Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 545 'The best' drops

Chapter 545 'The best' drops

What the four wind elemental lords are best at is undoubtedly their exclusive storm skills, which is also a common characteristic of elemental creatures.

At this time, the ultimate move he was best at was directly suppressed by Murphy, and he was immediately dumbfounded.

And their basic attack damage was completely borne by the four disaster dragons, turning them directly into wooden stake bosses.

However, these four wind element lords were not stupid, and soon began to use other skills.

Although elemental creatures have distinct camps, if they live for a long time, some hybrid elements will still appear, such as lava elements that are a mixture of earth elements and fire elements...

During civil wars, elemental creatures often find themselves in embarrassing situations where no one can hurt the other. When facing intelligent creatures, a single elemental power is often easily restrained. Therefore, in order to increase combat capabilities, many powerful elemental creatures are mixed. Other forces.

The four elemental lords in front of us are no exception. The Prince of East Wind is good at thunder and lightning, the Prince of West Wind can create poison and plague, the Prince of South Wind can use fire, and the Prince of North Wind has absorbed the ice ability from the winter texture.

At this time, when they realized that the enemy they faced had the power to control the storm, the four wind element lords immediately changed their tactics.

'Prince of the East Wind' Rohasi (Lord of the Wind Element): "Lightning, thunder, release your power, penetrate the bodies of these mortals, and destroy their flesh and blood!"

Lightning Nova!

Magnificent thunderbolts exploded in the crowd. Rohasi's Lightning Nova had a huge range, and the lightning skill was instantaneous. He didn't even have time to move. The electric current shot out in all directions, shooting out all over the crowd's heads. Damage numbers.

Fortunately, the players have [Blessing of the Storm Dragon] and various BUFFs. The ultra-high electrical resistance makes the damage of this lightning nova within the acceptable range of the players. Many healing professions are at full firepower and cute. The big tits even used the hero skill - Holy Light Supernova!

With her as the core, the power of the Holy Light continued to create waves of golden ripples around her. Every time the golden halo spread, golden recovery numbers appeared on everyone's heads.

When it comes to this group healing ability, there is probably no one else here who can match it.

Various healing magic lights up in a colorful way, keeping the team's health at a safer level.

'Prince of the West Wind' Ansher (Lord of the Wind Element): "The man-eating flower from the Plague Land, obey my call and devour these mortals!"

Summon a swarm of piranhas!
The seeds scattered all over the sky from Prince West Wind's body onto the platform, and they quickly grew and grew into giant piranha flowers of more than 60 levels. They opened their big mouths covered with barbs and pounced towards the players.

Murphy immediately assigned all the melee adventurers to clean up these monsters. Seeing a group of warriors, knights, sword dancers, and those piranha flowers killing each other, Murphy felt puzzled. The wind element could still use the natural domain. magic?What is the principle?What a hell.

However, although the skills are flashy and a bit scary, the adventurers present are all top-notch equipped, generally above level [-], so it is not a waste to encircle and suppress these piranhas.

They were all quickly killed.

'Prince of the South Wind' Siamat (Lord of the Wind Element): "Fire, raging fire, burn!"

Rain of fire!

'Prince of the North Wind' Nihil (Lord of the Wind Element): "Ice, let it fall from the sky!"

This is truly a world of ice and fire.

The damage suddenly exceeded the standard.

Morgan Lisa hurriedly raised her staff——

Fire protection barrier!

Vivian Nightsong also releases powerful magic.

Frost protection barrier!

Although it is not a heroic skill, when two powerful mages use it, the effect is equally astonishing.

Two huge magic covers protected everyone below. Many of the adventurers were able to open the covers and propped up the magic barrier one after another. Regardless of how long it could withstand, they held it up first.

To say that the power of this elemental lord's ultimate move is still very powerful, the barrier between the two mages shattered before it lasted for more than ten seconds, but the barrier below successfully absorbed the damage, constantly shattered and then propped up, relying on There were so many people that the ultimate moves of the two elemental lords were completely unable to land.

Murphy glanced at the magic barrier that was constantly opening above his head, and felt reassured that the teammates he had found were quite capable.

Aidan (Lord Protector of Alterac): "Concentrate your firepower and kill Prince Dongfeng first."

Mo Fei said, the power of dragon thunder gathered around him, and the super ancient dragon thunder and lightning sprayed directly.

Although you have to hide your strength, you can't make yourself self-defeating. You still have to show the cards that should be shown.

A huge ancient dragon's head appeared out of thin air in front of him. The dragon's mouth opened, and red thunder streaked across the sky, like an electromagnetic cannon, hitting Prince Dongfeng solidly.

The huge body of Prince Dongfeng has now become the best target, and he is not afraid of missing it at all.

Prince Dongfeng didn't take it seriously at first, thinking, "Aren't you just having fun using your lightning skills to attack me, the dignified Lord of the Wind Element?"

