Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 537 Murphy’s Brothers

Chapter 537 Murphy’s Brothers
Murphy's analysis made the three of them a little dumbfounded for a while.

But if you think about it carefully, this is really the case. No matter how the plot characters in the game have their own thoughts and develop freely, they must succumb to the 'power of fate'.

The fate in the game is naturally the invisible control of the system.

Whether it's the protagonist's halo or the villain's halo, as long as there is systematic promotion, it will naturally come true.

Since the purpose of the system is to engage in epic plots and involve all people, Gul'dan will inevitably attack Dalaran.

Emperor Shenwu: "If that's the case, where do you think the Scourge Legion will land?"

Ba Dao Wu Qing said: "Of course, it must be somewhere in Quel'Thalas, most likely Sunsail Port. I landed from there when I fought in Quel'Thalas. The port is very open and suitable for Massive landing.”

Godwin: "I don't think it will be at Sunsail Port. The Lich King does not have a fleet in his hands. He just crossed the frozen sea directly. In this case, there is no need to land at the port. There is a high probability that it will be in the north of the eastern continent. Somewhere, Quel'Thalas, Gilneas, or even Lordaeron are all possibilities, not necessarily a port.

But since Gul'dan's goal is Dalaran, then we simply stand firm and clear the country. The way for the Scourge to expand its forces is to kill lives and transform the undead. If we move all the civilians away, the Scourge will not be able to quickly expand its forces.

We concentrate the main force on Dalaran, and then we can annihilate them in one fell swoop. "

Aidan: "It makes sense. By the way, in addition to clearing the country, we must also strictly investigate the Cursed Sect. Historically, one of the main reasons why the Scourge broke out was because the Cursed Sect caused the undead plague in Stratholme. The tragedy must not be allowed to happen again.

Finally, we must have a decisive battle with the Lich King in Dalaran, and only there can we kill him. "

Godwin: "Leave it to me to deal with the Curse Sect. The Holy Light Church will take strict precautions."

Ba Dao Qingqing: "But how are you going to kill Gul'dan? This guy has more than 500 million HP and is immune to fatal blows. He is powerful and has countless soldiers and horses. It is impossible to kill him head-on."

Aidan: "I have a way to greatly weaken the Lich King's combat effectiveness. It will be easy to do it when the time comes, but you may need to cooperate with me."

He told his plan one by one, but the three of them were dumbfounded.

Can you still play like this?
But it sounded like there was a good chance, so the three of them agreed.


In the next few days, the fleet cut through the waves and sailed towards the eastern continent. Murphy had nothing to do and wandered around the various fleets.

He didn't do anything else, just getting close to the more famous plot characters.

Aidan (Lord Protector of Alterac): "Sir Uther, I have always admired you very much. Your understanding of the way of Holy Light is worthy of the title of 'Bringer of Holy Light'."

Uther (Great Lord of Holy Light): "I also admire Prince Aidan's illustrious military exploits. Whether he is facing the savage orcs or the evil undead, Prince Aidan takes the lead and is admirable."

"Haha, it's easy to talk. Oh, by the way, since we have the same interests, how about we treat each other as brothers from now on? Your Excellency, you are too foreign."

Heroic Specialty - Brotherhood Leader, activate!
Expertise effect: You can use [Brotherhood] with an NPC who has a higher opinion of you than [Friendly] to make a persuasion judgment. After the judgment is successful, the other party will automatically join your brotherhood and become your [brother]. [Brother] has extremely high influence and can command him to serve you to a certain extent.

When there are two or more [Brothers] in an area, all [Brothers] will receive the Brothers Together BUFF, which can enhance the success rate of all game actions. The greater the number of brothers, the higher the buff effect of Brothers Together.

Uther's face showed a troubled look, "This is not good, as a minister of His Majesty Godwin..."

"Don't worry, His Majesty Godwin has agreed. Why, is Lord Uther looking down on me?"

"Ah, of course not, then from now on I will..."

"I will call you brother Uther from now on."

System prompts: The alliance of brothers has taken effect, and you have added a [brother].


Aidan (Lord Lord Protector of Alterac): "Grom Hellscream, we meet again."

Grom Hellscream (Chief Warsong): "Huh, it turns out it's Prince Aidan. What's wrong with me?"

Grom sharpened his ax and asked warily.

He had a very complicated feeling about the human being in front of him. He was wary of the enemy and wary of the strong. At the same time, he also had a good impression of having fought side by side. A strong ally was always better than a strong enemy.

