Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 540 Medivh’s Prophecy

Chapter 540 Medivh’s Prophecy
The gloomy castle and tower of Karazhan that seemed to have long been forgotten once again welcomed its owner.

The magic light illuminated the empty hall brightly, and the corridors covered with spider silk seemed to have returned to the glorious days of the past. Medivh and Murphy walked into the banquet hall of Karazhan one after another.

Looking at the lingering ghosts in the banquet hall, repeating the joyful songs and laughter of his life, Medivh showed a trace of pain and regret on his face.

But this look was fleeting, replaced by a sense of solemnity and mission.

The two came to the bar. Mo Fei skillfully took out a bottle of moonshine wine from the bar, blew off the dust on it, found two more cups, and poured a glass for each of them.

Medivh took the wine glass, looked around, and sighed: "It seems like a long time has passed, old friend."

"Actually, it didn't take long, just two or three years. Speaking of which, where have you been during this time?"

Medivh shook his head, picked up the wine glass and took a sip. Just when Murphy thought that the other party was not ready to answer, Medivh suddenly spoke.

"I once traveled in the star world and walked among the stars. I witnessed scenes that were unimaginable to mortals, witnessed the destruction of stars and the horrific spectacles in the universe, but all of this is compared to what Azeroth is about to experience. Nothing.

Do you understand what I'm saying, Aidan, the era of disaster has arrived, and we are all in it. I am afraid that enemies will swarm like never before and bring endless torture to this world. "

Murphy couldn't help but feel a little uncertain. This Medivh was so talkative that he seemed to know everything, but also seemed to be just making up his mind.

"Are you talking about the Scourge Legion and the Burning Legion? Haha, that's not a big deal. They are just a group of undead and demons. As long as they are powerful enough, they can be defeated. And now I have obtained such a Power, when I take one step further and ascend to the throne of the Dragon God, everything will no longer be a problem, and no crisis will be difficult anymore."

Murphy said confidently.

Gu Long is already strong enough to compete with the Lich King. If the system hadn't tricked the Lich King last time, he would have definitely had a chance to defeat the Lich King.

As for Archimonde and Kil'jaeden, although they are more powerful than the Lich King, it is no problem as long as they become dragon gods.

Medivh shook his head, "No, you don't understand. The power of fate is hard to fathom, let alone irresistible. It has no form, no physical object, but it does exist. It promotes the development of everything, and it is all around us. , every grain of dust, every life.

No matter how powerful you are, you can't fight against fate. The stronger your power, the more violent your attack on fate, and the greater harm you will suffer.

It was because I didn't understand this that I tried to control my destiny.

You should know what I'm talking about, after all you once stayed with the servants of destiny and served them. "

"You mean Wang Xuan?"

Murphy was a little shocked. Did Medivh know about the existence of the system?The 'power of destiny' he talks about sounds so much like a system.

Medivh did not answer directly, but continued to sigh, "I once brought disaster to this world, and now my only mission is to bring salvation to this world. I foresaw the future scene among the stars, foresaw this What the world is going to endure, it’s all destined to happen and nothing can stop it.”

"If fate is doomed, then why do you have to work hard? No matter how hard you work, the result will be the same in the end."

Medivh explained, "Destiny is a web that leads to different directions. Only one is the right path. I must find this path and find the prophesied child of destiny."

Murphy said, "Then how do you know that your actions are not driven by the 'power of fate'? It is the power of fate that uses your hands to push everything towards the scene in the prophecy."

Medivh was stunned for a moment. He really hadn't thought about this problem.

"Maybe if you don't do anything now, the disaster won't come. What you are doing now, aren't you still trying to control your destiny?"

Medivh became even more confused. After thinking for a moment, his eyes became serious again.

"No, I am different. All this is my own idea. I want to save the world, so I must do something. I have foreseen the future, the path of disaster and redemption, and everything I have done is Moving in the right direction.”

Medivh said firmly.

Murphy smiled and didn't say anything. He just filled himself up with the wine in the bottle.

He did not doubt Medivh's words, but even if there was no Medivh, he guessed that the system would let some other NPC be the guide for this plot.

"Ah, the moonshine wine in Karazhan is still as wonderful as before. Do you still remember the days when we caroused here in the past?"

"Of course he remembers." The voice of Sargeras's remnant soul rang out.

"Oh, I almost forgot about this old friend." Murphy waved the ring on his hand in front of Medivh's eyes, "Hey, old Mai, say hello to my old friend."

