Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 539 Apocalypse 4 Knights and Doomsday Prophet

Chapter 539 The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse and the Doomsday Prophet

Winter is coming (Death Lord): "This is it, boss. It is the main battlefield of the Battle of Broken Spear Peak. The Alliance and the Horde have left countless corpses here. They are definitely the best materials."

Gul'dan nodded with satisfaction, "Well done. Winter is coming, and your loyalty will be rewarded."

The evil fire eyes under his crown of control scanned the cemetery in front of him. The power of death allowed him to easily sense the countless corpses buried underground, as well as the lonely ghosts wandering in the wilderness.

The dead resurrected using necromancy magic often only have the most basic mobility and become skeletons and zombies. However, the undead resurrected by the Crown of Dominance can inherit their memories, combat skills, and even spellcasting abilities. Therefore, in this war, The cemetery left behind is many times better than those ordinary cemeteries.

Gul'dan suddenly inserted Frostmourne into the ground, and the power of death was injected into the ground crazily. The power of death spread along the earth, and the grass covering the bone burial ground withered instantly.

"Resurrect, fallen soldiers, resurrect, warriors of humans and orcs, your glorious battle records should not be forgotten, your unyielding souls should not be annihilated, now turn into immortal undead warriors to join our natural disasters Be under the command of the Legion!”

boom!A hand suddenly emerged from the ground and emerged from the soil. The rotten arm exposed the white bones. The corpse still wore the same armor, but it looked rusty and tattered. The resurrected warrior struggled Then it emerged from the soil.

boom! boom! boom!
More and more hands stretched out from the ground, and the bodies of countless dead soldiers emerged from the soil.

A huge army was formed.

Whether humans or orcs, they have all become undead now, and there is no distinction between them.

Gul'dan (Lich King): "Hahahaha, that's it. Those stupid mortal monarchs thought they could prevent the Scourge from expanding their numbers by fortifying the walls and clearing the country. They were too naive. Wherever there are living people, there will be wars. There will be wars. Where there are corpses, there are armies of the undead.

Look, my army of the undead has appeared. Countless people who have died in battles over the past thousands of years will become the recruiting ground for my legion. The Scourge Legion will be unstoppable. "

But the legion also needs generals to lead it!
While Gul'dan was resurrecting the dead in groups, he was looking for individuals with powerful abilities.

Suddenly, he felt that the two souls here were quite different. He walked in one direction, followed closely by the approaching winter.

Soon Gul'dan came to a solemn tomb.

This stone tomb in the wilderness is exceptionally neatly built and somewhat grand. There are two stone statues of knights standing on both sides of the tombstone to guard it.

A line of text can be seen on the tombstone - [King of Gilneas: Tomb of Genn Greymane. 】

Next to this majestic tomb is a small broken tomb.

[The defeated general - Kargath Bladefist was buried here]

"Haha, Kargath Blade Fist, I knew you would be killed by your own recklessness sooner or later. You are not my favorite among the orc chiefs, but you are also a powerful warrior after all. So, accept it. My summons!"

The departed dead, the immortal warriors, accept my call and return from the other side!
La la la, a huge crack opened on the surface of the tomb, and with a bang, it suddenly exploded, and a king in military uniform exuding the look of a death knight walked out of the tomb.

Genn Greymane looked around blankly, and when he saw Varian's familiar face, he suddenly showed a shocked expression.

"Varian? Are you dead too? Where am I?"

"No, you are not Varian, who are you?"

Gul'dan (Lich King): "I am - your master! The Lich King."

"No! I will never serve an evil scum like you," Genn Greymane roared and rushed towards Gul'dan brandishing his burial sword.

But the power of the Crown of Dominance cannot be resisted at all.

With just a look from Gul'dan, Genn Greymane had to stop, and the sword in his hand could no longer cut.

Gul'dan (Lich King): "Hahahaha, there is no room for you to bargain here. You must be loyal to me and fight for me."

