Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 535 The Journey of Natural Disaster

Chapter 535 The Journey of Natural Disaster

After listening to Murphy's explanation, the leaders of the three camps finally understood.

Godwin (King of Lordaeron): "Humph, is that so? The game company seems to be just that generous. It promised to let players create history and compose legends, but after a long time, they still have to preset the plot."

Emperor Shenwu (King of the Centaur): "I think it's reasonable. If the Lich King was defeated so easily, then it might not be considered a legend. It's just a small villain who occasionally shows up and is easily eliminated by righteous people. That's all, maybe even the plot characters in our respective camps won't take the Lich King too seriously.

Losing a game like this now is not completely without benefits, at least it can make them realize the seriousness of the matter.

When this world is in dire straits and we defeat the Lich King at that time, we will be considered a true legend. "

Tyrant Sword Wuqing (the chief of the tribe): "It can be explained this way... Well, no wonder my sword didn't cut off Frostmourne. It turned out to be the fault of the system. Humph, Gul'dan predicted your fortune. I won’t be so lucky next time I meet you.”

The three of them accepted this result easily.

In fact, the three of them were still a little guilty. In order to grab the Lich King's head at the last moment in the battle just now, the three of them saved their ultimate moves at the bottom of the box and waited until their health reached the bottom before using them. It can be said that they did not use their full strength.

At this moment, Murphy gave a reasonable explanation and simply quit.

Since this battle was impossible to win, the three of them were decisive and immediately began to command the troops to retreat.

The troops they brought out were all elite troops under their respective command. If they could fight to kill the Lich King, the casualties would be acceptable, but now that it is clear that there is no chance, why not hurry up and rescue them - this is all money.

The three of them each took the most elite troops to retreat, and asked their soldiers and generals to quickly withdraw to the warships at sea.

Fortunately, the sea surface had long been frozen, so the retreat did not lead to a big collapse.

However, in the face of the undead army pressing forward like a tidal wave, the one who can really cut off the rear is Mo Fei.

Murphy flew to the coastline and stopped. Facing the undead chasing after him like a tide, he opened his ultimate move.

Storm Authority—Big Storm!
Arcane Power - Stars Fall!
Super Ancient Dragon Thunder—Dragon Thunder Storm!
A huge storm quickly enveloped the entire battlefield, and the howling wind made it difficult for the undead to move. The Ancient Dragon King was suspended above the storm, with red lightning shining all over his body, causing countless dragon thunders to continuously bombard the ground, and at the same time, countless arcane meteors filled the sky. It passed by and fell to the ground like raindrops.

Murphy activated three ultimate moves at the same time, forming a death line at the junction of the beach and the ice.

Any undead that crossed the limit were instantly blown to pieces and turned into ashes.

The consumption of doing so is undoubtedly very huge. Although arcane energy can be extracted infinitely from the magic network, the power of faith will inevitably decrease rapidly again.

But Mo Fei doesn't care. Showing divine power can also boost the morale of believers and increase the power of faith.

Gul'dan looked at the ancient dragon king who blocked the natural disaster army with the power of a dragon, and showed an expression of disbelief.

"This is impossible, such a powerful force... What is the origin of that rock monster dragon?"

Several fear demon kings looked at each other and showed uneasy expressions. Next, they will attack the eastern continent and seize the magic network node that opens the portal. With such a powerful enemy, I am afraid that the operation will not be so easy to succeed.

In the face of this terrible destructive power, even the undead felt fear.

Winter is Coming and Conan the Barbarian King stopped their skeletal war horses and looked at the Ancient Dragon King in the sky in shock. Is Aidan so awesome?Who is the BOSS?

Only one person—or rather, a dragon—was not afraid. Galakrond flapped his wings violently, rose into the air again, and rushed towards the ancient dragon king who was guiding the casting of spells.

The huge size difference between the two makes the scene look like a giant whale pounces on a seabird.

The strong airflow generated by the flapping of Galakrond's wings directly shattered the ice surface, and even the undead flew wherever he flew. Many coalition soldiers running behind fell into the sea and struggled to swim. With.

Facing Galakrond, Murphy did not retreat. Galakrond was indeed powerful, but after being resurrected from the dead, his strength was obviously not as strong as before. And now that he has mastered two major powers, he can be regarded as an extraordinary existence that has stepped into the realm of dragon god. , although the opponent cannot kill the opponent without showing up his health bar, but if it is just a headshot, there is still no problem.

