Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 538 The dynamics of various forces

Chapter 538 The dynamics of various forces

Dark Sage (Necromancer): "Quickly, make these grains into bread. We must bake enough bread for the whole town before dawn tomorrow. The fate of the Scourge is in our hands!"

The necromancer yelled at the zombie servants who were busy below. The zombies trembled and poured the grain into the millstone, pushed the millstone, and ground the wheat into flour.

A group of skeletons worked hard to pull the bellows and bake the flour into bread.

Fortunately, because it is a game, the entire baking process does not need to be fully realized, but in a few seconds, each piece of bread with a slightly musty smell will be baked.

The Dark Seer picked up a piece of bread and looked at it.

[Suspicious Bread (Food/Quest Item)

Edible: Allows you to recover 20 points of physical strength within 100 seconds, and adds an unknown magic state to you (this effect is only valid for humanoid creatures)
Item introduction: A piece of freshly baked bread is still warm and crispy. It seems that due to the materials and cooking techniques, the smell of the bread has a suspicious musty smell, but for those farmers who are hungry, it is still It's a rare delicacy. 】

Yes, that's it.

The Dark Sage counted the finished products and found that thousands of them had been made in the middle of the night.

It was enough to turn half the town's civilians into undead.

A skeleton soldier named Caracalla came over.

Gu Aotian (Skeleton Soldier): "I said boss, that's it for tonight. Can we work on it tomorrow? I've been busy at midnight, and my mother sent me another message asking me to go to bed quickly."

Dark Sage (Necromancer): "Shut up and work quickly. No one should log off until the day is over, otherwise I will tear your bones apart and feed them to the dogs."

Several zombie skeletons had no choice but to continue working. Who asked them to play with free templates, and they wanted to join the Scourge Legion, so they could only start from the lowest level zombies and skeletons, even a ghoul. You have to advance before you can transfer.

Fortunately, now is the time of the storm. As long as all the civilians in this town are turned into undead, it will cost at least a few hundred plot points. When the time comes, they can advance to Skeleton Warrior, Abomination, and Corpse Witch.

With the dream of promotion and salary increase, a group of skeleton zombies picked up a pile of wheat and got busy.

The Dark Sage nodded with satisfaction and tightened his black robe tightly. A gust of wind blew a whimpering sound from the haunted mill, startling him.

He looked at the leaky roof with some trepidation. The swaying will-o'-the-wisps reflected the haunted mill in a miserable green color, which made people shudder.

The dark sage said in his heart that this necromancer was really not a human being, it was so scary, it looked like a horror movie.

Although he had previously been obsessed with joining the Scourge and thought the Necromancer was cool and dazzling, it wasn't until he started playing that he realized that the painting style of the Scourge was really from the underworld, and the Gothic dark style he had imagined was completely invisible. I have to deal with some skeletons and zombies every day, and if I stay with these guys with skeletons and maggots all over them for a long time, I'm afraid I might develop depression.

But there was nothing he could do. The money spent to buy this little BOSS template was already more than half of his savings, so he had to keep playing despite gritting his teeth.

Just wait until the plot events are over and quickly advance to become a lich. Then you will have to deal with high-end undead like death knights and dark rangers, and you don't have to look at these disgusting guys in front of you.

I was thinking happily, bang bang bang!A violent knock on the door suddenly rang.

The huge impact rocked the Haunted Mill.

"Who-who's out there?"

"Open the door, the Holy Light Church will search for the undead."

Dry!The Dark Sage suddenly screamed inwardly that something was wrong. How could he be discovered despite being so careful? He was obviously very careful.

A zombie who was working showed an apologetic expression. Sorry, man, who would make Godwin willing to spend money? As long as he leaks an undead stronghold, he will give 1000 yuan. As a free model player, it is not bad to make some extra money.

boom!The door of the Haunted Mill was suddenly blasted open, and a group of BUFF-filled Paladins took the lead in charging in, followed by a group of trainee priests and adventurers. Several skeletons guarding the door were instantly split into pieces.

When a group of trainee priests entered the door, they were hit by several rounds of holy light spells, killing several more ghosts.

The adventurers went crazy and slashed at the zombie skeletons. Half of the undead boys that the Dark Sage had prepared in advance were killed in an instant.

