Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 543 I am a god

Chapter 543 I am a god

"Long time no see. Vast as smoke, why are you here?" Murphy asked curiously.

Hao Miao Ruyan shrugged, "Why else, of course it's exploration and archeology. The Explorers Association recently discovered many ancient Titan ruins in Uldum, so I followed the expedition team here. Recently, the Association has The excavation of the Titan ruins is very hot."

Hao Miao Ru Yan is still as enthusiastic as before. It seems that digging ancient ruins and exploring buried history is much more interesting to her than fighting monsters and leveling up.

Murphy looked up and asked, "Was this pyramid built by Titans?"

"Yes, have you seen the Tol'vir living in the nearby oasis? Those Tol'vir used to be the guards here, but after the curse of flesh and blood, they have obviously given up their duties. This kind of thing is not surprising. , Titan creations are all inorganic and do not need to eat, drink, and rest. After being cursed by flesh and blood, they have various needs, and naturally they cannot be trapped in such a large pyramid in the desert.

Now there is nothing else in this pyramid except scarabs and some puppet guards, which makes it easier for us to explore and dig. "

Murphy was a little surprised, "How do you know so much?"

"Of course it's through archeology. There are ancient murals left by the Tovir people on the walls inside the pyramid."

"So does the mural say what this pyramid is used for?"

Hao Miao Ru Yan smiled narrowly, "Why don't you come down and see for yourself."

Mo Fei smiled slightly and immediately agreed to Haomiao Ruyan's invitation, "Then I'll trouble you to lead the way."

He and Morgan Lisa followed Hao Miao Ru Yan towards the depths of the pyramid.

The passage leading to the interior of the pyramid has been cleared, but some giant scarabs can still be seen wandering in the passage from time to time.

Fortunately, they are all neutral units and will not actively attack intruders.

Occasionally, you can still see the remains of destroyed puppets. It seems that the expedition team is not without combat effectiveness.

"Are you the leader of this expedition?"

"Of course not, the team leader is working inside."

Soon the three of them entered the main hall of the pyramid. As soon as they entered, Murphy saw a group of dwarf archaeologists working together to open huge sealed stone boxes and collect ancient relics from inside.

A group of human archaeologists gathered in front of a huge instrument in the center of the main hall, using brushes to clean the gravel on the surface of the instrument, as if they wanted to figure out the purpose of the instrument.

A huge diamond-shaped crystal is inlaid in the center of the instrument, exuding golden luster. A beam of light shoots vertically upward from the crystal and into the outer sky from the opening at the top of the pyramid. This light also makes the interior of the pyramid extremely bright.

"Be careful, guys, these treasures should be put in the museum, don't damage them." An archaeologist also warned the dwarf expedition members.

Obviously this is the leader of this expedition.

Harrison Jones (Adventure Hero): Gold level five, level 68, health 6860.

When Murphy saw the appearance of the old man in front of him, he felt extremely familiar. He looked like Indiana Jones in Raiders of the Lost Ark. He also wore an adventure hat, a leather jacket, a leather whip around his waist, and a A dwarf musket.

Suddenly there was a feeling of confusion in time and space.

"Look what I found is as vast as smoke, a complete Titan machine, and it's still running. It's unbelievable. It's still intact after tens of thousands of years! Ah, you must be Prince Aidan, right? , I heard Hao Miao Ru Yan mention you, it’s really surprising that I met compatriots from the Alliance here, please forgive me for not being able to receive you two for the time being.”

"You're welcome. I'm also curious about what you found. If you don't mind sharing your findings with me."

"Ha, this is my honor!" Harrison Jones introduced happily, "This time we have made an amazing discovery. According to the description on the mural, this pyramid is a powerful Titan device used to seal an ancient element. life."

"Al'Akir, the King of Wind Elemental?"

"That's right, it's Al'Akir, the King of Wind Elements. Look here, the mural on the wall."

Harrison Jones led everyone to a wall. In front of them was a magnificent mural, which seemed to be a complete record of ancient events.

Murphy looked at the murals on the wall. The first picture was of a giant from the sky. Judging from his size, he should be a Titan.

The second picture shows a group of giants fighting with a group of wind elements. Although the painting style is a bit abstract, it can still be seen that the largest giant is probably a Titan.

The remaining giants, Murphy guessed, should be the guardians created by the Titans.

In the third mural, the giants defeated the wind elements and drove them back to a city in the sky.

In the fourth mural, giants built this pyramid. A pillar of light shot out from the top of the pyramid, and the city in the sky seemed to be obscured by the light of the pillar.

"According to the description on the mural, the Titan defeated Al'Akir and used some method to isolate the wind elemental plane from the main material plane. Since then, Al'Akir has been sealed in the Throne of the Wind God. .”

