Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 536 The Battle of the Royal City

Chapter 536 The Battle of the Royal City

"Keep Yin Feng, you can do it!"

Riding on the back of the Storm Drake, Arthas worked hard to encourage the mount on his crotch. This was the first time for him to ride the Song Wind and soar in the sky. The Song Wind was still in the primary stage of the young dragon. Logically speaking, He can't carry the knight to fight yet, but in order to deal with this crisis, he must fight.

While stroking the dragon scales, Arthas looked down. On the snowfield around Alterac City, densely packed monsters gathered into a torrent-like army, surrounding Alterac City.

I don’t know what kind of force brought different races and different communities together.

Frost trolls, beastmen, direwolves, ice elementals, yetis, storm giants, various bandits, rebel factions, and even white dragons from the north.

They had only one purpose, to capture the royal city of Alterac.

"Quick, hold on! Shoot the arrow!"

"Crossbowman, free fire!"

"Mage, release fire magic on the monsters gathered together!"

"Where's the Storm Server? Go to the Storm Temple and invite the priests."

On the city wall, the knights responsible for commanding the battle roared, the crossbowmen wildly tilted their arrows, and the mages kept releasing magic, but facing the tide of monsters, it was completely useless.

Fortunately, the temporarily recruited adventurers quickly joined the battle. It was really exciting for these people to see that they could stand on the city wall to gain experience, not to mention that they still had the reputation of the kingdom to gain.

The intensive firepower quickly left the city walls littered with corpses.

At this moment, a dragon roar made the soldiers and adventurers on the city wall tremble.

A white dragon with bright complexion swooped down, and the frost it spurted out froze the soldiers into ice cubes. It passed by at an extremely fast speed and quickly increased its altitude. For such a difficult air overlord, Otto Ranke's defenders were also quite helpless.

Xuefeng (Wandering White Dragon): "Mortals, feel the fear from the frost land and face the power of the white dragon Xuefeng!"

Just as the white dragon was swooping down and breathing out its dragon breath, a black shadow silently flew over the white dragon.

Alsace caressed Yinfeng's back gently. The storm dragon, whose wingspan was only seven meters, was struggling to fly. However, it was a storm-type dragon after all, and it still flew above the white dragon without any movement.

Seeing that he was getting closer and closer to the white dragon, Alsace gritted his teeth and suddenly jumped out.

The storm dragon's combat power is limited. To kill this white dragon that is causing trouble for Alterac, the only way is close combat.

This calculation was extremely accurate and landed right on Bailong's back.

The song of ice and fire in his hand instantly penetrated the back of the white dragon's heart. The white dragon was in pain, roaring and hissing, trying hard to shake off Alsace, but Alsace used all his strength to hold on tightly. He hugged Bailong's neck tightly and struggled to insert the long sword into his body. One person and one dragon were fighting in the air...

At the same time - behind the gates of Alterac.


The city gate continued to suffer violent impacts, and the powerful force caused the heavy city gate to collapse.

Jaina rode a group of white horses, holding the Spellweaver's Staff, and led the Dragon Knights and Alterac soldiers to form a tight array at the city gate.

Jaina (Battle Mage): "You are the warriors of Alterac. You are fearless warriors. No matter what monsters rush in from behind the door, you must stick to your position. For Alterac! Your loved ones!"

boom!The city gate was finally blasted open, and three storm giants took the lead and rushed in.

Jaina didn't hesitate.

Ring of Frost!

Suddenly, a burst of brilliant white freezing air filled the air, and the three storm giants were frozen into ice sculptures.

Chain Lightning!

There was a click, a dazzling thunder light flashed, and the ice sculpture exploded with ice shards flying everywhere, and cracks appeared.

Frost blast!

boom!The three storm giants were instantly blown into pieces of flesh and ice that filled the sky.

Thor (Storm Giant King): "Who dares to slaughter my warriors, who dares to block my way, Thor!"

A storm giant more than ten meters tall rushed in. With such a huge body, he had to lower his head to enter the city gate.

Seeing Jaina seemed a little surprised. "Gianna? What the hell is going on? Why is Gianna here? Damn it, get out of here!"

Hearing the dirty words from the Giant King's mouth, Jaina's heart suddenly boiled with murderous intent.

Jaina (Battle Mage): "Shut up you filthy giant, my magic will tear you to pieces!"