At this time, Kargath Bladefist was also resurrected.

He looked at Gul'dan in astonishment, and the voice of the stranger in front of him was very familiar, "Gul'dan? Is that you?"

Kargath Bladefist was extremely surprised, "Why did you become such a ghost?"

"Shut up Kargas and watch your attitude. From now on, I am your master."

Kargath Bladefist didn't say much. The orcs respected the strong, and they were all subordinates anyway. It made no difference whether they were Orgrim's subordinates or Gul'dan's subordinates.

Gul'dan (Lich King): "My warriors, my generals, come to me. Everyone."

Soon a group of powerful men from the Scourge Legion gathered around Gul'dan.

Gul'dan selected four people and took out four powerful weapons.

Gul'dan is very clear about his shortcomings. Although he is powerful, he is not expert in how to conduct war. In the next war, he needs a group of powerful death knights to command the legion for him to fight.

"Winter is coming, and I give this sword, named 'Hungry Chill'. From now on, you will become the Famine Knight, bringing barrenness and pain to my enemies.

Conan the Barbarian, I give you this sword, called the Dead Blade. From now on, you will become a war knight, bringing blood and war to my enemies.

Genn Greymane, I give you this sword, called Apocalypse. From now on, you will become a death knight, bringing death and terror to my enemies.

Kargath Bladefist, I give you this sword, called the Calamitous Blade. From now on, you will become the Plague Knight, bringing disaster and plague to my enemies.

You will become the sharp blade in my hand, the commander of the undead army - the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. "

"Go, use the power I give you to assemble an army for me!"


At the same time - the Royal City of Lordaeron - the King's Hall.

Godwin sat on the king's throne, bored and listening to the military reports from envoys from various countries and lords from various places.

"Your Majesty, based on the information you provided, we found a large number of followers of the Cursed Sect in the towns around Stratholme. We captured six cult priests, twelve necromancers, and a half-transformed Lich and the rest of the members of the Curse Sect have been killed during the capture.

We are interrogating day and night to obtain more information. "

"Your Majesty, we have just received information from the Kingdom of Gilneas. The Kingdom of Gilneas is falling into an undead plague. King Brainy was defeated by the gnoll army and was unable to protect his people. Tess Greymane also launched a rebellion, claiming that she She is the legitimate queen of Gilneas. It is said that Prince Sigret of Alterac also appeared among the rebels, and now King Brainy has retreated to the city."

"Your Majesty the King! News came from the defenders of Menethil Port that the Scourge Army had landed in the wetlands and resurrected a large number of human and orc soldiers who died in the wetlands. Now a terrifying army has been assembled, at least several of them One hundred thousand, marching towards the Arathi Highlands..."

Godwin sighed, but was not too surprised by this information.

Since he can spend money to buy information about the Cursed Sect, he can also buy information about the Scourge. There are countless players who have joined the Scourge. The forums are full of posts about how to level up the undead. He has long known about the Scourge. The Legion's goal is the wetlands.

This made him very depressed. The plan to clear the country with a strong wall and rely on the golden tree to fight the Scourge Legion all came to nothing.

But he knew there was nothing he could do. The Scourge Legion came from the sea, and he had no way to stop it. Although he had a fleet in hand, the Frost Bone Dragon of the Scourge Legion was no joke, let alone the giant Galakrond. Killer weapon.

As for blocking the attack from the south, it is a fantasy. To the south of Lordaeron is Alterac, and further south is the Kingdom of Stromgarde. Arathi Highlands is the territory of the Kingdom of Stromgarde, and further south is the wetlands.

But now the Kingdom of Stromgarde has withdrawn from the alliance and is at war with the new tribe led by the Young Wolf Lord, and will never allow the Lordaeron army to intervene.

But it doesn’t matter. Although this action of the Scourge Legion is a bit unexpected, the destination should not change.

The next step for the Scourge is to go north to attack the Kingdom of Stromgarde.

