade!

The one who was killed this time was a centaur warlord. After being killed, he decisively gave up and chose to surrender directly.

Seeing Gul'dan killing several people in a row, Emperor Shenwu became anxious.

If this continues, wouldn't it mean that the undead are fighting more and more, and they are fighting less and less.

After fighting for so long, Gul'dan lost more than 50 HP. If he continued to consume it, he might not be able to do 200 million damage and there would be no one on his side.

(End of this chapter)

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