Medivh was a little dumbfounded by his action. He wanted to remain serious but finally couldn't help laughing.

"You guys are still so crooked."

Murphy said: "If you really want to fulfill the prophecy and save the world, it would be better to tell you what the prophecy said and what kind of revelation fate has given you. Maybe I can help you with the details."

Murphy is very interested in Medivh's prophecy. In a sense, Medivh's prophecy can be said to be an introduction to the future content of the game. If you know it in advance, you can get an upper hand in the plot.

Medivh pondered for a moment and repeated in a low voice.

[Four horrific disasters will come to this world.

History once written has faded.

Destiny's child will finally live up to his beliefs.

Evil will eventually become good, and justice will eventually become evil.

There is no distinction between good and evil, and it is difficult to distinguish between good and evil.

The man who is supposed to save the world will destroy it.

The man who is supposed to destroy the world will save it. 】

This prophecy is really quite vague.

But Murphy still found a clue.

Combining the original plot of Warcraft and his gaming experience, it is not difficult to unearth some detailed elements.

[History once written has dissipated], which should mean that the original plot line has completely collapsed, and the current plot is completely different from that in history.

[The Child of Destiny will eventually fulfill his beliefs]. This Child of Destiny is obviously the key to the matter and exists like a protagonist. Although the world view of World of Warcraft is very large and there are many plot characters, there is no absolute protagonist.

But if you have to find a representative figure - Alsace?It should be him.

[Evil will eventually become justice, and justice will eventually become evil], which probably means that this person was once a villain, but now he has become a righteous hero, and the once righteous hero has become an evil villain...

Um?Could he be referring to Arthas and Varian?The current encounter between these two people is exactly the opposite of the original plot of World of Warcraft.

In World of Warcraft, Arthas is the Lich King and Varian is the High King of the Alliance. Could it be that Arthas will become the leader of the Alliance and save the world?

[There is no distinction between good and evil, and it is difficult to distinguish between good and evil.

The man who is supposed to save the world will destroy it.

The man who is supposed to destroy the world will save it. 】

This sentence is a bit incomprehensible. Although Arthas is the Lich King and the villain in the history of Warcraft, he seems not qualified to destroy the world, right?In the early days, he mainly worked for the Burning Legion. Later, when he was preparing to destroy the world, he was destroyed by Tirion Fordring and a group of greedy adventurers. He couldn't even talk about destroying the world.

The one who really came close to destroying the world would have to be at least Deathwing level.

Of course, if the conditions are relaxed and we only talk about potential, there will be many candidates. The Lich King, Deathwing, Sargeras, the Ancient Gods... and even the Blood God Hakkar and the Firelord can barely be selected. .

But combined with the previous sentences, I feel that Alsace is more likely.

So Arthas, who was supposed to destroy the world, saved it?
So who is the person who is supposed to save the world but destroys it instead?
Murphy was a little unpredictable for a while.

Medivh asked, "Do you know who this prophecy is about?"

"I'm not completely sure, but I do have a suitable candidate, who may be the prophesied child of destiny."

"Tell me who it is!" Medivh asked eagerly.


"Arthas?" Medivh thought about it for a moment before remembering who it was.

"Arthas Menethil, the youngest son of King Tenaris? Are you sure? He..."

Medivh hesitated to speak. He really couldn't think of anything outstanding about Alsace, but it couldn't be said that he wasn't outstanding. After all, he had fought in the Ice Wolf Plains battle. Although he was only a visiting general, he was not as good as him. Compared with dozens of brothers and sisters, there seems to be nothing special about him, especially when compared with Godwin, he is far behind and is completely transparent.

"Yes, it's Arthas. If there really is a child of destiny in this world, it's probably him. If you want to find someone to save the world and entrust you with a mission, look for him. He should be in Gilneas at the moment. "

Medivh nodded doubtfully, "Okay, I will go find him."

Murphy didn't seem to believe Medivh very much and didn't care. "Before leaving, can you answer a few questions for me? Do you know about stargazing and astral teleportation magic? Where can I learn these two spells?" "

Medivh nodded, "Of course I know, but I don't think there is any need to try it for you. Stargazing requires extremely high spirituality and talent, and astral teleportation requires powerful magical power. Although you are powerful, but... …”

Murphy raised his hand - floating technique!

All the items in the room suddenly floated up, and powerful magic enveloped the entire banquet hall. Medivh's expression froze and he said in surprise: "How is it possible, such powerful magic! Such pure arcane energy! What on earth are you? How did you do it!"