"Nothing special. I admire your bravery and fearlessness very much. We were enemies in the past, and I also had some misunderstandings about you. However, the battle on Death Beach showed me that you also have a righteous heart. I hope we can put aside our past grievances and come to an agreement on how to fight this great enemy of the Scourge."

Grom was stunned by these words. He didn't expect that the human being in front of him would show such goodwill. Grom thought he didn't have a heart of justice, but now he is indeed not as violent and warlike as he used to be. , paying more attention to honor, family and tribe.

Although a little awkward, he still accepted Murphy's overtures.

"...I also have great respect for Prince Aidan's power."

"Haha, then it's settled. We will be comrades on the same front from now on. It's not an exaggeration to say we are brothers - Brother Grom."

"You call me brother? Humph, Prince Aidan, you are not as old as me."

"Haha, Grom, Grom, even though I look very young, as the King of Ancient Dragons, I have actually lived for tens of thousands of years. Humans are just my disguise. Of course I have to call you brother. ”

Hero feat - Master of Deception activates!
"Huh, let's do that."

System prompts: The alliance of brothers has taken effect, and you have added a [brother].


Aidan (Lord Protector of Alterac): "Ah, this must be Ms. Garona. I have heard of your name a long time ago."

Garona (Master Assassin): "Prince Aidan... we have met before. Do you have anything to do with me?"

Aidan (Lord Protector of Alterac): "I think, since we will fight against those evil undead together in the future and fight side by side, the comradeship between us will undoubtedly transcend ordinary human emotions. War makes us Become brothers, brothers who can rely on each other..."

Garona (Master Assassin): "But I am a female orc."

"Haha, this is not important. As the saying goes, women should not be inferior to men. Ah, by the way, I have a dragon skin breastplate here. I think it suits you very well. I might as well give it to you."

"This is not good..." "What's wrong? We are all old friends. You, an assassin, can't wear too heavy armor. This dragon skin breastplate has excellent defense and increased resistance. , which can greatly guarantee your safety. I am a warrior and I don’t wear leather armor, so just keep it.”

System prompt: Garona's favorability towards you has increased and is now [Friendly].

The most important thing that Mo Fei lacks is equipment. After killing so many ancient dragons and picking up so many drops, his backpack has long been filled with all kinds of top-quality equipment. He will use this to give gifts to gain favor without feeling bad.

In this way, Murphy went around trying to get close to each other, calling him brothers. If his favorability was too low, he would give him two pieces of equipment to boost his favorability to a friendly level. Occasionally, he would also cooperate with the deceitful master to deceive him.

After three days, Murphy made friends with more than a dozen [brothers] at the top of the city.

Even Captain Shandel of the Storm Dragon King was drawn closer to the Brotherhood by Murphy.

It's a pity that only plot characters can join this brotherhood, otherwise it wouldn't be difficult to gather hundreds of his brothers.

At the same time, since the favorability of most plot characters is just friendly, it is not easy to instruct them to do something.

But it's enough to gather people to stack buffs.

Murphy plans to wait until he returns to the Eastern Continent and then go to the various kingdoms to bring in all the heroes he can. When the time comes for the decisive battle in Dalaran, dozens of brothers will cheer together and add buffs. I don't believe that Varian can still do it. Lost to that old guy Gul'dan.

Once Varian gains control of his body, it's safe.

On the third day, the fleet finally arrived near the coastline of the eastern continent, and the three fleets separated and sailed to different destinations.

Emperor Shenwu landed on Sunchaser Island, and the Dark Night Alliance established a base here. Emperor Shenwu prepared to gather troops here, and at the same time sought support from the night elves in Kalimdor. The Scourge had made it clear that they would summon the Burning Legion, and the night elves had an obligation. Join this war.

Ba Dao Qingqing led the fleet to the east coast of the Eastern Continent, the Dark Forest area, preparing to land in the troll territory there, establish a temporary base, and at the same time try to recover the Zul'Aman trolls. After all, the tribe and the alliance are old enemies, so they should not leave. Too close for good.

Godwin led the fleet back to Lordaeron. At the same time, the "reinforcements" sent by various kingdoms were also ordered by Godwin to return to their respective kingdoms, and brought back the war intelligence.