"Isn't Al'Akir a descendant of the Storm God? Then what role does the Storm God play in this?"

Harrison Jones looked mysterious, "The most magical place is right here. The existence of the Storm God is not mentioned at all on the murals."

A thought suddenly came to Murphy's mind...maybe the God of Storms is the Titan?

He did not dwell on this question, but asked another question, "Why can't I see the Wind God Throne at all outside?"

Mo Fei possesses the Eye of the Ancient Dragon. It stands to reason that he should be able to see even if there are clouds blocking it. However, when he was outside just now, there was nothing in the sky except towering clouds.

It was as if the Wind God Throne had completely disappeared.

Harrison Jones immediately gave the answer, "Because it is sealed. The Throne of the Wind God is located on the elemental plane of wind and does not belong to the real world. In the past, the real plane and the elemental plane of wind were connected. Seeing that huge crystal Well, I guess it must be some kind of Titan energy crystal. The energy it releases binds the violent storm in the sky area above the pyramid, and also cuts off the passage between the wind elemental plane and the real plane.

Of course it can't be seen. "

Murphy said: "So to enter the throne of the Wind God, you must destroy this pyramid?"

Harrison Jones was startled, "Uh-what? Are you crazy? Once the pyramid is destroyed, the barrier between the wind elemental plane and the real plane will be broken, and Al'Akir will be able to directly enter our World, this is not a wise choice.

The kings of elements are violent beings. In their view, they are the masters of this world. Perhaps you don't know that elements once ruled the world beneath our feet.

Once the Wind God Throne is opened, the wind elements will definitely set off a storm and try to bring the world back to the barbaric era when the elements were raging.

Besides, I don’t think you can destroy this pyramid. This pyramid was created by Titans, and Titans—they are gods-like existences. "

Mo Fei smiled calmly, "A god...Humph, I am a god.

I suggest you take your team members and leave this pyramid immediately, Mr. Harrison Jones, because it is about to be destroyed. "

Mo Fei didn't talk nonsense. Now that he had found a way to enter the Wind God's Throne, he just did it.

"What? Are you crazy? There are too many places worthy of study in this pyramid. I will never allow you to do this."

"Don't make me do it Mr. Harrison Jones, you never want to see the consequences."

As Murphy spoke, the ancient dragon majesty on his body suddenly turned on. The powerful aura that appeared instantly made Harrison Jones take a few steps back involuntarily. Under the light, Aidan seemed to be enveloped in a layer of sacred brilliance, like an ancient It was as if the god suddenly woke up, making Harrison Jones tremble. The light of the search light shone on Murphy, and even reflected the image of a strange giant dragon on the wall.

Dark shadows quickly rose along the walls of the pyramid's hall, covering the entire hall.

The power of the gods - fully demonstrated.

Hao Miao Ruyan looked at Mo Fei in shock, "So the rumors are true. You really have mastered the power of the dragon. No, it's the power of the gods! I thought... you really want to destroy this pyramid?"

"of course."

"Okay, Harrison, I think we need to get out of here, Aidan, he wasn't kidding."

After saying that, he ran straight outside, shouting at the expedition members to leave.

Harrison Jones wanted to say something else, but the power of dragon thunder was already stirring around Murphy's body.The red lightning made Harrison startle.

"Damn it! You'd better know what you're doing, Mr. Aidan. Get out of here quickly. Take the relics in your hands with you. They should be sent to the museum instead of buried under the ruins."

In the blink of an eye, the remaining archaeological team members fled.

Only Murphy and Morgan Lisa.

Morgan Lisa also put protective magic on herself and looked at the scene in front of her excitedly. She was a person who only watched the excitement and did not take it too seriously.

Roar!The head of the ancient dragon appeared out of thin air. Mo Fei did not completely transform into a dragon, but used the power of Dragon Food to directly transform into the head of an ancient dragon.

Dragon thunder breath!

boom!A crimson thunderbolt hit the crystal solidly. Mo Fei continued to spit out thunder, and the huge destructive power made the crystal flash continuously.

Click!Under the bombardment of dragon thunder, the crystal continued to make harsh cracking sounds, and finally exploded with a bang.

The beam of light disappeared.

Rumble, rumble!The pyramid shook violently, and rocks continued to fall above his head. Murphy adjusted his collar and walked outside casually, and Morgan Lisa hurriedly followed.

"Run away!"

"Get out of here!"

The corridors were full of expedition members fleeing for their lives.

Mo Fei didn't care at all. The power of the storm surrounded him, and any stone fragments that fell on his head were blown away.

When I walked near the gate, I saw several teammates and some adventurers looking inside with confused expressions.

"what happened?"

"It's nothing, I just blew up the pyramid. Don't worry, the Wind God Throne should appear soon." Mo Fei said lightly.

