Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 542 Uldum

Chapter 542 Uldum

Aidan (Lord Lord Protector of Alterac): "I'm glad that everyone responded to my call and welcome to Alterac. As I said in the announcement, this time my goal is the Throne of the Wind God copy.

This is a dungeon that has not yet been opened, a legion-level dungeon with a difficulty of 250 people. As far as I know, so far, no one has passed a dungeon with this level of difficulty, so it can be said to be the first of its kind in the game.

But because of this, the difficulty of the plot battle will be very high. I hope you can be mentally prepared in advance. This will be a hard battle.

I know that many of you here are here because of my identity as the King of Ancient Dragons. You think you can follow me to easily earn plot points and mix equipment. But if you come to the war with this mentality, I have to regret it. Let me tell you, you are wrong.

Al'Akir is a world-destroying BOSS. Even I dare not say that I can win for sure. I can only say that I will try my best to help you complete the story battle and clear the dungeon alive, but you must also try your best to fight and obey My command, obey my orders, only by enforcing the laws and prohibitions can we have the possibility of victory.

Accept my terms or leave now. "

No one said anything, 250-player difficulty, legion-level dungeon, world-destroying BOSS... In a dungeon battle of this level, no one can guarantee that there will be no danger. Aidan told the problem in advance, which made everyone feel that this matter was serious. If Murphy said there was no danger, then there would be a problem.

For high-end game teams, this kind of advance statement before dungeon strategy can be said to be a basic operation.

Murphy nodded and continued.

"Some of you here are old friends who have worked with me before."

Murphy's eyes swept over the crowd one by one, including Kaya Windrunner, Mengmeng Big Breasts, Phoenix, Morgan Lisa, Jian Wuhen...

"Some of them are my loyal subordinates."

His eyes swept over Lesajes, Willanoz... Vivian Nightsong, Angus and others one by one.

"There are a few others who have only interacted with me on the battlefield and are not too familiar with them. This is the first time we have cooperated."

His eyes swept over the last few people. These people had the same legal profession. They were all high-end players that Murphy had hired to select the best from the best with powerful DPS and powerful treatment for high damage output.

There are also several guild presidents, all of whom are professional.

"As the captain this time, all the dropped equipment will be distributed by me based on your performance in the dungeon. I will try my best to ensure fairness and justice, but considering the differences in the strength of different players and their contributions in the battle, I will definitely No conventional distribution will be used.

In principle, all heroes can participate in the distribution of equipment dropped by BOSS. Among adventurers, only a few guild leaders can participate in the distribution, while ordinary group members can only share the loot plundered from Al'Akir's treasure house after the dungeon battle.

If you are not satisfied with this distribution method, you can leave. "

Still no one said a word. Although they were somewhat slanderous about Murphy's outspoken behavior, now Murphy is the real core figure. He is the only one who can start this group, so for everyone present, there is no other choice.

As long as you can enter the book, even if you don't distinguish anything, you can at least get a legendary specialty.

As for the adventurers, they are not afraid of death anyway, so naturally they don't have so many requirements. This is Al'Akir, the king of the wind element. The materials looted after clearing the dungeon are definitely extremely rich, and it is not a worthwhile trip to share the profits casually. .

Moreover, this kind of legion-level dungeon can't even be entered, let alone fight it. Now that someone is leading the team to attack it, of course you can't miss it. No matter how harsh the conditions are, you have to agree.

Murphy nodded. He was not surprised by this result. If he didn't even have this awareness, there was no need to bring such a person with him.

With his level of strength, it is natural that he must have absolute dominance in plot battles.

Aidan (Lord Protector of Alterac): "Very good. Since no one has any objections, I will arrange the tactics next."

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone cheered up and listened attentively.

Aidan (Lord Protector of Alterac): "So far, no one knows what Al'Akir's skills are specifically, but generally speaking, there are only a few skills of elemental creatures. The same type of elements Creatures are nothing more than the difference between strong and weak skills.

Al'Akir is most likely nothing more than a hugely enhanced version of the wind elemental lord.

I have collected some combat data on the wind element lords here, and currently I can only arrange tactics based on this data.

The biggest characteristic of the wind element lord is.

1. Immune to lightning and wind skills, and has extremely high resistance to physical attacks, almost to the point of immunity. Only attacking the core can cause a little damage, so this battle mainly relies on magic output, so the output this time The main ones are long-range professions, and shooter-type professions must have weapons with elemental damage, or be equipped with high-level weapon enchantment scrolls.