The Dark Sage was furious for a moment, it's over, it's over now, it's my money!
But it was too late to leave, so we had to fight.

"My servants, come here!"

While shouting in a hoarse voice, he released his strongest magic.

Negative energy blast!
A ball of dark energy bloomed silently in the crowd, and the adventurers felt a chill all over their bodies, and their skin became withered and decayed.

But this power was immediately dispelled by the priest.

Withering Ray!

Bone Spear!

"Come on, little ones!"

The Dark Sage wanted to continue fighting, but a mere necromancer was obviously no match for a group of paladins, and was cut down to the ground in a few strokes.

After killing all the zombie servants in the haunted mill, the paladins picked up the baked bread, looked at it, and illuminated it with holy light. The bread immediately emitted bursts of black smoke.

"Sure enough, evil necromancy has been cast on these breads. Fortunately, His Majesty the King had the foresight to burn them all, leaving no one behind."

Soon the fire ignited the haunted mill, and a crisis was resolved invisible.

In a few days, such scenes could be seen everywhere in Lordaeron. Members of the Cursed Sect hiding in the Kingdom of Lordaeron were constantly being found and eliminated.

It has to be said that the golden tree has brought great benefits to Lordaeron. Almost every town has its own purification team composed of priests and paladins. Such a configuration was unthinkable in the past. In the past, the Holy Light could Not all cats and dogs can practice cultivation.

One must have a devout heart and firm beliefs. Such people are very rare, but for Lordaeron now, there is no pressure at all to gather a team of Holy Light Purifiers.

After all, everyone under the Golden Tree is a believer in the Holy Light.

However, other human kingdoms that are not covered by golden trees do not receive such good treatment. In just three days, dozens of undead plague incidents occurred. The favorite method of curse sect members is to add natural disasters to their food. Plague, to infect the citizens who eat it.

Become undead after a period of time.

Since the social structure of the human countries in the alliance is similar to that of medieval Europe, ordinary farmers cannot bake their own bread. They can only exchange wheat for flour from the miller, and the miller will bake the bread together.

Therefore, it is easy for members of the Cursed Sect to secretly attack, causing a large-scale outbreak of the undead plague.

There was even an incident where an entire town was infected into the undead.

Coupled with the monster riots in various countries, the nobles of various countries can be said to be in dire straits.


You can't see me (thief): "Ms. Gianna, ahead is the town of Rudy, which is now occupied by the undead. I just came back from reconnaissance in the town. The mayor and the only remaining survivors have hid in the church. , someone is in urgent need of rescue." Jaina glanced at the small town under the mountain that was filled with the smell of death, "Didn't the king send someone to rescue?"

Ed (militia captain): "There is no rescue. The king is busy fighting with the gnolls. I heard that more than a dozen nearby gnoll clans have gathered together. Under the guidance of a gnoll man named 'Second Uncle Hogta' Under the leadership of the overlord, the city of Fran was captured, and the king assembled all the troops of the kingdom in order to regain the city of Fran, and he had no time to pay attention to us.”

Jaina pondered for a moment and looked at her companions with firm eyes, "Alsace, Thrall, I have decided to rescue the surviving townspeople. In this critical time, every survivor is precious. What do you think? "

Alsace nodded, "Of course, but the three of us alone are not enough. We have too few people. I suggest assembling as many militias from surrounding towns as possible and wait until dawn to launch an attack."

Thrall also agreed, "That's right. Maybe we can recruit some adventurers. I have dealt with adventurers before. Although those adventurers are greedy, they are indeed very brave in fighting."

"Okay, let's do it. Without further ado, let's take action immediately."

After Jaina finished speaking, she looked at the town in the distance.

Although compared with slaying dragons, dealing with a group of undead wizards does not seem so majestic and domineering, but being able to save innocent civilians, Jaina feels that this is the meaning of becoming a mage.


Dragon Worship Cult - See the Tower of the Dragon

The five mysterious people walked slowly through the desolate grassland, looking very worried.

The Dragon Worshipers wandering around saw the five people, but had no intention of stopping them.

"Are you really going to do this?" A woman walking at the front suddenly asked.

"Of course, this is what we have agreed upon, isn't it? This is the only way to combine the power of the five of us into one."