Extreme spellcasting - arcane torrent!
Powerful arcane energy gathered at the top of the staff. After a few seconds, a powerful shock wave shot out. The violent magic power directly penetrated the giant king's chest. The overflowing magic power blasted the storm giant king into pieces. . "

It wasn't until the giant king's remains filled the sky with rubbish that Jaina suddenly woke up. She didn't expect that she had such powerful magic power.


The soldiers rushed to the city gate and fought with the monsters rushing in from outside the city.

Although the city gate was blocked, a new crisis soon appeared.

The ground suddenly began to tremble, and on the ground of the city square, a huge ice worm emerged from the ground.

Ancient Ice Worm——Li Dazui!

The adventurers in the city suddenly screamed.

"No, the monster is coming from underground."

"Come on people!"

"Hold it up!"

The adventurers who were buying medicine and supplies around the square immediately surrounded it. However, this ancient ice worm was a BOSS-level existence. It was six to seven meters thick, dozens of meters long, and had a blood volume of tens of thousands.

Coupled with the super high damage reduction ability, it will not be solved at all for a while.

"Get out of the way - let me do it!" A strong young man wearing a silver scale breastplate rushed out from the crowd, holding an arcane battle ax, it was Thrall.

Looking at the citizens running away, looking at the adventurers being torn apart.

Thrall clenched the battle ax in his hand and said to himself: "'With great power comes great responsibility', old man, I will not forget what you said."

He rushed towards the ancient ice worm without hesitation...


Is it finally over!

Standing on the city wall, the three of them looked at the monster army retreating like a tide. They were all exhausted, but extremely excited.

He actually won the battle!
The three of them looked at each other and saw their own full sense of accomplishment.This time, there were tens of thousands of monsters attacking the city. The three of them led hundreds of knights, more than a thousand soldiers, and some temporarily recruited adventurers, and actually defended the city, which could be said to have turned the tide.

Jaina looked at the adventurers outside the city who were chasing monsters and looking for corpses everywhere, and suddenly remembered something, "By the way, did you find any trophies? I found a strange ancient rune on the storm giant king. It seems to be some kind of ancient relic. Let’s go back and find someone to identify it.”

Arthas nodded, "I dug out a dragon heart from the white dragon's body."

As he spoke, he took out a dragon heart that exuded cold air.

The storm hatchling on the side looked at the dragon heart with greedy expressions. Arthas shook his head helplessly and fed the dragon heart to the storm hatchling. After the storm hatchling ate the dragon heart, an astonishing burst of energy suddenly erupted from his body. Due to the air flow, the body expanded rapidly, and its wingspan exceeded ten meters in the blink of an eye.

Alsace couldn't help but feel a little surprised. Now he could finally fly for a long time.

Thrall also nodded, "I found this from the body of that ancient ice worm."

As he spoke, he took out a huge stone, which looked like ice and exuded a cold air.

Jaina knew the goods, "This is - my God, this is an ore made of pure elemental essences. I have never seen such a large piece before. That ancient ice worm must have devoured many elemental creatures before. , accumulated over hundreds of thousands of years.”

"What can it do?"

"You can use it to make a weapon. Prince Anvilmar of Dragonsword Castle is very good at this. You can ask him for help."

Thrall couldn't help but feel a little moved after hearing this. The ax in his hand was an arcane battle ax borrowed from the arsenal of Longshang Castle. Although it was a hundred times more useful than a wood-chopping axe, who would refuse a more powerful one? weapons.

The three of them were talking and laughing, and they were all very satisfied with the harvest.

Arthas looked at the defeated monsters in the distance, but looked further north. He didn't know what happened to his elder brother now.


At this moment, Murphy is also studying the results of this plot battle.

New hero feats.

[Feat 1: Undead Destroyer (Combat Expertise): You independently killed more than 10000 undead units in a plot battle, and made the undead defenseless against you, thereby mastering the professional skills and experience of destroying the undead. .

Expertise effect: Your damage to the undead is increased by 20%, and your resistance to all undead magic is increased by 20%. 】

[Feat 2: Star Caller (rare feat): You released forbidden spells related to stars three times in a row during a plot battle, thus discovering your interest and talent in the power of stars.

Specialty Effect 1: Star Sensing, you can sense the power of stars from the universe and materialize it through magic. This is a necessary prerequisite for learning star magic.