2. The wind element lord has no basic attack skills. All attack methods are AOE effects. Among them, the two main ones are wind and lightning. The wind skills are physical damage, so I won’t go into details. Most of the lightning skills are available. Splash effect, so this time everyone must prepare as much electrical resistance equipment, thunder defense potions, and engineering dwarf lightning protection helmets as possible.

At the same time, I have arranged a large number of healing professions in the entire dungeon team. Each team must arrange treatments to increase blood to ensure life safety in protracted battles.

3. The wind element lord can use a wide range of group blowing skills. This is the biggest problem. There have been cases where an entire team was blown into the sky and then fell down and killed most of them. However, you don’t need to worry too much about this. , I have the authority of the storm. When the time comes, I will fight for the control of the storm with Al'Akir to ensure that everyone will not be blown away. But for safety reasons, everyone must carry a scroll of slow fall with them to avoid unnecessary attrition. .

4. The wind element lord has a storm incarnation skill, which can instantly expand his size ten times and transform into a living storm, causing continuous damage to all people sucked into the storm. In this state, the BOSS is invincible. Fortunately, only It can last for a period of time. During this period, all treatments must be done to increase blood.

After the battle begins, I attract the first wave of hatred. After the hatred stabilizes, everyone will output firepower. The elemental lord is immune to taunts. The elemental king's IQ is usually very high, so I cannot guarantee the stability of the hatred after the battle begins.

Therefore, there will still be a certain amount of pressure, and the leaders of each team must be prepared to respond.

All team members are divided into five groups, each group has 50 people and is divided into ten groups.

They are each a main group, with me personally serving as the group leader.

The two output groups, Morgan Lisa and Kaya Windrunner, serve as group leaders respectively, dealing as much damage as possible while ensuring safety.

An auxiliary group, led by Mengmeng Big Tits, you are responsible for supporting other teams and providing treatment services.

A mixed team, led by Phoenix, you handle all the chores.

A mage suddenly raised his hand.

Murphy indicated that he could speak.

"I said, since the wind element is physically immune, why bring an assassin into the group?"

Jian Wuhen spread his hands, indicating that I was also confused.

Murphy explained: "Jian Wuhen is mainly responsible for turning on the Death Mark. The Death Mark is a god-given skill. The marked target will receive a 10% increase in damage, which is equivalent to increasing the damage to the entire group, so it must be brought."

Morgan Lisa also raised her hand, "Can Al'Akir be killed?"

Murphy nodded, "Theoretically it should be possible, but it cannot be killed by physical means. It must use legendary level magic to launch a fatal blow to its elemental core. You all the legal professions can find a chance to try it." try."

Someone else asked: "How much health does Al'Akir have?"

"A conservative estimate of 100 million. Because it is in a legion-level dungeon, Al'Akir will definitely receive a huge increase in the dungeon's health. 100 million is already very conservative, so the health will only be higher. But don't worry, with our With the output capacity, 100 million is not a big problem.”

After Murphy finished speaking and saw that no one asked any more questions, he said, "If there are no questions, we'll set off."

In fact, his plan is still relatively crude. There is no way, who told them to play a copy that has never been played before.

I don't even know how many bosses there are in this dungeon. Under normal circumstances, this kind of behavior is simply courting death.

But Mo Fei is a bold artist, and he is strong enough to be free.

"Everyone, go prepare supplies and gather in the square in an hour. The guild leader remembers to assign tasks to each team and explain the precautions."

An hour later, a team of nearly 200 people gathered in the square of Alterac. The number of people was only 300, but the population was close to [-] (there were many adventurers as substitutes).

There were only seventeen heroes, and this gathering immediately attracted the attention of the surrounding players.

Murphy ignored the pointing fingers of the players around him and let everyone gather together.

"How do we get to the Wind God's Throne? Do we need to take a boat?" "Of course it's teleportation." Murphy said and activated the magic directly.

Arcane Power—Magic Amplification!
Ancient magic - any door!

Powerful magic power gathered instantly, and a huge portal appeared in front of everyone. Behind the door was a desert scene.

Murphy took the lead and walked over first.

Everyone then followed over one by one, and when they got to the other side, they were stunned.

"Wocao, so awesome?"

"This is - Kalimdor?"

"Uldum! This is my first time here. Is there a teleportation point here?"

"It doesn't seem to be a teleportation point, it was forcibly transmitted."