While they were talking, the five people had already arrived at the gate of the tower.

Griffith, wearing the robe of the leader and a crown of dragon horns, was already waiting at the door.

Griffith (Archbishop of the Dragon Cult): "Ah, the great Alexstrasza is here. This must be Morpheus, the Black Dragon King. Calligos, Nozdormu, and the beautiful Lady Ysera.

It really makes me feel honored that the five dragon kings came to my remote island together. What made them find me? "

Morpheus (Black Dragon King): "We have a job for you. As far as I know, you helped the Storm Dragon King spread the faith of the Storm Dragon, right?"

"Ah, what do you mean by this? I don't understand it at all. Maybe it was done by some self-made priest. You know that the Dragon Worship Cult worships and serves all the great dragon kings..."

Ysera (Green Dragon Queen): "No need to explain Griffith, we are not here to raise an army to accuse you. In fact, we need you to do the same thing. The guardian dragon has always been detached from the world, but Nowadays, we also need a little mortal faith."

Griffith was a little surprised. The guardian dragon mastered this power of guardianship. This thing itself is the power of law, which is equivalent to another form of divine power, and it is also a very high-end one.

But I don’t know why I suddenly want to use the power of faith.

But he still nodded, "Of course, no problem, but which adult's belief are you trying to spread?"

Morpheus smiled slightly: "All of them!"

"All?" Griffith looked surprised.

Morpheus nodded, "Yes, all of them. Now the entire Eastern Continent is in chaos and everyone is in danger. It is a good time to spread the faith. Our five dragon kings control power in different fields. We are better than the storm demon." The power of dragons is more suitable for spreading to mortals."

Griffith nodded, "That's true, but if you want mortals to believe in you, you don't have to be powerful. You must respond adequately to the prayers of mortals."

"Don't worry, there's no problem with this."

"Then, I will summon the priests."

Morpheus suddenly said: "By the way, there is one more thing. We want to learn how to become a priest together. Is this okay?"

Become a priest?Griffith looked at Morpheus and was speechless for a while, thinking to himself, what tricks are these people trying to pull? Do I believe in myself?

However, he had no reason to refuse. Miracles were not magical and did not require absolute piety.

"No problem at all."


Time passed day by day, and the chaos in the eastern continent did not diminish at all. Monsters launched riots one after another, and the undead plague was raging. Seeing this, Godwin could only shrink his troops. He first ensured the safety of Lordaeron and at the same time assembled troops to prepare for the arrival of the Scourge.

He is still very confident. With hundreds of thousands of troops in Lordaeron, the protection of the Golden Tree, and the assistance of the Holy Light Church, if the Scourge Legion dares to attack, they will definitely have the home field advantage.

Godwin speculated that the Scourge would probably start from Quel'Thalas. However, what everyone did not expect was that at noon on the seventh day, that is, when the countdown ended, something came from Menethil Port. Shocking news - the Scourge have landed on the beaches of the Wetlands.


The long coastline of the wetland has always been a paradise for fishmen. There are countless rivers and swamps here, which are very suitable for the activities of amphibious creatures like fishmen.

There is even a kingdom of fishmen hidden deep in the ocean.

However, now the place is frozen by frost, the vast sea surface is covered with thick ice and snow, and the biting cold makes the fishmen flee in a hurry.

Countless armies of undead marched on the barren ground, marching towards the depths of the wetland swamp.

Swamps, shrubs, grass, trees, everything fell into a withered and decayed form under the influence of the undead power.

This is the Undead Rot.

When the Scourge marches, it will leave an undead rotten land covered by the power of death. All undead creatures can gain a 10% all-attribute gain and a 100% health recovery rate when fighting on the undead rotten land. .

All living units will be continuously attacked by negative energy.

Similar to the glorious blessing given by the golden tree, the Lich King is also injecting his death magic into the lands he passes through.

At this moment, Gul'dan was flying slowly across the earth on Boleleus.

Even though a long time has passed, the traces left by the war between the Alliance and the Horde can still be seen here.

The evil storm summoned by the Storm Dragon King back then still polluted the land, leaving behind a cursed wilderness ravaged by strong winds.

The countless war dead left behind many famous and unknown gravesites.

At this moment, Gul'dan landed in front of the largest cemetery.

(End of this chapter)

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