Expertise Effect 2: Star Observation, you can apply astral beacons to stars by observing their movement trajectories. This is a necessary prerequisite for learning stargazing. 】

[Feat 3: Master of Arcane Magic (Professional Feat.): You used magic to kill more than 10000 enemies in a plot battle, thus mastering the extraordinary skills and means of using arcane magic to fight.

Feat Effect 1: Arcane Energy Saving, you reduce the mana cost by 30% when casting arcane magic.

Expertise Effect 2: Every time you cause 10000 points of arcane damage in a battle group, you will gain the 'Arcane Power' effect, which will increase the power of your arcane magic by 100 points for 60 seconds. It will be refreshed every time you cast a spell. The duration of this effect, which can be stacked up to 10 times. 】

Murphy was a little dumbfounded when he looked at the three specialties. The three heroic specialties that were spawned this time were a bit unimpressive.

Not a single legendary feat...

But soon Murphy burst into laughter. Legendary expertise is not so easy to come by.

The key is that we didn't win this battle today. If we can really defeat the Lich King, we will definitely be able to gain legendary expertise.

Murphy doesn't worry about gains and losses. His current expertise is much better than other heroes. People still have to learn to be content.

With this in mind, he studied it carefully.

I will definitely not choose the Undead Destroyer specialty. This should be the same as the Orc Destroyer and the Zerg Destroyer. It is a very specific hero specialty. The current version is very useful, but it will be meaningless when facing other enemies in the future. .

It would give him some chance of winning in the battle with the Lich King, but he had already thought of a way to defeat the Lich King, which didn't make much sense.

The specialty of Star Caller is very interesting.

Star magic is also a very advanced magic in Dalaran. Ordinary mages cannot practice it at all. This thing requires talent and spirituality.

Translated into the game, they are special and rare talent skills or prerequisite skills.

And stargazing is even more powerful. It is said that astrologers can predict what will happen in the future by observing the movement of stars.

Of course, this kind of thing is a bit ridiculous. What Mo Fei cares more about is another spell - astral teleportation. This magic can teleport the caster to other planets. A mage who masters astral teleportation can travel around the star world. The so-called astral teleportation This is the case with World Mage.

The specialty of Arcane Master is also very powerful. If you plan to take the mage route, this is definitely the best specialty. It has 30% energy-saving spell casting and up to 1000 points of spell power. It is definitely a huge enhancement for the mage.

It's a pity that I am not a mage, and saving energy to cast spells is meaningless. I have the power of the magic net, so what can I do to save energy?

After analyzing it this way, Murphy decisively chose the hero specialty of [Star Caller].

Just finished selecting hero feats.

Murphy's private message channel started to flash.

When I opened it, I found that several other partners were beginning to discuss the next action.

Emperor Shenwu: "Now that the campaign against the Lich King has failed, what should we do next? Let me tell you."

Ba Dao Qingqing said: "What else can we do? Prepare the army for war. The Lich King is about to attack. Let's continue to fight him. We can't fight other kings and leaders at this time. By then there will be If the characters in the plot join the battle, they will definitely win, and we will just be waiting to grab the heads when the time comes."

Godwin: "According to the world announcement, the Scourge will arrive in the eastern continent in seven days. According to the route, there is a high probability that they will land on the coast of Quel'Thalas. I think we can carry out concentrated defense there and fight a defensive war." There are definitely advantages.”

Emperor Shenwu: "Aidan, what do you think?"

Aidan: "How the enemy will act depends first on what they plan to do. The Scourge Legion is just the vanguard. The real purpose is to release the Burning Legion into the world. To do this, we must find a magic network node. Use the powerful energy of the magic network node to open the portal and let the entire Burning Legion pass through.

There are currently four known locations that meet this requirement.

The ruins of the Well of Eternity deep in the Maelstrom.

Magic city Dalaran

Tomb of Sargeras.

There is also the Sunwell - this one has been scrapped, thanks to the ruthlessness of the sword. "

Ba Dao Qingqing: "Haha, you're welcome."

Aidan: "I think it's most likely Dalaran."

Emperor Shenwu: "Why not the Tomb of Sargeras? Gul'dan has always wanted to seize the power contained in the remains of Sargeras."

Aidan: "It's very simple, because of the system. The purpose of the system is to allow players to participate in this major plot event. If the Scourge goes to the Tomb of Sargeras, most players will not have the opportunity to participate in this game event." , so it must be Dalaran."

(End of this chapter)

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