However, the super ancient dragon thunder and lightning looked like lightning, but the damage was real damage. The impact on the storm-like body was extremely effective, and Prince Dongfeng immediately lost his health.

'Prince of the East Wind' Rohasi (Lord of the Wind Element): "Impossible, this is impossible, this is the power of the ancient dragon. This power has been lost long ago and does not exist in this world at all. What is it?"

Murphy did not answer its question and continued to spit out dragon thunder.

The HP of the Prince of Elements, which was more than 60, dropped crazily at a speed visible to the naked eye. Mo Feike really loved this kind of flesh-and-blood BOSS that couldn't move.

Coupled with the crazy bombardment from other players, Prince Dongfeng's health bar bottomed out in the blink of an eye.

Its huge body trembled violently, and the storms that formed its body twisted and turned, and the violent thunder and lightning made terrifying explosions in it, as if some kind of elemental reaction was taking place.

'Prince of the East Wind' Lohasi (Lord of the Wind Element): ", no, this is impossible!"-Boom!

The huge wind elemental lord turned into a terrifying air shock wave, which directly scattered the clouds around the Wind God's Throne several thousand meters away. As the air wave dissipated, it completely disappeared into the air.

Without one wind elemental lord, the battle becomes easier. Although the remaining three elemental lords use all kinds of bottom-of-the-box skills, they still cannot escape the fate of defeat.

One after another, they were bombarded by concentrated fire and dissipated into the air in their most primitive form.

When the last wind elemental lord exploded and dissipated.

The battle is finally over.

[World Announcement: In 1441 of the Sky Era, the Ancient Dragon King Aidan led the heroes to completely eliminate the Wind Parliament. This event has been recorded in the Sky Chronicles. 】

"Oh yeah! We win!"

"Haha, this battle was really fun!"

"I did at least [-] to [-] damage, which was so cool."

Everyone cheered.

Murphy checked the number of people. Although he suppressed the opponent's storm power from beginning to end, and had a large number of healing professions to increase blood, seven adventurers were still killed.

There is no way, in a copy of this level, the adventurer is still a little fragile.

After being hit by the two layers of frost, the barrier opened a little late, so five adventurers died suddenly on the spot.

Two others fell from the platform while avoiding the tornado, and their bodies fell to the wind elemental plane. They might not be able to pick up the bodies.

But it doesn't matter, there are dozens of substitutes left outside the copy of Throne of the Wind God.

Murphy asked the presidents to call people in quickly.

The four men who had finished the battle couldn't help but complain.

Willanoz: "What a hell, we actually have to fight side by side with these mortals to deal with a few elemental lords. If we could just rely on the four of us outside to deal with them all."

The four disaster dragons in human form are a little uncomfortable with this kind of fighting experience of bullying the smaller ones.

But complaining is a complaint, and it feels really good to have someone add blood.But I was embarrassed to say this.

Murphy smiled and comforted him with a few words.

"Get the guys back together, recover a little bit, and let's move on."

Of course, let’s touch the body first.

Mo Fei had already said that all the drops from the BOSS would be allocated to him, so he didn't waste any time and just started touching.

These four wind elemental princes are combined BOSS, and the drops are doubled. Each one has a separate drop list, which is equivalent to four times the drops. In addition, it is a legion-level 250-player difficulty dungeon. Four BOSS In total, a total of forty or fifty pieces of equipment were dropped. Seventeen or eighteen pieces of epic equipment alone were dropped, and there were even four plot equipment. The only pity was that there was not even a single piece of legendary equipment, which was a bit of a trap. .

There was a legendary magic book, but it was from the storm system and was completely useless to him.

Although epic plot equipment is also valuable because it can be copied as a master, it is far from practical.

Murphy sent the drop list to the legion channel, which immediately attracted a burst of exclamations.

Windcaller Ring (Ring/Epic/) - plot equipment.

Skywalker Cloak (Cloak/Epic) – plot equipment.

Thunder Bulwark (Shield/Epic) – Story equipment.

Aeolian Guard Breastplate (Breastplate/Epic) plot equipment.

Soul Breath Robe (robe/epic)

Starseeker's Girdle (Belt/Epic)

Lightning Strike Bow (Bow/Epic)

Boots of Fashion (Leather Boots/Epic)

Ring of the Tundra (Ring/Epic)

Living whirlwind (small pet)

Summon a tornado (skill book/legendary magic)…

"Wocao, there are so many top quality ones."

"He actually has legendary skills! He's invincible."

"I'll go, I'll go, plot equipment, four pieces came out at once!"

The players, especially the adventurers, looked at each other with eyes shining brightly. Mo Fei looked at it and shook his head. What kind of junk are they? They don’t even have legendary plot equipment. This is a legion-level dungeon. Well, that’s it?
Seeing everyone's excited reactions, I thought to myself, am I being too picky?