He let out a long sigh. For some reason, Medivh always felt that he could not understand the world more and more.

"So the legend is true, and you gained the power of the ancient dragon? I didn't expect the ancient dragon to be able to use magic."

Mo Fei smiled and said, "A dragon can be big or small, it can ascend or hide. If it is big, it can stir up clouds and spit out mist, while if it is small, it can hide its form. It's just magic and arcana, but it's just a small way."

Medivh was speechless after being told this. This guy must be really good at boasting, "You speak so powerfully, maybe you are the child of destiny!"

Mo Fei smiled brightly, "I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint you. I have no interest in becoming a child of destiny, and I am not a person of destiny."

Medivh just chuckled after hearing this, "If you want to learn stargazing and astral teleportation, you can go to my stargazing tower. There are my stargazing notes there. There is a void dragon guarding the stargazing tower. , you can be protected from attack as long as you speak the code word - forget it, I'll put a magic mark on you, it will recognize it."

Murphy saw Medivh casting a spell on him and smiled: "Actually, it doesn't matter if there is no mark. I'm not afraid of attacks."

Medivh glared at him, "I know, I'm afraid you'll tear down the Star Observation Tower." After saying that, he waved his hand, and Murphy immediately had a magic mark on his head.

"Okay, that's the end of today's party. I have to go save the world. See you old friends again. I hope we can all achieve our goals."

Medivh once again transformed into a raven and flew away to find his destined child.

Murphy drank all the wine in the glass, but came to the Star Observation Tower alone.

After opening the seal of the door, I saw a ghost dragon with a ghostly light all over its body, roaming in the artificial starry sky on the star observation tower.

Murphy found the stargazing notebook on the observatory and opened it. It contained all the records of Medivh's study and research of stargazing.

There is also corresponding magic content.

Mo Fei's intelligence now exceeds 100, and Gu Long's wisdom allows him to easily learn the knowledge in the book. This high intelligence is great, and when he reads it from beginning to end, he can hear the system prompts every few seconds.

System prompt: You have learned the professional skill [Stargazing].

System prompt: You have learned the legendary magic [Star Teleportation].

System prompt: You have learned the star magic [Starlight Extinction].

System prompt: You have learned the star magic [Starfire]...

He learned a dozen skills in one go, but there were only two that Murphy really cared about.

[Stargazing (Professional Skill)
After turning it on: Observe the starry sky, and it is possible to get destiny inspiration from the current astrology.

Conditions of use: Non-combat situations, at night, outdoors (using a stargazer can increase the success probability of this skill).

Skill Description: An ancient knowledge studied by ancient astrologers. It is said that astrologers can discern the truth of the future from the movement of stars and observe clues of destiny. This is a more mysterious and magical ability than ordinary magic. However, most stargazers can only Seeing a glimpse of fate, one-sided information often leads to misunderstandings, and in the end, we fall into the trap of fate and are played by fate.

This is the curse of those who seek to control their destiny. 】

[Star Teleportation (Legendary Magic)

Star Boundary Guide: Provides spatial positioning for a star currently visible to the naked eye.

Astral teleportation: Teleport you to a star that has been positioned. Because the teleportation distance is too far, you cannot teleport accurately. You will appear randomly anywhere on the planet, and there is a certain chance of being lost in the twisting void during the teleportation process. .

Casting time: 10-50 seconds (requires guidance).

Casting cost: 1000-5000 mana points (depending on the distance to the teleportation destination).

Skill Description: The iconic magic of the Astral Mage can transport you directly to the star realm and conduct magical travel among the stars. It is said that in the ancient times before written records, the Astral Mage was founded in the universe. A powerful magical civilization, however, the civilization eventually offended the angry gods and was destroyed. Astral teleportation became a taboo in the universe, and only the most arrogant and confident mages dared to use it. 】

Yes, I can go to alien planets when I have nothing to do in the future. Even if the Dark Portal blows up, I can still teleport to Draenor.

Just as Murphy was thinking, a sound of footsteps came from outside.

Murphy didn't look up and continued to look through the stargazing notes in his hand.

"How is it? Where has he gone?"

Lesajes: "Lord Aidandron, Medivh went to Dalaran."

"Haha, he still doesn't give up, but it doesn't matter, his trip is destined to fail." Murphy shook his head, "Ignore him, let's get ready to go."


"Throne of the Wind God."

(End of this chapter)

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