Aidandron (King of Ancient Dragons): "Are you here... Galakrond, you are indeed very powerful, but even you must surrender to the power of the King of Ancient Dragons."

The miracle of the storm - the big tornado!

The airflow in the storm suddenly began to shrink and squeeze towards the inner circle, converging into a violent and huge tornado. Even Galakrond's terrifying power was temporarily sucked by the tornado and unable to move forward.

Arcane authority—ancient forbidden spell—Great Meteor Technique!
The sky obscured by dark clouds and storms suddenly lit up, and a crimson light slowly fell in a circle of darkness. When the light passed through the clouds, it was finally possible to see clearly that it was a huge meteorite with a diameter of tens of meters. , carrying light and heat, falling vertically toward the center of the storm.

This magic stance outputs absolute damage and explosion. Unfortunately, the spell moves forward too long. Under normal circumstances, it is difficult to hit fast-moving units, let alone flying units. It is just a matter of throwing a shot into the crowd on the battlefield to brush off the miscellaneous soldiers. That’s all.

But at this time, Galakrond's huge size, coupled with his inability to move, became the best target for this meteor technique.

In front of everyone's eyes, the meteorite fell on Galakrond's back.

Boom - rumble, rumble!
Violent explosions resounded throughout the world, and dazzling firelight raised a huge mushroom cloud, like a nuclear bomb exploding in the air.

The shock wave dispersed most of the storm.

Galakrond also fell directly into the ice sea in the violent explosion, splashing ice water all over the sky, and disappeared in a whirlpool.

Murphy looked at the sea quietly. There was no systematic killing prompt. It seemed that he was still alive...

But this time, the Scourge Legion finally did not dare to continue the pursuit.

Murphy glanced at the endless army of undead on the coast, as well as the Scourge Legion boss group led by Gul'dan. The dragon's wings turned and flew towards the retreating fleet.

Gul'dan did not pursue, but just watched the Ancient Dragon King's disappearing figure.

"Master, is the war over?" Kel'Thuzad looked at the fleet and asked the Lich King beside him.

Gul'dan (Lich King): "No, this war has just begun. We are about to embark on a journey to conquer the world. I will forge the road to kingship with the bones and flesh of thousands of undead, and the mortal kingdom will be razed to the ground. On the plains, humans, orcs, elves, dwarves...all living people will become my servants.

Enemies who stand in our way will turn into dust and rotten bones. The power of the Scourge is unstoppable! "

Winter is coming (Death Lord): "But we don't have enough warships to transport troops."

"Battleship? Humph, we don't need a fleet—"

As Gul'dan spoke, he waved Frostmourne towards the sea. The powerful frost magic was instantly released like a tide. The sea quickly froze, and the ice covered it all the way to the south.

Gul'dan (The Lich King): "The Scourge—attack!"

Following Gul'dan's order, the Dreadlords, Crypt Lords, Death Knights, Liches... the powerful men of the Scourge surrounded the Lich King and began to march.Countless undead stepped onto the ice, following behind the Lich King.

In the sky, gargoyles and frost bone dragons flew across the sky, and the huge floating fortress Naxxramas also slowly flew in from the north of Northrend and floated to the south.

In the sea, Galakrond emerged from the sea, and his severely injured body gradually recovered again.

It fluttered its wings, and its huge body was almost the same size as Naxxramas.

This unstoppable and terrifying army marched towards the other side of the sea.


[World Announcement: A large plot event - the Battle of Death Beach has officially ended. With the withdrawal of the coalition forces, this battle ended with the victory of the Scourge.

The powerful coalition formed by the Alliance, Horde, and Dark Night Alliance launched a battle with the Scourge on Death Beach. The ultimate goal of this battle was to eliminate the threat of the Scourge in the wilderness of Northrend.

However, the strength of the Scourge Legion far exceeded the imagination of the coalition leaders. The endless undead army made it difficult for the coalition forces to fight.

Countless brave warriors died fighting on the icy Death Beach, and later became members of the Scourge.

The Lich King successfully resurrected Galakrond, which became the key to reversing the outcome of the battle. This huge undead dragon king drove the coalition forces into the sea with unstoppable force.