The two finally walked out of the pyramid.

Suddenly there was rolling thunder above our heads.

Everyone looked up and saw that the towering clouds in the sky suddenly began to rotate violently, the storm was raging, and the howling wind could be heard clearly even from the ground.

The clouds continued to spread, and the dark clouds gradually covered the sun and spread towards the surrounding sky. The strong wind soon approached the ground, causing sand and rocks to fly for a while.

Harrison Jones was holding a platinum disk and muttering to himself, "Oh my God, what have you done?"

"Don't worry, everyone, it's just a small storm."

Murphy felt the elemental power contained in the surrounding strong wind and the subtle changes in the storm. This was not an ordinary storm, but an elemental storm originating from the throne of the Wind God, which contained the flavor of authority.

That power must come from Al'Akir.

After being sealed for tens of thousands of years, it finally got the chance to enter the real plane, and it was bound to show its strength.

But unfortunately, it didn't stand a chance.

Murphy stretched out his hands toward the sky, as if to suppress something.

Storm authority – the storm calms down!
The power of the storm authority was released with all its strength, and Murphy's will merged into the surrounding storm. Under the control of his thoughts, the strong wind calmed down instantly, with only a trace of breeze still blowing.

Looking at the sky again, the outline of a majestic palace was faintly revealed among the clouds blown away by the storm.

"Gather my warriors, it's our turn."

The four disaster dragons transformed one after another, and the heroes each summoned their flying mounts.There were actually more than twenty adventurers who also summoned flying mounts, and even a dragon thunder knight riding a storm dragon.

But the remaining adventurers have no choice. After all, flying mounts are still difficult to obtain, but this will naturally not be a problem for Murphy.

The four major disaster dragons are all ancient dragons with a wingspan of more than 100 meters. They can kill dozens of people on their backs, and they can easily kill more than [-] adventurers.

Murphy was the first to rise into the sky, followed closely by the four disaster dragons, surrounded by the other twelve heroes riding flying mounts.

Looking at the giant dragons flying towards the sky, Hao Miao Ruyan suddenly felt a little uninterested. In the past, adventure was obviously very interesting, but looking at the group of dragon-changing guys in front of him, it suddenly felt less interesting.

The Wind God Throne looked very close, but when it flew, it was found to be unusually far away. It might not be located at an altitude of tens of thousands of meters.

The flight started relatively smoothly, but soon the wind around us became violent.

The closer they got, the greater the power of the storm. Murphy could feel that this storm was very similar to the dragon thunder storm around the Tongtian Peak. They were both barriers left by some ancient power.

This should be the barrier set by the Titan, Anolos, the God of Storms.

The blood in his body boiled, and among the crimson dragon thunder that surrounded his body, there was a faint light of blue storm thunder. It was the blood power of the Son of the Storm that was awakening!
System prompt: You have sensed the power of the storm god Anronus, and the awakening progress of your talent skill [Son of the Storm] has been improved...]

For ordinary people, such an awakening would definitely be good news, but for the current Murphy, it can only be said to be better than nothing.

The clouds in front of me gradually gathered, outlining a huge human face.

It was the Titan who defeated Al'Akir!Murphy recognized the other person at a glance.

Phantom of Anlonath (God of Storms): "My child, what are you doing? Get out of here immediately and don't make a big mistake."

The Storm God is truly a Titan!
Murphy had figured out the cause and effect in his mind. As a Titan, Anlonas defeated Al'Akir, sealed it, and left behind his own belief system, becoming the God of Storms in the hearts of mortals.

In this way, he possesses both the arcane authority of the Titan and the power of faith of the Storm God, which is equivalent to giving himself a part-time job.

Haha, the so-called gods are just relatively powerful beings.

Aidandron (King of Ancient Dragons): "The era of disaster has arrived. I need strength. Don't hinder me, the God of Storms."

Storm authority - storm dispelling!
Roar!A dragon's roar cut through the sky, directly dispersing the storm surrounding the Wind God's throne, and forcibly blasted out a windless passage.

This phantom looks quite intimidating, but it has no fighting power. It should be just some kind of magical image.


He took the lead and flew towards the depths of the storm.

On the throne of the God of Wind, surrounded by the storm, it was strangely calm, without a trace of wind.

Magnificent golden towers and temples stand like forests in the sky, floating above the clouds.

A majestic gate thousands of meters high stood before everyone's eyes, with both sides of the gate shrouded in hazy clouds and mist, making it ethereal and unreal.

Murphy knew why this was the case. This was the junction between the wind elemental plane and the main material plane. Going forward, they would enter the kingdom of elements.

The door flashed with the light of the entrance to the copy.

"Okay everyone, this is the Wind God Throne. Are you ready? Next we will enter the wind elemental plane."

(End of this chapter)

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