Then we crossed the Hillsbrad Hills—now the territory of the South Sea Kingdom.Then there's Dalaran.

What worries him more is that after the Scourge Legion invades the Kingdom of Stromgarde, they may add a large wave of troops to the Scourge Legion. The South Sea Kingdom can command them to clear the country, but it is of little significance. Hillsbray Germany has farms all over the place and the population is scattered, making it difficult to evacuate in time.

By the time the Scourge arrives in Dalaran, there will probably be at least a million of them. Just thinking about it makes my scalp numb.

But it's not impossible to fight. Can we summon adventurers? The number of adventurers in Northrend was too small last time. Now the disaster invasion is a big event. By then, the adventurers of the entire game will gather in Dalaran. I'm afraid there will be an army of one million. It's not impossible... Dalaran's special envoy spoke generously: "Your Majesty, the Scourge Legion will still have some time to kill. The top priority is to eliminate the cursed sects hidden in various places. Before going outside, we must first pacify the country and ensure that Only the internal security of the alliance can withstand the attack of the Scourge..."

"Damn it, there is no time to deal with those cultists now, we should immediately summon the armies of all countries."

"The plague of the undead cannot be ignored!"

"Your Majesty, on behalf of Captain Aidan, I recommend that the civilians of the South Sea Kingdom and the Magic Kingdom of Dalaran be evacuated immediately, and preparations for war begin in Dalaran."

Just when everyone was arguing about immortality, a raven flew in silently from the window of the hall. It landed lightly in the middle of the hall, spreading its wings. This sudden scene immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Godwin looked at the crow, and suddenly felt that the scene in front of him seemed familiar. Could it be that the raven was——

A green magical light bloomed from the crow's body. The raven's size instantly grew larger, its two bird legs turned into two slender human legs, and its colorful black wings turned into a crow feather cloak. Soon A mysterious man wearing a hood and holding a crow-shaped staff appeared in front of everyone.

Under the hood is a weathered face covered with stubble, and only a chin can be seen due to the shadow.

Godwin looked over the man's head.

Mysterious wizard (doomsayer) class? ? ? ?Rank? ? ? ?life value:? ? ? ? .

Doomsayer?Yes, it's probably him.

The mysterious wizard first glanced around the hall, and then said in a mysterious and eerie voice.

Mysterious Wizard (Doomsday Prophet): "Your Majesty the King, I bring the prophecy of doomsday. Humanity is in catastrophe. The tide of darkness is coming again. The whole world will be ignited with raging war..."

Someone looked at Dalaran's special envoy, Archmage Travia, with good intentions.

Travia suddenly looked annoyed. Things like magic and witchcraft would always be associated with Dalaran by those who were interested in it, and they subconsciously wanted to distance themselves from the relationship.

"That's nonsense—guards, get rid of this lunatic."

Two guards immediately came over and wanted to pull the man away.

But the mysterious wizard struggled and refused to leave, "You must believe me. If you want to escape this disaster, you must go west to the forgotten land of Kalimdor. Only there can you find the opportunity to redeem this world!"

The voice was urgent and sincere, but the appearance of a magic stick really made people feel suspicious.

Godwin was happy when he saw the scene in front of him. He waved his hand, indicating that the guards could leave.

Godwin (King of Lordaeron): "Medivh, you are finally here."

The mysterious wizard suddenly froze, "Ahem, I don't know what you are talking about. Your Majesty, I have never heard of the name Medivh."

There was a scream nearby. .

"Ha, I remembered, yes, yes, it's Medivh. I've seen this part in a CG animation, from the Warcraft story campaign."

"Damn, we are witnessing a famous scene."

The mysterious wizard was even more stunned by the chaotic speeches around him. He smiled bitterly and finally lifted his hood, and it turned out to be Medivh.

The name on the head also changed instantly.

Medivh (Guardian), legendary second-level hero, level 99, health value 9950.