In the past, various kingdoms did not take the Scourge Legion seriously, but in order to cope with Godwin's summons, they sent more or less people over, led by some hero lords who were not very famous. Now these people have become the cause of this... The best witness to natural disaster crises.

They had seen the horror of the Scourge Legion with their own eyes, so they were naturally convincing enough to gain the full support of all forces.

Soon, all kingdoms in the alliance received real information about the Battle of Death Beach.

Grand Duke Lothar: "What! His Highness Varian became the Lich King and was controlled by the orc warlock Gul'dan! Damn it, this is an unacceptable shame for the Kingdom of Stormwind! We must rescue Varian and eliminate the natural disasters Legion! Gather your troops and tell His Majesty Godwin that we, the Kingdom of Stormwind, will join the war."

Magni Bronzebeard: "What? Varian has become the Lich King. The Scourge is about to arrive in the eastern continent. Odin's beard is so damned. We must do something. Muradin, give me the order to assemble." The Dwarf Legion, the Heavy Artillery Legion, the Heavy Musketeers, and the Stormpike Knights, tell that boy Godwin that we are ready to join the war at any time!"

Daelin Proudmoore (Admiral): "The Scourge...the Lich King...there is such a thing. What Godwin said is true. What? The Scourge is marching towards the Eastern's okay, at least. We in Kul Tiras are safe, but out of our responsibility to the Alliance, we should send some troops to support our allies."

Antonidas (Chancellor of Dalaran): "What? Kel'Thuzad defected to the Scourge? Humph, I have long sensed that there is something wrong with him. He is clamoring to establish a school of necromancy every day. I don't care at all if something like this happens. strangeness.

The arrogant orc warlock wants to attack our Dalaran and seize the magic network node to summon the Burning Legion. He is really desperate. The orc warlock named Gul'dan has no idea what kind of enemy he is facing. He summoned the council members. , Calling all the Archmages, we must let those orc warlocks and traitors of Dalaran understand that Dalaran is invincible! "

Eagle's Nest Mountain...


Each force received intelligence from the Scourge Legion, and the war machines of various countries immediately started operating.

However, they soon discovered that the trouble the alliance faced now was not just the Scourge. Monster groups from all over the country seemed to be going crazy and attacked the towns and villages of the alliance. There were even several cities with empty defenses that were destroyed. capture.

So each kingdom had to send troops to destroy these monsters.

In this case, the adventurers are the ones who are really happy. Everyday and last night, there are endless dungeons and endless bounties.

Especially for the upcoming Scourge Legion, we really look forward to the stars and the moon.

After all, the previous Battle of Death Beach was considered a high-end game, and only high-level players had the chance to get a ticket. Now that the Scourge Legion has come to the eastern continent, everyone can finally participate.

Even the various war supplies, equipment and props in the auction have increased sharply, which has really made some merchants and players who bought and resold a wave of dividends.

Especially supplies related to the undead, such as holy water, purification potions, dispersing scrolls, etc., the price has increased by at least one cup.

The weapons and equipment with holy attributes have increased several times.

In this depressing and fanatical atmosphere, Murphy returned to Alterac.

What surprised him was that Jaina was missing.

Longshang Castle Hall——

Aidan (Leader of the Dragon Knights): "Fresanks, where is Jaina? Didn't I arrange for you to help her fight against the monster riot? Why did you lose her?"

In order to prevent the monster from rioting, he deliberately left Fresanks behind to look after his family, and told Jaina to summon Fresanks whenever she encountered an enemy she couldn't fight against.

Unexpectedly, Fresanks stayed in Longshang Castle for several days and didn't even take action once.

"It's not my fault, Lord Aidandron. Jaina never called me from the beginning to the end. She didn't know where to find two helpers. The three of them led a group of adventurers and defeated those monsters.

After that, she left with her people, saying that she was going to solve the monster crisis that occurred across the alliance. "

Murphy was a little surprised. Jaina actually solved the monster riot without relying on Fresanks?

At the same time, she was a little relieved. Jaina was indeed the chosen one, but she didn't know who her two helpers were.

That's fine, let her continue to practice and practice. Powerful heroes also need to grow up, go through some crises and solve some troubles. Maybe Jaina will become the powerful mage who can face Archimonde in advance.

He nodded and suddenly remembered something.

"Haha, Fresanks, don't call me sir anymore. You were once a member of the ancient dragons, and I am the king of the ancient dragons. We are more like brothers, aren't we? Just call me big brother from now on."

(End of this chapter)

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