At the critical moment, the Ancient Dragon King Aidandron summoned the power of storm and dragon thunder, which temporarily stopped the pursuit of the undead and allowed most of the coalition forces to retreat.

However, the power of natural disasters has been revealed to the world, and a crisis sweeping the world is inevitably coming.

The power of the Scourge has become stronger, and now it is - invincible.

The Scourge's expedition has officially begun.The Scourge Legion will arrive in the Eastern Continent in seven days, and the time until arrival in the Eastern Continent is: 6 days, 23 hours and 59 minutes.

Due to the overwhelming power displayed by the Scourge, many secret sects and wizard groups that worshiped death and studied necromancy in the Eastern Continent and Kalimdor chose to join the Lich King and began to work for the witches. Serving the Demon King, they accept the control of the Lich King's whispers and are collectively known as the Cult of the Curse. They work hard to turn the world into a paradise for the dead.

In the coming war, undead disaster actions initiated by the Cursed Cult will appear all over the world. 】

As soon as he landed on the deck of the Storm Dragon King, Murphy heard the sound of the world announcement.

Murphy returned to his human form, thinking that this meant that in seven days, the Scourge Legion would arrive on the eastern continent... It would take about two or three days for the coalition fleet to return, which meant that they still had four or five days to prepare.

I don’t know how the countries in the alliance will face such a crisis.

[System prompt: Based on your performance in the [Battle of Death Beach] plot event, you have received 1350 plot points.Your hero's level has been upgraded, it is now Epic Level [-], and you have gained new hero feats, which you can view and select in the feat system. 】

1350 plot points, which is a bit less, but considering that there is nothing gained in this battle, it's not bad.

Check the property status.

Mo Feixin said that this battle was not completely fruitless. Not only did he advance, but he also went up several levels. It was really fun to level up the undead, especially when he had unlimited mana.

He is now level 91.
But at this level, the attribute points given by upgrades are no longer that meaningful.

Murphy thought for a while, and as usual, he added all his attribute points to his health. Every more blood he added would help him protect himself better in battle.

He can now see that in large-scale wars, thick blood is the way to go.

The Lich King has more than 500 million health points, which makes people despair.

He now has more than 50 blood, which is pretty good.

In addition, there is another gain, that is, it is clear that Varian is still alive.

Murphy has a feeling that Varian may be the key to defeating the Lich King Gul'dan.

He opened the battle record and looked at the previous battle records one by one, every skill and every damage.

found it!
Murphy's eyes lit up and he finally found the information he wanted.

That was the battle record he left during his brief battle with Gul'dan.

System prompt: You used the hero specialty [Summon Brothers].

System prompt: You received a response from [Brother: Varian].

System prompt: You have triggered the hero specialty [Brothers as One], and the current buff effect is LV1.
System prompt: Your [Brothers Together] effect has disappeared.

Obviously, Varian is still there, his soul is still independent and complete, and the system will judge him as an independent unit, so it can trigger the BUFF of Brothers Together.

After he used Summon Brothers, he triggered Brothers Together. All brothers could enjoy this effect, which allowed Varian to successfully temporarily gain control of his body.

Unfortunately, with only two brothers, this gain bonus was too low. Gul'dan's soul was undoubtedly far stronger than Varian, so he immediately regained control.

So if there are enough brothers together, Varian can get a huge buff, and maybe he can defeat Gul'dan and take back his body!
Thinking of this, Murphy already had a way to defeat Gul'dan in his mind.

Although the Lich King is powerful, he is not invincible. What makes him difficult to defeat is precisely the bias of the system. As a version BOSS, he must have enough ranking, so the system will give him various benefits.

Although the system makes it difficult for the Lich King to defeat, as long as the rules of the system are used properly, you can still get help.

In all fantasy stories, no matter how powerful the villain is, he will eventually be defeated by the hero.

The reason why the Lich King is difficult to kill is because the current script is not yet the time when the villain dies, and it is impossible to die as soon as he appears. That would be very inconsistent with the identity of the version of the BOSS, and it also lacks a sense of drama and epicness.

Is it dramatic and epic... Haha, let me prepare an epic drama for you.

The brothers work together to awaken the sleeping heroic souls, defeat the evil devil at the critical moment, win the victory, and save the world - this kind of plot is dramatic enough.

But speaking of brothers - I wonder what Alsace is doing now.

(End of this chapter)

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