"Yes, I am Medivh, the former guardian. I have made big mistakes and brought disaster to this world, but this time I hope to save everything. You must believe that for His Majesty the King, I will lead your people Heading west..."

Godwin waved his hand, "I know what the tide of darkness you are talking about is, isn't it the Scourge Legion? I have received news about the Scourge Legion. In fact, I have already fought against the Scourge Legion before. It is indeed powerful, but it is not invincible. As long as the righteous people from all camps unite, they will definitely win."

Medivh shook his head, "No, I'm not talking about the Scourge. Behind the Scourge, there are even more terrifying existences. They have visited this world before, and now they will return again." Medivh's tone was mysterious and It was hoarse, as if telling an ancient secret story.

However, before he could heighten the atmosphere, Godwin revealed the answer.

"You're talking about the Burning Legion, right?"

"Um..." Medivh suddenly felt a little embarrassed. This reaction was not what he expected.

"Haha, the Burning Legion is going to invade Azeroth, and all fools know it."

"That's right, it's all explained clearly in the game background."

Godwin waved his hand to tell everyone not to spoil anything, and solemnly said to Medivh.

"Of course I know that the purpose of the Scourge Legion is to summon the Burning Legion, so we must unite to stop the actions of the Scourge Legion. Moreover, we are not afraid even if the Burning Legion comes. Now I have planted the golden tree. Between the golden tree and the Supreme Will Under his protection, the Burning Legion is not invincible."

"What's more, we now have Lord Aidandron, the Ancient Dragon King."

"That's right. If the system hadn't cheated the Lich King in the last battle, we would have won the battle long ago."

"His Majesty, King of Ancient Dragons and King of Holy Light, I would like to ask you how to lose."

"The Scourge Legion is just a fool. Let's go back and gather all the adventurers and let those skeletons know what the fourth natural disaster is."

The more Medivh listened, the more irritated he became. These ignorant mortals did not understand the strength of the enemy they faced. They actually pinned the outcome of the war on adventurers who had no sense of existence. They were really crazy.

Godwin continued: "Your Excellency Medivh, I know you have good intentions, so why not join me in Lordaeron? With your help, this war will be easier, and you can also atone for your past sins."

Medivh almost wavered.

But he still shook his head.

"No, Your Majesty the King, although your words are very convincing, I have already seen the future from the movement of the stars and foresaw the truth of destruction. The Burning Legion is not so easy to defeat. The fate has been doomed. The Scourge Legion cannot be stopped. No matter how many troops you gather, you cannot reverse the power of fate.

Going to Kalimdor is the only chance to win. "

After hearing this, Godwin looked a little solemn. Medivh can be said to be an important figure in the plot who guides the protagonists to promote the plot. It is a bit similar to Gandalf in The Lord of the Rings. What he said is definitely not without purpose, and it may mean that It has a certain systematic plot tendency.

But giving up the Kingdom of Lordaeron and heading west to Kalimdor?Such a sacrifice is really too great. He is not an ordinary hero with no family background. How could such a big country escape?

You can't give up your huge foundation just because of Medivh's words.

Besides, history has changed so much, and I am so powerful now, what else is there to be afraid of?

Just lean on the golden trunk and you're done.

"No, no matter how many disasters we face, I will stay with my people." Godwin said righteously.

Medivh sighed, bowed his head, turned into a raven again and flew out. He had to warn more people.

Soaring in the sky, looking at the huge shadow of the golden tree fading away, Medivh had to admit that this golden tree was indeed an extraordinary existence, and it was amazing.

The golden light and shadow cast by the golden tree really gives people an invincible sense of sanctity.

I hope things won't turn out the way I expected.

Medivh thought, and suddenly, a huge shadow quickly passed over his head.

A familiar yet unfamiliar voice sounded in my ears.

Edendron (King of Ancient Dragons): "Medivh...old friend, we meet again."

(End of this chapter)

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