After thinking about it, it's not impossible. For someone like him who just farmed Taikoo Dragons when he had nothing to do, his perception of equipment quality may indeed be a bit distorted.

It's not bad since everyone is excited.

Aidan (Lord Protector of Alterac): "Everyone performed very well in the battle just now, especially the healing heroes, whose health volume was very good, and the four tanks also did well, which is very good. It has captured the BOSS's hatred. Considering that we still have a big battle ahead, let's just divide these equipments, which can improve our strength to some extent.

But let’s make it clear first, if you take the equipment now, the next BOSS will drop slightly later.

But there is enough equipment, so I’m not afraid.

I will divide the equipment directly. If you don't like it and want something else, you can discuss the deal with each other. "

Mo Fei didn't waste any time and started to divide the equipment directly. In line with the principle of sharing the equipment, all the heroes present were given at least one piece, and the guild leaders also had a share.

There are even a few adventurers who performed particularly well, such as those who opened the protective barrier in time to protect the team. Although the adventurer's barrier can only last for a few seconds, for the entire team , is also very valuable.

Although the output of these adventurers is not as good as that of heroes, if there are enough of them, they add up to a considerable amount.

Treatment and various BUFFs are also indispensable.

Of course, the best things are still close to your own people.

Soon all the forty or fifty pieces of equipment were distributed.

Everyone who was assigned the equipment looked happy.

On the other hand, I was somewhat surprised by Murphy's behavior of leaving nothing behind.

A guild leader couldn't help but ask, "Boss Aidan, why don't you keep a few pieces? Such good equipment is all divided among us. I feel a little embarrassed."

Murphy smiled calmly: "This is nothing, it's just an appetizer. Al'Akir's drops are the real best. There are also treasures that can be plundered after the throne of the Wind God is captured. That's the real big deal." , a truly good thing. By then everyone will have a score, and not to mention equipment, the materials and gold coins alone are estimated to be worth hundreds or tens of millions."

As soon as these words came out, everyone became even more excited.

Yes, this is a plot battle now. As long as Al'Akir is killed, the treasures in the Wind God's Throne will not be taken away casually.

Suddenly he screamed and wanted to write the book quickly.

General Murphy's morale was ready and he immediately struck while the iron was hot, "Okay, don't waste time, let's move on."

Passing through this magnificent hall is an invisible staircase leading to the sky, connected by huge sky pillars and platforms above.

As everyone went up, the journey was uneventful and they didn't encounter any more enemies.

This calm atmosphere vaguely reveals a hint of the calm before the storm, and there is a potential storm hidden in the comfort.

Everyone was chatting and laughing at first, but soon became serious.

As the altitude increased, there was no wind at all, and the atmosphere became particularly weird.

There was a vague guess in Murphy's mind. Perhaps Al'Akir had realized that even if these elemental soldiers were sent out, they would only be killed.

Or is it brewing some conspiracy?
Soon the legion reached the highest point of the Wind God Throne - the Peak of the Storm!
This huge platform is supported by the largest sky pillar, towering above the clouds. It is surrounded by silent storms and dense clouds. Only the sun shines directly above it, like a huge patio.

The platform is two to three thousand in diameter and is extremely majestic.

Murphy looked around the platform, but did not see Al'Akir. There was only an extremely huge set of golden armor stacked in the middle of the platform. It seemed that he needed to step on that platform to trigger the BOSS battle.

"Everyone, the next step is the final battle. Everyone must go all out. Once defeated in this terrain, there is no way to escape. This battle can only succeed and cannot fail. Adventurers, you are immortal warriors. You must exert your utmost courage and effectiveness. As long as you win, you can get double compensation no matter how much equipment you lose.

Okay, I won’t say any more nonsense, just follow me to the top! "

Storm Power - Group Levitation Technique!

Countless cyclones carried everyone slowly up to the platform, and the crowd gradually gathered at the edge of the platform.

On the platform, the wind suddenly started blowing.

The airflow converged toward the center of the platform, spiraling, and gradually formed a storm. The storm grew larger and more violent, gradually forming the unique gaseous body outline of the wind elemental creature.

The storm got under the armor and slowly lifted it up, as if an invisible giant was wearing the armor.

As the storm and the armor merged into one, a huge creature with the upper body of a majestic giant and the lower body of an activated storm appeared in front of everyone.He is nearly 200 meters tall, like a mountain. His lower body is a rotating storm, shining with the light of thunder, but his upper body is covered with a set of huge golden armor, which is like a shell, binding the storm inside and turning it into a human-like form. body.

He also held a strange curved giant sword in his hand, which also shone with the light of thunder.

Al'Akir (King of the Wind Element), first level of world destruction, level: 122, HP: 2256000.

Murphy's heart suddenly became solemn. The attributes adjusted in this copy are really exaggerated.

(End of this chapter)

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