Murphy's move directly shocked everyone present, especially the heroic mages. They knew the difficulty of this magic very well.

To directly destroy the continent and activate the teleporters, the amount of magic required would be extremely terrifying.

And under normal circumstances, the mage's teleportation technique can only teleport to the teleportation arrays in major cities.

A spell like this that can be transmitted directly to the wild requires even more terrifying magic power.

Everyone looked at Murphy in the wrong way.

Murphy ignored everyone's gaze. The Scourge will soon attack Dalaran. He must hurry up and finish this plot battle within three days.

He looked around and saw the vast expanse of desert in front of him, but at his feet were the ruins of an ancient temple.

Mo Fei directly used the magic network's guardianship authority to locate a magic network node closest to the Wind God's Throne as a guide.

This temple should have once been the ruins of a town from an ancient civilization.

Uldum Desert, this is the country of the Tol'vir.

The tol'vir were originally stone giants created by the Titans to guard the secrets of Uldum. They have a feline head and lower body, and a human torso, and their image is somewhat like a sphinx.

Like many other Titan creations, the tol'vir eventually succumbed to the curse of flesh and became a race of creatures.

And he established his own civilization, with cities and temples.

However, Murphy is not prepared to contact these 'tiger men'. He has only one goal - the throne of the Wind God.

After greeting everyone, Mo Fei led the team towards the depths of the vast desert. A few hours later, a huge pyramid appeared in front of them.

The towering pyramid is hundreds of meters high, and the majestic sight is amazing.

"Where is the Throne of the Wind God?" Morgan Lisa asked in surprise.

"No, the Wind God Throne is up there."

Everyone raised their heads and looked towards the top of the pyramid, but they only saw towering clouds reaching into the sky.

"The Throne of the Wind God is located on the elemental plane of wind. Theoretically, it is not part of the material world. However, the boundary between it and the material world is very weak. You can enter as long as you find a suitable method."

Historically, it was the Cataclysm initiated by Deathwing that broke the isolation between the elemental plane of wind and the real world.

But now, it is Murphy who wants to break the isolation.

He didn't know exactly how to do it, but since Deathwing could do it, there was no reason that Storm Dragon King couldn't do it.

The closer everyone got to the pyramid, the louder the discussion became.

"Lord Aidan, do you think there is a teleportation point in the pyramid? Teleport directly into the throne of the God of Wind?"

Mo Feixin said it was not impossible. Isn't Tongtian Peak just like this?

"Anyway, let's get to the pyramid first."

When the team arrived at the bottom of the pyramid, to everyone's surprise, there were already people here.

A simple camp was built with tents at the entrance of the pyramid, and many flags were planted around the camp.

Some dwarves were digging something out of the sand.

It's the Society of Explorers!

Murphy recognized the flags at a glance.

These guys can really be seen everywhere, especially ancient ruins with a rich history.

"Don't be nervous, everyone, it's the Explorers Association, I'm very familiar with them, and I just wanted to see if there are any clues.

Let's all take a break first. "

After trekking in the desert for several hours, everyone was indeed tired, so everyone found a place to rest, some drank water, and some were curious to watch the dwarf archeology (digging tombs).

Murphy asked a dwarf to find out where their leader was. After learning that he was inside the pyramid, he walked in alone.

After walking a few steps, Morgan Lisa followed.

"I'll go in with you too. Speaking of which, I really want to thank you this time. I didn't expect such a big fight for me."

"Haha, you're welcome. In fact, I have my own purpose."

"Yeah, yeah, I understand, I understand." Morgan Lisa looked like I know you don't want to put pressure on me.

Mo Fei was speechless.

Okay, if you insist on thinking that way, I can’t help it.

As soon as the two entered the gate of the pyramid, they saw a familiar figure coming out of the door.

"Long time no see, Prince Aidan."

Murphy was also a little surprised when he saw the man. He was wearing an adventure suit, an adventure hat, a neat ponytail, long leather boots, a belt tied around his slender waist, and a searchlight and hunting knife hanging on it. He turned out to be Haomiao. Like smoke.

There are not many explorer template players because they lack combat capabilities. They mainly focus on exploring various ancient ruins and temples, which is a relatively non-mainstream gameplay.

But adventurers can also explore, and can be resurrected at will, so players who specialize in the explorer template are very rare.

Murphy was also very impressed by the explorer player he met at the Tongtian Peak ruins.

Did not expect to meet here.

(End of this chapter)

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